Time for a little truth on DACA.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Your Father had a DUI, so we are prohibiting you from getting a drivers license. Your Mother wrote a bad check, and because of that you will not be allowed to have a checking account.

These statements if they were ever made, would be roundly denounced by pretty much everyone. The idea of children being punished for the crimes of their parents would be the exact opposite of what this nation supposedly stands for. Yet, a minority believe this is wholly appropriate in the case of the so called "dreamers". Children punished for a crime committed by their parents.

Your father robbed a bank, so you are on probation for all intents and purposes. We know you come from criminal stock. You must check in with the police regularly, and if you ever miss an appointment, off to jail you go.

I said above that a minority believe in deporting the DACA "dreamers". That is absolutely true. Now, supporters will argue that this is why people voted for Trump. Well, there were a lot of reasons to vote for Trump. Myself, I wanted to see some changes to NAFTA, or perhaps even withdrawal from the trade deal. I certainly did not want the TPP to become a treaty we were stuck with. Deporting the dreamers wasn't one of the reasons I voted for him. Yet, somehow the opponents of Trump, and the most vocal supporters all agree one one thing. You have to support everything if you support one thing. Which is asinine to say the very least.

Your Grandfather refused to go to Vietnam, so we are declaring you a deserter and sending you to prison.

Now, I'll admit that Obama's action concerning the "Dreamers" was not exactly right. I'll admit that the law says one thing. But if any of you have read my posts before, I love to quote among others Saint Augustine who taught us that an unjust law, is no law. The letter of the law is never a substitute to the moral right or wrong. Doing the wrong thing, because the law says so, is the worst of reasons. You are still doing the wrong thing, and you can never be a "good guy" if you do the wrong thing.

Morality is what is developed by what we are taught. The lessons from parents, schools, and Religion that teach us the idea of right and wrong. Absolute blind adhearance to the letter of the law even when the law is wrong is just as wrong. The law is on the books is no excuse, and even less reason.

Among the other things I've posted many times before is a belief that through compromise, we can accomplish some good things. We used to do this all the time. It is how the nation operated for more than two hundred years. No one would be happy with the compromise, but they would eventually agree to it. The my way or the highway mentality was left to movies, bad parents, and potentates. There was no room for them in real life. The Rolling Stones sang a song about it, you can't always get what you want, but you can get what you need.

Deporting the Dreamers might make you feel better, but is it the right thing? I would argue no. It is punishing the children for a crime committed by the parents. That I would always argue against. As for the parents, and what punishment is appropriate, we can always talk about that. We can reach some sort of agreement.

But those of you who support Trump should realize that the wind is blowing against you on this issue. The smart thing is to go with it, and find something else to get in return for the compromise. Screaming it's my way or the highway is going to get you nothing but defeated in the next elections. I don't think I would like that, because the Democratic Party has embraced the crazy in their effort to be seen opposing Trump, and that is just slightly dumber than the my way or the highway nonsense.

Willingness to compromise does not make you a fucking traitor. It doesn't make someone unamerican. It makes them a realist. Politics is the art of the possible. You might have heard that, or not.

Oh, and those of you who hate Trump and think all evil in the world is contained in the Republicans. Get over yourselves already. Figure out what you stand for, and standing against Trump is not standing for anything.
These kids are free to return to their own countries, we are not holding them responsible for their parents crimes.
This is their own country and deporting them holds them responsible for their parents decision to bring them here.
The thousands of American citizens killed, raped, assaulted, robbed by illegals? Cry me a river that illegals will be inconvenienced by deportation back to their own damn country.
This is the only country they have ever known. Also, dreamers can't have any arrests or convictions so painting them as criminals is deeply inaccurate and you are solely trying to further your false narrative.

Let's use facts please
How many of the dreamers have started the process to become a legal American? If they haven't could you explain why us Americans should give them a free pass?

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Your Father had a DUI, so we are prohibiting you from getting a drivers license. Your Mother wrote a bad check, and because of that you will not be allowed to have a checking account.

These statements if they were ever made, would be roundly denounced by pretty much everyone. The idea of children being punished for the crimes of their parents would be the exact opposite of what this nation supposedly stands for. Yet, a minority believe this is wholly appropriate in the case of the so called "dreamers". Children punished for a crime committed by their parents.

Your father robbed a bank, so you are on probation for all intents and purposes. We know you come from criminal stock. You must check in with the police regularly, and if you ever miss an appointment, off to jail you go.

I said above that a minority believe in deporting the DACA "dreamers". That is absolutely true. Now, supporters will argue that this is why people voted for Trump. Well, there were a lot of reasons to vote for Trump. Myself, I wanted to see some changes to NAFTA, or perhaps even withdrawal from the trade deal. I certainly did not want the TPP to become a treaty we were stuck with. Deporting the dreamers wasn't one of the reasons I voted for him. Yet, somehow the opponents of Trump, and the most vocal supporters all agree one one thing. You have to support everything if you support one thing. Which is asinine to say the very least.

Your Grandfather refused to go to Vietnam, so we are declaring you a deserter and sending you to prison.

Now, I'll admit that Obama's action concerning the "Dreamers" was not exactly right. I'll admit that the law says one thing. But if any of you have read my posts before, I love to quote among others Saint Augustine who taught us that an unjust law, is no law. The letter of the law is never a substitute to the moral right or wrong. Doing the wrong thing, because the law says so, is the worst of reasons. You are still doing the wrong thing, and you can never be a "good guy" if you do the wrong thing.

Morality is what is developed by what we are taught. The lessons from parents, schools, and Religion that teach us the idea of right and wrong. Absolute blind adhearance to the letter of the law even when the law is wrong is just as wrong. The law is on the books is no excuse, and even less reason.

Among the other things I've posted many times before is a belief that through compromise, we can accomplish some good things. We used to do this all the time. It is how the nation operated for more than two hundred years. No one would be happy with the compromise, but they would eventually agree to it. The my way or the highway mentality was left to movies, bad parents, and potentates. There was no room for them in real life. The Rolling Stones sang a song about it, you can't always get what you want, but you can get what you need.

Deporting the Dreamers might make you feel better, but is it the right thing? I would argue no. It is punishing the children for a crime committed by the parents. That I would always argue against. As for the parents, and what punishment is appropriate, we can always talk about that. We can reach some sort of agreement.

But those of you who support Trump should realize that the wind is blowing against you on this issue. The smart thing is to go with it, and find something else to get in return for the compromise. Screaming it's my way or the highway is going to get you nothing but defeated in the next elections. I don't think I would like that, because the Democratic Party has embraced the crazy in their effort to be seen opposing Trump, and that is just slightly dumber than the my way or the highway nonsense.

Willingness to compromise does not make you a fucking traitor. It doesn't make someone unamerican. It makes them a realist. Politics is the art of the possible. You might have heard that, or not.

Oh, and those of you who hate Trump and think all evil in the world is contained in the Republicans. Get over yourselves already. Figure out what you stand for, and standing against Trump is not standing for anything.
If a man robs a bank and buys a house with the proceeds, and then the government kicks the thief's kids out of the house so the state can seize it to recoup the stolen money, how is that not right?

DACA kids are receiving a benefit from the crime their parents committed they would otherwise not have enjoyed.
How many of the dreamers have started the process to become a legal American? If they haven't could you explain why us Americans should give them a free pass?

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They were not able to begin that process until Obama's DACA order.
These kids are free to return to their own countries, we are not holding them responsible for their parents crimes.
This is their own country and deporting them holds them responsible for their parents decision to bring them here.
No this isn't 'their country'. Their parents took them from 'their' country and brought them here or they were sent or came without their parents. They can GO directly back to "their country" and protest and create havoc there.
These kids are free to return to their own countries, we are not holding them responsible for their parents crimes.
This is their own country and deporting them holds them responsible for their parents decision to bring them here.
No this isn't 'their country'. Their parents took them from 'their' country and brought them here or they were sent or came without their parents. They can GO directly back to "their country" and protest and create havoc there.
This is their country. This is the only country they know. This is the country the grew up in, was educated in, found love and started a family in. Dreamers are upstanding citizens that contribute to our society and our community. They have to have a clean record they have to recertify frequently and pay $500 to do so. Simply taking away that 500 from each dreamer costs each state millions. Not counting what they pay in taxes and how they serve our country.
Fuck illegals
Fuck incentive to illegals
Right they think they can just come here and steal our land ?!?

Oh wait .... that was us.
Give me a break, you broken record. What land hasnt been conquered at some point?
That was me giving you a break... I could have called you an asshole, but I didn't.
What land hasnt been conquered at some point? Come on. Lets discuss your "logic"

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