Thoughts on Republican House First 100 days?


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2021
Is been 100 days. Thoughts on how the Republican led House is doing?

Where is the House Budget?
A big disappointment so far.
Where are the Jan 6 videos they keep secret?
Where are the charges against the Biden Crime Family?
Why are we still sending anything to the corrupt Nazis in Ukraine?
What about the Crossfire Hurricane investigations of HRC & Barry?

The promises they made seem like a distant memory & now they will slow walk everything because so many of the RINOs are benefitting from the same corruption the Dems are.
They are the controlled oppo of the UNiparty until we replace the establishment with America First.

In other words, the Kabuki Theatre continues to gaslight the sheeple
To the extent that our bicameral legislature is designed (in part) to serve as a check on the Executive Branch, I’d say that so far the House is doing its job.

To the extent that the House also has a duty to initiate any legislation on expenditures, I’d have to agree that so far the House has been remiss.
A big disappointment so far.
Where are the Jan 6 videos they keep secret?
Where are the charges against the Biden Crime Family?
Why are we still sending anything to the corrupt Nazis in Ukraine?
What about the Crossfire Hurricane investigations of HRC & Barry?

The promises they made seem like a distant memory & now they will slow walk everything because so many of the RINOs are benefitting from the same corruption the Dems are.
They are the controlled oppo of the UNiparty until we replace the establishment with America First.

In other words, the Kabuki Theatre continues to gaslight the sheeple
You sound...surprised?

But..bright side.....the previous House managed to pass some significant bills--so even though the idiots are in control, as it were....the policies of the previous House are still governing the country.

Too much winning~
A big disappointment so far.
Where are the Jan 6 videos they keep secret?
Where are the charges against the Biden Crime Family?
Why are we still sending anything to the corrupt Nazis in Ukraine?
What about the Crossfire Hurricane investigations of HRC & Barry?

The promises they made seem like a distant memory & now they will slow walk everything because so many of the RINOs are benefitting from the same corruption the Dems are.
They are the controlled oppo of the UNiparty until we replace the establishment with America First.

In other words, the Kabuki Theatre continues to gaslight the sheeple

And next election you all will still vote for them....and they know it
You sound...surprised?

But..bright side.....the previous House managed to pass some significant bills--so even though the idiots are in control, as it were....the policies of the previous House are still governing the country.

Too much winning~

Do you know the way the Legislative Branch functions? There is also a Senate, and Republicans don't control that, in case this is an element of nuance you didn't understand.

The current House has passed plenty of significant bills, the latest being the one about harvesting American Energy innovation.

Thing is: The Senate blocks it, and your media don't report it - so to ignoramuses like you, who inhabit information bubbles, it may as well not even be happening.

That said, with the absence of Senator Igor of PA, and Dianne Feinstein, Republicans were able to shepherd a ban on ESG investing with the help of the Senate, and Biden actually had to veto it.
Do you know the way the Legislative Branch functions? There is also a Senate, and Republicans don't control that, in case this is an element of nuance you didn't understand.

The current House has passed plenty of significant bills, the latest being the one about harvesting American Energy innovation.

Thing is: The Senate blocks it, and your media don't report it - so to ignoramuses like you, who inhabit information bubbles, it may as well not even be happening.

That said, with the absence of Senator Igor of PA, and Dianne Feinstein, Republicans were able to shepherd a ban on ESG investing with the help of the Senate, and Biden actually had to veto it.
Thanks for the lesson..of course, I know all that. A bill is NOT significant unless it has a legitimate chance of passing.
What YOU pass over is that the House could, if it wanted, pass legislation of a Bipartisan with the Senate and make it all work. On many issues there is room for compromise.
They do not do any of that. Because engaging in meaningless Kabuki gets them reelected. You know this and I know this.

I suspect that if the House had a brain fart and got together with the would be among the first to complain.
Thanks for the lesson..of course, I know all that. A bill is NOT significant unless it has a legitimate chance of passing.

Which makes it all the more mind boggling that you'd be stupid enough to pretend otherwise by acting as if Kevin McCarthy runs the government.

Has the Democrat Senate passed anything significant this year?

By your standards no, since it "doesn't have a legitimate chance".

Hell, right now they can't even push through judges since you're missing two members due to senility/mordbidity.

It's an absolute joke.

And you have the temerity to ignore that like it ain't no thang.

Fucking sophomoric.

I'm feeling my IQ degrade in real time.
Which makes it all the more mind boggling that you'd be stupid enough to pretend otherwise by acting as if Kevin McCarthy runs the government.

Has the Democrat Senate passed anything significant this year?

By your standards no, since it "doesn't have a legitimate chance".

Fucking sophomoric.

I'm feeling my IQ degrade in real time.
Sorry for your IQ. I know you ain't got that much to lose.
I don't believe I said anything about the Senate passing anything significant. The topic was the House. Moving that Goalpost again, are we?
But, Congress is broken, no doubt.
I definitely didn't say McCarthy run the Govt.--as I believe that he doesn't even run the House, really.
As far as I can tell..MTG is holding the whip hand~
I don't believe I said anything about the Senate passing anything significant. The topic was the House. try and keep up:

You made a claim about bills not being significant if the other Party refuses to go along with them. (Not explicitly what you said, but that was its essence since it is literally the only reason House bills have not been passing through the Senate.)

By that very definition, the Democrat Senate has been a failure.

Stupid, but these are your rules.

Back in reality, there (SO FAR) have been no major divisions within McCarthy's GOP that have prevented them from passing big bills out of the House.

The Debt Ceiling may be the first major bump in the road, we'll have to see.
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