TIME Magazine man of the year...

He made crony capitalism patriot!

I can say that, I didn't vote for him or the Wall Street bitch you voted for. I'm the only one of us who voted against crony capitalism
I voted for someone that I knew what to expect from. Trump is not going to be the dream president his supporters think he will be.

Ah, so you voting for a corporatist was OK because you knew she was owned by Wall Street. Failed argument.

Trump campaigned against capitalism. He was far more honest than Hillary about that
They are all corporatists. And no, he wasn't honest. The first thing he did was make a deal with a corporation. Wait, that was the second. First he appointed Goldman Sachs. :lmao:

That's what he said he was going to do. He said he is against free trade, government should decide when and if a company can trade. What planet were you on during the election? I sure the fuck heard him say he's not a capitalist repeatedly. That's why I didn't vote for him. How did you possibly not know that?
Of course he's a capitalist. That's why he made the deal with Carrier and why he appointed a Goldman Sachs person. He's also a commie, that's why he wants the government to decide when and if a company can trade. He's in it all for his bottom line. He's like Stalin.
I can say that, I didn't vote for him or the Wall Street bitch you voted for. I'm the only one of us who voted against crony capitalism
I voted for someone that I knew what to expect from. Trump is not going to be the dream president his supporters think he will be.

Ah, so you voting for a corporatist was OK because you knew she was owned by Wall Street. Failed argument.

Trump campaigned against capitalism. He was far more honest than Hillary about that
They are all corporatists. And no, he wasn't honest. The first thing he did was make a deal with a corporation. Wait, that was the second. First he appointed Goldman Sachs. :lmao:

That's what he said he was going to do. He said he is against free trade, government should decide when and if a company can trade. What planet were you on during the election? I sure the fuck heard him say he's not a capitalist repeatedly. That's why I didn't vote for him. How did you possibly not know that?
Of course he's a capitalist. That's why he made the deal with Carrier and why he appointed a Goldman Sachs person. He's also a commie, that's why he wants the government to decide when and if a company can trade. He's in it all for his bottom line. He's like Stalin.
Lol, do you know a commie means a communist? JW
TIME Person of the Year for 2016 is President-elect Donald Trump

Liberal heads explode in 3....2....1....

References to Hitler also being on the cover in 3.....2....1..

He certainly is, no one remotely changed the world like Trump this year
He made crony capitalism patriot!

I can say that, I didn't vote for him or the Wall Street bitch you voted for. I'm the only one of us who voted against crony capitalism
I voted for someone that I knew what to expect from. Trump is not going to be the dream president his supporters think he will be.
He's already started being the president we wanted. Carrier is staying,Japanese company is investing 50 BILLION to create 50 THOUSAND jobs....yeah....wouldn't have happened under Clinton.
TIME Person of the Year for 2016 is President-elect Donald Trump

Liberal heads explode in 3....2....1....

References to Hitler also being on the cover in 3.....2....1..

Why would liberal heads explode? How desperate are you to gin up outrage? Lose the remote control for your TV?



Desperate? Not really. My salt factory is running overtime trying to keep up with all the liberal tears.

Salt?- clearly your factory is busy manufacturing outrage.
You cocksuckers dished the shit for 8 years. Karma is a bitch

And you cocksuckers whined and whined for 8 years.

Glad to know that you embrace that you whined about for 8 years.

I have no problem with Trump being Time's person of the year.

Because like most liberals, I am familiar with the history of 'person of the year'.
I did bitch. That's what we do here. And UNLIKE you lefties, I will bitch when I think Trump does something stupid because I'm not a total partisan. Just like I did about Blunt & others in the gop over the last few years.
Why would liberal heads explode? How desperate are you to gin up outrage? Lose the remote control for your TV?



Desperate? Not really. My salt factory is running overtime trying to keep up with all the liberal tears.

Salt?- clearly your factory is busy manufacturing outrage.
You cocksuckers dished the shit for 8 years. Karma is a bitch

And you cocksuckers whined and whined for 8 years.

Glad to know that you embrace that you whined about for 8 years.

I have no problem with Trump being Time's person of the year.

Because like most liberals, I am familiar with the history of 'person of the year'.
I did bitch. That's what we do here. And UNLIKE you lefties, I will bitch when I think Trump does something stupid because I'm not a total partisan. Just like I did about Blunt & others in the gop over the last few years.

You did whine because you didn't understand how Time chooses its person of the year- and you whined because that is what you partisans do.
HAHAHA! Someone has probably already posted this, but it's a classic!

I can say that, I didn't vote for him or the Wall Street bitch you voted for. I'm the only one of us who voted against crony capitalism
I voted for someone that I knew what to expect from. Trump is not going to be the dream president his supporters think he will be.

Ah, so you voting for a corporatist was OK because you knew she was owned by Wall Street. Failed argument.

Trump campaigned against capitalism. He was far more honest than Hillary about that
They are all corporatists. And no, he wasn't honest. The first thing he did was make a deal with a corporation. Wait, that was the second. First he appointed Goldman Sachs. :lmao:

That's what he said he was going to do. He said he is against free trade, government should decide when and if a company can trade. What planet were you on during the election? I sure the fuck heard him say he's not a capitalist repeatedly. That's why I didn't vote for him. How did you possibly not know that?
Of course he's a capitalist. That's why he made the deal with Carrier and why he appointed a Goldman Sachs person. He's also a commie, that's why he wants the government to decide when and if a company can trade. He's in it all for his bottom line. He's like Stalin.

You say "of course he's a capitalist" then none of your examples are capitalism
I voted for someone that I knew what to expect from. Trump is not going to be the dream president his supporters think he will be.

Ah, so you voting for a corporatist was OK because you knew she was owned by Wall Street. Failed argument.

Trump campaigned against capitalism. He was far more honest than Hillary about that
They are all corporatists. And no, he wasn't honest. The first thing he did was make a deal with a corporation. Wait, that was the second. First he appointed Goldman Sachs. :lmao:

That's what he said he was going to do. He said he is against free trade, government should decide when and if a company can trade. What planet were you on during the election? I sure the fuck heard him say he's not a capitalist repeatedly. That's why I didn't vote for him. How did you possibly not know that?
Of course he's a capitalist. That's why he made the deal with Carrier and why he appointed a Goldman Sachs person. He's also a commie, that's why he wants the government to decide when and if a company can trade. He's in it all for his bottom line. He's like Stalin.

You say "of course he's a capitalist" then none of your examples are capitalism
Personally, as it applies to him and his family, he is a capitalist. Politically, as his opposition to free trade shows, and his telling companies what to do shows, he's a communist. He's going to use his position to benefit himself, period. So he's a hybrid. Like Stalin.
Not to mention his opposition to immigration (not A capitalist trait) except when it allows him to hire cheap labor (a capitalist trait).
TIME Person of the Year for 2016 is President-elect Donald Trump

Liberal heads explode in 3....2....1....

References to Hitler also being on the cover in 3.....2....1..

He certainly is, no one remotely changed the world like Trump this year
He made crony capitalism patriot!

I can say that, I didn't vote for him or the Wall Street bitch you voted for. I'm the only one of us who voted against crony capitalism
I voted for someone that I knew what to expect from. Trump is not going to be the dream president his supporters think he will be.
He's already started being the president we wanted. Carrier is staying,Japanese company is investing 50 BILLION to create 50 THOUSAND jobs....yeah....wouldn't have happened under Clinton.

If one more of you idiots mentions Carrier....holy shit.

LOL @ "looks into democrats"

Like when he had "people" who found "stuff you wouldn't believe" in Hawaii about Obama's birth certificate?

Quick question, do you agree with Herr Drumpf that Obama is a natural born U.S. Citizen?

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