Tim Scott Does Not Speak For Black People

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When Colin Powell spoke his mind, he became a rino. So shut the hell up with that stupid shit. Scott is a stooge for white supremacy and thats why blacks criticize him. Of course you racists love it because he's helping you.
I respect Powell shit for brains. Just keep on being the mouth piece for the white libs against any black person that doesn't toe the Democratic party line. Maybe you'll get a nice pat on the head.
Black man not acting the way you expect, got it.
No, that's not it. Why in the fuck can white conservatuves criticize white liberals but blacks are supposed to like every black person even if what they stand for isn't good for us?
No, that's not it. Why in the fuck can white conservatuves criticize white liberals but blacks are supposed to like every black person even if what they stand for isn't good for us?
Because when you criticize other blacks it’s because of ideology not anything genuine. It’s “lapdog” behavior.
I respect Powell shit for brains. Just keep on being the mouth piece for the white libs against any black person that doesn't toe the Democratic party line. Maybe you'll get a nice pat on the head.
Fuck you. Tim Scott is the mouthpeice for white supremacists. He's the one looking for a pat on the head. I bet you didn't respect Powell when he endorsed Obama twice. He was certainly not doing what the White republican masters wanted him to. And what happened to Michael Steele when he told Limbaugh to shut the fuck up? Black Republicans have zero freedom, that's a fact.
Whites like you need to shut the fuck up with this bullshit. Whites have been lifted up by the government more than anyobody else here and you guys are crying that MAGA shit because you want to go back to where the government gave everything only to whites.
^^^ Old white homo is triggered again.
Because when you criticize other blacks it’s because of ideology not anything genuine. It’s “lapdog” behavior.
Bullshit. Scott is disliked because he support s policies that destroy everthing blacks have fought to get. Same with Uncle Clarence. You guys only support blacks like them because of YOUR ideology. Your party only supports people of color who deny that white raciism is a problem. And you do that while you support whites who want remove policies that stopped white racsm from getting worse.
Bullshit. Scott is disliked because he support s policies that destroy everthing blacks have fought to get. Same with Uncle Clarence. You guys only support blacks like them because of YOUR ideology. Your party only supports people of color who deny that white raciism is a problem. And you do that while you support whites who want remove policies that stopped white racsm from getting worse.
You sound angry he made something of himself…Were you against him when he was working with dems on criminal justice reform? No. You only like dumb dems that believe that Guam will tip over if more troops are added to the island…Why? Because they are there to secure more handouts for you.
Tim Scott is a sellout. Not because he's a conservative, but because his ideas are antithetical to black interests. Scott is an idiot. You will not see anyone black here supporting Tim Scott. The ONLY people who will defend him will be the right wing whites in this forum.

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A middle aged white you living in his parents basement pretending to be black on the internet, is calling Tim Scott a sellout? Haha you racist POS

Bullshit. Scott is disliked because he support s policies that destroy everthing blacks have fought to get. Same with Uncle Clarence. You guys only support blacks like them because of YOUR ideology. Your party only supports people of color who deny that white raciism is a problem. And you do that while you support whites who want remove policies that stopped white racsm from getting worse.
White racism is a problem, in particular whita guys pretending to be black
"We" can't see anyone here as "black". A poster can say anything about himself and it can be believed or not, but nothing is known for certain. Therefore, no one speaks for anyone.
Whites have been given and continue getting more free shit than anyone else.
Those who service the poverty complex are the privileged ones. Police, Fire, Schools, DCF, Prisons, Private Contractors involved. Perpetual poverty. Endless generations with children only having one parent and we see the results. And deny it. We let crimes go and it emboldens the children. It is the same in near every place it occurs. So, let's try something else.
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