Tim Cook is gay

false! posing as being opposed to something when it's a high probability that you are the thing you claim you're opposed to is dishonest.. and chicken shit

"High probability?"


You think you can intimidate with your demagoguery, and naturally you use what you think is the most vile insult - you call us "fags."

I just laugh at you hacks, bumbling fools and bigots that you are.
false! you can criticize gay's in the same way you would "straight" people .the difference is you want to do it with impunity ...just like the good old days..


You mean without you party hacks shrieking "fag?"

I get it duhs, you try to intimidate your hated enemies by calling them queers because that is the worst insult you can think of!
false! that you guys thing.
not "OURS you do it because you haven't got the grey matter to do anything else...
the same day you do...

Seriously, he WILL come out after the midterms. It may be in a week, 6 months, or a year - but he will do it. All the social engineering to promote homosexuality has been leading to it.
wow I didn't know frank was that big in the lbgt community.
as to Obama being gay, you asshats wish that just like you wish he was Kenyan. Both are bullshit . since lynching is out of fashion and illegal it'd the best you can do!
false! posing as being opposed to something when it's a high probability that you are the thing you claim you're opposed to is dishonest.. and chicken shit

"High probability?"


You think you can intimidate with your demagoguery, and naturally you use what you think is the most vile insult - you call us "fags."

I just laugh at you hacks, bumbling fools and bigots that you are.
really? have you noticed how many time you've used the word fag or faggot in this thread ?
wow I didn't know frank was that big in the lbgt community.
as to Obama being gay, you asshats wish that just like you wish he was Kenyan. Both are bullshit . since lynching is out of fashion and illegal it'd the best you can do!

Actually hack, if you look back to 2008, my biggest objection to Obama was that he is gay. I said repeatedly that his being black had no bearing on anything, but his being a homosexual would be a disaster for this nation - which it has been,
false! that you guys thing.
not "OURS you do it because you haven't got the grey matter to do anything else...


Must explain why you hacks accuse anyone opposed to preferential treatment of homosexuals of being queer!

I get it, it's the worst insult you can think of.
false! that you guys thing.
not "OURS you do it because you haven't got the grey matter to do anything else..me

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Yep, I figured as much.
wow I didn't know frank was that big in the lbgt community.
as to Obama being gay, you asshats wish that just like you wish he was Kenyan. Both are bullshit . since lynching is out of fashion and illegal it'd the best you can do!

Actually hack, if you look back to 2008, my biggest objection to Obama was that he is gay. I said repeatedly that his being black had no bearing on anything, but his being a homosexual would be a disaster for this nation - which it has been,
lol...lol....since he's not gay that makes you blatant homophobia even more hilarious...
but then again sometimes I forget you're a conspiracy nutsack.
really? have you noticed how many time you've used the word fag or faggot in this thread ?

Every time you or the other hacks accuse someone.

I know, the hate sites told you this was a guaranteed way to shut the opposition down - you can't grasp why it isn't working...
what hate sites? your fevered brain is in overdrive...
I don't and never have needed a "site" to know how to handle paranoid nuttjobbery as rabid as yours

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