Tim Walz was asked his reaction to the 6 executed hostages being found in Gaza, including 1 American citizen

This is one hollow man.

And he is a two term Governor of Minesota. Showing what happens when the third world becomes a large percent of the population.


Jeeze, not even a "my sympathies are with the families."
This is one hollow man.

I was going to post a shocked face but I'm not shocked at all.

If Harris/Walz don't outright approve of the hostage murder and support Hamas, you know already they won't do shit to support Israel.

The DNC sure knows how to pick 'em!

Very sad to see an adult male of that advanced age unable to show that he is worthy of the title "man."
This is understandable. The four fukkers who are under the microscope right now need to take great care when they make public pronouncements. It is not unreasonable for them to take a little while to formulate an appropriate response.
There should be daily demands that Hamas return the hostages and surrender from both the U.N and any Western leaders asked.

Bibi has serious problems at home but with so many enemies wanting to destroy Israel one can hardly blame most of Israels support for them to win the war. We should all pray for world peace but you can't make peace with those determined to end your nations existence.

None of these hostages had to die. You can't blame a non-negotiated deal with terrorists that would just release more terrorists who would repeat Oct 7th again or worse if they could.

It has never been a situation that was going to be solved without all out war. It is a horrible situation for the hostages, their families and both countries and noone cannot blame the families for wanting a deal at all costs. Perhaps Israel could have made a broader deal but don't forget that one of the men released for an Israeli soldier in the past became the leader of the terrorists!.

The request for the IDF to leave Gaza and not to finish the war is essentially a non-starter.
Makes sense, he knows most Americans that he is seeking votes from aren't nearly as hot to trot for terrorism as he is. So he is avoiding the question.
Or, more precisely, as Walz, the CIA, the DoD, and the media all know...



it simply takes an IQ over 5 and a molecule of patriotism to America to notice that...

The "Pro Israel Christians" are the ONLY Americans who believe the bullshit on 10/7 and 911, the ONLY ONES, and Trump will not win with just that demographic, which is making every thread here about israel and by doing so helping Kamala each time by proving

In the meantime....this was President Trump's reaction

How can two people be so different!

'Blood on their hands!' Trump goes nuclear on Harris and Biden as American hostage found dead​

Tim Walz, Kamala's presidential running mate, was asked for his reaction to the six hostages found dead, and the Democrat Minnesota governor walked away, saying only, 'Thanks everybody.'

What a dick.

Seriously--- how hard is it to just express shock and sympathy for a bunch of hostages held 11 months, starved, beaten, tortured, maybe raped, then shot in the head?

Apparently REAL HARD when your administration has done little to help the situation while half your party is revolting against you for doing too much.

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