Time for Gun Safety Advocates to Abandon Their Strategy

You are very sick. No one rejoices over needless death. On the other hand, death should be embraced when the time comes. It is a natural sequence of events in this physical world. Nothing to fear.

No...you asshats love school shootings....you are fucking gleeful when it happens......those dead children, who you drag out in front of the democrat party controlled press......are gift wrapped presents for you and your gun control dreams....

An AR 15 with a 30-round magazine chambered in a cartridge with a MV of more than 3,200 fps is far more deadly.

More dishonesty and lies from the right.

No....dipshit....at the range of a locked classroom it has no special lethality over a shotgun or pistol......

You are an asshole who lies with every post.
Another teenager who shouldn't have had a high-powered rifle.

And the other 41 million teenagers who didn't do anything that day and also could buy and own a rifle...you doofus.
No...you asshats love school shootings....you are fucking gleeful when it happens......those dead children, who you drag out in front of the democrat party controlled press......are gift wrapped presents for you and your gun control dreams....
You continue proving to me that you are a gun fascist. I did some research, testosterone levels peak in young men to the ages of 18 to 20. It can cause mental issues and heightened aggressive activity. That is why I believe raising the age to 21 for assault weapons is a very good idea is an immediate, significant drop after age 20. But of course you're going to dispute that science too.
You continue proving to me that you are a gun fascist. I did some research, testosterone levels peak in young men to the ages of 18 to 20. It can cause mental issues and heightened aggressive activity. That is why I believe raising the age to 21 for assault weapons is a very good idea is an immediate, significant drop after age 20. But of course you're going to dispute that science too.

Two 18 year olds bought rifles and murdered innocent people...

There are 41 million young people between the ages of 10-19

Those two are the rarest of rare individuals, who were already know by their families, schools and police to have dangerous mental health issues....

Banning guns for 18 year olds who committed no crime is the ultimate in fascist actions......you punish innocents for no reason.......you are vile...
Two 18 year olds bought rifles and murdered innocent people...

There are 41 million young people between the ages of 10-19

Those two are the rarest of rare individuals, who were already know by their families, schools and police to have dangerous mental health issues....

Banning guns for 18 year olds who committed no crime is the ultimate in fascist actions......you punish innocents for no reason.......you are vile...
If you can even consider not being able to buy a weapon that can kill dozens of people in minutes a punishment you are sick.
sorry......we just had a recent example of how anti-gun fanatics in the psychiatric field will use any mental health record to keep people from owning guns.....we had veterans who stated they had trouble sleeping having their Right to own a gun stripped.....

We have a tiny number of actually dangerously mentally ill people....

In 2021, we had 6...out of 330 million people..



Out of 330 million people....

you are allowing yourself to be stampeded into giving up a sacred Right on false information, pushed by people who would happily put you in jail because you think differently from them....

Just ask former Chief D.C. correspondant for Fox News...Carl Cammeron, who stated that he thinks some journalists.....conservatives...are spreading "false information," and need to be named and put in jail....

That is who you are enabling when you support stupid, pointless gun laws.
I'm actually very pro 2A and pro gun ownership. Two older brothers active duty and I shoot the AI AX owned by the oldest very well.

My point was that documented confinement to an institution for a diagnosed mental disorder could be a reason for exclusion for firearms ownership.
This is a lie.

More dishonesty and demagoguery from the right.
It's not a lie. Here is a small sampling of data to support my post. You know what data is, right? You neglected to include any in your comment.

NEW YORK - Charges against rapper 16-year-old Camrin Williams, also known as C-Blu, have been dropped after he allegedly shot an NYPD officer. The dropped charges drew outrage from multiple groups.

There is nothing progressive about the rogue prosecutor movement. Elected rogue district attorneys have not worked within the law to enhance public safety, protect victims’ rights, lower crime, and serve their community. They usurp the constitutional role of the legislative branch by refusing to prosecute entire categories of crime, abuse the role of the county prosecutor, fail to protect victims of crime, and ignore rising crime rates caused by their radical policies. They exist because George Soros and a handful of other billionaires have invested heavily in the election of district attorneys who are working to reverse engineer and dismantle a criminal justice system that, while not perfect, has resulted in the lowest crime and incarceration rates in decades
No....dipshit....at the range of a locked classroom it has no special lethality over a shotgun or pistol......

You are an asshole who lies with every post.
Your failed attempt to deflect from the lethality of AR 15s is both idiotic and dishonest.

AR 15s are in no manner comparable to handguns and shotguns – they’re not ‘just another’ firearm.

This is just as ridiculous as trying to ‘justify’ owning an AR 15 to ‘overthrow’ a Federal government perceived to have become ‘tyrannical.’

There are two much more compelling and appropriate reasons why AR 15s should not be banned:

Doing so represents unwarranted government excess and overreach

‘Banning’ AR 15s won’t work – it's bad public policy.

You and others on the right need to stop with the lies and demagoguery – however impossible that likely is.
It's not a lie. Here is a small sampling of data to support my post. You know what data is, right? You neglected to include any in your comment.

NEW YORK - Charges against rapper 16-year-old Camrin Williams, also known as C-Blu, have been dropped after he allegedly shot an NYPD officer. The dropped charges drew outrage from multiple groups.

There is nothing progressive about the rogue prosecutor movement. Elected rogue district attorneys have not worked within the law to enhance public safety, protect victims’ rights, lower crime, and serve their community. They usurp the constitutional role of the legislative branch by refusing to prosecute entire categories of crime, abuse the role of the county prosecutor, fail to protect victims of crime, and ignore rising crime rates caused by their radical policies. They exist because George Soros and a handful of other billionaires have invested heavily in the election of district attorneys who are working to reverse engineer and dismantle a criminal justice system that, while not perfect, has resulted in the lowest crime and incarceration rates in decades
This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

The notion that Democrats refuse to prosecute criminals is a lie.
Your failed attempt to deflect from the lethality of AR 15s is both idiotic and dishonest.

AR 15s are in no manner comparable to handguns and shotguns – they’re not ‘just another’ firearm.

This is just as ridiculous as trying to ‘justify’ owning an AR 15 to ‘overthrow’ a Federal government perceived to have become ‘tyrannical.’

There are two much more compelling and appropriate reasons why AR 15s should not be banned:

Doing so represents unwarranted government excess and overreach

‘Banning’ AR 15s won’t work – it's bad public policy.

You and others on the right need to stop with the lies and demagoguery – however impossible that likely is.

They are rifles.......when used in a 50 by 50 foot classroom they are no different from a shot gun or pistol in lethality.....especially in a locked classroom populated by defenseless children...you moron.

There is only one mass public shooting where the AR-15 actually made a difference and that was in Las Vegas where the range to the victims was several hundred yards, fired from a hotel room high up from the target location, you doofus.....

You are the liar.......not me.
This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

The notion that Democrats refuse to prosecute criminals is a lie.

It is the truth, you liar.....a quick sample of democrats not prosecuting or releasing violent criminals...


Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot slammed Cook County’s State Attorney Kim Foxx for not bringing charges in a deadly West Side shooting – and Foxx is hitting back.

One person was killed and several others injured on Friday when a shootout broke out among alleged gang members in the Austin neighborhood that was caught on police cameras – but Foxx didn’t charge five suspects saying there was insufficient evidence.

New York....

We recently looked at the results of New York City Mayor Eric Adams bringing back the special gun crimes task force of the NYPD, though these days the various units deployed around the city have the much friendlier name of Neighborhood Safety Teams. The Mayor reported that in just the first few weeks of operation, the NSTs had taken dozens of guns off the streets and made more than two dozen arrests. The vast majority of them had one thing in common. The suspects generally had prior convictions or arrests for similar crimes. So that’s some great news, right? Getting more shooters and illegal guns off the street was the stated objective and if they keep up this good work the city should see some measurable improvements.

There’s just one problem, however. Of those 25 suspects arrested on gun charges, how many of them do you think are still behind bars? If you guessed “one,” give yourself a cookie. All the rest of them have been sprung. (NY Post)

Remember all of those gun charges the NYPD was finally bringing? Never mind


California Democrats hate the gun, not the gunman – Orange County Register

Now that Democrats have supermajorities in the California state Legislature, they’ve rolled into Sacramento with a zest for lowering the state’s prison population and have interpreted St. Augustine’s words of wisdom to mean, “Hate the gun, not the gunman.”

I say this because, once they finally took a break from preaching about the benefits of stricter gun control, the state Senate voted to loosen sentencing guidelines for criminals convicted of gun crimes.

Currently, California law requires anyone who uses a gun while committing a felony to have their sentence increased by 10 years or more in prison — on top of the normal criminal penalty. If enacted, Senate Bill 620 would eliminate that mandate.

The bill, which passed on a 22-14 party-line vote, with support only from Democrats, now heads to the state Assembly for consideration.

Republicans and the National Rifle Association have vowed to campaign against it.

Why have Democrats suddenly developed a soft spot for criminals convicted of gun crimes? The bill’s author, state Sen. Steve Bradford, D-Gardena, says that he was motivated to write the bill after a 17-year-old riding in a car involved in a drive-by shooting was sentenced to 25 years in prison, even though he claims that he wasn’t the one who pulled the trigger.
Prop. 57, for example, very deceptively and fundamentally changed the definition of what constitutes a “non-violent” offense.

supplying a firearm to a gang member,

felon obtaining a firearm,

discharging a firearm on school grounds

New York...

But now he may have a serious problem on his hands in the form of Alvin Bragg, the newly installed District Attorney for Manhattan. Almost immediately upon taking office, Bragg sent out a lengthy memo to all of the prosecutors under his office, issuing instructions that run almost 100% in defiance of the new mayor’s agenda. Prosecutors will be forbidden to seek jail terms for convicts in nearly all cases. In fact, to wind up behind bars at all, you’re probably going to have to literally kill someone or commit one of a handful of other extremely violent crimes. Oh, and almost nobody will be required to post bail. (NY Post)

New Manhattan DA promises to keep "emptying the jails"
This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

The notion that Democrats refuse to prosecute criminals is a lie.
This fails as a "you hurt my leftist feelings" fallacy.

Tell us about the "defend the police" screeching that was a mantra of leftist / democrat run city officials.

Occasionally, you might try adding something more than rhetoric to your posts

Just weeks after taking office as Mayor of New York, Eric Adams faces a political and public-policy challenge that is vexing Democratic mayors across the country—and President Joe Biden. Gun violence in the United States is at record levels, and Democrats are under intense pressure to bring down violent crime while also curbing police abuse. More than two-thirds of the country’s largest cities, including the three largest—New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago—experienced an increase in homicides in 2021, a continuation of a surge in violence that some officials had hoped would fade as covid-19 lockdowns eased. Instead, homicides have also risen in smaller cities, such as Albuquerque, Austin, Columbus, Louisville, Nashville, Rochester, and Tucson.
I'm actually very pro 2A and pro gun ownership. Two older brothers active duty and I shoot the AI AX owned by the oldest very well.

My point was that documented confinement to an institution for a diagnosed mental disorder could be a reason for exclusion for firearms ownership.
I'd call that a definite red flag.
Those are all good points. Anyone who wants to buy a pistol or regular rifle for their own protection and or hunting. There should be no restrictions, just a thorough background check and they need to register the gun. As far as advanced weaponry such as assault weapons, no civilian should have access to them. They are weapons of war meant for Mass killing. They only belong in the military and the police force.
Explain, in your own words, what an "assault weapon" is.
Explain, in your own words, what an "assault weapon" is.
Any weapon that has high magazine capacity and can kill dozens of people in a matter of seconds or minutes. What people are calling semi-automatics.
Any weapon that has high magazine capacity and can kill dozens of people in a matter of seconds or minutes. What people are calling semi-automatics.

Virginia tech...2 pistols...32 killed

Luby's cafe...2 pistols, 26 killed

Russian polytechnic shooting 20 killed, 70 wounded, 5 shot pump action shotgun....

Nice, France, rental truck, 86 killed, 450 injured, 5 minutes of driving....

The rental truck killed more people than any mass public shooting in the U.S......and the 86 killed was more than the total number killed every year of mass public shootings, except for two years, since 1982...

You don't know what you are talking about....
A good start would be to have all gun owners registered and checked. A 10-day waiting period for a gun would be a good rule too. If you can't wait 10 days ( to make a thorough check of your background making sure you're not a risk ) to get a gun something is wrong with you. These things won't stop anyone from getting guns, except those who shouldn't have them in the first place.

I'm sure the woman whose ex vowed to disembowel her and her baby won't need to defend herself for at least ten days.

That means the federal standards are too low. Whatever they are, they won't catch everyone. If they are more stringent standards they will catch more that's that's plain logic. Also if we have to have these assault rifles owned by citizens, raising the age to 21 for something that lethal isn't a bad idea either.

News flash: no "standard" will catch everyone. Hell, the Navy Yard shooter had a Federal SECURITY CLEARANCE! So did Nadal Hassan.

He didn’t have a criminal record….he didnt have a mental health commitment….mass public shooters rarely do which is why your gun laws don’t work.
They're not supposed to work.
You gave me the final answer. Since anyone can commit these atrocities, that means no one should be allowed to have guns. It's long overdue for the human race to truly become civilized. Thank you.
I'm glad you believe that a woman who has been raped and strangled is better than a woman whose attacker acquired a sucking chest wound.

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