Tim Tebow....

Giving money is nice. I'm cool with that. Like Farm Aid and concerts for HIV projects and Amnesty. Don't like the issue: don't buy a ticket.

Other than that, I don't want to know athletes' politics.
They said that to Muhammad Ali, too. They don’t want to hear athletes opinions but if Clint Eastwood gets up and makes a fool out of himself at a political convention that’s just fine?
That was awesome, Clint Eastwood made barry look like a fucking fool that he is...
Clint Eastwood made himself look what he is... a senile old man.
Barry deserved to be disrespected
View attachment 171159
Giving money is nice. I'm cool with that. Like Farm Aid and concerts for HIV projects and Amnesty. Don't like the issue: don't buy a ticket.

Other than that, I don't want to know athletes' politics.
They said that to Muhammad Ali, too. They don’t want to hear athletes opinions but if Clint Eastwood gets up and makes a fool out of himself at a political convention that’s just fine?
Well, with Ali they drafted him, and didn't buy his religious argument. The common white meme (my father included) was "he can't be a pacifist." Ali said he "didn't have nothing against ... viet cong." And they took away his opportunity to box by pulling his license. He had a few fights in Europe. Frazier gave/loaned him some money. Eventually he got his license back. He was never able to move his legs as he had before, but he compensated with other skills.

If someone says Kapernick or Tebow can't play in the NFL because of their political views, I'd be against that. But no one is saying that. Kaepernick's saying he's not being hired because of his views. That's probably right because any team that signs him will lose ticket sales. But nobody took away his legal right to play football. People just don't want to pay to see him.
Kaepernick was a shitty football player and even a shittier person… Fact
SO you know Kaepernick as a person to make that assessment?
You’re caught lying again Pinocchio.
There’s a reason why no one will hire him, he’s a really shitty football player and a shitter person
Prove it he’s “a shitty person”
I’m calling you out.
View attachment 171159
They said that to Muhammad Ali, too. They don’t want to hear athletes opinions but if Clint Eastwood gets up and makes a fool out of himself at a political convention that’s just fine?
Well, with Ali they drafted him, and didn't buy his religious argument. The common white meme (my father included) was "he can't be a pacifist." Ali said he "didn't have nothing against ... viet cong." And they took away his opportunity to box by pulling his license. He had a few fights in Europe. Frazier gave/loaned him some money. Eventually he got his license back. He was never able to move his legs as he had before, but he compensated with other skills.

If someone says Kapernick or Tebow can't play in the NFL because of their political views, I'd be against that. But no one is saying that. Kaepernick's saying he's not being hired because of his views. That's probably right because any team that signs him will lose ticket sales. But nobody took away his legal right to play football. People just don't want to pay to see him.
Kaepernick was a shitty football player and even a shittier person… Fact
SO you know Kaepernick as a person to make that assessment?
You’re caught lying again Pinocchio.
There’s a reason why no one will hire him, he’s a really shitty football player and a shitter person
Prove it he’s “a shitty person”
I’m calling you out.
There’s a reason why no one will hire him, he’s a shitty football player and a shittier person
There are more important things... Tebow's 'Giving Gala' Gives Disabled Kids a 'Night to Shine'
Someone that has been bullied(although in most cases bullying just makes people stronger), mocked, Criticized and his friends and family attacked.
How did/does he respond? Grace... God given grace.
He playes/played sports the way they should be played... kneeling for the right reasons.

It's OK for a White Christian to kneel? But not OK for Black Christians to Kneel?

We get it now.

It has nothing to do with race, you have very little common sense to you?

Why can he Kneel but Black Christians can't?

Black Christians are kneeling in prayer during the national anthem? Who knew?
Giving money is nice. I'm cool with that. Like Farm Aid and concerts for HIV projects and Amnesty. Don't like the issue: don't buy a ticket.

Other than that, I don't want to know athletes' politics.
They said that to Muhammad Ali, too. They don’t want to hear athletes opinions but if Clint Eastwood gets up and makes a fool out of himself at a political convention that’s just fine?
That was awesome, Clint Eastwood made barry look like a fucking fool that he is...
Clint Eastwood made himself look what he is... a senile old man.
Barry deserved to be disrespected
I see your reading comprehension skills are nil. I said Eastwood made himself look like a fool (speaking to an empty chair. )
President Obama WASNT disrespected. The next day the news was about Eastwood losing it.
God you know sooo little..
View attachment 171159
Well, with Ali they drafted him, and didn't buy his religious argument. The common white meme (my father included) was "he can't be a pacifist." Ali said he "didn't have nothing against ... viet cong." And they took away his opportunity to box by pulling his license. He had a few fights in Europe. Frazier gave/loaned him some money. Eventually he got his license back. He was never able to move his legs as he had before, but he compensated with other skills.

If someone says Kapernick or Tebow can't play in the NFL because of their political views, I'd be against that. But no one is saying that. Kaepernick's saying he's not being hired because of his views. That's probably right because any team that signs him will lose ticket sales. But nobody took away his legal right to play football. People just don't want to pay to see him.
Kaepernick was a shitty football player and even a shittier person… Fact
SO you know Kaepernick as a person to make that assessment?
You’re caught lying again Pinocchio.
There’s a reason why no one will hire him, he’s a really shitty football player and a shitter person
Prove it he’s “a shitty person”
I’m calling you out.
There’s a reason why no one will hire him, he’s a shitty football player and a shittier person
So you admit you got nothing.
I so love it calling out Trumpanzees on their lies.
Actually Kaepernick knelt because a teammate suggested it would respect the national anthem while still sitting it out. He had been just sitting, doing nothing. And the first few times no snowflakes even noticed; it was a simple private non-participation. So no, point stands.

As for 'abilities', that comes from hard work and training and practice. Tebow and Kaepernick gave themselves that.

but he has melanin in his skin..... white supremacists hate that.

So disagreeing with a person of color makes on a "white supremacist". Whoda thunk it.

not at all. is that what you took from my comments? try again.

disagreement isn't the problem. lying and resenting the legitimate protests of people of color while applauding the white Christian is.....

besides, if you'll note, I've been on the board a while. I know who the trash are.
Tebow is kneeling to thank God. The other is kneeling for himself and to disrespect our troops.
Respecting are troops? Trump refuses to visit our troops.
Such a brave president we have, bone spurs make it too risky.
I wonder who really is the disrespectful snowflake?

are troops?

Get back to elementary school before they lock your Mom up for your truancy!
Actually Kaepernick knelt because a teammate suggested it would respect the national anthem while still sitting it out. He had been just sitting, doing nothing. And the first few times no snowflakes even noticed; it was a simple private non-participation. So no, point stands.

As for 'abilities', that comes from hard work and training and practice. Tebow and Kaepernick gave themselves that.

but he has melanin in his skin..... white supremacists hate that.

So disagreeing with a person of color makes on a "white supremacist". Whoda thunk it.

not at all. is that what you took from my comments? try again.

disagreement isn't the problem. lying and resenting the legitimate protests of people of color while applauding the white Christian is.....

besides, if you'll note, I've been on the board a while. I know who the trash are.
Tebow is kneeling to thank God. The other is kneeling for himself and to disrespect our troops.
Respecting are troops? Trump refuses to visit our troops.
Such a brave president we have, bone spurs make it too risky.
I wonder who really is the disrespectful snowflake?

Uh, our troops are fighting and it is not safe for him there. Have a nice delusion!

I love the orange and blue signs!
Tim Tebow always takes the highroad, while his detractors always take the low road
Tim Tebow has class and grace, Kaepernick has neither. Lol
Kaepernick started a movement.Hes a pioneer.
Because you’re not black( and you’re a racist) and your people aren’t being killed by trigger happy cops, you don’t understand nor care.

No one who is a 1st amendment advocate can possibly be against a peaceful short protest by players practicing their rights as Americans.

Just another reason why Trump is a disgrace as the president criticizing any American for exercising their 1st amendment rights.
Actually if one was keeping count, American Indians are the real minority in this country. As a minority I really see no real racism from day to day.
bangers like Kaepernick really have no credibility…

Just looked up information on Kaepernick and found absolutely no evidence that he ever was involved in any gang activity. His history appears totally clean, so I don't understand why you would refer to him as a "banger."
There are more important things... Tebow's 'Giving Gala' Gives Disabled Kids a 'Night to Shine'
Someone that has been bullied(although in most cases bullying just makes people stronger), mocked, Criticized and his friends and family attacked.
How did/does he respond? Grace... God given grace.
He playes/played sports the way they should be played... kneeling for the right reasons.

Oh I get it now. Rustic is saying Tebow is the anti-Kapernick because he only kneels for the "right things." I suppose this means Tim was golden when he opined on womens' rights to choose, or not.

Tim Tebow's Anti-Abortion Super Bowl Ad Is a Travesty

he has a right to his own opinion, Some people just can’t except abortion under any circumstance. I think it’s a states issue certainly not a federal government issue

It's not a states' issue, either. It is not an issue for any level of government. Private individuals do just fine making such decisions according to their personal beliefs and any medical advice they receive from competent professionals.
Tim Tebow has class and grace, Kaepernick has neither. Lol
Kaepernick started a movement.Hes a pioneer.
Because you’re not black( and you’re a racist) and your people aren’t being killed by trigger happy cops, you don’t understand nor care.

No one who is a 1st amendment advocate can possibly be against a peaceful short protest by players practicing their rights as Americans.

Just another reason why Trump is a disgrace as the president criticizing any American for exercising their 1st amendment rights.
Actually if one was keeping count, American Indians are the real minority in this country. As a minority I really see no real racism from day to day.
bangers like Kaepernick really have no credibility…

Just looked up information on Kaepernick and found absolutely no evidence that he ever was involved in any gang activity. His history appears totally clean, so I don't understand why you would refer to him as a "banger."
That's because Rustic is a pathological liar... and proud of it.
Tim Tebow has class and grace, Kaepernick has neither. Lol
Kaepernick started a movement.Hes a pioneer.
Because you’re not black( and you’re a racist) and your people aren’t being killed by trigger happy cops, you don’t understand nor care.

No one who is a 1st amendment advocate can possibly be against a peaceful short protest by players practicing their rights as Americans.

Just another reason why Trump is a disgrace as the president criticizing any American for exercising their 1st amendment rights.
Actually if one was keeping count, American Indians are the real minority in this country. As a minority I really see no real racism from day to day.
bangers like Kaepernick really have no credibility…

Just looked up information on Kaepernick and found absolutely no evidence that he ever was involved in any gang activity. His history appears totally clean, so I don't understand why you would refer to him as a "banger."
That's because Rustic is a pathological liar... and proud of it.
I've always been under the impression that bearing false witness against someone is a grave sin. At least it is within the framework of my spiritual practice. Where have I gone wrong?
There are more important things... Tebow's 'Giving Gala' Gives Disabled Kids a 'Night to Shine'
Someone that has been bullied(although in most cases bullying just makes people stronger), mocked, Criticized and his friends and family attacked.
How did/does he respond? Grace... God given grace.
He playes/played sports the way they should be played... kneeling for the right reasons.

Or he could give real money to people, like this:

Watson gives 1st paycheck to Texans workers

Better to teach a man to fish than just giving him fish....

Are you willing to trade your tax cuts for fishing lessons?

There are more important things... Tebow's 'Giving Gala' Gives Disabled Kids a 'Night to Shine'
Someone that has been bullied(although in most cases bullying just makes people stronger), mocked, Criticized and his friends and family attacked.
How did/does he respond? Grace... God given grace.
He playes/played sports the way they should be played... kneeling for the right reasons.

Or he could give real money to people, like this:

Watson gives 1st paycheck to Texans workers

Better to teach a man to fish than just giving him fish....

Are you willing to trade your tax cuts for fishing lessons?


We are an overtaxed society especially at the top, and socialist entitlements have made the country weak...

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