Time to bring down the roof on Joe Manchin

What he represents is bad for this country, destruction of voter rights of democrats. 300 bills across this country to take away votes of democrats, just more of the same anti American attacks on this country. We need to dump the filibuster and pass the bills that got Biden elected and we need a voter rights bill that stop's the rights destruction of voter rights in this country. His main position is being head of Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee , tell him they he will lose that position and that democrats will go after coal production like it is the plague. He will give in and his crap will come to a end. Screw him he is bad for this country, claiming to be a democrat doesn't make it ,when we have issues like this that have to be responded to.

Yeah, you keep pushing Manchin and not respect his representing his constituents, just keep in mind that he could change parties and place control of the senate back in the hands of the republican party. You commies can never think further than the end of your own nose. Remember, xiden got less than 30% of the vote in WV.


It's far more complicated than that. Sanders also beat Hillary in WV.

Not really, 70+% of WV votes republican, Manchin is only in office because he refuses to be a rubber stamp for you commies.


No they don't. Elections are more than just the Presidential ones. Sanders beat Hillary in WV. The same election saw a (D) win as governor.

And you can bet he's isn't a flaming scumbag commie.

Let me break it down for all ya'll:

we can't save American democracy because Manchin's a fucking psychopath

What he represents is bad for this country, destruction of voter rights of democrats. 300 bills across this country to take away votes of democrats, just more of the same anti American attacks on this country. We need to dump the filibuster and pass the bills that got Biden elected and we need a voter rights bill that stop's the rights destruction of voter rights in this country. His main position is being head of Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee , tell him they he will lose that position and that democrats will go after coal production like it is the plague. He will give in and his crap will come to a end. Screw him he is bad for this country, claiming to be a democrat doesn't make it ,when we have issues like this that have to be responded to.

Joe Manchin's job is to represent the people of West Virginia, not far left extremists like yourself.
Yup and that is why you take away his committee head and go after big coal. Nothing effects that state more then that. Back the make believe democrat in the corner. He will give in. Good point!
Better do it quick--the democrat debacle only has 18 mo. before the house of cards collapses.
What he represents is bad for this country, destruction of voter rights of democrats. 300 bills across this country to take away votes of democrats, just more of the same anti American attacks on this country. We need to dump the filibuster and pass the bills that got Biden elected and we need a voter rights bill that stop's the rights destruction of voter rights in this country. His main position is being head of Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee , tell him they he will lose that position and that democrats will go after coal production like it is the plague. He will give in and his crap will come to a end. Screw him he is bad for this country, claiming to be a democrat doesn't make it ,when we have issues like this that have to be responded to.
Biden ran on civility and getting the economy back to pre-covid status. The dems will lose the House in 22. I really don't mind so much the progressive left calls to increase the child tax credit permanently, and free community college (so long as kids pass the classes), and I wouldn't really care if those who make over 500K pay more, but Biden didn't win on spending trillions for elec car charging stations on interstates or making cars more expensive.

or getting rid of the fillibuster. And I'm not thrilled with the dems in DC telling me what my state has to have for voter ID.
Bullshit no one has to go further then your trillions that you say Biden wants to spend on elect car charging stations. That's just bullshit, the rest is useless also , no facts just bullshit.
What he represents is bad for this country, destruction of voter rights of democrats. 300 bills across this country to take away votes of democrats, just more of the same anti American attacks on this country. We need to dump the filibuster and pass the bills that got Biden elected and we need a voter rights bill that stop's the rights destruction of voter rights in this country. His main position is being head of Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee , tell him they he will lose that position and that democrats will go after coal production like it is the plague. He will give in and his crap will come to a end. Screw him he is bad for this country, claiming to be a democrat doesn't make it ,when we have issues like this that have to be responded to.
Biden ran on civility and getting the economy back to pre-covid status. The dems will lose the House in 22. I really don't mind so much the progressive left calls to increase the child tax credit permanently, and free community college (so long as kids pass the classes), and I wouldn't really care if those who make over 500K pay more, but Biden didn't win on spending trillions for elec car charging stations on interstates or making cars more expensive.

or getting rid of the fillibuster. And I'm not thrilled with the dems in DC telling me what my state has to have for voter ID.
If your state is a hate Nazi state it should be forced to do what is right , we know the hate Nazi's want to destroy our country to put in a dictator so they are worthless anti Americans and have to be squashed.

Time to bring down the roof on Joe Manchin​

And what, build him a better house? Good God-- -- -- Manchin is the ONLY democrat I have a little use for, capable of THINKING FOR HIMSELF and his constituents, and not just getting his marching orders as one more ZOMBIE under Nancy.
Manchin co-sponsored the 2019 version of the John Lewis voting rights bill to which he's now opposed

his arguments are very incoherent...maybe he's just dumb?

we're talking about our lives here. ... People died to get that right to vote

Joe just said he still supports the John Lewis bill.

Instead of forcing the For the People Act through Congress, Manchin advocated for lawmakers to focus on passing the The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.

What Are We Supposed to Make of Sen. Joe Manchin’s Maneuvering?
One more time "What he represents is bad for this country, destruction of voter rights of democrats. 300 bills across this country to take away votes of democrats, just more of the same anti American attacks on this country. We need to dump the filibuster and pass the bills that got Biden elected and we need a voter rights bill that stop's the rights destruction of voter rights in this country. His main position is being head of Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee , tell him they he will lose that position and that democrats will go after coal production like it is the plague. He will give in and his crap will come to a end. Screw him he is bad for this country, claiming to be a democrat doesn't make it ,when we have issues like this that have to be responded to."
The John Lewis bill has some gop support, just not 10 votes. Machin called on republicans to get on board. I'm not on board, really. What the bill does is restore restrictions on southern states drawing district lines. There's no doubt the gop gerrymanders. But nobody forced progressives to decide they don't want to do the same. Here in Miss, the gop leadership refused medicaid expansion and med weed, despite supermaj's wanting it. But the dems can't win cause we think they want to give more rights to some than others.
That's what every hate party bill is that is trying to take away votes of democrats. That's the only thing that means anything, there is no other reason that the hate party is doing it, they can't servive in a Demacracy so they are willing to do anything to stay in power. including having trump as a dictator. as they tried to do in 1/6

Joe Manchin's job is to represent the people of West Virginia, not far left extremists like yourself.
Yup and that is why you take away his committee head and go after big coal. Nothing effects that state more then that. Back the make believe democrat in the corner. He will give in. Good point!
Or he changes parties and hands control back to McConnell and gets his committee chair back, which I wouldn't put out of the question considering he probably has more in common with today's Republicans than the Democrats. Good point!
What difference will that make. He can do that but won't be elected again. so I'm not to worried about that really.
What he represents is bad for this country, destruction of voter rights of democrats. 300 bills across this country to take away votes of democrats, just more of the same anti American attacks on this country. We need to dump the filibuster and pass the bills that got Biden elected and we need a voter rights bill that stop's the rights destruction of voter rights in this country. His main position is being head of Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee , tell him they he will lose that position and that democrats will go after coal production like it is the plague. He will give in and his crap will come to a end. Screw him he is bad for this country, claiming to be a democrat doesn't make it ,when we have issues like this that have to be responded to.
I don’t understand why you would want to bring down one of the few Senators in the Senate that consistently displays some common sense and puts the interests of his constituents ahead of his party.

You realize that if Manchin goes, the chances are almost 100% that a REPUBLICAN Senator from DEEP RED WV will take his place, right?
What he represents is bad for this country, destruction of voter rights of democrats. 300 bills across this country to take away votes of democrats, just more of the same anti American attacks on this country. We need to dump the filibuster and pass the bills that got Biden elected and we need a voter rights bill that stop's the rights destruction of voter rights in this country. His main position is being head of Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee , tell him they he will lose that position and that democrats will go after coal production like it is the plague. He will give in and his crap will come to a end. Screw him he is bad for this country, claiming to be a democrat doesn't make it ,when we have issues like this that have to be responded to.

Yeah, failure to comply with the DNC 3rd Reich by voting in lock-step to eliminate the filibuster thereby allowing them to ram into law a bill making what they did in the last election easier and legal - ensuring the GOP will never win another election and Conservatives will never have a voice in the US again - is worthy of personal destruction.

Calling him a White Supremacist recently was a brilliant idea...but that isn't enough is it?

Why the Democrats don't immediately hire you to direct their actions going forward I do not know.

Oh wait...maybe I do. Perhaps it is because should Manchin decide he has had enough of the personal attacks and bullshit from his 'friends' and 'fellow' Democrats he could switch parties, suddenly giving the Majority to the GOP. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that his Majority conservative constituents has his back and would love for him to switch parties....

What do I know, though....I think the Democrats should 'bring the roof down' on Joe...accuse him of 'Russian collusion', attempt him of being a potential pedophile, threaten him and his family.....

The GOP will be extremely grateful.
What he represents is bad for this country, destruction of voter rights of democrats. 300 bills across this country to take away votes of democrats, just more of the same anti American attacks on this country. We need to dump the filibuster and pass the bills that got Biden elected and we need a voter rights bill that stop's the rights destruction of voter rights in this country. His main position is being head of Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee , tell him they he will lose that position and that democrats will go after coal production like it is the plague. He will give in and his crap will come to a end. Screw him he is bad for this country, claiming to be a democrat doesn't make it ,when we have issues like this that have to be responded to.

Joe Manchin's job is to represent the people of West Virginia, not far left extremists like yourself.
We northern 'far left extremists' subsidize red states.
That stale chestnut has been debunked so many times that it's not even funny anymore....You moonbats really need some new material.
What he represents is bad for this country, destruction of voter rights of democrats. 300 bills across this country to take away votes of democrats, just more of the same anti American attacks on this country. We need to dump the filibuster and pass the bills that got Biden elected and we need a voter rights bill that stop's the rights destruction of voter rights in this country. His main position is being head of Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee , tell him they he will lose that position and that democrats will go after coal production like it is the plague. He will give in and his crap will come to a end. Screw him he is bad for this country, claiming to be a democrat doesn't make it ,when we have issues like this that have to be responded to.
I don’t understand why you would want to bring down one of the few Senators in the Senate that consistently displays some common sense and puts the interests of his constituents ahead of his party.

You realize that if Manchin goes, the chances are almost 100% that a REPUBLICAN Senator from DEEP RED WV will take his place, right?

...errrr, you know....

CULT!!!!!! :laugh2:
What he represents is bad for this country, destruction of voter rights of democrats. 300 bills across this country to take away votes of democrats, just more of the same anti American attacks on this country. We need to dump the filibuster and pass the bills that got Biden elected and we need a voter rights bill that stop's the rights destruction of voter rights in this country. His main position is being head of Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee , tell him they he will lose that position and that democrats will go after coal production like it is the plague. He will give in and his crap will come to a end. Screw him he is bad for this country, claiming to be a democrat doesn't make it ,when we have issues like this that have to be responded to.
I don’t understand why you would want to bring down one of the few Senators in the Senate that consistently displays some common sense and puts the interests of his constituents ahead of his party.

You realize that if Manchin goes, the chances are almost 100% that a REPUBLICAN Senator from DEEP RED WV will take his place, right?
Put the hammer on him and he will protect demacracy. , don't and the right destroys our demacracy to stay in power., They can't function in a demacracy so they are willing to do anything , as in destroying our democracy to force in a piece of shit called Trump as a dictator.1/6 or 300 bills across this country to take away votes of democrats. They are traitors to this country and simply have to be gotten rid of. The hate group that they are trying to call a party is the is countries biggest enemy and has to go. There are no patriots in this country that support 1/6 or taking away or even making it harder for any American to vote. There is absolutely no reason other then self preservation in the most undemocratic way to take away votes of any group who population has a majority of democrats.
put the hammer on him and for him to protect the best interest of his state , coal mining, he will give in.
What he represents is bad for this country, destruction of voter rights of democrats. 300 bills across this country to take away votes of democrats, just more of the same anti American attacks on this country. We need to dump the filibuster and pass the bills that got Biden elected and we need a voter rights bill that stop's the rights destruction of voter rights in this country. His main position is being head of Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee , tell him they he will lose that position and that democrats will go after coal production like it is the plague. He will give in and his crap will come to a end. Screw him he is bad for this country, claiming to be a democrat doesn't make it ,when we have issues like this that have to be responded to.
I don’t understand why you would want to bring down one of the few Senators in the Senate that consistently displays some common sense and puts the interests of his constituents ahead of his party.

You realize that if Manchin goes, the chances are almost 100% that a REPUBLICAN Senator from DEEP RED WV will take his place, right?
Put the hammer on him and he will protect demacracy. , don't and the right destroys our demacracy to stay in power., They can't function in a demacracy so they are willing to do anything , as in destroying our democracy to force in a piece of shit called Trump as a dictator.1/6 or 300 bills across this country to take away votes of democrats. They are traitors to this country and simply have to be gotten rid of. The hate group that they are trying to call a party is the is countries biggest enemy and has to go. There are no patriots in this country that support 1/6 or taking away or even making it harder for any American to vote. There is absolutely no reason other then self preservation in the most undemocratic way to take away votes of any group who population has a majority of democrats.
put the hammer on him and for him to protect the best interest of his state , coal mining, he will give in.
Joe will switch to the GOP any day now. The low-life democrats are not his party. WV is a GOP state. Joe needs to switch like governor Justice did.
What he represents is bad for this country, destruction of voter rights of democrats. 300 bills across this country to take away votes of democrats, just more of the same anti American attacks on this country. We need to dump the filibuster and pass the bills that got Biden elected and we need a voter rights bill that stop's the rights destruction of voter rights in this country. His main position is being head of Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee , tell him they he will lose that position and that democrats will go after coal production like it is the plague. He will give in and his crap will come to a end. Screw him he is bad for this country, claiming to be a democrat doesn't make it ,when we have issues like this that have to be responded to.
I don’t understand why you would want to bring down one of the few Senators in the Senate that consistently displays some common sense and puts the interests of his constituents ahead of his party.

You realize that if Manchin goes, the chances are almost 100% that a REPUBLICAN Senator from DEEP RED WV will take his place, right?
Put the hammer on him and he will protect demacracy. , don't and the right destroys our demacracy to stay in power., They can't function in a demacracy so they are willing to do anything , as in destroying our democracy to force in a piece of shit called Trump as a dictator.1/6 or 300 bills across this country to take away votes of democrats. They are traitors to this country and simply have to be gotten rid of. The hate group that they are trying to call a party is the is countries biggest enemy and has to go. There are no patriots in this country that support 1/6 or taking away or even making it harder for any American to vote. There is absolutely no reason other then self preservation in the most undemocratic way to take away votes of any group who population has a majority of democrats.
Wait, “put the hammer on him” by threatening the livelihoods of his constituents? I think that’s a GREAT way of convincing Joe that he needs to switch parties and if on the off chance he caves to that threat it’s a GREAT way of convincing his constituents to put a Republican in his place.
What he represents is bad for this country, destruction of voter rights of democrats. 300 bills across this country to take away votes of democrats, just more of the same anti American attacks on this country. We need to dump the filibuster and pass the bills that got Biden elected and we need a voter rights bill that stop's the rights destruction of voter rights in this country. His main position is being head of Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee , tell him they he will lose that position and that democrats will go after coal production like it is the plague.
He'd likely switch parties - his constituents would support him - and take the majority away from the Democrats threatening him. Then they could do nothing.

Manchin would never switch to the Republican Party, but he might switch to Independent.
What he represents is bad for this country, destruction of voter rights of democrats. 300 bills across this country to take away votes of democrats, just more of the same anti American attacks on this country. We need to dump the filibuster and pass the bills that got Biden elected and we need a voter rights bill that stop's the rights destruction of voter rights in this country. His main position is being head of Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee , tell him they he will lose that position and that democrats will go after coal production like it is the plague. He will give in and his crap will come to a end. Screw him he is bad for this country, claiming to be a democrat doesn't make it ,when we have issues like this that have to be responded to.
300 bills across this country to take away votes of democrats


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