Time for state Constitutional amendments from the Right instead of the Left

Yes, I’ve been saying this. Because we had roe in place, we had no advancement on state abortion laws. People apparently never thought that roe would ever be overturned. Well, here we are.

If roe had been handled correctly, we would have had 50 years of people changing their minds, and refining laws. As you said, most people are not in favor of a total abortion ban, and so, now that it’s a state issue, we will likely see those states who have a ban on abortion at conception, with no exception for rape and incest, will eventually loosen those restrictions, because that’s what the people want.

If that had happened 50 years ago, we would probably, by now, have abortion laws across the country that most people could live with.
I believe this is true for most Americans. Democrats want abortions for the sheer joy of killing humans. Republicans would severely limit them for say children being wrongly impregnated.

If you really want to understand Americans, check out the Quora site where they admit that they love to have sex with their youth and of course have enjoyed getting underage daughters pregnant.
I disagree. The proposed Convention of States could straighten out the mess we're in, and the president, congress, nor the USSC can do a fucking thing about it.

Proposed Amendments:

  • Election Reform: only US citizens on verified voter rolls can vote in any election, ID required, signature matching required, mail-in by excuse only, only votes received by the official poll closing times can be counted.
  • Balanced Budget required, w/o using SS funds, unless in time of declared war
  • To ensure that apportionment of Representatives be set by counting only US citizens
  • To make the (60 vote) filibuster in the Senate a part of the Constitution
  • To allow the President a "line-item veto"
  • Social Security and Medicare must be made whole, i.e. "fixed" and only those who contributed can get benefits
  • Set term limits in the House and Senate, 8-years for House members, and 12-years for the Senate.
  • Clarify the 14th Amendment that only US citizens can make a US citizen. (otherwise we get "anchor babies from Russia, China, and Mexico.)
  • The US Supreme court shall have not more than 9 justices.
  • Immigration reform, no longer admit for fleeing oppression, only merit-based immigration as approved.
I can agree with every one of those. None of them seem extreme and they would go a long way to making our government more accountable to the people it is supposed to serve.
I can agree with every one of those. None of them seem extreme and they would go a long way to making our government more accountable to the people it is supposed to serve.
You be sure to hold your breath until enough voters agree to all that.
Democrats will tell Republicans that they need to give up the abortion fight because the country is sold in infanticide. Problem is, that is a total lie. In fact, polls show that if asked, most people will say they oppose a total ban on abortion. However, if you ask the same group if there should be restrictions, the same group will say there should be.

Every abortion ballot initiative you guys have tried to pass since Dobbs has failed.
Why shouldnt red states thumb their noses at the Fed just like blue states do all the time?

Seems reasonable to me.

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