Tickets for trump's Waco rally. His niece says get them now.

Tickets are required for trump's Waco rally Saturday. His niece, who is no fan of his, is encouraging everybody who doesn't support that orange fool to sign up for tickets, and then not attend. If you have 2 tickets, that's 2 MAGAs that can't attend. Tickets are available at the site below. Sounds like a fun thing to do for future ralley's too.

What a way to celebrate the anniversary of the murder of dozens of Americans by the Clintons


That's called TDS. You must get tickets to an event you will not attend in order to support your delusion that Orange Man Bad.

The fact that Trump has such massive support from the American people is so intolerable to you that you must fool yourself into believing it's not true.

You're not fooling anybody but yourself, you stupid TDS afflicted moron.
If he had massive support, he wouldn't have gotten his ass kicked so bad.
Interesting that to get people to show up at shitter in chief Joe Biden rally, you have to pay the people to show up. I remember when Joe had 6 circles and those were filled with 1 person each. Talk about a rally.......
And he still beat trump by millions of votes. Imagine how much worse it would have been for trump if Biden had big ralleys.
Tickets are required for trump's Waco rally Saturday. His niece, who is no fan of his, is encouraging everybody who doesn't support that orange fool to sign up for tickets, and then not attend. If you have 2 tickets, that's 2 MAGAs that can't attend. Tickets are available at the site below. Sounds like a fun thing to do for future ralley's too.

And the reason she's doing it is because he's not a draw or a fucking popular all.

No one goes to Trump rallies.

So buy up all the tickets now....before tons of people we don't like attend.

Otherwise you're some sort of Insurrectionist racist transphobic serial killer.

Way to admit he's still the Force without admitting he's still the Force.

The Left makes me laugh.

Watch Trump's uninterrupted rally in Waco tomorrow on Newsmax OR at 4pm ET Saturday. He will be on virtual :FIREdevil:.

If he had massive support, he wouldn't have gotten his ass kicked so bad.
When after 2am, the big steal happened because the Marxists brought out suitcases full of biden ballots and ran them through over and over, yeah, even a racist (who called black kids roaches) Joe Biden can be carried across the finish line, even by more votes than Barrack Hussain Obama ever did. Can you imagine that, all those black folks voted for the guy who in 1900s called black men "Predators".
Tickets are required for trump's Waco rally Saturday. His niece, who is no fan of his, is encouraging everybody who doesn't support that orange fool to sign up for tickets, and then not attend. If you have 2 tickets, that's 2 MAGAs that can't attend. Tickets are available at the site below. Sounds like a fun thing to do for future ralley's too.

It's hillarious that Dems must always rely on lame dirty tricks like this, or violent riots.

This one won't work, Democrats are way to lazy to do this en masse. How will they even remember the date on their calendar? Not like they are used to keeping a regular schedule. Who needs to, when you're a federal employee who can "telework," and get paid just like you were showing up to work every day, or a student loan welfare dolee who takes the minimum twelve hours online?

Your energy would better be spent going to Biden rallies, if you can call them that. Obviously, he won't be filling any football stadiums. But, there must be some San Francisco velodrome that he could partially fill.
We already did.
When after 2am, the big steal happened because the Marxists brought out suitcases full of biden ballots and ran them through over and over, yeah, even a racist (who called black kids roaches) Joe Biden can be carried across the finish line, even by more votes than Barrack Hussain Obama ever did. Can you imagine that, all those black folks voted for the guy who in 1900s called black men "Predators".
Yes, we have all heard your story, along with all the others. It would be better if you had even the slightest credible evidence that any of that actually happened.
It's hillarious that Dems must always rely on lame dirty tricks like this, or violent riots.

This one won't work, Democrats are way to lazy to do this en masse. How will they even remember the date on their calendar? Not like they are used to keeping a regular schedule. Who needs to, when you're a federal employee who can "telework," and get paid just like you were showing up to work every day, or a student loan welfare dolee who takes the minimum twelve hours online?

Your energy would better be spent going to Biden rallies, if you can call them that. Obviously, he won't be filling any football stadiums. But, there must be some San Francisco velodrome that he could partially fill.
Not a problem. Biden already got millions more votes than anybody ever.

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