Thug charges cop; Fights him...TAKES gun...shoots cop in chest; Hey...better than a riot though.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Corinth officer's gun used to shoot him in chest and shoulder

How bout this. It's almost Mike Brown Part 2. Except......

A cop responded to a suspicious prowler call. Sees a thug (race not disclosed by media). Before officer is out of his car...UNARMED thug charges him. Fights cop. GOES FOR COPS GUN. Fight for gun ensues. Thug manages to enough of a hold on the gun to turn it....and shoot the cop twice in the chest. THANK GOD...the cops vest stopped the .40 cal bullet....which saves countless cop lives every year (without that....cop deaths would soar).

NOW....what if the cop had won the fight for the Darren Wilson did....and no he shot the unarmed man who was trying to take his gun (which we now see is obviously a danger)?

The media headlines....and DontTazeMeBro headlines.....would be COP SHOOTS UNARMED MAN.

SO.....cop haters....when someone goes for a cops gun....what should they do? The fight is on. Lose that fight....and you may very well be dead. So....should police academies continue to train cops that when someone fights for the gun...deadly force is authorized? If not...why not?
But hey....a cop may have been shot in the chest with his own gun. But at least an unarmed man wasn't shot....well....unless you count the unarmed cop who became unarmed when his gun was taken. But they aren't gonna riot for him.
This is what almost helped with Brown/Wilson. But hey lets burn down a fucking city and demand that the cops do nothing.

Well....this is precisely why Wilson was cleared. If you go for a cops gun....he is justified on shooting you. Because if you win...and get the gun...he could be shot and dead. It's simple. Liberals just won't accept it.
I see no liberals have made a suggestion on how to handle these situations so that no one is shot, and no riots ensue.

Sure....we could say "thugs should stop taking cops guns". Never gonna happen.
And....we could say cops need more intensive hand to hand training. But that's too militarized. AND would require higher standards and that's racist.

So....libs....any suggestions?
I see no liberals have made a suggestion on how to handle these situations so that no one is shot, and no riots ensue.

Sure....we could say "thugs should stop taking cops guns". Never gonna happen.
And....we could say cops need more intensive hand to hand training. But that's too militarized. AND would require higher standards and that's racist.

So....libs....any suggestions?
Give police unlimited power.
I see no liberals have made a suggestion on how to handle these situations so that no one is shot, and no riots ensue.

Sure....we could say "thugs should stop taking cops guns". Never gonna happen.
And....we could say cops need more intensive hand to hand training. But that's too militarized. AND would require higher standards and that's racist.

So....libs....any suggestions?
Give police unlimited power.

Well....despite the liberals desire to have unchecked government power....that's a terrible idea.

Now.....libs....when a thug is trying to take a cops gun what should he do? We've seen the past few days a cop shot with his own gun. Another beaten unconcious with his own gun....and the thug luckily chose not to kill him.

BUT....when a cop shoots to stop this threat....which could end up getting him shot or killed if he loses.....the libs riot and demand the cop be jailed.

So.....what should academies teach?
I see no liberals have made a suggestion on how to handle these situations so that no one is shot, and no riots ensue.

Sure....we could say "thugs should stop taking cops guns". Never gonna happen.
And....we could say cops need more intensive hand to hand training. But that's too militarized. AND would require higher standards and that's racist.

So....libs....any suggestions?
Give police unlimited power.

Well....despite the liberals desire to have unchecked government power....that's a terrible idea.

Now.....libs....when a thug is trying to take a cops gun what should he do? We've seen the past few days a cop shot with his own gun. Another beaten unconcious with his own gun....and the thug luckily chose not to kill him.

BUT....when a cop shoots to stop this threat....which could end up getting him shot or killed if he loses.....the libs riot and demand the cop be jailed.

So.....what should academies teach?
We should give police jetpacks. And lazer guns.
I see no liberals have made a suggestion on how to handle these situations so that no one is shot, and no riots ensue.

Sure....we could say "thugs should stop taking cops guns". Never gonna happen.
And....we could say cops need more intensive hand to hand training. But that's too militarized. AND would require higher standards and that's racist.

So....libs....any suggestions?
Give police unlimited power.

Well....despite the liberals desire to have unchecked government power....that's a terrible idea.

Now.....libs....when a thug is trying to take a cops gun what should he do? We've seen the past few days a cop shot with his own gun. Another beaten unconcious with his own gun....and the thug luckily chose not to kill him.

BUT....when a cop shoots to stop this threat....which could end up getting him shot or killed if he loses.....the libs riot and demand the cop be jailed.

So.....what should academies teach?
We should give police jetpacks. And lazer guns.

Ah. As suspected liberals offer nothing.
I see no liberals have made a suggestion on how to handle these situations so that no one is shot, and no riots ensue.

Sure....we could say "thugs should stop taking cops guns". Never gonna happen.
And....we could say cops need more intensive hand to hand training. But that's too militarized. AND would require higher standards and that's racist.

So....libs....any suggestions?
Give police unlimited power.

Well....despite the liberals desire to have unchecked government power....that's a terrible idea.

Now.....libs....when a thug is trying to take a cops gun what should he do? We've seen the past few days a cop shot with his own gun. Another beaten unconcious with his own gun....and the thug luckily chose not to kill him.

BUT....when a cop shoots to stop this threat....which could end up getting him shot or killed if he loses.....the libs riot and demand the cop be jailed.

So.....what should academies teach?
We should give police jetpacks. And lazer guns.

Ah. As suspected liberals offer nothing.
We should arm them in aerial mecha suits, where they can rain down missiles on us from the sky! So badazz!
I see no liberals have made a suggestion on how to handle these situations so that no one is shot, and no riots ensue.

Sure....we could say "thugs should stop taking cops guns". Never gonna happen.
And....we could say cops need more intensive hand to hand training. But that's too militarized. AND would require higher standards and that's racist.

So....libs....any suggestions?
Give police unlimited power.
More retarded stuff from the chief retard on this board.
I see no liberals have made a suggestion on how to handle these situations so that no one is shot, and no riots ensue.

Sure....we could say "thugs should stop taking cops guns". Never gonna happen.
And....we could say cops need more intensive hand to hand training. But that's too militarized. AND would require higher standards and that's racist.

So....libs....any suggestions?
Give police unlimited power.

Well....despite the liberals desire to have unchecked government power....that's a terrible idea.

Now.....libs....when a thug is trying to take a cops gun what should he do? We've seen the past few days a cop shot with his own gun. Another beaten unconcious with his own gun....and the thug luckily chose not to kill him.

BUT....when a cop shoots to stop this threat....which could end up getting him shot or killed if he loses.....the libs riot and demand the cop be jailed.

So.....what should academies teach?
We should give police jetpacks. And lazer guns.

Ah. As suspected liberals offer nothing.
We should arm them in aerial mecha suits, where they can rain down missiles on us from the sky! So badazz!
Stupid is strong with this idiot.
This is why cops should kill any person who struggles. Go ahead and put cameras on the cops, but if anyone struggles they lose their life. Its not fair to ask police officers to fight to the death with their bare hands.
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It's a question that has dumbfounded liberals. On one's clear from past incidents that when a thug is trying to take a cops gun....if he wins....the cops life is in absolute danger. On the other hand....if the cop shoots the thug to be sure he never gets that gun and possibly kills the cop....liberals protest and riot and demand the cop be jailed.

So when asked "What should cops be trained to do with a man is fighting him and begins trying to get the gun?"....liberals respond with silence or deflection.
Well....this is precisely why Wilson was cleared. If you go for a cops gun....he is justified on shooting you. Because if you win...and get the gun...he could be shot and dead. It's simple. Liberals just won't accept it.
What exactly to you mean by "Liberals?"

I know people whom I believe fit into the politically liberal category but whom I am certain do not believe Ptl. Wilson's killing of Michael Brown was avoidable or improper. It seems those who tenaciously insist, in spite of evidence to the contrary, that Brown was an innocent "kid" who was murdered by Wilson are those affected by a condition known to the behavioral profession as delusional psychopathy.

The only individual in this forum who appears to inhabit that category is JoeB. That's only one. There might be a few more whom I'm not aware of but the percentage remains very small in comparison with those who have examined the established facts and are convinced that "Big Mike" Brown was an assaultive, violence-prone bully with an exaggerated sense of his own physical power and that he provoked what happened to him.
Well....this is precisely why Wilson was cleared. If you go for a cops gun....he is justified on shooting you. Because if you win...and get the gun...he could be shot and dead. It's simple. Liberals just won't accept it.
What exactly to you mean by "Liberals?"

I know people whom I believe fit into the politically liberal category but whom I am certain do not believe Ptl. Wilson's killing of Michael Brown was avoidable or improper. It seems those who tenaciously insist, in spite of evidence to the contrary, that Brown was an innocent "kid" who was murdered by Wilson are those affected by a condition known to the behavioral profession as delusional psychopathy.

The only individual in this forum who appears to inhabit that category is JoeB. That's only one. There might be a few more whom I'm not aware of but the percentage remains very small in comparison with those who have examined the established facts and are convinced that "Big Mike" Brown was an assaultive, violence-prone bully with an exaggerated sense of his own physical power and that he provoked what happened to him.

Almost all left wingers have jumped fully on board the anti cop movement. They chanted for dead cops. Justified attacks on cops. Celebrated jailed cops. For most of them....the ONLY justice in any cop shooting is for the officer to be jailed at a minimum.

And as usual....they don't offer anything of substance to the question posed on this thread.

Yes Joe is delusional. You can add DontTazeMeBro, ClosedCaption, Ravi, OldSchool, Asclepias,'s a long list of cop haters on here. One is even a moderator...and he's the biggest cop hater on the board.
I've seen posts by all the cop haters today....yet they conveniently missed the question on this one.

This is their chance to enlighten us on police tactics. How should police academies teach cops to defend these scenarios.....where a thug is going for the gun....and obviously if he gets it will shoot the cop?
This is why cops should kill any person who struggles. Go ahead and put cameras on the cops, but if anyone struggles they lose their life. Its not fair to ask police officers to fight to the death with their bare hands.

I see no liberals have made a suggestion on how to handle these situations so that no one is shot, and no riots ensue.

Sure....we could say "thugs should stop taking cops guns". Never gonna happen.
And....we could say cops need more intensive hand to hand training. But that's too militarized. AND would require higher standards and that's racist.

So....libs....any suggestions?
Give police unlimited power.

Well....despite the liberals desire to have unchecked government power....that's a terrible idea.

Now.....libs....when a thug is trying to take a cops gun what should he do? We've seen the past few days a cop shot with his own gun. Another beaten unconcious with his own gun....and the thug luckily chose not to kill him.

BUT....when a cop shoots to stop this threat....which could end up getting him shot or killed if he loses.....the libs riot and demand the cop be jailed.

So.....what should academies teach?
We should give police jetpacks. And lazer guns.

Ah. As suspected liberals offer nothing.
We should arm them in aerial mecha suits, where they can rain down missiles on us from the sky! So badazz!

Voltron Lions would be better. Their fast and they can chew and rip people if suspected of possibly being violent sometime in the future
Cops are still being taught the old O'Neill method of close-quarters combat while the world has moved far past that. Time for Krav Maga and Brazilian jiu-jitsu instruction....a cop should never lose a street fight...never.

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