Time to ask the uncomfortable questions.

Sadly for the unvaccinated, they will get no help from the vaccinated, in reducing community spread. The vaccines only protect the receiver, from getting really sick with corona virus disease.

We should be watching hospitalizations by region, instead of infection counts....it should be hospital counts imo.
I agree with this. We have know from day 1 that there will be millions who are infected will experience nothing. These were the asymptomatic carriers which caused the mask mandates from the beginning. These infected probably also never got tested, so the number of infected is probably even greater which makes the number of those who have been hospitalized and or died even smaller.

So infections, is just a number of those who get tested why possibly millions may have been infected and experienced nothing.

Actual hospitalizations are the most important factor. We can debate and argue the number of infections, but because this virus can hit you and do nothing to some, makes infections skewed data for comparisons.
They're not uncomfortable questions. They're stupid questions, which have been answered many times before.

It's always been known that vaccinated people can get a mild case of COVID.

The vast majority of cases and deaths are happening in unvaccinated people, exactly as basic medical science predicted.

There is zero evidence that the virus was manufactured.

Go on, commit suicide to own the libs. We can't stop you.
Game, set match!
Well there goes the theory that liberals are open-minded, curious, receptive, and question everything.

According to your idiot babbling, anyone who isn't actively questioning the round-earth theory, the germ theory of disease and the existence of North Dakota at every single moment is closed minded and evil.

You're not actually that stupid. You're just angry because your dumb propaganda campaign is getting the ridicule it deserves.

The only "stupid" questions are the ones that go unasked.
"Just asking questions" ... insanely stupid questions ... to spread dishonest fascist propaganda points is a staple conservative tactic these days. Tucker Carlson has taught his minions well.
These infected probably also never got tested, so the number of infected is probably even greater which makes the number of those who have been hospitalized and or died even smaller.
Not the "number", but the rate. And the number concerns us just as much as the rate. Because even a lower rate causes a larger number of serious illnesses, when the virus spreads more quickly. So safety measures and vaccines work to slow the transmission. That is their main function. They do this through a variety of ways, but that is the overarching goal.
That's right, reality is all a big liberal conspiracy. Only those in the Trump cult have figured that out, which makes them the most very special snowflakes of all. After all, their cult tells them so. Emotional affirmation is how cults draw in the weak-minded.

Now, back in reality, the global death rate from COVID is 2.1%. For the new lamda variant, it's 9.3%. And I don't expect any of the Trump cult sore-losers to know that. They're proud of only knowing what their cult tells them, and their cult deliberately keeps them stupid.



No, because God is punishing us for not abiding by his declarations of using all fruit natural jams and jellies compared to Welch's..What I am questioning is the apparent 180 degree phase change by Trumpet's that once touted the vaccines as a Trump victory and now they are a corrupted source of evil and disinformation.
I thought it was Smuckers?
Lets clarify: they are dying from covid at a mich lower rate from than the unvaccinated. As expected.
Yes, that would be expected, but that's not what was said, nor was it what I was responding to.

Again, the comment I responded to was that those who were dying were unvaccinated.

We know that statement to be false...
Are the Covid vaccinations infecting the population with the virus?

Well just ask yourself THIS, Ray-- -- -- where does everyone go to get the vaccine? To the local Walmart or drug store or somewhere waiting in line to get the shot from somebody else who has just had contact with 100 other people that same day, all unvaccinated, worried about getting the virus. :smoke:
Sometimes uncomfortable questions need to be asked so here is one: Are the Covid vaccinations infecting the population with the virus? That is one plausible explanation for why vaccinated people are getting the virus. That question is never asked. In fact, it is specifically avoided. It is avoided just like questions about the lab leak theory. Are we the beneficiaries of science or the victims of it? How many more vaccinated people are going to get sick? That number appears to be increasing. The stewards of global science seem to have gone to the dark side and now we are paying a terrible price. This virus did not just pop up put of nature, it was manufactured.
The answer is probably no, but there are plenty of uncomfortable questions that should be asked, such as what do insiders know about the overall situation and origin of the virus that caused them to take such a strong approach with a disease that (so far) has a very low mortality among those infected.
Well just ask yourself THIS, Ray-- -- -- where does everyone go to get the vaccine? To the local Walmart or drug store or somewhere waiting in line to get the shot from somebody else who has just had contact with 100 other people that same day, all unvaccinated, worried about getting the virus. :smoke:
Still better than not getting vaccinated. So a big swing and a miss for you, there.

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