Three (R) senators holding YOU hostage

How much Stimulus Money has gone into bringing Coal Plants into compliance with New EPA Standards? Why? Why not?
My guess is zero money because ARRA went out in 2009 while the new compliance regulations came out in 2011.

Why no Investment in Coal Infrastructure??? Solar and Wind has seen plenty pissed away? Your answer is not satisfactory. Why obstruct Modernization?
Actually, I stand corrected. In my opinion, it's an attempt to screw over Obama. There's no real proof to back up my assertion.

But what about Obama's energy policy is wrong? I'm fairly ignorant on his energy policy so I'm curious to see what's wrong with it.

How much Stimulus Money has gone into bringing Coal Plants into compliance with New EPA Standards? Why? Why not?
why do coal plants need the government to pay them not to pollute as much?

Why do you need Government to pay for your Birth Control and your addictions?
Senators David Vitter (R-LA), John Hoevan (R-ND), and Richard Lugar (R-IN) introduced the Strategic Petroleum Supplies Act, S. 2100

Bill Text - 112th Congress (2011-2012) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

“the Administration shall not authorize a sale of petroleum products from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve… until the date on which all permits necessary … for the Keystone XL pipeline project application filed on September 19, 2008 (including amendments) have been issued.”

So, they're tying Obama's hands in case oil prices spike. They are saying that if Iran causes instability in the price of oil, Obama won't be able to do anything about it unless they get the pipeline first.

Yet another FINE example of how EXPENDABLE the money in YOUR wallet is to RepubliCONZ, as long as they get to stick it to ol Barry and reward their patrons, who cares what happens to American families?

Releasing a little bit of oil or creating jobs by means of the pipeline and or more drilling?

Brings to mind the old tried and true
give a man a fish he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.
Senators David Vitter (R-LA), John Hoevan (R-ND), and Richard Lugar (R-IN) introduced the Strategic Petroleum Supplies Act, S. 2100

Bill Text - 112th Congress (2011-2012) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

“the Administration shall not authorize a sale of petroleum products from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve… until the date on which all permits necessary … for the Keystone XL pipeline project application filed on September 19, 2008 (including amendments) have been issued.”

So, they're tying Obama's hands in case oil prices spike. They are saying that if Iran causes instability in the price of oil, Obama won't be able to do anything about it unless they get the pipeline first.

Yet another FINE example of how EXPENDABLE the money in YOUR wallet is to RepubliCONZ, as long as they get to stick it to ol Barry and reward their patrons, who cares what happens to American families?

Wait just a minute! Libs/progessives have been telling us that obama has no control over how high fuel prices are going. How can Congress impede his ability to solve the problem if he has no control over the situation to begin with?

Strawmen. Diversions, to occupy our time.
Senators David Vitter (R-LA), John Hoevan (R-ND), and Richard Lugar (R-IN) introduced the Strategic Petroleum Supplies Act, S. 2100

Bill Text - 112th Congress (2011-2012) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

“the Administration shall not authorize a sale of petroleum products from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve… until the date on which all permits necessary … for the Keystone XL pipeline project application filed on September 19, 2008 (including amendments) have been issued.”

So, they're tying Obama's hands in case oil prices spike. They are saying that if Iran causes instability in the price of oil, Obama won't be able to do anything about it unless they get the pipeline first.

Yet another FINE example of how EXPENDABLE the money in YOUR wallet is to RepubliCONZ, as long as they get to stick it to ol Barry and reward their patrons, who cares what happens to American families?

Releasing a little bit of oil or creating jobs by means of the pipeline and or more drilling?

Brings to mind the old tried and true
give a man a fish he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.

They want everything dependent on their arbitrary will, and are lost without that.
It is hard to understand the right.

For instance. Lets say Isreal bombs Iran and a full scale war erupts. Straights of Hormuz is blocked. No oil flowing from there. A oil futures speculator's wet dream.

We got us an emergency in the form of much less oil supply. Obama goes to open the reserve, but can't. Cause three asshole senators want payback to their oil buddies before they will agree to let the American people have their oil. The oil we bought and are paying for. Not them Senators.

It's hostage time again in America. Courtesy the Rethug party.

Bullshit. The best way to insure the Straits of Hormuz is a key factor is to construct pipelines that bypass it. In National Emergency, extreme steps will be taken to insure best use of what is available here, stop with the Fear Mongering. Keystone is critical to insuring better management of what we have available here. You really need to blindfold yourself to not see the advantages of stepped up, transport, storage, and refining capacity here. You act like us being the World leader in Fuel Sales is a bad thing. How about taking a break from the Kool-Aid.
considering none of the tar sands from the keystone pipeline would actually be used domestically, your argument fails.

and the pipeline itself was not rejected, the proposed route through Nebraska was rejected by the people of Nebraska as well. they are free to propose a new route and apply again. you act like this was vetoed and has no chance of every happening again.
Bullshit. The best way to insure the Straits of Hormuz is a key factor is to construct pipelines that bypass it. In National Emergency, extreme steps will be taken to insure best use of what is available here, stop with the Fear Mongering. Keystone is critical to insuring better management of what we have available here.

You evidently didn't read the proposed legislation.

See if you can follow this simple timeline laid against an election in November.

Possibility of war in middle east based on tensions that exist today. Pretty good.

Possibility of oil flowing through the proposed Keystone pipeline in time to help with war in middle east
before Nov '12 election.
Not gonna happen.

Do rethugs see a chance to keep Obama from possibly easing any supply side problems by releases from the oil reserve, therefore keeping gas prices as high as possible. To use against Obama in the Nov election?
There is a 100% chance that is happening.
How much Stimulus Money has gone into bringing Coal Plants into compliance with New EPA Standards? Why? Why not?
why do coal plants need the government to pay them not to pollute as much?

Why do you need Government to pay for your Birth Control and your addictions?
how is government paying for birth control outside of Planned Parenthood? oh thats right, they arent. nice Fail.
Senators David Vitter (R-LA), John Hoevan (R-ND), and Richard Lugar (R-IN) introduced the Strategic Petroleum Supplies Act, S. 2100

Bill Text - 112th Congress (2011-2012) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

“the Administration shall not authorize a sale of petroleum products from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve… until the date on which all permits necessary … for the Keystone XL pipeline project application filed on September 19, 2008 (including amendments) have been issued.”

So, they're tying Obama's hands in case oil prices spike. They are saying that if Iran causes instability in the price of oil, Obama won't be able to do anything about it unless they get the pipeline first.

Yet another FINE example of how EXPENDABLE the money in YOUR wallet is to RepubliCONZ, as long as they get to stick it to ol Barry and reward their patrons, who cares what happens to American families?

Releasing a little bit of oil or creating jobs by means of the pipeline and or more drilling?

Brings to mind the old tried and true
give a man a fish he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.

They want everything dependent on their arbitrary will, and are lost without that.

Yes they do. Break the free market oil companies so the people will have to rely on the generosity of the government.
It is hard to understand the right.

For instance. Lets say Isreal bombs Iran and a full scale war erupts. Straights of Hormuz is blocked. No oil flowing from there. A oil futures speculator's wet dream.

We got us an emergency in the form of much less oil supply. Obama goes to open the reserve, but can't. Cause three asshole senators want payback to their oil buddies before they will agree to let the American people have their oil. The oil we bought and are paying for. Not them Senators.

It's hostage time again in America. Courtesy the Rethug party.

Bullshit. The best way to insure the Straits of Hormuz is a key factor is to construct pipelines that bypass it. In National Emergency, extreme steps will be taken to insure best use of what is available here, stop with the Fear Mongering. Keystone is critical to insuring better management of what we have available here. You really need to blindfold yourself to not see the advantages of stepped up, transport, storage, and refining capacity here. You act like us being the World leader in Fuel Sales is a bad thing. How about taking a break from the Kool-Aid.
considering none of the tar sands from the keystone pipeline would actually be used domestically, your argument fails.

and the pipeline itself was not rejected, the proposed route through Nebraska was rejected by the people of Nebraska as well. they are free to propose a new route and apply again. you act like this was vetoed and has no chance of every happening again.

Not true. You do not know what tomorrow will bring. The Pipeline was rejected. It was planned by Obama that way. You know the EPA went against the recommendation of the State Department to block it. Yeah, let's spend another 10 Years studying it, before anything is done. You are playing bait and switch, the only ones being fooled are the Kool-Aid drinkers.
Bullshit. The best way to insure the Straits of Hormuz is a key factor is to construct pipelines that bypass it. In National Emergency, extreme steps will be taken to insure best use of what is available here, stop with the Fear Mongering. Keystone is critical to insuring better management of what we have available here. You really need to blindfold yourself to not see the advantages of stepped up, transport, storage, and refining capacity here. You act like us being the World leader in Fuel Sales is a bad thing. How about taking a break from the Kool-Aid.
considering none of the tar sands from the keystone pipeline would actually be used domestically, your argument fails.

and the pipeline itself was not rejected, the proposed route through Nebraska was rejected by the people of Nebraska as well. they are free to propose a new route and apply again. you act like this was vetoed and has no chance of every happening again.

Not true. You do not know what tomorrow will bring. The Pipeline was rejected. It was planned by Obama that way. You know the EPA went against the recommendation of the State Department to block it. Yeah, let's spend another 10 Years studying it, before anything is done. You are playing bait and switch, the only ones being fooled are the Kool-Aid drinkers.
it was rejected by Obama the same way the pipeline west through the rockies was rejected by Canada. for environmental concerns. why doesnt canada just build their pipeline west to the pacific, this is a much shorter route than going all the way across the states.

so now the right is gonna use the what if arguments? i thought the right didnt think is what ifs?

No Oil to be used from Keystone in the States
Key Facts on Keystone XL | Tar Sands Action
Do Republicans Realize That Keystone Pipeline Won

also, here is the latest on the new route by TransCanada, guess you were wrong afterall.
The Associated Press: TransCanada executive: New Keystone route in weeks

The State Department, backed by President Barack Obama, recently rejected the longer project, saying TransCanada needed to find a route that would avoid the Sandhills and the Ogallala Aquifer, a key water source for eight states. At the time, Obama encouraged TransCanada to pursue the southern portion of the pipeline that would, in the short term, relieve a bottleneck of crude at Midwestern refineries.
Agreed, but it's still an attempt to screw over Obama at the expense of the American citizen.

Have you ever heard of a guy named Harry Reid? :eusa_whistle:
Yes. What does Harry Reid have to do with these senators and their pipeline proposal? I'm assuming you're playing a straw man, suggesting that Harry Reid did some bad thing as if that explains, justifies, or is even related to the subject at hand. Care to elaborate?

Really? Are you aware you're on a political message board with informed folks? Harry Reid is the Senate Majority Leader who holds up tons of good legislation to screws over the American people on a regular basis.
The emergency oil reserve is for an EMERGENCY, not to cover Obamination's ass when he's helped drive up oil prices by preventing drilling in the Gulf, Keystone, etc.

An emergency is a World War and huge natural disasters that affect the US economy, not economic policies by Democrats that drive up oil prices on purpose.

It doesn't matter what your definition is, if an emergency happened, Obama couldn't release the oil.
It's YOUR wallet on the line. Don't blame Obama for the consequences of a law YOUR guys are trying to get passed.
How about if we all blame Obama for the consequences of a law HIS guys passed? Obamacare is one big abortion after another. The cost of it will break the country and provide no more quality health care than we already have.
Actually, I stand corrected. In my opinion, it's an attempt to screw over Obama. There's no real proof to back up my assertion.

But what about Obama's energy policy is wrong? I'm fairly ignorant on his energy policy so I'm curious to see what's wrong with it.

How much Stimulus Money has gone into bringing Coal Plants into compliance with New EPA Standards? Why? Why not?
why do coal plants need the government to pay them not to pollute as much?

Why do city's need the government to pay them to pour sidewalks where none were needed before? My parents neighborhood is about 70 years old and never had sidewalks. Thanks to Obama, it now does.......built by illegal aliens. Nobody uses them, but they have them.
considering none of the tar sands from the keystone pipeline would actually be used domestically, your argument fails.

and the pipeline itself was not rejected, the proposed route through Nebraska was rejected by the people of Nebraska as well. they are free to propose a new route and apply again. you act like this was vetoed and has no chance of every happening again.

Not true. You do not know what tomorrow will bring. The Pipeline was rejected. It was planned by Obama that way. You know the EPA went against the recommendation of the State Department to block it. Yeah, let's spend another 10 Years studying it, before anything is done. You are playing bait and switch, the only ones being fooled are the Kool-Aid drinkers.
it was rejected by Obama the same way the pipeline west through the rockies was rejected by Canada. for environmental concerns. why doesnt canada just build their pipeline west to the pacific, this is a much shorter route than going all the way across the states.

so now the right is gonna use the what if arguments? i thought the right didnt think is what ifs?

No Oil to be used from Keystone in the States
Key Facts on Keystone XL | Tar Sands Action
Do Republicans Realize That Keystone Pipeline Won

also, here is the latest on the new route by TransCanada, guess you were wrong afterall.
The Associated Press: TransCanada executive: New Keystone route in weeks

The State Department, backed by President Barack Obama, recently rejected the longer project, saying TransCanada needed to find a route that would avoid the Sandhills and the Ogallala Aquifer, a key water source for eight states. At the time, Obama encouraged TransCanada to pursue the southern portion of the pipeline that would, in the short term, relieve a bottleneck of crude at Midwestern refineries.

We have whole threads on this and the misinformation concerning it. It will be time soon to close down the EPA and replace it with an Agency more concerned with what is best for the USA. From the Pipe Line, to Poisoning our Food through Genetic Engineering, it is a big fail.
why do coal plants need the government to pay them not to pollute as much?

Why do you need Government to pay for your Birth Control and your addictions?
how is government paying for birth control outside of Planned Parenthood? oh thats right, they arent. nice Fail.

Mandates. Funny how you remove the primary abuser from the equation though, in order to veil the truth. :lmao:
It is hard to understand the right.

For instance. Lets say Isreal bombs Iran and a full scale war erupts. Straights of Hormuz is blocked. No oil flowing from there. A oil futures speculator's wet dream.

We got us an emergency in the form of much less oil supply. Obama goes to open the reserve, but can't. Cause three asshole senators want payback to their oil buddies before they will agree to let the American people have their oil. The oil we bought and are paying for. Not them Senators.

It's hostage time again in America. Courtesy the Rethug party.

Bullshit. The best way to insure the Straits of Hormuz is a key factor is to construct pipelines that bypass it. In National Emergency, extreme steps will be taken to insure best use of what is available here, stop with the Fear Mongering. Keystone is critical to insuring better management of what we have available here. You really need to blindfold yourself to not see the advantages of stepped up, transport, storage, and refining capacity here. You act like us being the World leader in Fuel Sales is a bad thing. How about taking a break from the Kool-Aid.
considering none of the tar sands from the keystone pipeline would actually be used domestically, your argument fails.

and the pipeline itself was not rejected, the proposed route through Nebraska was rejected by the people of Nebraska as well. they are free to propose a new route and apply again. you act like this was vetoed and has no chance of every happening again.

For God's sake, I'm getting tired of posting these links that you liberals ignore. The Nebraska legislature and governor passed a new route for the pipeline back in November. Dear Ruler.......after the State Department had three years to study the pipeline, rejected it in January......a month before the deadline given by Congress. Rather than take the 3 months available to look at the tiny reroute, he said his hands were tied and therewasn't time, so he denied it. What a decisive man Dear Ruler is! What leadership! What a political gamesman!

Here is the proof you don't know what the hell you're talking about.....again.

Nebraska governor signs bills to reroute Keystone pipeline | Reuters

You're welcome.
I love it when liberals whine endlessly when Republicans show they can match them toe to toe in the political arena.

Sorry libs.
Isn't the POTUS's action of forcing us to rely on foreign oil holding the American people hostage?

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