Tim Scott: Moore Election a Test of Character

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“It is pretty clear to me that the best thing that Roy Moore can do for the country is to move on,” Scott told “This Week” co-anchor Martha Raddatz in an exclusive interview Sunday.

“It is time for us to turn the page because it is not about partisan politics,” Scott said. “It is not about electing Republicans versus Democrats. This is about the character of our country. I want to be on the side of right when history writes the story.”

I could not have said it better. Tim Scott is a hero for speaking out. This is a test of character. Roy Moore is a selfish man for putting the people of Alabama through this. Anyone else would have a 20 point lead right now. Mitt Romney was hardly a southern conservative and he got 61% in Alabama. Are Republicans so desperate for power that they will support a pervert? It is time to do the right thing. If Moore is the winner then the Republicans should expel him immediately.

GOP Senator Tim Scott Has Some HARSH Words for Roy Moore

Indeed, do we want to live in a country where people are convicted without evidence like in the 3rd world, or a country that values evidence over baseless accusations by political opponents.

To me the answer is clear, but of course, if you like rats for dinner you may have different opinions.
You wanted to live in a countey where Hillary Clinton was convicted w/o evidence, calling her a crook and demanding she be locked up. But when it is a Repubican who is accused, you start demanding evidence. You show yourself to have a very low character. You bleat one standard for Republicans and scream another for Democrats.

On what planet is there no evidence against Hillary?

What pisses people off is that for the part 30 years despite the evidence of crimes and corruption neither of the Clinton's faces a court of law all because of political connections.

That's not right.

If the Clinton's are innocent then put it the evidence to a grand jury.
Trump whores Clinton Derangement Syndrome is picking up steam now that Bob Mueller is moving inside the Trump WH inner circle.
The closer Mueller gets to Trump the more frustrated his sheep want Hillary locked up on the crimes you invented for her.
The FBI looked extremely close at everything she did and found not enough evidence to indict her for ANYTHING.
But many of the ones on that stage during the RNC that chanted LOCK HER UP will be getting indictments and very possibly get LOCKED UP.

Apparently voting against Democrats is treason now in the minds of the illogical.

Let me know how that goes
a test of character?
Oh FFS, nobody gives a shit about that.
Repubs dont mind electing this self admitted creep. Dems have voted in a mayor that was behind bars for MURDER..
We elect people we KNOW will put us last, and their donors first. We elect people that care more about foreigners than us.
This isnt anything new.

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