Thousands of striking teachers rally in the Loop


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Let us see, if Scott Walker would have caused a strike what do you think would have been the Democrats position? Are the teachers being greedy or just protecting the worse of their members?

Thousands of striking teachers rally in the Loop

Thousands of striking teachers rally in the Loop - Chicago Sun-Times

Mayor Rahm Emanuel has blasted the job action as “a strike of choice. ” On Monday, he urged both sides to “stay at the table and finish it for our children,” but he refused to bend on two outstanding issues: allowing principals to retain the right to choose their teachers and teacher evaluations.

If principals are to be held accountable for student performance in their schools, Emanuel said it’s imperative that they be free to select the members of their teaching team.

“If we’re gonna hold our local principals in the school accountable for getting the results we need, they need to pick the best qualified,” the mayor said.

Vitale said the contract amounted to a 16 percent raise over four years for the average teacher when factoring other increases. And the raises could not be rescinded for lack of funds — which is what happened this past school year, angering teachers and helping to set the stage for Monday’s strike.

How Much Do Chicago Public School Teachers Make?

How Much Do Chicago Public School Teachers Make? « CBS Chicago

Salary figures provided by the Chicago Public Schools show teachers here have the highest average salary of any city in the nation. But, according to the Chicago Teachers Union’s calculations, Chicago teachers would rank second behind New York City.
During a vote taken last week, 90 percent of the city’s public school teachers voted to authorize a
Telling, but not surprising, how the right is fearful of Americans exercising their First Amendment rights.

At the expense of the taxpayers and their children. You don't think those students need to be in school??

Chicago is broke, Illinois is broke, the nation is struggling and they go on strike turning down a 16% pay increase?? Oh but I see "their" first amendment rights are so much more important than the children's right to learn.

When I attended school in Illinois, our classes were from 8:35 til 3:35, students are dismissed an hour and 15 minutes earlier today, teachers didn't take a pay cut when the school day became shorter.
As usual unions and their liberal supporters are clueless.

IL is going down the tubes with companies leaving the state and taxpayers being forced to pay more and more taxes....but these dumbfucks are out protesting for more money.

Nevermind the inner city/gang crime killing black youth left and right, but of course putting more kids on the street with no school won't increase the violence, deaths.....

Rev Wright must be in charge of this mess.
Telling, but not surprising, how the right is fearful of Americans exercising their First Amendment rights.

I am assuming you are a product of the liberal educational system, assuming you finished.

What in anything I posted says one word about the first amendment? Is this the best you got? I'll bet it is. You just pick a talking point to respond without one shred of shame if it even comes close to fitting.

The teachers turn down a 16 percent wage.

The teachers are calling or Emmanuel to step down.

The teachers are doing this so they won't be held accountable.

And the best you can do is post BS. What a waste.
As usual unions and their liberal supporters are clueless.

IL is going down the tubes with companies leaving the state and taxpayers being forced to pay more and more taxes....but these dumbfucks are out protesting for more money.

Nevermind the inner city/gang crime killing black youth left and right, but of course putting more kids on the street with no school won't increase the violence, deaths.....

Rev Wright must be in charge of this mess.

Actually I think what they are protesting is that they don't want to be held accountable for being bad teachers. I doubt that anyone in this day and age who is the number 1 or 2 highest paid teacher is going to turn down a 4 percent raise per year.

Interesting choice of color. You think they are all Republicans?

1428ux5.gif shirts, spanish honor of Che?

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It only makes sense that the principals should hire their own teachers if they are going to be held accountable for the growth of academic performance. No principal would want "dead wood" on their staff.

Make principals and teachers accountable. Then make the students (and parents) accountable by holding them back if they don't meet the standards in each grade! No more passing students on without the foundations taught in each grade.

It has to start some time.
It only makes sense that the principals should hire their own teachers if they are going to be held accountable for the growth of academic performance. No principal would want "dead wood" on their staff.

Make principals and teachers accountable. Then make the students (and parents) accountable by holding them back if they don't meet the standards in each grade! No more passing students on without the foundations taught in each grade.

It has to start some time.

Although you are right I am thinking that with the teachers they now have 4 th grade might get a little bit crowded.
Maybe the National Guard should be called in. All the kids could learn land nav, basic first aid, do a little PT, might be fun for the kids for a change.
It only makes sense that the principals should hire their own teachers if they are going to be held accountable for the growth of academic performance. No principal would want "dead wood" on their staff.

Make principals and teachers accountable. Then make the students (and parents) accountable by holding them back if they don't meet the standards in each grade! No more passing students on without the foundations taught in each grade.

It has to start some time.

Although you are right I am thinking that with the teachers they now have 4 th grade might get a little bit crowded.

The earlier grades will have to have more rooms and teachers, yes. But that is where they teach reading and math foundations. If every student went to fifth grade on grade level, then in junior high ON GRADE level, we wouldn't be seeing drop outs in high school.
I taught inner city 1st grade for many years. They were the children who were supposed to repeat kindergarten, but came to my class instead. I taught them reading and language arts. Out of 24 students each year it came out approximately the same. Sixteen students were ON Grade level or above up to 3rd grade level, and 8 failed. Of the 8 usually half ended up in special classes. Of the rest, all were successful second graders by the time they got there. No one failed second grade. And these were the lowest performing first graders in the school.

Poor children can excel. Parents of poor children DO care. Parents and the teachers can work together in the inner city.
I taught inner city 1st grade for many years. They were the children who were supposed to repeat kindergarten, but came to my class instead. I taught them reading and language arts. Out of 24 students each year it came out approximately the same. Sixteen students were ON Grade level or above up to 3rd grade level, and 8 failed. Of the 8 usually half ended up in special classes. Of the rest, all were successful second graders by the time they got there. No one failed second grade. And these were the lowest performing first graders in the school.

Poor children can excel. Parents of poor children DO care. Parents and the teachers can work together in the inner city.

shouldn't you have been fired? that is 33% failure rate.

I guess what I'm getting to is that so much is out of control of the teacher.

Oh and no one is lining up for my special ed teaching job.

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