Those of us that knew about Obama knew being black was NOT enough?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
SHOCK POLL: Obama less competent than Bush...
Obama is less competent than George Bush, say a plurality of Americans - The Week

Those of us who seemingly were the ONLY ones to have did a little research on Obama's competency were aware that:
a) Obama desire to destroy the 1,300 health insurance companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes employing 400,000.... NOT a good idea!
What Obama said:“I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.” (applause) “I see no reason why ...Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program -
b) Obama was OK with any business going bankrupt! NOT a good idea...
So if somebody wants to build a coal-fired plant they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them…”
– Barack Obama speaking to San Francisco Chronicle, January 2008
Power Plant Closures Archives - IER

See if Obama was competent he could have proposed ways to use coal that reduced CO2 but obviously not competent enough to know and even more stupid in making statement "it will bankrupt them"... WHY would ANY person much less the President want to bankruptcies??

c) Military respect.. Obama has little or no respect for the people that lay down their lives for our country.
He said these words which taken out of context BY THE ENEMY killed Americans!
Obama did when he called our military for 'air raiding villages killing civilians".
This showed either a total disrespect for our military's philosophy and actions OR total ignorance as to the power of words!
Either way total incompetence on display... ALL before he was elected and totally known by those of us that looked beyond skin color!
Those of us that knew about Obama knew being black was NOT enough

It's still more than enough for the left. Don't kid yourself anything else matters
Now if in January of 2017, when President Obama hands the baton to the next President, our nation is no longer actively involved in two useless wars, the economy is strong, with a high market, employment is back to normal, what are you wingnuts going to say then?

When the President took office on 20Jan08, we were actively engaged in two useless wars, rapidly descending into the economic chaos of a Second Great Republican Depression, losing 500,000 jobs a month, and the man that masterminded the murder of 3000 Americans on American soil was still a free man after seven years. That is the situation your people created.
Now if in January of 2017, when President Obama hands the baton to the next President, our nation is no longer actively involved in two useless wars, the economy is strong, with a high market, employment is back to normal, what are you wingnuts going to say then?

When the President took office on 20Jan08, we were actively engaged in two useless wars, rapidly descending into the economic chaos of a Second Great Republican Depression, losing 500,000 jobs a month, and the man that masterminded the murder of 3000 Americans on American soil was still a free man after seven years. That is the situation your people created.

Let me remind you what Obama wants:
a) Obama desire to destroy the 1,300 health insurance companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes employing 400,000.... NOT a good idea!
b) Obama was OK with any business going bankrupt! So if somebody wants to build a coal-fired plant they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them…”
c) Military respect.. Obama has little or no respect for the people that lay down their lives for our country.
He said these words which taken out of context BY THE ENEMY killed Americans!
Obama did when he called our military for 'air raiding villages killing civilians".

These are his desires... certainly not most Americans..
Remember Obama ALSO wants to see:
"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
" Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air

He also prefers higher gas prices...
Obama said I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly" - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly
and backs that belief hiring Energy secretary Chu, who said in 2008...
“Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”

Do any of you Obama supporters REALLY want businesses go bankrupt layoff people, or higher gas prices, or utilities to skyrocket or $100 billion a year
in tax revenues be lost?

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