Three reasons drone strikes are really scary

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
[ame=""]Three Reasons U.S. Drone Policy Is Really Freakin' Scary - YouTube[/ame]

The scariest is the repeated strikes to discourage rescuers, doesn't that violate the Geneva Convention?
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Three Reasons U.S. Drone Policy Is Really Freakin' Scary - YouTube

The scariest is the repeated strikes to discourage rescuers, doesn't that violate the Geneva Convention?

From the narrator of the clip:

One of the main selling points of drone strikes is their supposedly surgical precision. Rather than carpet-bombing entire city blocks to nail one or two bad guys, now we can just zap them without harming anyone else.

He does not cite any evidence anyone ever said drones would never harm innocent civilians.

He continues:

But a new study from researchers at NYU and Standford concludes that as many as 881 civilians, including 176 children, have been killed by US drone strikes in Norther Pakistan since 2004.

881 civilians killed in 8 years.


After the war the U.S. Strategic bombing survey reviewed the available casualty records in Germany, and concluded that official German statistics of casualties from air attack had been too low. The survey estimated that at a minimum 305,000 were killed in German cities due to bombing and estimated a minimum of 780,000 wounded. Roughly 7,500,000 German civilians were also rendered homeless. (see Dehousing).
In addition to the minimum figure given in the Strategic bombing survey the number of people killed by Allied bombing in Germany has been estimated at between 400,000 and 600,000.[8] In the UK 60,595 British were killed by German bombing,[2] and in France 67,078 French were killed by US-UK bombing.[6]

Strategic bombing during World War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The second reason he gives for drones strikes being scary is that "nobody knows how such decisions are being made."

Uh, just because YOU don't know how they are being made does not mean nobody does.

Did people like this dweeb find it scary during WWII that for bombing missions "nobody knows how such decisions are made"?

You see how stupid that sounds?

He also says "a unilateral campaign of death is untenable". WTF does that even mean, it's unfair the bad guys can't strike back? Awwwwwww...

His third concern is valid. Militarizing our nation's police force has gotten way out of control. They are no longer the police. They are a domestic military force.

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