Thousands line up to see Trump on a holiday weekend

SOLD OUT=> Lines Form FIVE BLOCKS LONG to See Donald Trump in Sarasota @ SOLD OUT=> Lines Form FIVE BLOCKS LONG to See Donald Trump in Sarasota (Photos) - The Gateway Pundit


And, at Sarasota, Fla, So many people lined up to hear Trump that he held a second rally outside for about 1,000 people who could not get into the arena. He then departed in the Trump helicopter.

Black religious leaders invited to Trump meeting say they won't endorse him @ Black religious leaders: No Donald Trump endorsement - which is a typical CNN LIE! No one from the group has endorsed Trump yet as they are waiting for the meeting before deciding anything!
Meanwhile, 15 brain dead droolers came to lick rubio's open border donors asses. Trump is the only candidate generating enthusiasm.

SOLD OUT=> Lines Form FIVE BLOCKS LONG to See Donald Trump in Sarasota (Photos) - The Gateway Pundit
No one seems to have an answer for his popularity except to say that they agree with him on most of his issues. Those who oppose Trump are usually the Democrats who want to continue this slide into doom they are leading us into now.

We have had an incompetent fool as president for 8 years and a Secretary of State who was not only incompetent and matching Obama in dishonesty/. We need to stop this spiral downhill.

Most people agree with Trump but are afraid to say so because the leftist media has turned him into a monster. At election time this will translate into votes for Trump in the polling booth.

A lot of people agree with Trump when he makes statements like this:

"If you look - look at - I mean, look at what's going on with your gasoline prices. They're going to go to $5, $6, $7 and we don't have anybody in Washington that calls OPEC and says, 'Fellas, it's time. It's over. You're not going to do it anymore.'
Read more at Donald Trump Quotes at BrainyQuote

The rest of the story is...what is Trump going to do to coerce OPEC into charging us less for gasoline?

A lot of people agree with Trump when he makes statements like this:

"Regulations and regulatory is going through the roof. It's almost impossible to get anything done in the country."
Read more at Donald Trump Quotes at BrainyQuote

The rest of the story is...what regulations are you going to cut Mr. Trump?

A lot of people agree with Trump when he makes statements like this:

"Our military has to be strengthened. Our vets have to be taken care of. We have to end Obamacare, and we have to make our country great again, and I will do that."
Read more at Donald Trump Quotes at BrainyQuote

The rest of the story is that the conflicting statements of taking care of veterans and getting rid of a healthcare program seem to be at odds with one another. Especially since he's supposed to reduce the size of government at the same time "strengthening" the military which is already the greatest the world has ever seen.

Responsible candidates could make all sorts of statements that would never come true as well. The only thing Trump is doing is saying a bunch of stuff people want to hear with zero plans (and I think zero intentions) to make any of it materialize.

Trump is saying that we have an illegal immigration problem that is translating into loss of jobs and an influx of criminals and drugs into the US. Most people agree with that but the left demonizes him as "anti immigrant". Which he isn't.

Trump is saying Obama care is a mess, it is and most people agree with that. But the left will not focus on the fact that people's premiums have gone up, and many physicians and hospitals are not accepting patients on Obamacare. And let's not forget the famous "you can keep your doctor" lie which the left isn't holding Obama accountable.

Trump is saying that Obama's foreign policy has been a disaster and he is perceived as a weak leader who has no idea what he's doing. Most people agree with that. But the left is busy whitewashing the fact that Americans do not feel safe and the world has virtually collapsed under Obama.

Trump is saying that veterans have been betrayed and the veteran scandal happened under Obama's watch.

Trump is saying that Obama has divided Americans instead of bringing them together. He is a divider not a uniter.

Americans have begun to realize that the leftist controlled media is a propaganda arm of the democrat party and will never objectively report anything any longer. That is why despite all the demonization and false accusations, Trump remains popular and in fact he's been spot-on on many issues. As Trump himself put it well, they are the new silent majority.
Meanwhile, 15 brain dead droolers came to lick rubio's open border donors asses. Trump is the only candidate generating enthusiasm.

SOLD OUT=> Lines Form FIVE BLOCKS LONG to See Donald Trump in Sarasota (Photos) - The Gateway Pundit
No one seems to have an answer for his popularity except to say that they agree with him on most of his issues. Those who oppose Trump are usually the Democrats who want to continue this slide into doom they are leading us into now.

We have had an incompetent fool as president for 8 years and a Secretary of State who was not only incompetent and matching Obama in dishonesty/. We need to stop this spiral downhill.

Most people agree with Trump but are afraid to say so because the leftist media has turned him into a monster. At election time this will translate into votes for Trump in the polling booth.

A lot of people agree with Trump when he makes statements like this:

"If you look - look at - I mean, look at what's going on with your gasoline prices. They're going to go to $5, $6, $7 and we don't have anybody in Washington that calls OPEC and says, 'Fellas, it's time. It's over. You're not going to do it anymore.'
Read more at Donald Trump Quotes at BrainyQuote

The rest of the story is...what is Trump going to do to coerce OPEC into charging us less for gasoline?

A lot of people agree with Trump when he makes statements like this:

"Regulations and regulatory is going through the roof. It's almost impossible to get anything done in the country."
Read more at Donald Trump Quotes at BrainyQuote

The rest of the story is...what regulations are you going to cut Mr. Trump?

A lot of people agree with Trump when he makes statements like this:

"Our military has to be strengthened. Our vets have to be taken care of. We have to end Obamacare, and we have to make our country great again, and I will do that."
Read more at Donald Trump Quotes at BrainyQuote

The rest of the story is that the conflicting statements of taking care of veterans and getting rid of a healthcare program seem to be at odds with one another. Especially since he's supposed to reduce the size of government at the same time "strengthening" the military which is already the greatest the world has ever seen.

Responsible candidates could make all sorts of statements that would never come true as well. The only thing Trump is doing is saying a bunch of stuff people want to hear with zero plans (and I think zero intentions) to make any of it materialize.

Trump is saying that we have an illegal immigration problem that is translating into loss of jobs and an influx of criminals and drugs into the US. Most people agree with that but the left demonizes him as "anti immigrant". Which he isn't.
I noticed you didn't fully quote what he said about Mexicans and for good reason. You have to be careful since it's not pretty.


But again lets look at your statement:

"We have an illegal immigration problem that is translating into a loss of jobs and an influx of criminals and drugs" I'm guessing that you're speaking about the guys crossing the border since drug dogs and pat-downs are happening at

And the stats support it--that most II comes from Mexico across the border:


So building the wall makes sense. As I have said years before Donald ever thought of it (From February 2012).

Whats the big idea? | Page 3 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The rub is that somehow he'll make Mexico pay for it. In no one's fantasy could he compel Mexico to pay for this. In no one's fantasy would Mexico pay for it. It ignores any immigration from the North. Simply buy a plane ticket from Vera Cruz to Vancouver and walk across carrying your supposed crime, drugs, and taking jobs. Easy.

Anyone wanting to run for President on the GOP side of the coin who realize they'll get very few votes from immigrants and very few votes from Ethnic minorities could make the same idiotic claim. However, it would be irresponsible since there is zero chance of implementation. The difference is Trump says it and you guys believe it for some reason.

Trump is saying Obama care is a mess, it is and most people agree with that.
But the left will not focus on the fact that people's premiums have gone up, and many physicians and hospitals are not accepting patients on Obamacare. And let's not forget the famous "you can keep your doctor" lie which the left isn't holding Obama accountable.
Depends who you ask:


But lets take your word for it although there is not much evidence of it...

Great. So what is Trump going to replace it with? Nothing? Again....details.

Trump is saying that Obama's foreign policy has been a disaster and he is perceived as a weak leader who has no idea what he's doing. Most people agree with that.

By a slim margin, yes.


It's 5 out of 10 vs. 4 out of 10. Hardly anything to say "ah-ha!" about.

But the left is busy whitewashing the fact that Americans do not feel safe and the world has virtually collapsed under Obama.

Virtually Collapsed? Hilarious. Anyway....Trumps plans are what exactly? Yeah, I hear he's going to "get tough" with our allies/enemies etc... Nobody is sure what that means and, if they were honest, they would have to consider that a lot of our friends/enemies own our debt and that it is very hard to demand your creditor does anything.

Trump is saying that veterans have been betrayed and the veteran scandal happened under Obama's watch.
Can't argue with that. The VA scandal is a true scandal and Obama's management style seems to act as an incubator for stuff like this--the "no drama Obama" moniker he has. The same thing happened with the IRS and Secret Service.

Seems like Trump wants to do something here..what is it? Any idea how much and how he'll pay for it? No?

Trump is saying that Obama has divided Americans instead of bringing them together. He is a divider not a uniter.

Tell me this; who have you been "turned against" by Obama? If he's divided you against someone/something...who/what is it?

Americans have begun to realize that the leftist controlled media is a propaganda arm of the democrat party and will never objectively report anything any longer. That is why despite all the demonization and false accusations, Trump remains popular and in fact he's been spot-on on many issues. As Trump himself put it well, they are the new silent majority.

He's telling people what they want to hear and, what do you know....his popularity is rising. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. How responsible it is to promise that taxes will be cut, spending will be increased, and you'll be able to take jobs away from illegal aliens because he'll deport 11,000,000 of them--free of charge--remains to be seen. How republicans who were once for the sensible center have been co-opted by a liberal will be topic of debate for quite a while.
SOLD OUT=> Lines Form FIVE BLOCKS LONG to See Donald Trump in Sarasota @ SOLD OUT=> Lines Form FIVE BLOCKS LONG to See Donald Trump in Sarasota (Photos) - The Gateway Pundit


And, at Sarasota, Fla, So many people lined up to hear Trump that he held a second rally outside for about 1,000 people who could not get into the arena. He then departed in the Trump helicopter.

Black religious leaders invited to Trump meeting say they won't endorse him @ Black religious leaders: No Donald Trump endorsement - which is a typical CNN LIE! No one from the group has endorsed Trump yet as they are waiting for the meeting before deciding anything!

Trump has cancelled the event with the black leaders.
SOLD OUT=> Lines Form FIVE BLOCKS LONG to See Donald Trump in Sarasota @ SOLD OUT=> Lines Form FIVE BLOCKS LONG to See Donald Trump in Sarasota (Photos) - The Gateway Pundit


And, at Sarasota, Fla, So many people lined up to hear Trump that he held a second rally outside for about 1,000 people who could not get into the arena. He then departed in the Trump helicopter.

Black religious leaders invited to Trump meeting say they won't endorse him @ Black religious leaders: No Donald Trump endorsement - which is a typical CNN LIE! No one from the group has endorsed Trump yet as they are waiting for the meeting before deciding anything!
You should see the line at Starbucks every day..
SOLD OUT=> Lines Form FIVE BLOCKS LONG to See Donald Trump in Sarasota @ SOLD OUT=> Lines Form FIVE BLOCKS LONG to See Donald Trump in Sarasota (Photos) - The Gateway Pundit


And, at Sarasota, Fla, So many people lined up to hear Trump that he held a second rally outside for about 1,000 people who could not get into the arena. He then departed in the Trump helicopter.

Black religious leaders invited to Trump meeting say they won't endorse him @ Black religious leaders: No Donald Trump endorsement - which is a typical CNN LIE! No one from the group has endorsed Trump yet as they are waiting for the meeting before deciding anything!

Trump has cancelled the event with the black leaders.
A little propaganda slip, and poof, they were gone..
To lock up the Democrat nomination Hillary will run on giving away more free stuff then Bernie....

Actually, she proved how tough and Presidential she is when she took on those clowns at the 9th Benghazi hearing. They thought they were going to tear her a new one and ended up looking like sorry SOBs. And poor Republicans....they scoff at free education which would make the whole country smarter and better educated.... they are satisfied that only the 1% be educated....because eventually some of their money will trickle down to the mean time, they don't mind being dummies.
Meanwhile, 15 brain dead droolers came to lick rubio's open border donors asses. Trump is the only candidate generating enthusiasm.

SOLD OUT=> Lines Form FIVE BLOCKS LONG to See Donald Trump in Sarasota (Photos) - The Gateway Pundit
No one seems to have an answer for his popularity except to say that they agree with him on most of his issues. Those who oppose Trump are usually the Democrats who want to continue this slide into doom they are leading us into now.

We have had an incompetent fool as president for 8 years and a Secretary of State who was not only incompetent and matching Obama in dishonesty/. We need to stop this spiral downhill.
Trump is not going to stop it.
"Thousands line up to see Trump on a holiday weekend"


You infer what from this - Trump is "popular," he'll be the "next president"; the thread premise is idiocy.
Meanwhile, 15 brain dead droolers came to lick rubio's open border donors asses. Trump is the only candidate generating enthusiasm.

SOLD OUT=> Lines Form FIVE BLOCKS LONG to See Donald Trump in Sarasota (Photos) - The Gateway Pundit
No one seems to have an answer for his popularity except to say that they agree with him on most of his issues. Those who oppose Trump are usually the Democrats who want to continue this slide into doom they are leading us into now.

We have had an incompetent fool as president for 8 years and a Secretary of State who was not only incompetent and matching Obama in dishonesty/. We need to stop this spiral downhill.

Most people agree with Trump but are afraid to say so because the leftist media has turned him into a monster. At election time this will translate into votes for Trump in the polling booth.

A lot of people agree with Trump when he makes statements like this:

"If you look - look at - I mean, look at what's going on with your gasoline prices. They're going to go to $5, $6, $7 and we don't have anybody in Washington that calls OPEC and says, 'Fellas, it's time. It's over. You're not going to do it anymore.'
Read more at Donald Trump Quotes at BrainyQuote

The rest of the story is...what is Trump going to do to coerce OPEC into charging us less for gasoline?

A lot of people agree with Trump when he makes statements like this:

"Regulations and regulatory is going through the roof. It's almost impossible to get anything done in the country."
Read more at Donald Trump Quotes at BrainyQuote

The rest of the story is...what regulations are you going to cut Mr. Trump?

A lot of people agree with Trump when he makes statements like this:

"Our military has to be strengthened. Our vets have to be taken care of. We have to end Obamacare, and we have to make our country great again, and I will do that."
Read more at Donald Trump Quotes at BrainyQuote

The rest of the story is that the conflicting statements of taking care of veterans and getting rid of a healthcare program seem to be at odds with one another. Especially since he's supposed to reduce the size of government at the same time "strengthening" the military which is already the greatest the world has ever seen.

Responsible candidates could make all sorts of statements that would never come true as well. The only thing Trump is doing is saying a bunch of stuff people want to hear with zero plans (and I think zero intentions) to make any of it materialize.

Trump is saying that we have an illegal immigration problem that is translating into loss of jobs and an influx of criminals and drugs into the US. Most people agree with that but the left demonizes him as "anti immigrant". Which he isn't.

Trump is saying Obama care is a mess, it is and most people agree with that. But the left will not focus on the fact that people's premiums have gone up, and many physicians and hospitals are not accepting patients on Obamacare. And let's not forget the famous "you can keep your doctor" lie which the left isn't holding Obama accountable.

Trump is saying that Obama's foreign policy has been a disaster and he is perceived as a weak leader who has no idea what he's doing. Most people agree with that. But the left is busy whitewashing the fact that Americans do not feel safe and the world has virtually collapsed under Obama.

Trump is saying that veterans have been betrayed and the veteran scandal happened under Obama's watch.

Trump is saying that Obama has divided Americans instead of bringing them together. He is a divider not a uniter.

Americans have begun to realize that the leftist controlled media is a propaganda arm of the democrat party and will never objectively report anything any longer. That is why despite all the demonization and false accusations, Trump remains popular and in fact he's been spot-on on many issues. As Trump himself put it well, they are the new silent majority.

It was the outrageous lies that the leftist media continue to write about Donald Trump that convinced he that he is the right candidate. I wasn't sure he was serious before. Now I am. The more the liberal media lies about Donald Trump the more I realize their desperation and willingness to write anything - do anything - to try to defeat Donald Trump. It's truly pathetic and I do not believe they have any idea how bad they look. They have no credibility left. If they said the sky was blue today I'd have to go outside and check first. The American people cannot believe anything the leftist media says. As for the polls?? They are now claiming he lost 12 points - meanwhile another poll reported for the same day that he was up 4 points and at 35% now. I would not believe any polls being put out by the liberal left that claim Trump is losing ground. He's not. He's gaining it. Everywhere he goes.
Trump is obviously saying what people want to hear. He's talking about issues people have great interest in.

He's not a professional politician and he doesn't owe DC anything.

He's a billionaire who can't be bought and he actually a breath of fresh air when compared to all those professional politicians.

He attracts people. Loads of people.
The momentum and energy is all on Trump's side. That's what democrats have to overcome and why they are having such a hard time doing it.
Meanwhile, 15 brain dead droolers came to lick rubio's open border donors asses. Trump is the only candidate generating enthusiasm.

SOLD OUT=> Lines Form FIVE BLOCKS LONG to See Donald Trump in Sarasota (Photos) - The Gateway Pundit
No one seems to have an answer for his popularity except to say that they agree with him on most of his issues. Those who oppose Trump are usually the Democrats who want to continue this slide into doom they are leading us into now.

We have had an incompetent fool as president for 8 years and a Secretary of State who was not only incompetent and matching Obama in dishonesty/. We need to stop this spiral downhill.

Most people agree with Trump but are afraid to say so because the leftist media has turned him into a monster. At election time this will translate into votes for Trump in the polling booth.

A lot of people agree with Trump when he makes statements like this:

"If you look - look at - I mean, look at what's going on with your gasoline prices. They're going to go to $5, $6, $7 and we don't have anybody in Washington that calls OPEC and says, 'Fellas, it's time. It's over. You're not going to do it anymore.'
Read more at Donald Trump Quotes at BrainyQuote

The rest of the story is...what is Trump going to do to coerce OPEC into charging us less for gasoline?

A lot of people agree with Trump when he makes statements like this:

"Regulations and regulatory is going through the roof. It's almost impossible to get anything done in the country."
Read more at Donald Trump Quotes at BrainyQuote

The rest of the story is...what regulations are you going to cut Mr. Trump?

A lot of people agree with Trump when he makes statements like this:

"Our military has to be strengthened. Our vets have to be taken care of. We have to end Obamacare, and we have to make our country great again, and I will do that."
Read more at Donald Trump Quotes at BrainyQuote

The rest of the story is that the conflicting statements of taking care of veterans and getting rid of a healthcare program seem to be at odds with one another. Especially since he's supposed to reduce the size of government at the same time "strengthening" the military which is already the greatest the world has ever seen.

Responsible candidates could make all sorts of statements that would never come true as well. The only thing Trump is doing is saying a bunch of stuff people want to hear with zero plans (and I think zero intentions) to make any of it materialize.

Trump is saying that we have an illegal immigration problem that is translating into loss of jobs and an influx of criminals and drugs into the US. Most people agree with that but the left demonizes him as "anti immigrant". Which he isn't.
I noticed you didn't fully quote what he said about Mexicans and for good reason. You have to be careful since it's not pretty.


But again lets look at your statement:

"We have an illegal immigration problem that is translating into a loss of jobs and an influx of criminals and drugs" I'm guessing that you're speaking about the guys crossing the border since drug dogs and pat-downs are happening at

And the stats support it--that most II comes from Mexico across the border:


So building the wall makes sense. As I have said years before Donald ever thought of it (From February 2012).

Whats the big idea? | Page 3 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The rub is that somehow he'll make Mexico pay for it. In no one's fantasy could he compel Mexico to pay for this. In no one's fantasy would Mexico pay for it. It ignores any immigration from the North. Simply buy a plane ticket from Vera Cruz to Vancouver and walk across carrying your supposed crime, drugs, and taking jobs. Easy.

Anyone wanting to run for President on the GOP side of the coin who realize they'll get very few votes from immigrants and very few votes from Ethnic minorities could make the same idiotic claim. However, it would be irresponsible since there is zero chance of implementation. The difference is Trump says it and you guys believe it for some reason.

Trump is saying Obama care is a mess, it is and most people agree with that.
But the left will not focus on the fact that people's premiums have gone up, and many physicians and hospitals are not accepting patients on Obamacare. And let's not forget the famous "you can keep your doctor" lie which the left isn't holding Obama accountable.
Depends who you ask:


But lets take your word for it although there is not much evidence of it...

Great. So what is Trump going to replace it with? Nothing? Again....details.

Trump is saying that Obama's foreign policy has been a disaster and he is perceived as a weak leader who has no idea what he's doing. Most people agree with that.

By a slim margin, yes.


It's 5 out of 10 vs. 4 out of 10. Hardly anything to say "ah-ha!" about.

But the left is busy whitewashing the fact that Americans do not feel safe and the world has virtually collapsed under Obama.

Virtually Collapsed? Hilarious. Anyway....Trumps plans are what exactly? Yeah, I hear he's going to "get tough" with our allies/enemies etc... Nobody is sure what that means and, if they were honest, they would have to consider that a lot of our friends/enemies own our debt and that it is very hard to demand your creditor does anything.

Trump is saying that veterans have been betrayed and the veteran scandal happened under Obama's watch.
Can't argue with that. The VA scandal is a true scandal and Obama's management style seems to act as an incubator for stuff like this--the "no drama Obama" moniker he has. The same thing happened with the IRS and Secret Service.

Seems like Trump wants to do something here..what is it? Any idea how much and how he'll pay for it? No?

Trump is saying that Obama has divided Americans instead of bringing them together. He is a divider not a uniter.

Tell me this; who have you been "turned against" by Obama? If he's divided you against someone/something...who/what is it?

Americans have begun to realize that the leftist controlled media is a propaganda arm of the democrat party and will never objectively report anything any longer. That is why despite all the demonization and false accusations, Trump remains popular and in fact he's been spot-on on many issues. As Trump himself put it well, they are the new silent majority.

He's telling people what they want to hear and, what do you know....his popularity is rising. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. How responsible it is to promise that taxes will be cut, spending will be increased, and you'll be able to take jobs away from illegal aliens because he'll deport 11,000,000 of them--free of charge--remains to be seen. How republicans who were once for the sensible center have been co-opted by a liberal will be topic of debate for quite a while.

He's telling the truth and people agree with him because of it. We have an illegal immigration problem nothing has been done about it, America and the world are far more unstable and less secure thanks to Obama, ACA has been a disaster and will get worse after 2016 when the businesses kicks in, and we have race riots, cop bashing, and a divisive non leader in the White House for the last 7 years. Your propaganda mill won't change a thing.
Last edited:
Meanwhile, 15 brain dead droolers came to lick rubio's open border donors asses. Trump is the only candidate generating enthusiasm.

SOLD OUT=> Lines Form FIVE BLOCKS LONG to See Donald Trump in Sarasota (Photos) - The Gateway Pundit
No one seems to have an answer for his popularity except to say that they agree with him on most of his issues. Those who oppose Trump are usually the Democrats who want to continue this slide into doom they are leading us into now.

We have had an incompetent fool as president for 8 years and a Secretary of State who was not only incompetent and matching Obama in dishonesty/. We need to stop this spiral downhill.

Most people agree with Trump but are afraid to say so because the leftist media has turned him into a monster. At election time this will translate into votes for Trump in the polling booth.

A lot of people agree with Trump when he makes statements like this:

"If you look - look at - I mean, look at what's going on with your gasoline prices. They're going to go to $5, $6, $7 and we don't have anybody in Washington that calls OPEC and says, 'Fellas, it's time. It's over. You're not going to do it anymore.'
Read more at Donald Trump Quotes at BrainyQuote

The rest of the story is...what is Trump going to do to coerce OPEC into charging us less for gasoline?

A lot of people agree with Trump when he makes statements like this:

"Regulations and regulatory is going through the roof. It's almost impossible to get anything done in the country."
Read more at Donald Trump Quotes at BrainyQuote

The rest of the story is...what regulations are you going to cut Mr. Trump?

A lot of people agree with Trump when he makes statements like this:

"Our military has to be strengthened. Our vets have to be taken care of. We have to end Obamacare, and we have to make our country great again, and I will do that."
Read more at Donald Trump Quotes at BrainyQuote

The rest of the story is that the conflicting statements of taking care of veterans and getting rid of a healthcare program seem to be at odds with one another. Especially since he's supposed to reduce the size of government at the same time "strengthening" the military which is already the greatest the world has ever seen.

Responsible candidates could make all sorts of statements that would never come true as well. The only thing Trump is doing is saying a bunch of stuff people want to hear with zero plans (and I think zero intentions) to make any of it materialize.

Trump is saying that we have an illegal immigration problem that is translating into loss of jobs and an influx of criminals and drugs into the US. Most people agree with that but the left demonizes him as "anti immigrant". Which he isn't.

Trump is saying Obama care is a mess, it is and most people agree with that. But the left will not focus on the fact that people's premiums have gone up, and many physicians and hospitals are not accepting patients on Obamacare. And let's not forget the famous "you can keep your doctor" lie which the left isn't holding Obama accountable.

Trump is saying that Obama's foreign policy has been a disaster and he is perceived as a weak leader who has no idea what he's doing. Most people agree with that. But the left is busy whitewashing the fact that Americans do not feel safe and the world has virtually collapsed under Obama.

Trump is saying that veterans have been betrayed and the veteran scandal happened under Obama's watch.

Trump is saying that Obama has divided Americans instead of bringing them together. He is a divider not a uniter.

Americans have begun to realize that the leftist controlled media is a propaganda arm of the democrat party and will never objectively report anything any longer. That is why despite all the demonization and false accusations, Trump remains popular and in fact he's been spot-on on many issues. As Trump himself put it well, they are the new silent majority.

It was the outrageous lies that the leftist media continue to write about Donald Trump that convinced he that he is the right candidate. I wasn't sure he was serious before. Now I am. The more the liberal media lies about Donald Trump the more I realize their desperation and willingness to write anything - do anything - to try to defeat Donald Trump. It's truly pathetic and I do not believe they have any idea how bad they look. They have no credibility left. If they said the sky was blue today I'd have to go outside and check first. The American people cannot believe anything the leftist media says. As for the polls?? They are now claiming he lost 12 points - meanwhile another poll reported for the same day that he was up 4 points and at 35% now. I would not believe any polls being put out by the liberal left that claim Trump is losing ground. He's not. He's gaining it. Everywhere he goes.

When Trump becomes the nominee the leftist media will self destruct. People forget that Trump is a New Yorker with years of experience wrestling leftist media whack jobs and bringing them to their knees.

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