Tim Cook is gay

If a man also lie with mankind, as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. All homosexuals will burn in hell!
So, Christianity says the same thing that Islam does.
these folks seem to forget Jesus lived with 12 guys and wasn't saint john supposed to be beautiful?

Only recently would that raise a few eyebrows, but you have to think in terms of ancient Palestine. Sex of any kind outside of marriage was extremely taboo back then.
So what's next in his product line.... an "iGay" with an Elton John glitter app?
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. All homosexuals will burn in hell!
So, Christianity says the same thing that Islam does.
these folks seem to forget Jesus lived with 12 guys and wasn't saint john supposed to be beautiful?

Only recently would that raise a few eyebrows, but you have to think in terms of ancient Palestine. Sex of any kind outside of marriage was extremely taboo back then.
yeah, but like now people did it anyway..
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. All homosexuals will burn in hell!
So, Christianity says the same thing that Islam does.
these folks seem to forget Jesus lived with 12 guys and wasn't saint john supposed to be beautiful?

Only recently would that raise a few eyebrows, but you have to think in terms of ancient Palestine. Sex of any kind outside of marriage was extremely taboo back then.
yeah, but like now people did it anyway..

And that proves nothing.
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. All homosexuals will burn in hell!
So, Christianity says the same thing that Islam does.
these folks seem to forget Jesus lived with 12 guys and wasn't saint john supposed to be beautiful?

Only recently would that raise a few eyebrows, but you have to think in terms of ancient Palestine. Sex of any kind outside of marriage was extremely taboo back then.
yeah, but like now people did it anyway..

And that proves nothing.
sure it does ...if you can't see that ,not my problem.
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. All homosexuals will burn in hell!
So, Christianity says the same thing that Islam does.

Well, actually, no, Political Junky . TrueMan fucked up pretty bad, but I am pretty sure he is too stupid to even know which point he missed. Plus, the verses from the Tanakh are usually very badly translated from Ivrit into other languages.

And you know, it's always the ones who scream the loudest who usually end up taking it up the ass in a dark alleyway somewhere... so, who knows, TrueMan .... something you wanna admit?
Well, actually, no, Political Junky . TrueMan fucked up pretty bad, but I am pretty sure he is too stupid to even know which point he missed. Plus, the verses from the Tanakh are usually very badly translated from Ivrit into other languages.

And you know, it's always the ones who scream the loudest who usually end up taking it up the ass in a dark alleyway somewhere... so, who knows, TrueMan .... something you wanna admit?

Exactly Statist;

Women who oppose rape the loudest are actually rapists themselves. Those who oppose murder most stringently are themselves murderers...

OR it could be that you're just a fucking demagogue using slander and libel to silence critics of your sacred cow...

I'm going with answer #2

Well, actually, no, Political Junky . TrueMan fucked up pretty bad, but I am pretty sure he is too stupid to even know which point he missed. Plus, the verses from the Tanakh are usually very badly translated from Ivrit into other languages.

And you know, it's always the ones who scream the loudest who usually end up taking it up the ass in a dark alleyway somewhere... so, who knows, TrueMan .... something you wanna admit?

Exactly Statist;

Women who oppose rape the loudest are actually rapists themselves. Those who oppose murder most stringently are themselves murderers...

OR it could be that you're just a fucking demagogue using slander and libel to silence critics of your sacred cow...

I'm going with answer #2


Actually, I provided some factual input. You didn't - as usual.

Well, that was interesting, but predicated on the idea that I would actually give a flying fuck what you think, which I don't.

Have a nice day. Oh, and go fuck off, you cumslurping worm.
Well, actually, no, Political Junky . TrueMan fucked up pretty bad, but I am pretty sure he is too stupid to even know which point he missed. Plus, the verses from the Tanakh are usually very badly translated from Ivrit into other languages.

And you know, it's always the ones who scream the loudest who usually end up taking it up the ass in a dark alleyway somewhere... so, who knows, TrueMan .... something you wanna admit?

Exactly Statist;

Women who oppose rape the loudest are actually rapists themselves. Those who oppose murder most stringently are themselves murderers...

OR it could be that you're just a fucking demagogue using slander and libel to silence critics of your sacred cow...

I'm going with answer #2


Actually, I provided some factual input. You didn't - as usual.

Well, that was interesting, but predicated on the idea that I would actually give a flying fuck what you think, which I don't.

Have a nice day. Oh, and go fuck off, you cumslurping worm.

Actually, I provided some factual input. You didn't - as usual.

Actually, you spewed idiotic horseshit. You started attacking the speaker with ad hom in hopes of cowing them from opposing or criticizing homosexuality. The game you little Goebbels love to play is "if you dare criticize the homosexuals, we'll call you a fag."

Yeah, it's pretty slimy, but hey, you're democrats...

Well, that was interesting, but predicated on the idea that I would actually give a flying fuck what you think, which I don't.

Have a nice day. Oh, and go fuck off, you cumslurping worm.

Oh look, the Statist thug called me a fag - kind of a one trick demagogue, ornja sploogy?

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