Time for a Full Investigation......... Of the FBI


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
It is the reputation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation itself that is even more dangerously tarnished. The conventional wisdom is that there are plenty of good, patriotic civil servants in the FBI — and that is undoubtedly true — but not since the days of J. Edgar Hoover has the organization’s leadership been so suspect, their opaque decision-making process so fraught with defensive self-preservation and political bias. Sometimes, it seems the “G-men” spend far more time dodging FOIA requests — redacting almost everything in sight, lest it be “misunderstood” by we in the great unwashed — than in stopping crime. That may not be so, but the reasons for the perception are undeniable.

Something must be done and quickly. The latest revelations about Comey make the recusal of Mueller more urgent, but the overall situation is yet more severe. The FBI itself needs some form of investigation and reorganization. A true reform. Otherwise a huge percentage of the country will continue to distrust it and that distrust, pending the results of the closely tied Mueller-Russia inquiry, will only continue to grow. That is untenable in a democratic republic.

Time for a Full Investigation... of the FBI

Time to drain the swamp and end the corruption.
When the FBI has become corrupted and a tool of the elite, we know things are very bad.

I suspect we as a nation are headed for greater civil disobedience, and more civilian rioting and violence. Many people are realizing that they are powerless to control an out-of-control central government owned and controlled by the .01% corporatists. Many believe this is why people join groups like Antifa and other radical groups.

You can bet the federal government will use all it's immense powers to suppress the people.
When the FBI has become corrupted and a tool of the elite, we know things are very bad.

I suspect we as a nation are headed for greater civic disobedience, and more civilian rioting and violence. Many people are realizing that they are powerless to control an out-of-control central government owned and controlled by the .01% corporatists. Many believe this is why people join groups like Antifa and other radical groups.

You can bet the federal government will use all it's immense powers to suppress the people.
Groups like Antifa work to bolster the corrupt DC elitists. You will never see them support the principles America was founded upon. We have the DC elite and their brown shirt thugs Antifa to attack and suppress basic human rights.
When the FBI has become corrupted and a tool of the elite, we know things are very bad.

I suspect we as a nation are headed for greater civic disobedience, and more civilian rioting and violence. Many people are realizing that they are powerless to control an out-of-control central government owned and controlled by the .01% corporatists. Many believe this is why people join groups like Antifa and other radical groups.

You can bet the federal government will use all it's immense powers to suppress the people.
Groups like Antifa work to bolster the corrupt DC elitists. You will never see them support the principles America was founded upon. We have the DC elite and their brown shirt thugs Antifa to attack and suppress basic human rights.
I agree. I do think many who join Antifa don't know this and are unwitting dupes. Much like Americans who accept the lies of the DNC media. They want things to change, but don't know they are doing the bidding of the elites.
If you ever wondered what Right Wing Flop Sweat would look like in print, it's the above two posts.

Look, guys, you all messed up nominating trump. Admit it, you'll feel better.
^^^unwitting dupe right on cue.
If you ever wondered what Right Wing Flop Sweat would look like in print, it's the above two posts.

Look, guys, you all messed up nominating trump. Admit it, you'll feel better.
Or better yet, judge your shit post
If you ever wondered what Right Wing Flop Sweat would look like in print, it's the above two posts.

Look, guys, you all messed up nominating trump. Admit it, you'll feel better.
Or better yet, judge your shit post
He voted for Cankles and yet he has the unmitigated nerve to condemn those who voted for Trump. More hypocrisy from an enormous hypocrite.

If you ever wondered what Right Wing Flop Sweat would look like in print, it's the above two posts.

Look, guys, you all messed up nominating trump. Admit it, you'll feel better.
/----/ Nominating Trump was the greatest thing the GOP did since Ronald Reagan. You want proof? Just look at you seething with rage every day Trump is President.
/----/ Nominating Trump was the greatest thing the GOP did since Ronald Reagan. You want proof? Just look at you seething with rage every day Trump is President.

So when that rage flushes out a bunch of Republican office holders next year, will you still think it's great?
/----/ And replace him with a corrupt career politician hand picked by the DNC? You're dreaming
Obama weaponized the government for his own political purposes.


The spied on citizens. He used the FBI to exonerate Hillary and himself from the email scandal. He used the IRS to prevent people from opening charities who were a political threat to him.
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/----/ And replace him with a corrupt career politician hand picked by the DNC? You're dreaming
My bigger worry isn't a Career politician.

My bigger worry is that a Bernie Bro is going to get the Democratic nomination and still win by a landslide because Trump will make the GOP as popular as Ebola.

The man has a 36% approval rating in a good economy. Where do you think i's going to be when the economy goes south?
Trump should use the government as a weapon against his opponents now that he is POTUS.

He should use the NSA to spy on journalists...like when Obama showed his antisemitism and used the NSA to spy on James Rosen and the AP.

That is fascism, and apparently acceptable....so Trump should do it, too.

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