Time to ban knives on college campuses. 9 stabbed in Houston

What lame point has been repeated in this dopey thread a dozen times? It is obvious.

No, it is not obvious, since "lame" is in the eye of the beholder. I don't know what is lame to you, left or right.

Never mind. I see you don't want to say what you mean clearly. Not very useful to be on a forum and be so vague, IMO.


The " we need to ban knives" lame assed point that is the topic of this thread and has been used thousands of times here since the Newtown massacre took place.

What else could I have been referring to?

God knows, and you wouldn't say. Prying what you mean out of you with a crowbar is getting to be too much like work. AND you fire off insulting reps. Who needs to talk with people like that? Not me. Congrats, you made my Ignore list.
So it appears we have evidence that if we ban guns the resulting massacres would be much less severe

Clearly. But let's just ban the fashion-statement assault rifles, which seem to send a lot of weak brains over the top, somehow.

If we ban all guns, normal people won't be able to shoot home invaders or marauding predator animals, and that would be a problem.

This guy told police he has been fantasizing killing people since he was a child, and he planned this attack out carefully. Apparently nobody knew this about him. What are you really going to do about people like that? It seems hopeless to deal with real madness of this careful, sly kind.

A BUNCH of these characters were known to psychologists/psychiatrists, however, if not to police, and so I think that's where to start. There has to be a lot more communication between psychologists and police about these madmen. Apparently the Colorado psychologist DID tell police about James Holmes, the Batman killer, but they did nothing till he showed up with orange hair and body armor and two assault rifles shooting everyone he could.

This whole process needs to change. If people know about these crazies, I think they simply should be locked up in a mental asylum. It was a terrible mistake to get rid of mental hospitals, just like it was a terrible mistake to legalize assault rifles and high-capacity magazines. There is NO really sane reason to have an assault rifle in America: anyone who does have one is suspect in my eyes for paranoia.

I think the AR-15s support the adolescent Rambo fantasies of the shooters. Gotta have a bad ass looking gun. Large capacity magazines allow them to vent destruction just like in the video games
"Only law abiding citizens obey the law". Gee, what a brilliant remark. Did you think that up all by yourself?

How about this, many a law abiding citizens first and only criminal act was to murder another human being, many times it was a family member and sometimes one or a dozen or more strangers. Evil is not easy to discern, it isn't in the color of ones skin or the God they worship or deny, and no one can predict when it will become manifest in horrific ways.

There are some precursors which a thorough background check can discover, but not everyone with a substance abuse problem or a cheating spouse, an insolent child or a job loose will act out violently. But some do.

There is on sure thing. The answer is not more guns.

I won't pretend to know the answer to gun violence in America, but it's time Government to put money into finding common factors - if they exist - of those who commit mass murder and those who kill strangers and family members. And, develop a means to make their ownership, possession or custody and control of a gun capable of mass murder very difficult to obtain. The only way is to make those who provide them such a weapon culpable for any harm caused by such a weapon.

And it's time for the gun lovers and NRA to recognize the murders at Sandy Hook changed America, those who can't are those who should never own a firearm for they lack empathy. A lack of empathy for those personally impacted by the Sandy Hook Massacre is one marker of someone likely to commit murder.

Leftists are stupid, it's why they are leftists.

In the faulty "mind" of a leftist, a murder goes down like this;

"Oh look, there is a gun, who should I murder?"

In reality it goes down like this;

"I hate Frank, I'm going to kill him. What should I kill him with? Poison? A Knife, a gun?"
"Only law abiding citizens obey the law". Gee, what a brilliant remark. Did you think that up all by yourself?

How about this, many a law abiding citizens first and only criminal act was to murder another human being, many times it was a family member and sometimes one or a dozen or more strangers. Evil is not easy to discern, it isn't in the color of ones skin or the God they worship or deny, and no one can predict when it will become manifest in horrific ways.

There are some precursors which a thorough background check can discover, but not everyone with a substance abuse problem or a cheating spouse, an insolent child or a job loose will act out violently. But some do.

There is on sure thing. The answer is not more guns.

I won't pretend to know the answer to gun violence in America, but it's time Government to put money into finding common factors - if they exist - of those who commit mass murder and those who kill strangers and family members. And, develop a means to make their ownership, possession or custody and control of a gun capable of mass murder very difficult to obtain. The only way is to make those who provide them such a weapon culpable for any harm caused by such a weapon.

And it's time for the gun lovers and NRA to recognize the murders at Sandy Hook changed America, those who can't are those who should never own a firearm for they lack empathy. A lack of empathy for those personally impacted by the Sandy Hook Massacre is one marker of someone likely to commit murder.

Leftists are stupid, it's why they are leftists.

In the faulty "mind" of a leftist, a murder goes down like this;

"Oh look, there is a gun, who should I murder?"

In reality it goes down like this;

"I hate Frank, I'm going to kill him. What should I kill him with? Poison? A Knife, a gun?"
"Only law abiding citizens obey the law". Gee, what a brilliant remark. Did you think that up all by yourself?

How about this, many a law abiding citizens first and only criminal act was to murder another human being, many times it was a family member and sometimes one or a dozen or more strangers. Evil is not easy to discern, it isn't in the color of ones skin or the God they worship or deny, and no one can predict when it will become manifest in horrific ways.

There are some precursors which a thorough background check can discover, but not everyone with a substance abuse problem or a cheating spouse, an insolent child or a job loose will act out violently. But some do.

There is on sure thing. The answer is not more guns.

I won't pretend to know the answer to gun violence in America, but it's time Government to put money into finding common factors - if they exist - of those who commit mass murder and those who kill strangers and family members. And, develop a means to make their ownership, possession or custody and control of a gun capable of mass murder very difficult to obtain. The only way is to make those who provide them such a weapon culpable for any harm caused by such a weapon.

And it's time for the gun lovers and NRA to recognize the murders at Sandy Hook changed America, those who can't are those who should never own a firearm for they lack empathy. A lack of empathy for those personally impacted by the Sandy Hook Massacre is one marker of someone likely to commit murder.

Leftists are stupid, it's why they are leftists.

In the faulty "mind" of a leftist, a murder goes down like this;

"Oh look, there is a gun, who should I murder?"

In reality it goes down like this;

"I hate Frank, I'm going to kill him. What should I kill him with? Poison? A Knife, a gun?"

"And which would be the fastest and most effective way to do so?.......hmmmmmmmm"
"And which would be the fastest and most effective way to do so?.......hmmmmmmmm"

A gun, true, but that doesn't explain the topic of this thread --- why did that weird psychotic use a box knife??? He said he fantasized killing people all his life, and then he uses a fairly non-lethal weapon??

Well, I wish all the homicidal maniacs would do that. It would sure cut down the death toll at colleges.
A gun, true,


A knife to the cardioid will kill far faster than a gunshot. Have you NEVER watched CSI?

Blades are the most effective means of a quick kill. But a blade require the killer to be close. The advantage of a gun is distance.

but that doesn't explain the topic of this thread --- why did that weird psychotic use a box knife??? He said he fantasized killing people all his life, and then he uses a fairly non-lethal weapon??

Well, I wish all the homicidal maniacs would do that. It would sure cut down the death toll at colleges.

Box cutters were what the 9-11 hijackers used.

They killed 3,000 people.

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