Tim Kaine calls Trump a HOLOCAUST DENIER.

That his how modern Holocaust deniers talk, like Mel Gibson, "A lot of people died during WWII and some of them were Jews", etc. etc. That combined with his railing about "international bankers", it isn't really a stretch to piece together some not so thinly coded anti-Semitism.
Yes...suffering has a different valuation for different people. And the ovens were HUGE. Where is my country at since my relatives suffered as a result of WWII?
Trump hates Jews but we need Israel on our side to fight terrorism. He is such a fool or hating Jews
that's why his jewish son in law is working with him. You all are nothing but fking fools. hilarious shit.

Southern racists had lots of blacks working for them...

...before the Civil War.
If the holocaust was true, we'd be allowed to challenge it. What are the jews afraid we'll find out?

Tim Kaine Accuses Donald Trump of Holocaust Denial - Breitbart

jan 29 2017 Kaine based his argument on the complaint that Trump’s statement on International Holocaust Remembrance Day did not specifically mention Jews. He also took a swipe a Breitbart News.

He said:

I think all of these things are happening together. When you have the chief political adviser in the white House, Steve Bannon who is connected with a news organization that traffics in white supremacy and antisemitism [sic] and they put out a Holocaust statement that omits any mention of Jews. Remember, remember earlier administrations have done these statements and the first thing you do is you pull up what earlier statements have said and the earlier staples, president Obama, and President Bush with the slaughter of Jews and the final solution was about the slaughter of Jews. We have to remember this. This is what Holocaust denial is. It’s either to deny that it happened or many Holocaust deniers acknowledge oh, yeah, people were killed and it was a lot of innocent people, Jews weren’t targeted and the fact that they did that and imposed this religious test on Muslims in the executive orders on the same day is not a coincidence.
Trump hates Jews but we need Israel on our side to fight terrorism. He is such a fool or hating Jews
that's why his jewish son in law is working with him. You all are nothing but fking fools. hilarious shit.

Southern racists had lots of blacks working for them...

...before the Civil War.
and those democrats now converted their hate to inner cities to keep the blacks down.
If Sen. Kaine wants to site a Holocaust Denier, he need look no further than the regime in Iran.
I'm just saying. His hair looks like cotton candy made from piss. It doesn't need any further clarification

1. Do you hate all White people or just those with blonde hair?
2. Do you like Afro "hair?"
3. Does Afro "hair" vary from your pubes in terms of color and texture?
Trump hates Jews but we need Israel on our side to fight terrorism. He is such a fool or hating Jews
that's why his jewish son in law is working with him. You all are nothing but fking fools. hilarious shit.

Southern racists had lots of blacks working for them...

...before the Civil War.
and those democrats now converted their hate to inner cities to keep the blacks down.
pot calls kettle black
Israel actually prefers Donald Trump over Barack Hussein Obama. He really dismantled relations with Israel. Trump actually gets on pretty well with Netanyahu. Relations are expected to immediately improve. So Kaine's rant is beyond absurd. It's insane. He should just shut up and go away now.

Poll: Israelis strongly favor Clinton over Trump - CNNPolitics.com

The Alternative facts are becoming harder to come by...

Trump will immediately clean up Obama's mess. Relations with Israel will improve. Kaine is a despicable liar. He has no evidence whatsoever proving Trump is Anti-Semitic. So he can go to hell.
They just did an "All lives matter" on the Holocaust remembrance day. How's that taste?
If the holocaust was true, we'd be allowed to challenge it. What are the jews afraid we'll find out?

Tim Kaine Accuses Donald Trump of Holocaust Denial - Breitbart

jan 29 2017 Kaine based his argument on the complaint that Trump’s statement on International Holocaust Remembrance Day did not specifically mention Jews. He also took a swipe a Breitbart News.

He said:

I think all of these things are happening together. When you have the chief political adviser in the white House, Steve Bannon who is connected with a news organization that traffics in white supremacy and antisemitism [sic] and they put out a Holocaust statement that omits any mention of Jews. Remember, remember earlier administrations have done these statements and the first thing you do is you pull up what earlier statements have said and the earlier staples, president Obama, and President Bush with the slaughter of Jews and the final solution was about the slaughter of Jews. We have to remember this. This is what Holocaust denial is. It’s either to deny that it happened or many Holocaust deniers acknowledge oh, yeah, people were killed and it was a lot of innocent people, Jews weren’t targeted and the fact that they did that and imposed this religious test on Muslims in the executive orders on the same day is not a coincidence.
Who cares about CREEP Tim Kaine. He is a failure and a LOSER like Hillary.
If the holocaust was true, we'd be allowed to challenge it. What are the jews afraid we'll find out?

Tim Kaine Accuses Donald Trump of Holocaust Denial - Breitbart

jan 29 2017 Kaine based his argument on the complaint that Trump’s statement on International Holocaust Remembrance Day did not specifically mention Jews. He also took a swipe a Breitbart News.

He said:

I think all of these things are happening together. When you have the chief political adviser in the white House, Steve Bannon who is connected with a news organization that traffics in white supremacy and antisemitism [sic] and they put out a Holocaust statement that omits any mention of Jews. Remember, remember earlier administrations have done these statements and the first thing you do is you pull up what earlier statements have said and the earlier staples, president Obama, and President Bush with the slaughter of Jews and the final solution was about the slaughter of Jews. We have to remember this. This is what Holocaust denial is. It’s either to deny that it happened or many Holocaust deniers acknowledge oh, yeah, people were killed and it was a lot of innocent people, Jews weren’t targeted and the fact that they did that and imposed this religious test on Muslims in the executive orders on the same day is not a coincidence.
It this type of garbage, put forth by simpletons, that results in liberals getting their asses kicked across the country. Keep it up with this crap. Libs can circle jerk each other into oblivion.

Trump is the one that overcame liberal racists, to allow blacks and Jews into his country club.
Of course he denies Jews were killed in the holocaust -- he doesn't want to piss off his base ... KKKers and other white supremacists.

If whites are not supreme then explain why

1. all the advanced countries are in europe and north america

2. all the backward countries are in africa
If the holocaust was true, we'd be allowed to challenge it. What are the jews afraid we'll find out?

Tim Kaine Accuses Donald Trump of Holocaust Denial - Breitbart

jan 29 2017 Kaine based his argument on the complaint that Trump’s statement on International Holocaust Remembrance Day did not specifically mention Jews. He also took a swipe a Breitbart News.

He said:

I think all of these things are happening together. When you have the chief political adviser in the white House, Steve Bannon who is connected with a news organization that traffics in white supremacy and antisemitism [sic] and they put out a Holocaust statement that omits any mention of Jews. Remember, remember earlier administrations have done these statements and the first thing you do is you pull up what earlier statements have said and the earlier staples, president Obama, and President Bush with the slaughter of Jews and the final solution was about the slaughter of Jews. We have to remember this. This is what Holocaust denial is. It’s either to deny that it happened or many Holocaust deniers acknowledge oh, yeah, people were killed and it was a lot of innocent people, Jews weren’t targeted and the fact that they did that and imposed this religious test on Muslims in the executive orders on the same day is not a coincidence.

Holocaust denier indeed

Jewish National Fund Tree of Life Award - Wikipedia

The Tree of Life Award is the highest humanitarian award the Jewish National Fund presents to one individual or family each year in appreciation of their outstanding community involvement, their dedication to the cause of American-Israeli friendship, and their devotion to peace and the security of human life. The award recognizes leaders of achievements and innovations in industry, government and education. Past awardees have included individuals who have made diverse contributions from Isaac Stern, to Arthur G. Cohen, Donald Trump and Susan Polgar. Past presenters of the award have included Margaret Thatcherand Shimon Peres.
Of course he denies Jews were killed in the holocaust -- he doesn't want to piss off his base ... KKKers and other white supremacists.

If whites are not supreme then explain why

1. all the advanced countries are in europe and north america

2. all the backward countries are in africa
Why are the most backwards states, red states?
Of course he denies Jews were killed in the holocaust -- he doesn't want to piss off his base ... KKKers and other white supremacists.

If whites are not supreme then explain why

1. all the advanced countries are in europe and north america

2. all the backward countries are in africa
Why are the most backwards states, red states?
What do you call all these red counties nationwide?

Of course he denies Jews were killed in the holocaust -- he doesn't want to piss off his base ... KKKers and other white supremacists.

If whites are not supreme then explain why

1. all the advanced countries are in europe and north america

2. all the backward countries are in africa
Why are the most backwards states, red states?
What do you call all these red counties nationwide?

Mostly, dirt. Still, our most backwards states are red states. The poorest... the dumbest... the least educated.... red. Why is that?

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