Tim Scott: Moore Election a Test of Character

“It is pretty clear to me that the best thing that Roy Moore can do for the country is to move on,” Scott told “This Week” co-anchor Martha Raddatz in an exclusive interview Sunday.

“It is time for us to turn the page because it is not about partisan politics,” Scott said. “It is not about electing Republicans versus Democrats. This is about the character of our country. I want to be on the side of right when history writes the story.”

I could not have said it better. Tim Scott is a hero for speaking out. This is a test of character. Roy Moore is a selfish man for putting the people of Alabama through this. Anyone else would have a 20 point lead right now. Mitt Romney was hardly a southern conservative and he got 61% in Alabama. Are Republicans so desperate for power that they will support a pervert? It is time to do the right thing. If Moore is the winner then the Republicans should expel him immediately.

GOP Senator Tim Scott Has Some HARSH Words for Roy Moore

Indeed, do we want to live in a country where people are convicted without evidence like in the 3rd world, or a country that values evidence over baseless accusations by political opponents.

To me the answer is clear, but of course, if you like rats for dinner you may have different opinions.
You wanted to live in a countey where Hillary Clinton was convicted w/o evidence, calling her a crook and demanding she be locked up. But when it is a Repubican who is accused, you start demanding evidence. You show yourself to have a very low character. You bleat one standard for Republicans and scream another for Democrats.

On what planet is there no evidence against Hillary?

What pisses people off is that for the part 30 years despite the evidence of crimes and corruption neither of the Clinton's faces a court of law all because of political connections.

That's not right.

If the Clinton's are innocent then put it the evidence to a grand jury.
That is so much bullshit. You think they are so all powerful they control the entire US justice system including the FBI, CIA, Supreme Court, Senate and House of Representatives? Seriously, you people are numbskulls. You create an alternative reality in your heads to suit what you want to believe. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Neither the supreme court nor house initiate criminal cases.

The FBI is completely corrupted as well as the DoJ. You seriously think Bill Clinton met with Lynch to discuss their grandchildren? While Hillary was being "investigated"? And you seriously believed Comey honestly believed nothing happened when new is literally detailing Hillary's criminal activity to the public and admits the pressure was on him to drop it?

That's just the latest stuff. Not even including the pay for play crap they've been involved in that's public knowledge and yet no one does a thing about.

Or do you seriously think bill and Hilary are such amazing charismatic people that people are willing to pay them millions to speak one speech?
if its a test of moral values RW's don't have any to test.

“It is pretty clear to me that the best thing that Roy Moore can do for the country is to move on,” Scott told “This Week” co-anchor Martha Raddatz in an exclusive interview Sunday.

“It is time for us to turn the page because it is not about partisan politics,” Scott said. “It is not about electing Republicans versus Democrats. This is about the character of our country. I want to be on the side of right when history writes the story.”

I could not have said it better. Tim Scott is a hero for speaking out. This is a test of character. Roy Moore is a selfish man for putting the people of Alabama through this. Anyone else would have a 20 point lead right now. Mitt Romney was hardly a southern conservative and he got 61% in Alabama. Are Republicans so desperate for power that they will support a pervert? It is time to do the right thing. If Moore is the winner then the Republicans should expel him immediately.

GOP Senator Tim Scott Has Some HARSH Words for Roy Moore

Indeed, do we want to live in a country where people are convicted without evidence like in the 3rd world, or a country that values evidence over baseless accusations by political opponents.

To me the answer is clear, but of course, if you like rats for dinner you may have different opinions.

This is a Senate race not a court of law. Character is important. Just because you have no character. You are a corrupt bastard.

If character matter absolutely zero Democrats would er be elected. And a lot fewer Republicans would.

With that said, accusing someone of a vile thing the allegedly did 40 years ago a month before an election doesn't say anything about their character. Especially when the claims are obviously bs
Polling Data
Poll Date Sample MoE Jones (D) Moore (R) Spread
RCP Average 11/9 - 11/20 -- -- 46.8 46.0 Jones +0.8
WBRC-TV/Strategy Research 11/20 - 11/20 3000 LV 2.0 45 47 Moore +2
Gravis 11/14 - 11/15 628 LV 3.5 47 42 Jones +5
FOX News 11/13 - 11/15 649 LV 3.5 50 42 Jones +8
Emerson 11/9 - 11/11 600 LV 3.9 45 55 Moore +10
JMC Analytics* 11/9 - 11/11 575 LV 4.1 48 44 Jones +4
Opinion Savvy 11/9 - 11/9 515 LV 4.3 46 46 Tie
All Alabama Senate Special Election - Moore vs. Jones Polling Data
RealClearPolitics - Election 2017 - Alabama Senate Special Election - Moore vs. Jones

Still a horse race.
Liberals always got polls! Polls from the same sites And companies. Just how reliable are they Ms Clinton?

Actually the pollsters got the popular vote correct. They had Clinton winning the popular vote which is what she did. Also the one who gets the most votes wins. There is no electoral college. Take your ignorant ass and shut up.
“It is pretty clear to me that the best thing that Roy Moore can do for the country is to move on,” Scott told “This Week” co-anchor Martha Raddatz in an exclusive interview Sunday.

“It is time for us to turn the page because it is not about partisan politics,” Scott said. “It is not about electing Republicans versus Democrats. This is about the character of our country. I want to be on the side of right when history writes the story.”

I could not have said it better. Tim Scott is a hero for speaking out. This is a test of character. Roy Moore is a selfish man for putting the people of Alabama through this. Anyone else would have a 20 point lead right now. Mitt Romney was hardly a southern conservative and he got 61% in Alabama. Are Republicans so desperate for power that they will support a pervert? It is time to do the right thing. If Moore is the winner then the Republicans should expel him immediately.

GOP Senator Tim Scott Has Some HARSH Words for Roy Moore

Indeed, do we want to live in a country where people are convicted without evidence like in the 3rd world, or a country that values evidence over baseless accusations by political opponents.

To me the answer is clear, but of course, if you like rats for dinner you may have different opinions.
You wanted to live in a countey where Hillary Clinton was convicted w/o evidence, calling her a crook and demanding she be locked up. But when it is a Repubican who is accused, you start demanding evidence. You show yourself to have a very low character. You bleat one standard for Republicans and scream another for Democrats.

There was no shortage of evidence demonstrating Hillary's guilt.

We are talking about credible evidence not the ravings of crazy people that you listen to. The fact is both Clinton and Trump are corrupt.
“It is pretty clear to me that the best thing that Roy Moore can do for the country is to move on,” Scott told “This Week” co-anchor Martha Raddatz in an exclusive interview Sunday.

“It is time for us to turn the page because it is not about partisan politics,” Scott said. “It is not about electing Republicans versus Democrats. This is about the character of our country. I want to be on the side of right when history writes the story.”

I could not have said it better. Tim Scott is a hero for speaking out. This is a test of character. Roy Moore is a selfish man for putting the people of Alabama through this. Anyone else would have a 20 point lead right now. Mitt Romney was hardly a southern conservative and he got 61% in Alabama. Are Republicans so desperate for power that they will support a pervert? It is time to do the right thing. If Moore is the winner then the Republicans should expel him immediately.

GOP Senator Tim Scott Has Some HARSH Words for Roy Moore

Indeed, do we want to live in a country where people are convicted without evidence like in the 3rd world, or a country that values evidence over baseless accusations by political opponents.

To me the answer is clear, but of course, if you like rats for dinner you may have different opinions.

This is a Senate race not a court of law. Character is important. Just because you have no character. You are a corrupt bastard.

If character matter absolutely zero Democrats would er be elected. And a lot fewer Republicans would.

With that said, accusing someone of a vile thing the allegedly did 40 years ago a month before an election doesn't say anything about their character. Especially when the claims are obviously bs

You are the one who is bullshit. Tell me how a accuser would know that Moore would run for the Senate 40 years after it happened. Obviously the Washington Post heard about the rumors and followed up on it.
“It is pretty clear to me that the best thing that Roy Moore can do for the country is to move on,” Scott told “This Week” co-anchor Martha Raddatz in an exclusive interview Sunday.

“It is time for us to turn the page because it is not about partisan politics,” Scott said. “It is not about electing Republicans versus Democrats. This is about the character of our country. I want to be on the side of right when history writes the story.”

I could not have said it better. Tim Scott is a hero for speaking out. This is a test of character. Roy Moore is a selfish man for putting the people of Alabama through this. Anyone else would have a 20 point lead right now. Mitt Romney was hardly a southern conservative and he got 61% in Alabama. Are Republicans so desperate for power that they will support a pervert? It is time to do the right thing. If Moore is the winner then the Republicans should expel him immediately.

GOP Senator Tim Scott Has Some HARSH Words for Roy Moore

Indeed, do we want to live in a country where people are convicted without evidence like in the 3rd world, or a country that values evidence over baseless accusations by political opponents.

To me the answer is clear, but of course, if you like rats for dinner you may have different opinions.
You wanted to live in a countey where Hillary Clinton was convicted w/o evidence, calling her a crook and demanding she be locked up. But when it is a Repubican who is accused, you start demanding evidence. You show yourself to have a very low character. You bleat one standard for Republicans and scream another for Democrats.

On what planet is there no evidence against Hillary?

What pisses people off is that for the part 30 years despite the evidence of crimes and corruption neither of the Clinton's faces a court of law all because of political connections.

That's not right.

If the Clinton's are innocent then put it the evidence to a grand jury.
That is so much bullshit. You think they are so all powerful they control the entire US justice system including the FBI, CIA, Supreme Court, Senate and House of Representatives? Seriously, you people are numbskulls. You create an alternative reality in your heads to suit what you want to believe. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Neither the supreme court nor house initiate criminal cases.

The FBI is completely corrupted as well as the DoJ. You seriously think Bill Clinton met with Lynch to discuss their grandchildren? While Hillary was being "investigated"? And you seriously believed Comey honestly believed nothing happened when new is literally detailing Hillary's criminal activity to the public and admits the pressure was on him to drop it?

That's just the latest stuff. Not even including the pay for play crap they've been involved in that's public knowledge and yet no one does a thing about.

Or do you seriously think bill and Hilary are such amazing charismatic people that people are willing to pay them millions to speak one speech?
Oh please. Thirty years (30 YEARS) they have been investigated, including by Ken Starr (is he owned by them too?) and the only illegal thing found was that he lied to congress about having an affair (something 99.9% of all the men who have ever lived would do--lie about an affair). No other crimes have ever been found. Have some common sense.
“It is pretty clear to me that the best thing that Roy Moore can do for the country is to move on,” Scott told “This Week” co-anchor Martha Raddatz in an exclusive interview Sunday.

“It is time for us to turn the page because it is not about partisan politics,” Scott said. “It is not about electing Republicans versus Democrats. This is about the character of our country. I want to be on the side of right when history writes the story.”

I could not have said it better. Tim Scott is a hero for speaking out. This is a test of character. Roy Moore is a selfish man for putting the people of Alabama through this. Anyone else would have a 20 point lead right now. Mitt Romney was hardly a southern conservative and he got 61% in Alabama. Are Republicans so desperate for power that they will support a pervert? It is time to do the right thing. If Moore is the winner then the Republicans should expel him immediately.

GOP Senator Tim Scott Has Some HARSH Words for Roy Moore

Indeed, do we want to live in a country where people are convicted without evidence like in the 3rd world, or a country that values evidence over baseless accusations by political opponents.

To me the answer is clear, but of course, if you like rats for dinner you may have different opinions.

This is a Senate race not a court of law. Character is important. Just because you have no character. You are a corrupt bastard.

If character matter absolutely zero Democrats would er be elected. And a lot fewer Republicans would.

With that said, accusing someone of a vile thing the allegedly did 40 years ago a month before an election doesn't say anything about their character. Especially when the claims are obviously bs

You are the one who is bullshit. Tell me how a accuser would know that Moore would run for the Senate 40 years after it happened. Obviously the Washington Post heard about the rumors and followed up on it.

Cause they make up the claim after he starts the senate run. Kind of obvious.

Are we really supposed to believe that Judge Moore met a girl and her mom while they were waiting for a child custody hearing and that knowing they are going into a child custody hearing, that mom leaves her daughter with a strange man she literally just met.

And we are supposed to believe that a 14 year old gave him her phone number. When there were no cell phones. When a poor rural teen with divorced parents wouldn't have her own phone. And that he would call her on her dads phone (who now has custody) and that this southern man would be unaware or would have no problem whatsoever with 30+ year old coming by to court his daughter.

And we are supposed to believe it when she doesn't mention this till a month before a major election decades later despite the fact that this supposedly vile person has been a highly visible public figure for decades. And when she herself says she isn't credible?

On top of that we are supposed to believe we have a sexual abuser who stops assaulting when they say no and is said to be a gentleman. One who, despite the fact that sexual abusers of this type are notorious reoffenders has somehow gone decades without reoffendering.

And we are supposed to believe that this was all common knowledge that he did this to her and other girls despite that for decades in public life not a single solitary political opponent in either party was able to find this common knowledge that everyone knew despite the act that the leaders of both parties oppose him.

No we are all supposed to completely ignore these problems with the claims and toss him overboard without any credible evidence affirming these accusations.

Indeed, do we want to live in a country where people are convicted without evidence like in the 3rd world, or a country that values evidence over baseless accusations by political opponents.

To me the answer is clear, but of course, if you like rats for dinner you may have different opinions.
You wanted to live in a countey where Hillary Clinton was convicted w/o evidence, calling her a crook and demanding she be locked up. But when it is a Repubican who is accused, you start demanding evidence. You show yourself to have a very low character. You bleat one standard for Republicans and scream another for Democrats.

On what planet is there no evidence against Hillary?

What pisses people off is that for the part 30 years despite the evidence of crimes and corruption neither of the Clinton's faces a court of law all because of political connections.

That's not right.

If the Clinton's are innocent then put it the evidence to a grand jury.
That is so much bullshit. You think they are so all powerful they control the entire US justice system including the FBI, CIA, Supreme Court, Senate and House of Representatives? Seriously, you people are numbskulls. You create an alternative reality in your heads to suit what you want to believe. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Neither the supreme court nor house initiate criminal cases.

The FBI is completely corrupted as well as the DoJ. You seriously think Bill Clinton met with Lynch to discuss their grandchildren? While Hillary was being "investigated"? And you seriously believed Comey honestly believed nothing happened when new is literally detailing Hillary's criminal activity to the public and admits the pressure was on him to drop it?

That's just the latest stuff. Not even including the pay for play crap they've been involved in that's public knowledge and yet no one does a thing about.

Or do you seriously think bill and Hilary are such amazing charismatic people that people are willing to pay them millions to speak one speech?
Oh please. Thirty years (30 YEARS) they have been investigated, including by Ken Starr (is he owned by them too?) and the only illegal thing found was that he lied to congress about having an affair (something 99.9% of all the men who have ever lived would do--lie about an affair). No other crimes have ever been found. Have some common sense.

Dodge noted
You wanted to live in a countey where Hillary Clinton was convicted w/o evidence, calling her a crook and demanding she be locked up. But when it is a Repubican who is accused, you start demanding evidence. You show yourself to have a very low character. You bleat one standard for Republicans and scream another for Democrats.

On what planet is there no evidence against Hillary?

What pisses people off is that for the part 30 years despite the evidence of crimes and corruption neither of the Clinton's faces a court of law all because of political connections.

That's not right.

If the Clinton's are innocent then put it the evidence to a grand jury.
That is so much bullshit. You think they are so all powerful they control the entire US justice system including the FBI, CIA, Supreme Court, Senate and House of Representatives? Seriously, you people are numbskulls. You create an alternative reality in your heads to suit what you want to believe. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Neither the supreme court nor house initiate criminal cases.

The FBI is completely corrupted as well as the DoJ. You seriously think Bill Clinton met with Lynch to discuss their grandchildren? While Hillary was being "investigated"? And you seriously believed Comey honestly believed nothing happened when new is literally detailing Hillary's criminal activity to the public and admits the pressure was on him to drop it?

That's just the latest stuff. Not even including the pay for play crap they've been involved in that's public knowledge and yet no one does a thing about.

Or do you seriously think bill and Hilary are such amazing charismatic people that people are willing to pay them millions to speak one speech?
Oh please. Thirty years (30 YEARS) they have been investigated, including by Ken Starr (is he owned by them too?) and the only illegal thing found was that he lied to congress about having an affair (something 99.9% of all the men who have ever lived would do--lie about an affair). No other crimes have ever been found. Have some common sense.

Dodge noted
What dodge? That accusation sounts like Trump talk--parroting empty ideas. What do you expect me to do, take your wild illogical beliefs seriously? You have to be living in la la land to think that these two people, beyond anyone else in the country, or even the world, can be so utterly corrupt and criminal and yet skate past any kind of prosecution for 30 years though they have been intensely scrutinized by the entire world over and over again? Seriously. You people think if you repeat something often enough it becomes reality. :cuckoo:
Bill Clinton never resigned.
Moore has 40 year old uncorroborated allegations against him and the Voters can smell the Democrat/Press dirty tricks behind it.

Whatabout-ism is a poor substitute for character. There are no dirty tricks except for you clowns.
The fake yearbook signature is a dirty trick and an indication that it's a bogus issue.
BTW Moore will be elected mainly because people are disgusted by the corrupt Democratic Party's smear campaigns.
“It is pretty clear to me that the best thing that Roy Moore can do for the country is to move on,” Scott told “This Week” co-anchor Martha Raddatz in an exclusive interview Sunday.

“It is time for us to turn the page because it is not about partisan politics,” Scott said. “It is not about electing Republicans versus Democrats. This is about the character of our country. I want to be on the side of right when history writes the story.”

I could not have said it better. Tim Scott is a hero for speaking out. This is a test of character. Roy Moore is a selfish man for putting the people of Alabama through this. Anyone else would have a 20 point lead right now. Mitt Romney was hardly a southern conservative and he got 61% in Alabama. Are Republicans so desperate for power that they will support a pervert? It is time to do the right thing. If Moore is the winner then the Republicans should expel him immediately.

GOP Senator Tim Scott Has Some HARSH Words for Roy Moore

Indeed, do we want to live in a country where people are convicted without evidence like in the 3rd world, or a country that values evidence over baseless accusations by political opponents.

To me the answer is clear, but of course, if you like rats for dinner you may have different opinions.

Moore isn't in court, he's in an election.
“It is pretty clear to me that the best thing that Roy Moore can do for the country is to move on,” Scott told “This Week” co-anchor Martha Raddatz in an exclusive interview Sunday.

“It is time for us to turn the page because it is not about partisan politics,” Scott said. “It is not about electing Republicans versus Democrats. This is about the character of our country. I want to be on the side of right when history writes the story.”

I could not have said it better. Tim Scott is a hero for speaking out. This is a test of character. Roy Moore is a selfish man for putting the people of Alabama through this. Anyone else would have a 20 point lead right now. Mitt Romney was hardly a southern conservative and he got 61% in Alabama. Are Republicans so desperate for power that they will support a pervert? It is time to do the right thing. If Moore is the winner then the Republicans should expel him immediately.

GOP Senator Tim Scott Has Some HARSH Words for Roy Moore

Indeed, do we want to live in a country where people are convicted without evidence like in the 3rd world, or a country that values evidence over baseless accusations by political opponents.

To me the answer is clear, but of course, if you like rats for dinner you may have different opinions.

This is a Senate race not a court of law. Character is important. Just because you have no character. You are a corrupt bastard.

If character matter absolutely zero Democrats would er be elected. And a lot fewer Republicans would.

With that said, accusing someone of a vile thing the allegedly did 40 years ago a month before an election doesn't say anything about their character. Especially when the claims are obviously bs

You are the one who is bullshit. Tell me how a accuser would know that Moore would run for the Senate 40 years after it happened. Obviously the Washington Post heard about the rumors and followed up on it.

Cause they make up the claim after he starts the senate run. Kind of obvious.

Are we really supposed to believe that Judge Moore met a girl and her mom while they were waiting for a child custody hearing and that knowing they are going into a child custody hearing, that mom leaves her daughter with a strange man she literally just met.

And we are supposed to believe that a 14 year old gave him her phone number. When there were no cell phones. When a poor rural teen with divorced parents wouldn't have her own phone. And that he would call her on her dads phone (who now has custody) and that this southern man would be unaware or would have no problem whatsoever with 30+ year old coming by to court his daughter.

And we are supposed to believe it when she doesn't mention this till a month before a major election decades later despite the fact that this supposedly vile person has been a highly visible public figure for decades. And when she herself says she isn't credible?

On top of that we are supposed to believe we have a sexual abuser who stops assaulting when they say no and is said to be a gentleman. One who, despite the fact that sexual abusers of this type are notorious reoffenders has somehow gone decades without reoffendering.

And we are supposed to believe that this was all common knowledge that he did this to her and other girls despite that for decades in public life not a single solitary political opponent in either party was able to find this common knowledge that everyone knew despite the act that the leaders of both parties oppose him.

No we are all supposed to completely ignore these problems with the claims and toss him overboard without any credible evidence affirming these accusations.


So this is an elaborate conspiracy involved dozens of people, all willing to take tremendous risks telling lies about Roy Moore, all put together on a moment's notice by some unknown, unnamed enterprise,

without a shred of truth in it?
“It is pretty clear to me that the best thing that Roy Moore can do for the country is to move on,” Scott told “This Week” co-anchor Martha Raddatz in an exclusive interview Sunday.

“It is time for us to turn the page because it is not about partisan politics,” Scott said. “It is not about electing Republicans versus Democrats. This is about the character of our country. I want to be on the side of right when history writes the story.”

I could not have said it better. Tim Scott is a hero for speaking out. This is a test of character. Roy Moore is a selfish man for putting the people of Alabama through this. Anyone else would have a 20 point lead right now. Mitt Romney was hardly a southern conservative and he got 61% in Alabama. Are Republicans so desperate for power that they will support a pervert? It is time to do the right thing. If Moore is the winner then the Republicans should expel him immediately.

GOP Senator Tim Scott Has Some HARSH Words for Roy Moore
Progressive thinking is never the answer...
“It is pretty clear to me that the best thing that Roy Moore can do for the country is to move on,” Scott told “This Week” co-anchor Martha Raddatz in an exclusive interview Sunday.

“It is time for us to turn the page because it is not about partisan politics,” Scott said. “It is not about electing Republicans versus Democrats. This is about the character of our country. I want to be on the side of right when history writes the story.”

I could not have said it better. Tim Scott is a hero for speaking out. This is a test of character. Roy Moore is a selfish man for putting the people of Alabama through this. Anyone else would have a 20 point lead right now. Mitt Romney was hardly a southern conservative and he got 61% in Alabama. Are Republicans so desperate for power that they will support a pervert? It is time to do the right thing. If Moore is the winner then the Republicans should expel him immediately.

GOP Senator Tim Scott Has Some HARSH Words for Roy Moore

Indeed, do we want to live in a country where people are convicted without evidence like in the 3rd world, or a country that values evidence over baseless accusations by political opponents.

To me the answer is clear, but of course, if you like rats for dinner you may have different opinions.
You wanted to live in a countey where Hillary Clinton was convicted w/o evidence, calling her a crook and demanding she be locked up. But when it is a Repubican who is accused, you start demanding evidence. You show yourself to have a very low character. You bleat one standard for Republicans and scream another for Democrats.

There was no shortage of evidence demonstrating Hillary's guilt.
There was no shortage of rumor, rightwing speculation, gossip, hearsay, scandal mongering, and out right lies. If there had been any credible evidence, she would have been indicted. She never was because it ws all BS.
You can’t get any more corrupt than the Clintons… fact
Polling Data
Poll Date Sample MoE Jones (D) Moore (R) Spread
RCP Average 11/9 - 11/20 -- -- 46.8 46.0 Jones +0.8
WBRC-TV/Strategy Research 11/20 - 11/20 3000 LV 2.0 45 47 Moore +2
Gravis 11/14 - 11/15 628 LV 3.5 47 42 Jones +5
FOX News 11/13 - 11/15 649 LV 3.5 50 42 Jones +8
Emerson 11/9 - 11/11 600 LV 3.9 45 55 Moore +10
JMC Analytics* 11/9 - 11/11 575 LV 4.1 48 44 Jones +4
Opinion Savvy 11/9 - 11/9 515 LV 4.3 46 46 Tie
All Alabama Senate Special Election - Moore vs. Jones Polling Data
RealClearPolitics - Election 2017 - Alabama Senate Special Election - Moore vs. Jones

Still a horse race.
Liberals always got polls! Polls from the same sites And companies. Just how reliable are they Ms Clinton?
Quite reliable. Clinton won the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. The treasonous fat senile old orange clown won the EC with the help of the Russians. Now we need to find out what was the quid pro for that.
Without crazy Cali she would not have won the popular vote, if you took both Hildabeast’s and trumps Cali votes away Trump would’ve won the rest of the country in the popular vote.
“It is pretty clear to me that the best thing that Roy Moore can do for the country is to move on,” Scott told “This Week” co-anchor Martha Raddatz in an exclusive interview Sunday.

“It is time for us to turn the page because it is not about partisan politics,” Scott said. “It is not about electing Republicans versus Democrats. This is about the character of our country. I want to be on the side of right when history writes the story.”

I could not have said it better. Tim Scott is a hero for speaking out. This is a test of character. Roy Moore is a selfish man for putting the people of Alabama through this. Anyone else would have a 20 point lead right now. Mitt Romney was hardly a southern conservative and he got 61% in Alabama. Are Republicans so desperate for power that they will support a pervert? It is time to do the right thing. If Moore is the winner then the Republicans should expel him immediately.

GOP Senator Tim Scott Has Some HARSH Words for Roy Moore

Indeed, do we want to live in a country where people are convicted without evidence like in the 3rd world, or a country that values evidence over baseless accusations by political opponents.

To me the answer is clear, but of course, if you like rats for dinner you may have different opinions.
You wanted to live in a countey where Hillary Clinton was convicted w/o evidence, calling her a crook and demanding she be locked up. But when it is a Repubican who is accused, you start demanding evidence. You show yourself to have a very low character. You bleat one standard for Republicans and scream another for Democrats.

There was no shortage of evidence demonstrating Hillary's guilt.
There was no shortage of rumor, rightwing speculation, gossip, hearsay, scandal mongering, and out right lies. If there had been any credible evidence, she would have been indicted. She never was because it ws all BS.
You can’t get any more corrupt than the Clintons… fact

Trump paid a 25 million dollar settlement for the corruption involved with Trump University. When have the Clintons done anything greater than that?
Polling Data
Poll Date Sample MoE Jones (D) Moore (R) Spread
RCP Average 11/9 - 11/20 -- -- 46.8 46.0 Jones +0.8
WBRC-TV/Strategy Research 11/20 - 11/20 3000 LV 2.0 45 47 Moore +2
Gravis 11/14 - 11/15 628 LV 3.5 47 42 Jones +5
FOX News 11/13 - 11/15 649 LV 3.5 50 42 Jones +8
Emerson 11/9 - 11/11 600 LV 3.9 45 55 Moore +10
JMC Analytics* 11/9 - 11/11 575 LV 4.1 48 44 Jones +4
Opinion Savvy 11/9 - 11/9 515 LV 4.3 46 46 Tie
All Alabama Senate Special Election - Moore vs. Jones Polling Data
RealClearPolitics - Election 2017 - Alabama Senate Special Election - Moore vs. Jones

Still a horse race.
Liberals always got polls! Polls from the same sites And companies. Just how reliable are they Ms Clinton?
Quite reliable. Clinton won the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. The treasonous fat senile old orange clown won the EC with the help of the Russians. Now we need to find out what was the quid pro for that.
Without crazy Cali she would not have won the popular vote, if you took both Hildabeast’s and trumps Cali votes away Trump would’ve won the rest of the country in the popular vote.

Without the crazy ex-Confederacy Trump would have lost the election every whichway.
“It is pretty clear to me that the best thing that Roy Moore can do for the country is to move on,” Scott told “This Week” co-anchor Martha Raddatz in an exclusive interview Sunday.

“It is time for us to turn the page because it is not about partisan politics,” Scott said. “It is not about electing Republicans versus Democrats. This is about the character of our country. I want to be on the side of right when history writes the story.”

I could not have said it better. Tim Scott is a hero for speaking out. This is a test of character. Roy Moore is a selfish man for putting the people of Alabama through this. Anyone else would have a 20 point lead right now. Mitt Romney was hardly a southern conservative and he got 61% in Alabama. Are Republicans so desperate for power that they will support a pervert? It is time to do the right thing. If Moore is the winner then the Republicans should expel him immediately.

GOP Senator Tim Scott Has Some HARSH Words for Roy Moore

Indeed, do we want to live in a country where people are convicted without evidence like in the 3rd world, or a country that values evidence over baseless accusations by political opponents.

To me the answer is clear, but of course, if you like rats for dinner you may have different opinions.

This is a Senate race not a court of law. Character is important. Just because you have no character. You are a corrupt bastard.
Says a clinton supporter.... lol
Indeed, do we want to live in a country where people are convicted without evidence like in the 3rd world, or a country that values evidence over baseless accusations by political opponents.

To me the answer is clear, but of course, if you like rats for dinner you may have different opinions.
You wanted to live in a countey where Hillary Clinton was convicted w/o evidence, calling her a crook and demanding she be locked up. But when it is a Repubican who is accused, you start demanding evidence. You show yourself to have a very low character. You bleat one standard for Republicans and scream another for Democrats.

There was no shortage of evidence demonstrating Hillary's guilt.
There was no shortage of rumor, rightwing speculation, gossip, hearsay, scandal mongering, and out right lies. If there had been any credible evidence, she would have been indicted. She never was because it ws all BS.
You can’t get any more corrupt than the Clintons… fact

Trump paid a 25 million dollar settlement for the corruption involved with Trump University. When have the Clintons done anything greater than that?
The Clintons sold nuclear secrets, and are into sex trafficking for starters…

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