Time to Admit Obamanomics has Failed

The republiKlans here will be exploding heads if obama beats their next fat old white good ole boy.
What is wrong with this asswipe? He doesn't have a clue all he can do is play golf and have party's. obama you're a fool because yur plan is not working. If you don't do something real soon, the people are going to start to get desperate. Stop being so prideful and admitt you made a mistake and allow the professionals to work on the economy
Economy is slowing down, U.S. data show - Business - International Herald Tribune

NEW YORK — Economic growth in the United States slowed significantly in the second quarter, the Commerce Department said Friday. Growth settled down to a rate that economists regard as more sustainable and orderly than the torrid pace reported the previous quarter.

Gross domestic product, the sum of the nation's output of goods and services, grew at an annual rate of 2.5 percent in the three months ended June 30. While that is considered a healthy growth rate, it is well below the figure of 3 percent that many economists forecast.
Oh he hasn't ruined the economy enough??????


We were in a recession when Obama took office. We've been out of recession for a year.

yay,, right,, unemployment at nearly ten percent.. gobama gobama gobama..meanwhile Marie don't know shit bout no recession. :lol::lol:

I'm just telling you the facts.

btw, half of the stimulus was tax cuts. So much for tax cuts stimulating the economy, eh??

What we need is to raise taxes on the rich in this country so the ones who are capable of creating jobs will not....Oh wait Obama is doing that.
What we need is to saddle companies with the uncertainty of health care costs and energy costs so potential employers will not hire now....Well again Obama has that covered as well.
What we need is to set up another Stimulus deal because the first one was such a disaster....Obama is thinking about that now so we are good to go there.

Well as a Con as you dopes like to call us how do you like these ideas to jump start this Obama economy.
obama FAIL

NEW YORK — Economic growth in the United States slowed significantly in the second quarter, the Commerce Department said Friday. Growth settled down to a rate that economists regard as more sustainable and orderly than the torrid pace reported the previous quarter.

Gross domestic product, the sum of the nation's output of goods and services, grew at an annual rate of 2.5 percent in the three months ended June 30. While that is considered a healthy growth rate, it is well below the figure of 3 percent that many economists forecast.

What we need is to raise taxes on the rich in this country so the ones who are capable of creating jobs will not....Oh wait Obama is doing that.
What we need is to saddle companies with the uncertainty of health care costs and energy costs so potential employers will not hire now....Well again Obama has that covered as well.
What we need is to set up another Stimulus deal because the first one was such a disaster....Obama is thinking about that now so we are good to go there.

Well as a Con as you dopes like to call us how do you like these ideas to jump start this Obama economy.

Most people looking for failure would love that kind of agenda.
I would seriously love to hear where this faith in what Mr. Obama is doing comes from. I could use a little bit of it. Does it take a mixture of drugs or just one in particular and what dosage?
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obama FAIL

NEW YORK — Economic growth in the United States slowed significantly in the second quarter, the Commerce Department said Friday. Growth settled down to a rate that economists regard as more sustainable and orderly than the torrid pace reported the previous quarter.

Gross domestic product, the sum of the nation's output of goods and services, grew at an annual rate of 2.5 percent in the three months ended June 30. While that is considered a healthy growth rate, it is well below the figure of 3 percent that many economists forecast.


See, the failure of 'Obamanomics' is that it plunged our economy into the depths of

healthy growth!!!
obama FAIL

NEW YORK — Economic growth in the United States slowed significantly in the second quarter, the Commerce Department said Friday. Growth settled down to a rate that economists regard as more sustainable and orderly than the torrid pace reported the previous quarter.

Gross domestic product, the sum of the nation's output of goods and services, grew at an annual rate of 2.5 percent in the three months ended June 30. While that is considered a healthy growth rate, it is well below the figure of 3 percent that many economists forecast.


See, the failure of 'Obamanomics' is that it plunged our economy into the depths of

healthy growth!!!

care to open the link and look at the title?

Economy is slowing down, U.S. data show - Business - International Herald Tribune
It's no coincidence that Christina Romer, chairwoman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, announced her retirement the day before Friday's brutal unemployment report. With 131,000 more jobs lost in July, and downward revisions of 97,000 for the previous two months, it's easy to see why she would start looking for the exits.

Romer is best known for drafting the February 2009 report "The Job Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan," which the White House used as an ammunition belt in the fight to gain passage of its $862 billion economic stimulus bill (the actual cost of which exceeds $1 trillion when interest is included). Romer predicted that following passage of the stimulus bill, unemployment would plateau below 8 percent last fall and by this month register at 7 percent. That's not close enough for government work, as unemployment stands at 9.5 percent today. It would be higher except that hundreds of thousands of frustrated job seekers have given up looking for new jobs and dropped out of the labor force.

Predictably, the stimulus bill has proven to be an extraordinary waste of borrowed money that has failed to create jobs, generate economic growth or do much of anything other than line the pockets of White House political allies. That and give $308 million in subsidies to BP before the Gulf oil spill disaster, and subsidize a study on what happens when monkeys snort coke.

Read it all:

Time to admit Obamanomics has failed | Washington Examiner

This is no surprise to conservatives. We have been telling the "wizards of schmart" that Keynesian policy does not work.

This all boils down to the idea that the government can grow the economy. It can't. All the government can do to help the economy is GET OUT OF THE WAY.

Obama has instead, hampered and intimidated business, and now everyone is afraid to hire, for fear of what Obama will do next.


I love how they are saying she is quitting because she is Exhausted. More like Dejected in the Fact of utter incompetence and Failure.
It has failed terribly. I voted for Barak Obama and he has been a disapointment. I had hope, he had enthusiasm. I thought the nation would get caught up in his energy and we would see change occur in Washington. I've seen nothing but compromise and sell out. What separates Democrat and Republican now is only rhetoric in their speeches. Both have the same objectives and that is furthuing their own personal objectives. We are not represented by government no matter which side is in office. The only reason they even bother to attempt to sell themselves to us is for votes.
What is wrong with this asswipe? He doesn't have a clue all he can do is play golf and have party's. obama you're a fool because yur plan is not working. If you don't do something real soon, the people are going to start to get desperate. Stop being so prideful and admitt you made a mistake and allow the professionals to work on the economy
Economy is slowing down, U.S. data show - Business - International Herald Tribune

NEW YORK — Economic growth in the United States slowed significantly in the second quarter, the Commerce Department said Friday. Growth settled down to a rate that economists regard as more sustainable and orderly than the torrid pace reported the previous quarter.

Gross domestic product, the sum of the nation's output of goods and services, grew at an annual rate of 2.5 percent in the three months ended June 30. While that is considered a healthy growth rate, it is well below the figure of 3 percent that many economists forecast.

Holy shit!

You're right. Obamanomics has clearly led to a healthy growth rate!

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