*Three Little Rino's*

Interesting how liberal Democrats think we should tolerate RINOs.

This confirmation vote is precisely why we can't tolerate RINOs.

The whole 911 crowd is FILLED with left wing Zionist Fascist Jews....

Rupert Murdoch
the entire news media
Mikey Bloomberg

If the GOP would simply admit the truth about W and purge the ZIONIST FASCIST TRAITORS, I might actually vote Republican again...
I am a conservative. Plain and simple. If I were to tell you what I was for you would call me a racist, a sexist and a hater. How do I know? If you have to ask me what I am for, then you have no idea how a conservative thinks.

However. What am I NOT for?

Race and sex being a criteria for a Supreme Court nominee.
Calling yourself a "conservative" is not responsive.
What are you for?
What do you want the government, the schools, businesses, to do to satisfy your goals/needs?

You didn't answer the question and no "conservative" ever does.
I'll tell you why...

Recently the RNC opted out of the debate commission claiming it was unfair.
Of course it is unfair.
In a debate the GOP guy has to either admit to the things they've said or deny them.
There's no Hannity there to cover their backside.
Of course they don't want to be called out for their lies by the mods.

The solution is , of course, to be honest but as we've seen, when Republicans are "honest," on those oh so rare occasions, they have to walk baclk their honesty because if the people actually knew what they GOP is thinking tar and feathering would just be a start.

There is, of course, another reason, darker but real.

None of you have any actual beliefs.
Your only driver is anger and hate.
Because you have no actual beliefs beyond your anger and hate
You never offer solutions
Just whining and moaning about ...what exactly have you people NOT whined about?

Race and sex should not be criteria...
Sexual abuse?
Obvious criminal association?
Judicial incompetence?

Yeah, those are.
The president oversees the DOJ. He's allowed to put his 2 cents in.
Interfering in a legitimate investigation is not putting one's "2 cents in."

Remember when Bill Clinton met with the AG on the runway in Arizona?
FORMER president.
Out of office for nearly 16 years at the time
The reaction of you people?
Arrest him
Impeach her
Arrest her
Lock up Hillary...

Your hypocrisy is astounding.
Calling yourself a "conservative" is not responsive.
What are you for?
What do you want the government, the schools, businesses, to do to satisfy your goals/needs?

You didn't answer the question and no "conservative" ever does.
I'll tell you why...

Recently the RNC opted out of the debate commission claiming it was unfair.
Of course it is unfair.
In a debate the GOP guy has to either admit to the things they've said or deny them.
There's no Hannity there to cover their backside.
Of course they don't want to be called out for their lies by the mods.

The solution is , of course, to be honest but as we've seen, when Republicans are "honest," on those oh so rare occasions, they have to walk baclk their honesty because if the people actually knew what they GOP is thinking tar and feathering would just be a start.

There is, of course, another reason, darker but real.

None of you have any actual beliefs.
Your only driver is anger and hate.
Because you have no actual beliefs beyond your anger and hate
You never offer solutions
Just whining and moaning about ...what exactly have you people NOT whined about?

Race and sex should not be criteria...
Sexual abuse?
Obvious criminal association?
Judicial incompetence?

Yeah, those are.
So you see my point?
You already have judged me so whatever I say will be reason for you to criticize me.
I know how it works.

Conservatism is not an evolving ideology. It is the same now as it was decades if not 2 centuries ago.

If you don't know what a conservative believes in then you aren't paying attention.

However....in the interest of a debate...

I believe taxes are necessary so our teachers are paid to teach the three r's. So our roads are useful, so our police department can defend our safety. so our military can defend our nation.

I do not believe abortions is an appropriate decision. However, I believe in the Supreme Court and its decisions so I do not protest abortion. I have never questioned anyone I know or met why they got an abortion. It was their choice. BUT....don't make my taxes pay for it

I believe in personal responsibility. Even when I was down on my luck 40 years ago. It was my problem. No one elses.

I do not believe in bailouts. I do not believe in welfare. I do not believe in food stamps. There are plenty of non profits to turn to.

I do not believe in debt forgiveness. You enjoyed the rewards of the debt and now you want the tax payer to cover the debt.

LBGTQ? Never even gave it a thought. Anyone who identifies in that category has the right to do so. Heck, my best man at my wedding is gay.

I am against FEMA relief for those that refused to get flood insurance. I know. I was one of them. Sandy flooded my house and I did not apply to FEMA. It was my decision to not get flood insurance.

I do not believe our President is the leader of the free world. He/She is the leader of our country. The USA is not the world police.

I believe in term limits for congress.

I am against life salaries for congress people as well as life benefits. for congress people.

I do not believe a teacher is qualified to discuss sex with a 3rd grader. In my day, any teacher that discussed sex with a third grader was immediately suspended and liable for prosecution. What makes a teacher with no formal education in sex more qualified than the parent to have that conversation?.

I dont believe any nomination for any cabinet or SCOTUS position should be based on race or sex. Thats racism and sexism. Hands down.

I can go on, but I believe I gave you enough to call me a racist, an idiot, a Fox News parrot, a tool, an idiot, a moron and all of the other endearing terms I am called on this site.

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