Time for Gun Safety Advocates to Abandon Their Strategy

You give up too easy that's all I can say. There are too many crazy people in this country with guns and you may well be one of them as far as I know. No matter what I say you say it doesn't work well f*** you. I'm done talking to you it's useless I'm looking for people that want to find solutions that are willing to do the extra work. If nothing else you are ambivalent to the current crisis. Which has been ongoing for at least 30 years. If the founding fathers were alive and witnessed the horrors that modern technology has brought to weaponry they would ban it all.

No...there aren't too many crazy people.....

330 million Americans 6 were totally nuts and committed acts of mass public shootings last year.....2 the year before and 5 the year before that....

And since I have dispatched the gun laws you want and shown they don't work, now you will storm off....


No.....I gave actual solutions that work.......you gave the tired old list of gun grabbing dreams.......as I keep saying....that shooting was Christmas for gun grabbers...you pull out wish lists, not solutions......Santa Government is the only way you can enact your dumb gun laws......
He didn’t have a criminal record….he didnt have a mental health commitment….mass public shooters rarely do which is why your gun laws don’t work.
With two mass shootings this month alone, the right’s usual response to do nothing is further proof gun safety advocates must find other means to address the problem of gun crime and violence.

Unfortunately, conservatives will oppose any and all solutions to the problem, including solutions that have nothing to do with the regulation of firearms, resorting to their usual slippery slope fallacies, fearmongering, and lies.
No...there aren't too many crazy people.....

330 million Americans 6 were totally nuts and committed acts of mass public shootings last year.....2 the year before and 5 the year before that....

And since I have dispatched the gun laws you want and shown they don't work, now you will storm off....


No.....I gave actual solutions that work.......you gave the tired old list of gun grabbing dreams.......as I keep saying....that shooting was Christmas for gun grabbers...you pull out wish lists, not solutions......Santa Government is the only way you can enact your dumb gun laws......
One of these days very soon the American people will be so fed up with this situation they will vote to make gun ownership illegal. That's what's coming if we can't solve this crisis. End of story as far as I'm concerned. You try to have a good day I plan on it I wasted enough time on you and you're nonsense.
One of these days very soon the American people will be so fed up with this situation they will vote to make gun ownership illegal. That's what's coming if we can't solve this crisis. End of story as far as I'm concerned. You try to have a good day I plan on it I wasted enough time on you and you're nonsense.

And again......I pointed out why the laws you want would not have stopped this mass shooter, or most if not all of the other ones.......you have nothing else, so you go to the anti-gunner position....if you don't do what we want, we will just take your guns........

And then you storm off....

You can't even defend the laws you want....
With two mass shootings this month alone, the right’s usual response to do nothing is further proof gun safety advocates must find other means to address the problem of gun crime and violence.

Unfortunately, conservatives will oppose any and all solutions to the problem, including solutions that have nothing to do with the regulation of firearms, resorting to their usual slippery slope fallacies, fearmongering, and lies.

We don't have two mass shootings a month, that is a lie.......

We had 6 mass public shootings in 2021

2 in 2020

5 in 2019

These numbers come from the Mother Jones Mass Public Shooting Data Base which uses the actual FBI definition of mass public shootings.......

When you anti-gun fanatics offer actual solutions, instead of using these tragedies as emotional hammers to guilt innocent people who committed no crime into giving in to your demands, then we can talk....

How about you put up a few "solutions," and let us take a look......

I know, you have in the past, they were exposed as doing nothing, now you just use the generic term,"solutions," so you don't have your ineffective gun laws challenged in the debate...
And again......I pointed out why the laws you want would not have stopped this mass shooter, or most if not all of the other ones.......you have nothing else, so you go to the anti-gunner position....if you don't do what we want, we will just take your guns........

And then you storm off....

You can't even defend the laws you want....
They'll be another mass shooting very soon. We didn't adopt the laws to modern times and we're paying the price for it. Sooner or later people are going to realize guns are not worth it. End of story.
They'll be another mass shooting very soon. We didn't adopt the laws to modern times and we're paying the price for it. Sooner or later people are going to realize guns are not worth it. End of story.


What you mean is you want the AR-15 rifle banned...not because it is more dangerous than other rifles that are the exact same rifle, but because you think you have the chance to stampede uninformed Americans into allowing you to ban this rifle....

The AR-15 is no different from any other semi-automatic rifle......rifles that have been in existence since 1885......

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies, murders, stabbings, beatings....and just this week, an American woman used her concealed carry pistol to stop a mass public shooter armed with an AR-15....so much for your theory.......

The killer could have used a pump action shotgun...in a locked room, a shotgun would have murdered those children just as easily, dittos for a revolver.....

Once again, your points fail the most basic challenge....

If there is another mass shooting it will again be anti-gun fanatic Christmas day...where you will pull out your lists of gun grabbing laws so that you can demand Santa Government grant your wishes.....

What you mean is you want the AR-15 rifle banned...not because it is more dangerous than other rifles that are the exact same rifle, but because you think you have the chance to stampede uninformed Americans into allowing you to ban this rifle....

The AR-15 is no different from any other semi-automatic rifle......rifles that have been in existence since 1885......

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies, murders, stabbings, beatings....and just this week, an American woman used her concealed carry pistol to stop a mass public shooter armed with an AR-15....so much for your theory.......

The killer could have used a pump action shotgun...in a locked room, a shotgun would have murdered those children just as easily, dittos for a revolver.....

Once again, your points fail the most basic challenge....

If there is another mass shooting it will again be anti-gun fanatic Christmas day...where you will pull out your lists of gun grabbing laws so that you can demand Santa Government grant your wishes.....
You gave me the final answer. Since anyone can commit these atrocities, that means no one should be allowed to have guns. It's long overdue for the human race to truly become civilized. Thank you.
You gave me the final answer. Since anyone can commit these atrocities, that means no one should be allowed to have guns. It's long overdue for the human race to truly become civilized. Thank you.

Start with Europe...then get back to us....the only reason they haven't started butchering each other again since the 2 World War they started is because Americans with guns keep them safe from each other...
Start with Europe...then get back to us....the only reason they haven't started butchering each other again since the 2 World War they started is because Americans with guns keep them safe from each other...
You reaffirmed my answer. Thanks again. No one is responsible enough for these lethal weapons.
You reaffirmed my answer. Thanks again. No one is responsible enough for these lethal weapons.
No one? There are 20 million AR-15 style rifles in the US.

Quite obviously, Americans are overwhelmingly responsible enough.
No one? There are 20 million AR-15 style rifles in the US.

Quite obviously, Americans are overwhelmingly responsible enough.
I disagree. I will bring it up at the next world council meeting. If humans cannot manage their own lives, I guess we will have to. There is still hope for humans after all.
I disagree. I will bring it up at the next world council meeting. If humans cannot manage their own lives, I guess we will have to. There is still hope for humans after all.
Who is this ''we'' you claim will manage things?
20 million possible mass murderers, that's very disturbing.
20 million responsible owners who are not mass murderers and have every intention to obey the law.

You seem unwilling to address the fact that Texas was another example of a teenager who literally screamed out his mental dysfunction and ''authorities'' did nothing.
20 million responsible owners who are not mass murderers and have every intention to obey the law.

You seem unwilling to address the fact that Texas was another example of a teenager who literally screamed out his mental dysfunction and ''authorities'' did nothing.
Another teenager who shouldn't have had a high-powered rifle.

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