Thugs celebrate thugs

Bench them without pay.
Why? For holding their hands up? How sad to be afraid or offended by that.
For telling children it's ok to be a thug.
Holding your hands up and saying "don't shoot" = thug. Since when?

except he did no such thing.
Yes he did. Even 2 white guys testified to that.
It never happened that way. not even form the thugs convenient store strong armed robbery accomplice
I wonder what the NFL would have done if the fans that did not agree with these 5 men had stood up and walked out of the stadium throwing there ticket stubs at the gate as they left. Would anyone doubt these five would have been fined and be on TV apologizing for there ignorance of the truth? The NFL will not punish these individuals because nobody that buys tickets to watch them would stop. What if companies would pull there ads from televising any games that the St Louis team played in? You know something would be done.
You have to look at where they played. other cities might not have those warm fuzzy feelings, and might just walk out.
Milkweed is telling a half truth here. Yes , white men are more likely to use a prostitute than black men are, because as usual black men in general would rather steal something (rape in this case) than purchase it. FOUR times as many rapists per 100K than whites.
Not only are white guys far more likely to use a prostitute but the ones they use are Black. You rape women more than Black men. You just dont rape Black women because of the impending ass kicking you would get.
Facts say you are a liar.
Bench them without pay.
Why? For holding their hands up? How sad to be afraid or offended by that.
For telling children it's ok to be a thug.
Holding your hands up and saying "don't shoot" = thug. Since when?

except he did no such thing.
Yes he did. Even 2 white guys testified to that.
Milkweed is telling a half truth here. Yes , white men are more likely to use a prostitute than black men are, because as usual black men in general would rather steal something (rape in this case) than purchase it. FOUR times as many rapists per 100K than whites.
But we don't want to mention the fact that white men commit double the number of rapes as black men per year.

So white guys aren't only paying prostitutes, they are raping women also.

At double the rate of Black men annually.

You're , as usual, full of shit.

Or just stupid , and don't know how math works.

Probably a little of both.

Forcible rape 13,886 9,027 4,512 183 164 100.0 65.0 32.5 1.3 1.2

FBI mdash Table 43

So, let's recap.

The group that represents 7% of the population (black males) committed 50% of the rapes, while the group that represents 30% of the population (white males) also committed 50% of the rapes. As I said, black males rape FOUR times as often as white males.

Which is completely different than you trying to claim that TOTAL rapes mean shit.

Something is wrong when you can choose to either get rid of 7% of the population or 30% of the population and in either case the crime rate would drop exactly the same.
As usual your are so full of shit that you can't fucking count whole numbers or even add them...typical.

Chart shows Forcible Rapes:
White Rapist 9,027
Black Rapist 4,512


Less than half the number of white rapists...

So as usual, whites in this country commit more crime in every measured category save one...must be genetic.
Whites are criminals.
The NFL is populated by predominantly negros.
Virtually all the people who do the 'thinking, on and off the field are White.
Name one team owned by a negro.
Whites basically pay to watch big negroes commit acts of savagery on each other.
These 'players' don't have a combined IQ of a slice of Wonder Bread.
When they are too crippled mentally and physically to play they are discarded.
Who in their right mind would ever imagine a NFL populated exclusively by Whites that would remotely resemble what today's NFL looks like?
But b/c it's the negroes who are killing themselves on and off the field no one gives a shit.
Why? For holding their hands up? How sad to be afraid or offended by that.
For telling children it's ok to be a thug.
Holding your hands up and saying "don't shoot" = thug. Since when?

except he did no such thing.
Yes he did. Even 2 white guys testified to that.
It never happened that way. not even form the thugs convenient store strong armed robbery accomplice
Your wrong. Thats exactly how it happened.
Milkweed is telling a half truth here. Yes , white men are more likely to use a prostitute than black men are, because as usual black men in general would rather steal something (rape in this case) than purchase it. FOUR times as many rapists per 100K than whites.
Not only are white guys far more likely to use a prostitute but the ones they use are Black. You rape women more than Black men. You just dont rape Black women because of the impending ass kicking you would get.
Facts say you are a liar.
Show me the facts.
Why? For holding their hands up? How sad to be afraid or offended by that.
For telling children it's ok to be a thug.
Holding your hands up and saying "don't shoot" = thug. Since when?

except he did no such thing.
Yes he did. Even 2 white guys testified to that.
Yes we know you are a liar.
The NFL is populated by predominantly negros.
Virtually all the people who do the 'thinking, on and off the field are White.
Name one team owned by a negro.
Whites basically pay to watch big negroes commit acts of savagery on each other.
These 'players' don't have a combined IQ of a slice of Wonder Bread.
When they are too crippled mentally and physically to play they are discarded.
Who in their right mind would ever imagine a NFL populated exclusively by Whites that would remotely resemble what today's NFL looks like?
But b/c it's the negroes who are killing themselves on and off the field no one gives a shit.
One problem with your theory is the NFL has white guys in it. Did you forget that? How would the NFL have a Black owner if the private club doesn't allow Blacks to be members?
A rapist wouldnt want to deal with the ass beating. White men are Black hookers biggest customers. Look it up.
Nope, men will rarely get beat up by a woman, even by your apish women. Making shit up that we all know isnt true is pretty pathetic. Try again loser.

Rapists wont even touch black women. That says A LOT!
Usually white rapist won't rape black woman for the same reason they rape in the first place.

Now I understand how stupid you are so I won't get very technical.

Rape is about power and not sexual attraction.

Why would a weak, pale, shrimp dick guy try to rape a woman that intimidates him because she isn't afraid of him.

You seem to want to tell folks something...
There is no amount of spin you can put on that shocking statistic. Not even rapists will touch your awful women.
No spin needed. White boys are simply easy to intimidated.
I intimidate everybody, I'm an equal opportunity intimidator
Nope, men will rarely get beat up by a woman, even by your apish women. Making shit up that we all know isnt true is pretty pathetic. Try again loser.

Rapists wont even touch black women. That says A LOT!
Usually white rapist won't rape black woman for the same reason they rape in the first place.

Now I understand how stupid you are so I won't get very technical.

Rape is about power and not sexual attraction.

Why would a weak, pale, shrimp dick guy try to rape a woman that intimidates him because she isn't afraid of him.

You seem to want to tell folks something...
There is no amount of spin you can put on that shocking statistic. Not even rapists will touch your awful women.
No spin needed. White boys are simply easy to intimidated.
I intimidate everybody, I'm an equal opportunity intimidator
laugh if you feel like it but its true.
Usually white rapist won't rape black woman for the same reason they rape in the first place.

Now I understand how stupid you are so I won't get very technical.

Rape is about power and not sexual attraction.

Why would a weak, pale, shrimp dick guy try to rape a woman that intimidates him because she isn't afraid of him.

You seem to want to tell folks something...
There is no amount of spin you can put on that shocking statistic. Not even rapists will touch your awful women.
No spin needed. White boys are simply easy to intimidated.
I intimidate everybody, I'm an equal opportunity intimidator
laugh if you feel like it but its true.
The NFL is populated by predominantly negros.
Virtually all the people who do the 'thinking, on and off the field are White.
Name one team owned by a negro.
Whites basically pay to watch big negroes commit acts of savagery on each other.
These 'players' don't have a combined IQ of a slice of Wonder Bread.
When they are too crippled mentally and physically to play they are discarded.
Who in their right mind would ever imagine a NFL populated exclusively by Whites that would remotely resemble what today's NFL looks like?
But b/c it's the negroes who are killing themselves on and off the field no one gives a shit.
One problem with your theory is the NFL has white guys in it. Did you forget that? How would the NFL have a Black owner if the private club doesn't allow Blacks to be members?
Why would you stand in the way of a train wreck???...if you let that idiot type more than two sentences he'll make himself look as stupid as he did in his prior post.
These guys deserve a medal. Hands up! Thuglife.
For likely violating terms of a contract?

Sorry. They need the Black guys or no one would watch.

NFL Won t Discipline Rams Players for Hands Up Don t Shoot Gesture - TIME

Bench them without pay.
Why? For holding their hands up? How sad to be afraid or offended by that.

Yet you were so afraid and offended by this that you had to make an entire thread about it. lol


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