Time Of Reason: Trump Likely To Support Ending Federal Ban On Marijuana...

If Trump actually mobilized some action on this, I would approve. I don't even smoke, but it is relatively harmless drug, FAR less harmful than alcohol, which is LEGAL and is actually Satan in a bottle.

But I'd say the chances of that happening are about 1/1000. His supporters would not allow it.
Legalize it, then empty our prisons of all non-violent Marijuana 'Offenders.' It's time. Period, end of story.
Whoa, you really should give Marijuana a shot. It isn't addictive, that's proven fact. And it could help with your irrational fear & anger problem. Btw, do you drink?
Try this.

10 Signs of Marijuana Addiction | The Canyon

I have no vices. I do not drink, smoke or use drugs. Drug users cannot be helped. Especially marijuana users. They are so convinced that their drug is harmless they cannot be helped. They, like you, will drag anyone they can into their addiction with them. They need to be executed. Sad to say, but it's like spreading a deadly disease. The danger of contagion is too great to let them live. Unless we had a viable form of isolation.

Again, it's been scientifically proven that Marijuana is not addictive. Now alcohol on the other hand?...
Not everyone who has a drink is an alcoholic. Everyone that uses marijuana is an addict. There is no reason to use except to get high.

You need to do some research on the subject. Marijuana is non-addictive.
This is research.

Is marijuana addictive?

What you have is pro pot propaganda.

Well, then don't partake in it. That's your right. I won't force you to. But many studies have proved Marijuana could rightfully be labeled a 'Miracle Drug.' It has numerous medicinal values. And you certainly can't say that about cigarettes, chewing tobacco, alcohol, and so on.
If Trump actually mobilized some action on this, I would approve. I don't even smoke, but it is relatively harmless drug, FAR less harmful than alcohol, which is LEGAL and is actually Satan in a bottle.

But I'd say the chances of that happening are about 1/1000. His supporters would not allow it.

If the legislation reaches his desk, he has said he'll sign it. It's a Bi-Partisan sponsored bill. So i guess we'll see.
If Trump actually mobilized some action on this, I would approve. I don't even smoke, but it is relatively harmless drug, FAR less harmful than alcohol, which is LEGAL and is actually Satan in a bottle.

But I'd say the chances of that happening are about 1/1000. His supporters would not allow it.

If the legislation reaches his desk, he has said he'll sign it. It's a Bi-Partisan sponsored bill. So i guess we'll see.

Has to make it through a republican congress. Seems unlikely.

And then, even if that did somehow happen, he has to resist the outcry of much of his base (the conservative christian south and midwest) that tend to oppose marijuana. It's not like this president does not have a habit of changing his mind.
If Trump actually mobilized some action on this, I would approve. I don't even smoke, but it is relatively harmless drug, FAR less harmful than alcohol, which is LEGAL and is actually Satan in a bottle.

But I'd say the chances of that happening are about 1/1000. His supporters would not allow it.

If the legislation reaches his desk, he has said he'll sign it. It's a Bi-Partisan sponsored bill. So i guess we'll see.

Has to make it through a republican congress. Seems unlikely.

And then, even if that did somehow happen, he has to resist the outcry of much of his base (the conservative christian south and midwest) that tend to oppose marijuana. It's not like this president does not have a habit of changing his mind.

I hear ya, he would face some backlash. But the old white religious zealots who oppose it, are quickly dying off. They're becoming irrelevant. I hope he understands that and does the right thing. Younger more enlightened folks, will fully support his decision.

The Republican Party has to be very careful on this. It's becoming known as the Party of 'Old Angry Backwards White Guys.' Trump could buck that image by ending Marijuana Prohibition. I hope he does that.
If Trump actually mobilized some action on this, I would approve. I don't even smoke, but it is relatively harmless drug, FAR less harmful than alcohol, which is LEGAL and is actually Satan in a bottle.

But I'd say the chances of that happening are about 1/1000. His supporters would not allow it.

If the legislation reaches his desk, he has said he'll sign it. It's a Bi-Partisan sponsored bill. So i guess we'll see.

Has to make it through a republican congress. Seems unlikely.

And then, even if that did somehow happen, he has to resist the outcry of much of his base (the conservative christian south and midwest) that tend to oppose marijuana. It's not like this president does not have a habit of changing his mind.

I hear ya, he would face some backlash. But the old white religious zealots who oppose it, are quickly dying off. They're becoming irrelevant. I hope he understands that and does the right thing. Younger more enlightened folks, will fully support his decision.

The Republican Party has to be very careful on this. It's becoming known as the Party of 'Old Angry Backwards White Guys.' Trump could buck that image by ending Marijuana Prohibition. I hope he does that.

I don't think Trump is against weed. I don't think he has very strong principles at all. It's actually one of the few things I like about him. His transactional, un-dogmatic, seemingly amoral nature. If he was shrewder, more eloquent, and less outrageous, I might even be a fan of this president.

But he is definitely a political beast. Don't let his supporters tell you otherwise. He will go wherever the wind blows. It would be up to Trump supporters to enable him in something like this. He doesn't care what anyone else thinks.
If Trump actually mobilized some action on this, I would approve. I don't even smoke, but it is relatively harmless drug, FAR less harmful than alcohol, which is LEGAL and is actually Satan in a bottle.

But I'd say the chances of that happening are about 1/1000. His supporters would not allow it.

If the legislation reaches his desk, he has said he'll sign it. It's a Bi-Partisan sponsored bill. So i guess we'll see.

Has to make it through a republican congress. Seems unlikely.

And then, even if that did somehow happen, he has to resist the outcry of much of his base (the conservative christian south and midwest) that tend to oppose marijuana. It's not like this president does not have a habit of changing his mind.

I hear ya, he would face some backlash. But the old white religious zealots who oppose it, are quickly dying off. They're becoming irrelevant. I hope he understands that and does the right thing. Younger more enlightened folks, will fully support his decision.

The Republican Party has to be very careful on this. It's becoming known as the Party of 'Old Angry Backwards White Guys.' Trump could buck that image by ending Marijuana Prohibition. I hope he does that.

I don't think Trump is against weed. I don't think he has very strong principles at all. It's actually one of the few things I like about him. His transactional, un-dogmatic, seemingly amoral nature. If he was shrewder, more eloquent, and less outrageous, I might even be a fan of this president.

But he is definitely a political beast. Don't let his supporters tell you otherwise. He will go wherever the wind blows. It would be up to Trump supporters to enable him in something like this. He doesn't care what anyone else thinks.

I don't know, Trump isn't a career Swamp Creature. It's what i really like about him. He isn't afraid to go his own way. I really think this could get done. I'm actually optimistic.
Not everyone who has a drink is an alcoholic. Everyone that uses marijuana is an addict. There is no reason to use except to get high.
You’re an idiot. Marijuana helps with arthritis pain, helps patients going through cemotherapy regain an appetite, and so on and so on.

Educate yourself before you look even more out of your mind than usual.
Just get high. Nothing matters after that.
Just ignore my point. That’s all you do, idiot
They are arresting people for smoking cigarettes and the crazy left wants to legalize marijuana.

Who's arresting people for smoking cigarettes?

Left and Right want to legalize marijuana, pay attention or better yet partake in a little and maybe you'll understand what bi partisan means. I know you only saw the word bi.
Not everyone who has a drink is an alcoholic. Everyone that uses marijuana is an addict. There is no reason to use except to get high.
You’re an idiot. Marijuana helps with arthritis pain, helps patients going through cemotherapy regain an appetite, and so on and so on.

Educate yourself before you look even more out of your mind than usual.
Just get high. Nothing matters after that.
Just ignore my point. That’s all you do, idiot

No sense in responding to her she thinks she's an attorney. I roll on the floor laughing every time she says something about being an attorney.
Nice job President Trump. It's time. Let's stop throwing Citizens in cages for using Marijuana. It shouldn't have ever been criminalized. Legalize it, and then release all Citizens who are in prison for non-violent Marijuana offenses.

Trump says he is likely to support ending federal ban on marijuana

President Trump said he likely will support a congressional effort to end the federal ban on marijuana, a major step that would reshape the pot industry and end the threat of a Justice Department crackdown.

Trump’s remarks put him sharply at odds with Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions on the issue. The bill in question, pushed by a bipartisan coalition, would allow states to go forward with legalization unencumbered by threats of federal prosecution.

Trump made his comments to a gaggle of reporters Friday morning just before he boarded a helicopter on his way to the G-7 summit in Canada. His remarks came the day after the bipartisan group of lawmakers proposed their measure.

“I support Sen. Gardner,” Trump said when asked about the bill. “I know exactly what he’s doing. We’re looking at it. But I probably will end up supporting that, yes.”...

Trump says he is likely to support ending federal ban on marijuana

I fully expect the pot smokers in the hate-Trump, never-Trump movements to find a way to criticize Trump for this stance.

I have not read all the responses to this thread, but am I right?

Nope, but a couple trumpettes are criticizing.
If Trump actually mobilized some action on this, I would approve. I don't even smoke, but it is relatively harmless drug, FAR less harmful than alcohol, which is LEGAL and is actually Satan in a bottle.

But I'd say the chances of that happening are about 1/1000. His supporters would not allow it.

If the legislation reaches his desk, he has said he'll sign it. It's a Bi-Partisan sponsored bill. So i guess we'll see.

Has to make it through a republican congress. Seems unlikely.

And then, even if that did somehow happen, he has to resist the outcry of much of his base (the conservative christian south and midwest) that tend to oppose marijuana. It's not like this president does not have a habit of changing his mind.

I hear ya, he would face some backlash. But the old white religious zealots who oppose it, are quickly dying off. They're becoming irrelevant. I hope he understands that and does the right thing. Younger more enlightened folks, will fully support his decision.

The Republican Party has to be very careful on this. It's becoming known as the Party of 'Old Angry Backwards White Guys.' Trump could buck that image by ending Marijuana Prohibition. I hope he does that.[/QUOTcounE]

I live in 99% red county and I'm an old man and have a medicinal marijuana card, the dispensary here is packed with angry old white republican's when I go refill. They's all jump for joy as well as the highly populated veteran areas of this and the adjoining 4 counties.
Try this.

10 Signs of Marijuana Addiction | The Canyon

I have no vices. I do not drink, smoke or use drugs. Drug users cannot be helped. Especially marijuana users. They are so convinced that their drug is harmless they cannot be helped. They, like you, will drag anyone they can into their addiction with them. They need to be executed. Sad to say, but it's like spreading a deadly disease. The danger of contagion is too great to let them live. Unless we had a viable form of isolation.

Again, it's been scientifically proven that Marijuana is not addictive. Now alcohol on the other hand?...
Not everyone who has a drink is an alcoholic. Everyone that uses marijuana is an addict. There is no reason to use except to get high.

You need to do some research on the subject. Marijuana is non-addictive.
This is research.

Is marijuana addictive?

What you have is pro pot propaganda.

Well, then don't partake in it. That's your right. I won't force you to. But many studies have proved Marijuana could rightfully be labeled a 'Miracle Drug.' It has numerous medicinal values. And you certainly can't say that about cigarettes, chewing tobacco, alcohol, and so on.
Really! You must not remember the days of "9 out of 10 doctors recommend Kool menthol cigarettes. Good for asthma, bronchitis and heart disease."

Of course alcohol was widely used as an anesthetic even for amputations. Everything is a miracle drug until it isn't any more. All you are telling me is that the prohibitionists were right all along. Which leads to a similar conclusion that marijuana prohibitionists are also correct.
I live in 99% red county and I'm an old man and have a medicinal marijuana card, the dispensary here is packed with angry old white republican's when I go refill. They's all jump for joy as well as the highly populated veteran areas of this and the adjoining 4 counties.
Not everyone who has a drink is an alcoholic. Everyone that uses marijuana is an addict. There is no reason to use except to get high.
You’re an idiot. Marijuana helps with arthritis pain, helps patients going through cemotherapy regain an appetite, and so on and so on.

Educate yourself before you look even more out of your mind than usual.
Just get high. Nothing matters after that.
Just ignore my point. That’s all you do, idiot

No sense in responding to her she thinks she's an attorney. I roll on the floor laughing every time she says something about being an attorney.
Trump is a very live and let live person. He doesn't drink. He never let his kids drink or smoke. He would buy you a drink. He doesn't use drugs but knows how compliant a drugged people are. He would certainly support your right to do what you are told.
Nice job President Trump. It's time. Let's stop throwing Citizens in cages for using Marijuana. It shouldn't have ever been criminalized. Legalize it, and then release all Citizens who are in prison for non-violent Marijuana offenses.

Trump says he is likely to support ending federal ban on marijuana

President Trump said he likely will support a congressional effort to end the federal ban on marijuana, a major step that would reshape the pot industry and end the threat of a Justice Department crackdown.

Trump’s remarks put him sharply at odds with Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions on the issue. The bill in question, pushed by a bipartisan coalition, would allow states to go forward with legalization unencumbered by threats of federal prosecution.

Trump made his comments to a gaggle of reporters Friday morning just before he boarded a helicopter on his way to the G-7 summit in Canada. His remarks came the day after the bipartisan group of lawmakers proposed their measure.

“I support Sen. Gardner,” Trump said when asked about the bill. “I know exactly what he’s doing. We’re looking at it. But I probably will end up supporting that, yes.”...

Trump says he is likely to support ending federal ban on marijuana

I fully expect the pot smokers in the hate-Trump, never-Trump movements to find a way to criticize Trump for this stance.

I have not read all the responses to this thread, but am I right?

Nope, but a couple trumpettes are criticizing.

Yeah, there's gonna be a lot of resistance from many in the Republican Party. It is a Bi-Partisan bill being proposed though. Hopefully it'll make it to Trump's desk.
Again, it's been scientifically proven that Marijuana is not addictive. Now alcohol on the other hand?...
Not everyone who has a drink is an alcoholic. Everyone that uses marijuana is an addict. There is no reason to use except to get high.

You need to do some research on the subject. Marijuana is non-addictive.
This is research.

Is marijuana addictive?

What you have is pro pot propaganda.

Well, then don't partake in it. That's your right. I won't force you to. But many studies have proved Marijuana could rightfully be labeled a 'Miracle Drug.' It has numerous medicinal values. And you certainly can't say that about cigarettes, chewing tobacco, alcohol, and so on.
Really! You must not remember the days of "9 out of 10 doctors recommend Kool menthol cigarettes. Good for asthma, bronchitis and heart disease."

Of course alcohol was widely used as an anesthetic even for amputations. Everything is a miracle drug until it isn't any more. All you are telling me is that the prohibitionists were right all along. Which leads to a similar conclusion that marijuana prohibitionists are also correct.

Yet you don't get thrown in a cage for cigarettes, chewing tobacco, alcohol, and so on. And you really should research Marijuana a bit more. It really could be called a 'Miracle Drug.'

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