Time to declare War on Islam

You delusional twat! Where in any Christian nation are women deprived the right to own land, to vote, to drive, to travel about unaccompanied by a male relative, to show skin, to have standing in court, or the right to equal employment opportunities? Where in Christian nations are women routinely subject to beatings, honor killings, rape, and female circumcision?

Your hatred toward Christianity is as blinding as it is contemptible.

women are systematically oppressed in fundamental religions. i understand that a white christian religions zealot is incapable of seeing that.

i don't hate christians. you hate everyone who isn't christian. i just want y'all to leave the rest of us alone.

The hypocrisy is rich. Fundamentalist Christian women are not oppressed. Not more so than Orthodox Jewish women are. I thought you'd recognize that. Just because they might sit in different sections of the hall does not mean they can't be citizens with equal rights or that their religious responsibilities are limited. Thought you'd know that Ortho Jew women pretty much run the religious practice in the home. And that they are encouraged to study and learn..

There's "leftist" oppression -- and then there's clit removal, denial of education, subservience and approved spousal abuse.

That DOES occur among Christians and the more fundamentalist the faith, the more the woman is likely to be subservient. How often do you suppose verses like these are used to justify wife beating?

"To the woman he said, "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you." Genesis 3:16
"Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior." Ephesians 5:22-23

11 Countries with the hightest rates of domestic violence:
Russia, Iraq, Pakistan, India, Somalia, Mali, Guatamalia, Sudan, Congo, Afghanistan and topping the list - Chad.

Progressive countries have laws against domestic abuse and ways to help women report it and get out of it and an overall culture that condemns it, regardless of religion. In any of the fundamentalist sects of Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism women are scriptually subordinate and the potential for abuse is much higher because of religious beliefs.

FGM also crosses religious boundaries because it's a cultural thing more than it's a religious thing. In those parts of the world where it is still practiced - it is practiced by all faiths as part of their culture.

And those verses matter HOW -- in the practice of Jewish/Christian life in the Western world? You think all those women on Christian Mingle or JewDate are just looking for abuse and domination? Those biblical passages do not HINDER in any way the power and independence of Western women. You think Golda Meir was "held back" by that Genesis quote?

You are missing the entire KEY to successful WESTERN religious practice.. And that is exactly what I just told you. That those 2 quotes are SUCCESSFULLY interpreted into the modern context of freedom and tolerance. And TODAY mean more about what happens WITHIN a family unit -- then they do about hobbling and hindering feminism. Nothing WRONG with the CHOICE of woman as head of house and family. OR of the religious practice that goes on AT HOME. Even IF -- the religious practice at the worship hall might have them sitting separately.

first...misogyny does not equal abuse. it equals treating women as lesser beings.... you know,, like not letting them read from the torah or be priests.

i don't know what you're arguing but it wasn't the point i was raising. why do you think one has to rape and beat women to be a misogynist?

That whole point has traveled too far to fight over now. You just went off on a Christian for not understanding how religious fundamentalists "repress" women. So I just tried to remind you of the "misogynous culture" of Orthodox Jews. NEITHER case comes CLOSE to the ACTUAL ABUSE of women as practiced in those foreign Muslim dominated lands.
An apology should be issued by the government, and restititution should be the same as it was for the Japanese-Americans interned. It should apply for any German-American still alive, that was interned.

Then any restitution for other atrocities to other minorities should only apply if they were alive at the time the atrocity occurred.

Why not? Why is no one pushing for this? Usually, these things happen because there is a group dedicated to a particular cause - for example, War Dog Memorial, and recognizing the contributions of war dogs. It took a concerted effort by primarily Vietnam era vets to finally accomplish this. So really, why aren't they pushing for some sort of recognition - that's where it starts.

I'm working on gaining that support so such a memorial can be built.

If you think it's important, then fight for it. That's how these things get done - someone fights for it. Sounds like you have a problem with recognizing the achievements of minorities in a history largely filled with the achievements of white males.

No. You appear to have a problem believing that those 'white males', as you say, are composed of many minority groupings.

Otherwise you wouldn't pointedly call them just achievements of 'white males', while doggedly fighting for the rights of white Muslims and white Hispanics which you call some sort of special minority groups instead of what they really are... Just another couple groupings of frakking white people who deserve no more consideration than any other white person if we consider them the way you consider other white people.

If minority consideration is the rule instead then all the WOPs, Spics, Poles, Brits, Argots, Germs, Franks, Ruskies, Cossacks, Scots, Limeys, Oirish, etc,... should be considered minority groups and be allowed to lobby for money for their respective minority groupings too.


Last edited:
You delusional twat! Where in any Christian nation are women deprived the right to own land, to vote, to drive, to travel about unaccompanied by a male relative, to show skin, to have standing in court, or the right to equal employment opportunities? Where in Christian nations are women routinely subject to beatings, honor killings, rape, and female circumcision?

Your hatred toward Christianity is as blinding as it is contemptible.

women are systematically oppressed in fundamental religions. i understand that a white christian religions zealot is incapable of seeing that.

i don't hate christians. you hate everyone who isn't christian. i just want y'all to leave the rest of us alone.

The hypocrisy is rich. Fundamentalist Christian women are not oppressed. Not more so than Orthodox Jewish women are. I thought you'd recognize that. Just because they might sit in different sections of the hall does not mean they can't be citizens with equal rights or that their religious responsibilities are limited. Thought you'd know that Ortho Jew women pretty much run the religious practice in the home. And that they are encouraged to study and learn..

There's "leftist" oppression -- and then there's clit removal, denial of education, subservience and approved spousal abuse.

That DOES occur among Christians and the more fundamentalist the faith, the more the woman is likely to be subservient. How often do you suppose verses like these are used to justify wife beating?

"To the woman he said, "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you." Genesis 3:16
"Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior." Ephesians 5:22-23

11 Countries with the hightest rates of domestic violence:
Russia, Iraq, Pakistan, India, Somalia, Mali, Guatamalia, Sudan, Congo, Afghanistan and topping the list - Chad.

Progressive countries have laws against domestic abuse and ways to help women report it and get out of it and an overall culture that condemns it, regardless of religion. In any of the fundamentalist sects of Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism women are scriptually subordinate and the potential for abuse is much higher because of religious beliefs.

FGM also crosses religious boundaries because it's a cultural thing more than it's a religious thing. In those parts of the world where it is still practiced - it is practiced by all faiths as part of their culture.

And those verses matter HOW -- in the practice of Jewish/Christian life in the Western world? You think all those women on Christian Mingle or JewDate are just looking for abuse and domination? Those biblical passages do not HINDER in any way the power and independence of Western women. You think Golda Meir was "held back" by that Genesis quote?

You are missing the entire KEY to successful WESTERN religious practice.. And that is exactly what I just told you. That those 2 quotes are SUCCESSFULLY interpreted into the modern context of freedom and tolerance. And TODAY mean more about what happens WITHIN a family unit -- then they do about hobbling and hindering feminism. Nothing WRONG with the CHOICE of woman as head of house and family. OR of the religious practice that goes on AT HOME. Even IF -- the religious practice at the worship hall might have them sitting separately.

first...misogyny does not equal abuse. it equals treating women as lesser beings.... you know,, like not letting them read from the torah or be priests.

i don't know what you're arguing but it wasn't the point i was raising. why do you think one has to rape and beat women to be a misogynist?
I guess Jesus was a misogynist.

He chose 12 men. I bet they were all the same race too. What a racist!

You Leftwats really crack me up!:rolleyes-41:
women are systematically oppressed in fundamental religions. i understand that a white christian religions zealot is incapable of seeing that.

i don't hate christians. you hate everyone who isn't christian. i just want y'all to leave the rest of us alone.

The hypocrisy is rich. Fundamentalist Christian women are not oppressed. Not more so than Orthodox Jewish women are. I thought you'd recognize that. Just because they might sit in different sections of the hall does not mean they can't be citizens with equal rights or that their religious responsibilities are limited. Thought you'd know that Ortho Jew women pretty much run the religious practice in the home. And that they are encouraged to study and learn..

There's "leftist" oppression -- and then there's clit removal, denial of education, subservience and approved spousal abuse.

That DOES occur among Christians and the more fundamentalist the faith, the more the woman is likely to be subservient. How often do you suppose verses like these are used to justify wife beating?

"To the woman he said, "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you." Genesis 3:16
"Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior." Ephesians 5:22-23

11 Countries with the hightest rates of domestic violence:
Russia, Iraq, Pakistan, India, Somalia, Mali, Guatamalia, Sudan, Congo, Afghanistan and topping the list - Chad.

Progressive countries have laws against domestic abuse and ways to help women report it and get out of it and an overall culture that condemns it, regardless of religion. In any of the fundamentalist sects of Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism women are scriptually subordinate and the potential for abuse is much higher because of religious beliefs.

FGM also crosses religious boundaries because it's a cultural thing more than it's a religious thing. In those parts of the world where it is still practiced - it is practiced by all faiths as part of their culture.

And those verses matter HOW -- in the practice of Jewish/Christian life in the Western world? You think all those women on Christian Mingle or JewDate are just looking for abuse and domination? Those biblical passages do not HINDER in any way the power and independence of Western women. You think Golda Meir was "held back" by that Genesis quote?

You are missing the entire KEY to successful WESTERN religious practice.. And that is exactly what I just told you. That those 2 quotes are SUCCESSFULLY interpreted into the modern context of freedom and tolerance. And TODAY mean more about what happens WITHIN a family unit -- then they do about hobbling and hindering feminism. Nothing WRONG with the CHOICE of woman as head of house and family. OR of the religious practice that goes on AT HOME. Even IF -- the religious practice at the worship hall might have them sitting separately.

first...misogyny does not equal abuse. it equals treating women as lesser beings.... you know,, like not letting them read from the torah or be priests.

i don't know what you're arguing but it wasn't the point i was raising. why do you think one has to rape and beat women to be a misogynist?

That whole point has traveled too far to fight over now. You just went off on a Christian for not understanding how religious fundamentalists "repress" women. So I just tried to remind you of the "misogynous culture" of Orthodox Jews. NEITHER case comes CLOSE to the ACTUAL ABUSE of women as practiced in those foreign Muslim dominated lands.

again, i was talking about misogyny..... the major religions, in fundamentalist form, all have that. i will also point out that far more women were killed by abusive men in this country than have been killed by honor killings.

again, that is not to say that women aren't treated in disgusting fashion as a matter of course in Arab countries. But that wasn't the point i was making. It's the one you seem to need for some reason.
The hypocrisy is rich. Fundamentalist Christian women are not oppressed. Not more so than Orthodox Jewish women are. I thought you'd recognize that. Just because they might sit in different sections of the hall does not mean they can't be citizens with equal rights or that their religious responsibilities are limited. Thought you'd know that Ortho Jew women pretty much run the religious practice in the home. And that they are encouraged to study and learn..

There's "leftist" oppression -- and then there's clit removal, denial of education, subservience and approved spousal abuse.

That DOES occur among Christians and the more fundamentalist the faith, the more the woman is likely to be subservient. How often do you suppose verses like these are used to justify wife beating?

"To the woman he said, "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you." Genesis 3:16
"Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior." Ephesians 5:22-23

11 Countries with the hightest rates of domestic violence:
Russia, Iraq, Pakistan, India, Somalia, Mali, Guatamalia, Sudan, Congo, Afghanistan and topping the list - Chad.

Progressive countries have laws against domestic abuse and ways to help women report it and get out of it and an overall culture that condemns it, regardless of religion. In any of the fundamentalist sects of Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism women are scriptually subordinate and the potential for abuse is much higher because of religious beliefs.

FGM also crosses religious boundaries because it's a cultural thing more than it's a religious thing. In those parts of the world where it is still practiced - it is practiced by all faiths as part of their culture.

And those verses matter HOW -- in the practice of Jewish/Christian life in the Western world? You think all those women on Christian Mingle or JewDate are just looking for abuse and domination? Those biblical passages do not HINDER in any way the power and independence of Western women. You think Golda Meir was "held back" by that Genesis quote?

You are missing the entire KEY to successful WESTERN religious practice.. And that is exactly what I just told you. That those 2 quotes are SUCCESSFULLY interpreted into the modern context of freedom and tolerance. And TODAY mean more about what happens WITHIN a family unit -- then they do about hobbling and hindering feminism. Nothing WRONG with the CHOICE of woman as head of house and family. OR of the religious practice that goes on AT HOME. Even IF -- the religious practice at the worship hall might have them sitting separately.

first...misogyny does not equal abuse. it equals treating women as lesser beings.... you know,, like not letting them read from the torah or be priests.

i don't know what you're arguing but it wasn't the point i was raising. why do you think one has to rape and beat women to be a misogynist?

That whole point has traveled too far to fight over now. You just went off on a Christian for not understanding how religious fundamentalists "repress" women. So I just tried to remind you of the "misogynous culture" of Orthodox Jews. NEITHER case comes CLOSE to the ACTUAL ABUSE of women as practiced in those foreign Muslim dominated lands.

again, i was talking about misogyny..... the major religions, in fundamentalist form, all have that. i will also point out that far more women were killed by abusive men in this country than have been killed by honor killings.

again, that is not to say that women aren't treated in disgusting fashion as a matter of course in Arab countries. But that wasn't the point i was making. It's the one you seem to need for some reason.
but we are a largely secular country, so the homicide rate would have very little to do with religion
An apology should be issued by the government, and restititution should be the same as it was for the Japanese-Americans interned. It should apply for any German-American still alive, that was interned.

Then any restitution for other atrocities to other minorities should only apply if they were alive at the time the atrocity occurred.

Absolutely. Restitution should only be made to the living survivors. That's why I oppose any idea of restitution for slavery - what a can of worms that would be.

Why not? Why is no one pushing for this? Usually, these things happen because there is a group dedicated to a particular cause - for example, War Dog Memorial, and recognizing the contributions of war dogs. It took a concerted effort by primarily Vietnam era vets to finally accomplish this. So really, why aren't they pushing for some sort of recognition - that's where it starts.

I'm working on gaining that support so such a memorial can be built.


If you think it's important, then fight for it. That's how these things get done - someone fights for it. Sounds like you have a problem with recognizing the achievements of minorities in a history largely filled with the achievements of white males.

No. You appear to have a problem believing that those 'white males', as you say, are composed of many minority groupings.

Otherwise you wouldn't pointedly call them just achievements of 'white males', while doggedly fighting for the rights of white Muslims and white Hispanics which you call some sort of special minority groups instead of what they really are... Just another couple groupings of frakking white people who deserve no more consideration than any other white person if we consider them the way you consider other white people.

If minority consideration is the rule instead then all the WOPs, Spics, Poles, Brits, Argots, Germs, Franks, Ruskies, Cossacks, Scots, Limeys, Oirish, etc,... should be considered minority groups and be allowed to lobby for money for their respective minority groupings too.

Actually, I don't think you really *know* what I think. You've already assigned a label without having do do much reading - imagine that :). History, as I was taught years ago in school - was primarily based on the explorations and discoveries of white males. That is what we learned. There was an itty bitty bit on black contributions - all I recall is George Washington Carver - nothing about women, despite the fact that women kept extensive diaries about their experiences and accomplished quite a lot.


IF all those other groups want to try to be considered "minority" groups - they're free to lobby for it, who said they can't? You seem rather resentful of "minorities" :dunno:

I'm not sure if you realize it...but there ARE "special" interest groups and political lobbies for many of these people you think are unrepresented...in fact there are TWO for German Americans ;)

"In a country where nationals favor a racially unique and homogenous society, the foreign population accounted for only 1.7 percent of the total population in 2010, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Japan's strict immigration—or, rather, anti-immigration—policies have drawn heavy criticism."

Immigration Policies Around the World

So the National Geographic, Japan Times, and Dr. Modecai Kedar ( (Ph.D. Bar-Ilan U.) Served for 25 years in IDF Military Intelligence specializing in Arab political discourse, Arab mass media, Islamic groups and the Syrian domestic arena. A lecturer in Arabic at Bar-Ilan U., he is also an expert on Israeli Arabs.) all agree..Japan's strict immigration and anti-Muslim policies have protected them from the terror known as "globalism"...i.e., "sitting ducks for Mohommed" movement.

Mordecai Kedar is the same person who wrote that initial article (and he's associated with Pam Gellar) - you are simply repeating the same source here, nothing new.

That's one thing. And secondly - did you even READ the article you quoted? Here's the relevant portion:


In a country where nationals favor a racially unique and homogenous society, the foreign population accounted for only 1.7 percent of the total population in 2010, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Japan's strict immigration—or, rather, anti-immigration—policies have drawn heavy criticism.

Like Canada, Japan is facing a rapidly declining population in which the low birthrate can barely match the death rate of the country's senior citizens. The population now sits at 128 million, but analysts estimate the number will have shrunk by a third in 2060, forcing the country to embrace more open policies.

Following the examples of Canada and the United Kingdom, Japan rolled out a new point-based system last spring to rate immigrants. Immigrants earn points based on their academic background and research or business experience, among other factors. Those who score higher—mainly professionals like professors, doctors, and corporate managers—will be given preferential treatment.

No where in it, or in the articles it links to does it say anything about Muslims - nada. What it says is what is already widely known, Japan is very anti-foreigner, and always has been and that applies all foreigners.

It was a nice try, but you should read your sources first before making youself look any more like an idiot then you are.

Hey but Coyote and snopes are on the same page...

Snopes.com CEO Arrested on Charges of Fraud and Corruption - Dr. Rich Swier

"Having established their website as a reputable resource for validating and debunking stories in American popular culture since 1995, the Mikkelson couple soon found themselves in a position to influence public discourse by punishing or rewarding certain cultural and political biases. Before long they were accepting money to promote some rumors and downplay or completely ignore some others, which over the years have brought them millions of dollars, according to the source.

"Especially scandalous may be the website’s possible collaboration with left-leaning national media organizations, which started with payments to Snopes.com to overlook or validate their inaccurate and biased reporting, and eventually evolved into a full-scale coordinated effort with left-leaning groups and public relation firms to construct a media narrative that gave legitimacy to certain opinions, political causes and public figures, while discrediting other opinions, causes, and public figures.

"The list of groups and individuals paying to use the website’s clout ranged from local politicians to transnational entities to foreign governments, including Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the Palestinian Authority."

Snopes CEO Arrested on Fraud, Corruption Charges-Fiction!

The Truth:

Barbara and David Mikkelson have not been arrested on fraud and corruption charges.

A fake news website called The People’s Cube started that rumor with a story that appeared under the headline, “Snopes.com CEO arrested on charges of fraud and corruption.” According to the report:

...The story goes that police followed a paper trail to Barbara and David Mikkelson after a Snopes editor lashed out a flea market vendor in Los Angeles for playing the song “Dixie’s Land” because of its ties to the Confederacy and Old South.

The story was shared thousands of times, but it’s a work of fiction.

The People’s Cube describes itself as a People’s Political Humor and Satire Collective, among other things.​

Actually...at this point...I don't think it's possible for you to look any more like an idiot. Kudos on an unprecedented accomplishment.
My brother-in-law, a university professor in Canada spent a number of years working in Japan until recently.
Part of his work was to sit on a board of Japanese immigration gov. officials tasked with administering the 'point system' and accepting or rejecting applications from potential immigrants.
He was on the board as a Canadian adviser.
I phoned him when this thread got into Japanese/muslim immigration.
To paraphrase when asked about whether the Japanese immigration officials were allowing muslims to immigrate: "There are a number a factors which 100% guaranteed the applicant would never be considered.
Criminal records in country of origin obviously is one. If the applicant lists their religion as 'muslim' the application is literally shredded on the spot. There are also certain countries that the Japanese gov. will never accept immigrants from no matter how highly qualified the applicant is.
The Japanese gov. never gives any reason for denying an application.
In the case of being a muslim there are always hundreds of applicants with as high or higher qualifications to choose from. Muslims and negroes are considered by the Japanese to be 'dirty' and 'violent'. (Those Japanese know their stuff when it comes to judging people.)
If the gov. decides it needs specific science and technological expertise and say a muslim has it the gov. MAY issue a 'guest worker visa' for a specific amount of time (until the expert has basically taught the japanese scientists all he knows.) The day the visa expires the 'guest worker' is on a plane or rounded up and put on a plane. Either way they leave Japan".
This from someone with firsthand experience.
"In a country where nationals favor a racially unique and homogenous society, the foreign population accounted for only 1.7 percent of the total population in 2010, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Japan's strict immigration—or, rather, anti-immigration—policies have drawn heavy criticism."

Immigration Policies Around the World

So the National Geographic, Japan Times, and Dr. Modecai Kedar ( (Ph.D. Bar-Ilan U.) Served for 25 years in IDF Military Intelligence specializing in Arab political discourse, Arab mass media, Islamic groups and the Syrian domestic arena. A lecturer in Arabic at Bar-Ilan U., he is also an expert on Israeli Arabs.) all agree..Japan's strict immigration and anti-Muslim policies have protected them from the terror known as "globalism"...i.e., "sitting ducks for Mohommed" movement.

Mordecai Kedar is the same person who wrote that initial article (and he's associated with Pam Gellar) - you are simply repeating the same source here, nothing new.

That's one thing. And secondly - did you even READ the article you quoted? Here's the relevant portion:


In a country where nationals favor a racially unique and homogenous society, the foreign population accounted for only 1.7 percent of the total population in 2010, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Japan's strict immigration—or, rather, anti-immigration—policies have drawn heavy criticism.

Like Canada, Japan is facing a rapidly declining population in which the low birthrate can barely match the death rate of the country's senior citizens. The population now sits at 128 million, but analysts estimate the number will have shrunk by a third in 2060, forcing the country to embrace more open policies.

Following the examples of Canada and the United Kingdom, Japan rolled out a new point-based system last spring to rate immigrants. Immigrants earn points based on their academic background and research or business experience, among other factors. Those who score higher—mainly professionals like professors, doctors, and corporate managers—will be given preferential treatment.

No where in it, or in the articles it links to does it say anything about Muslims - nada. What it says is what is already widely known, Japan is very anti-foreigner, and always has been and that applies all foreigners.

It was a nice try, but you should read your sources first before making youself look any more like an idiot then you are.

Hey but Coyote and snopes are on the same page...

Snopes.com CEO Arrested on Charges of Fraud and Corruption - Dr. Rich Swier

"Having established their website as a reputable resource for validating and debunking stories in American popular culture since 1995, the Mikkelson couple soon found themselves in a position to influence public discourse by punishing or rewarding certain cultural and political biases. Before long they were accepting money to promote some rumors and downplay or completely ignore some others, which over the years have brought them millions of dollars, according to the source.

"Especially scandalous may be the website’s possible collaboration with left-leaning national media organizations, which started with payments to Snopes.com to overlook or validate their inaccurate and biased reporting, and eventually evolved into a full-scale coordinated effort with left-leaning groups and public relation firms to construct a media narrative that gave legitimacy to certain opinions, political causes and public figures, while discrediting other opinions, causes, and public figures.

"The list of groups and individuals paying to use the website’s clout ranged from local politicians to transnational entities to foreign governments, including Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the Palestinian Authority."

Snopes CEO Arrested on Fraud, Corruption Charges-Fiction!

The Truth:

Barbara and David Mikkelson have not been arrested on fraud and corruption charges.

A fake news website called The People’s Cube started that rumor with a story that appeared under the headline, “Snopes.com CEO arrested on charges of fraud and corruption.” According to the report:

...The story goes that police followed a paper trail to Barbara and David Mikkelson after a Snopes editor lashed out a flea market vendor in Los Angeles for playing the song “Dixie’s Land” because of its ties to the Confederacy and Old South.

The story was shared thousands of times, but it’s a work of fiction.

The People’s Cube describes itself as a People’s Political Humor and Satire Collective, among other things.​

Actually...at this point...I don't think it's possible for you to look any more like an idiot. Kudos on an unprecedented accomplishment.
My brother-in-law, a university professor in Canada spent a number of years working in Japan until recently.
Part of his work was to sit on a board of Japanese immigration gov. officials tasked with administering the 'point system' and accepting or rejecting applications from potential immigrants.
He was on the board as a Canadian adviser.
I phoned him when this thread got into Japanese/muslim immigration.
To paraphrase when asked about whether the Japanese immigration officials were allowing muslims to immigrate: "There are a number a factors which 100% guaranteed the applicant would never be considered.
Criminal records in country of origin obviously is one. If the applicant lists their religion as 'muslim' the application is literally shredded on the spot. There are also certain countries that the Japanese gov. will never accept immigrants from no matter how highly qualified the applicant is.
The Japanese gov. never gives any reason for denying an application.
In the case of being a muslim there are always hundreds of applicants with as high or higher qualifications to choose from. Muslims and negroes are considered by the Japanese to be 'dirty' and 'violent'. (Those Japanese know their stuff when it comes to judging people.)
If the gov. decides it needs specific science and technological expertise and say a muslim has it the gov. MAY issue a 'guest worker visa' for a specific amount of time (until the expert has basically taught the japanese scientists all he knows.) The day the visa expires the 'guest worker' is on a plane or rounded up and put on a plane. Either way they leave Japan".
This from someone with firsthand experience.

There is no place on the application for religion to be listed.
"In a country where nationals favor a racially unique and homogenous society, the foreign population accounted for only 1.7 percent of the total population in 2010, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Japan's strict immigration—or, rather, anti-immigration—policies have drawn heavy criticism."

Immigration Policies Around the World

So the National Geographic, Japan Times, and Dr. Modecai Kedar ( (Ph.D. Bar-Ilan U.) Served for 25 years in IDF Military Intelligence specializing in Arab political discourse, Arab mass media, Islamic groups and the Syrian domestic arena. A lecturer in Arabic at Bar-Ilan U., he is also an expert on Israeli Arabs.) all agree..Japan's strict immigration and anti-Muslim policies have protected them from the terror known as "globalism"...i.e., "sitting ducks for Mohommed" movement.

Mordecai Kedar is the same person who wrote that initial article (and he's associated with Pam Gellar) - you are simply repeating the same source here, nothing new.

That's one thing. And secondly - did you even READ the article you quoted? Here's the relevant portion:


In a country where nationals favor a racially unique and homogenous society, the foreign population accounted for only 1.7 percent of the total population in 2010, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Japan's strict immigration—or, rather, anti-immigration—policies have drawn heavy criticism.

Like Canada, Japan is facing a rapidly declining population in which the low birthrate can barely match the death rate of the country's senior citizens. The population now sits at 128 million, but analysts estimate the number will have shrunk by a third in 2060, forcing the country to embrace more open policies.

Following the examples of Canada and the United Kingdom, Japan rolled out a new point-based system last spring to rate immigrants. Immigrants earn points based on their academic background and research or business experience, among other factors. Those who score higher—mainly professionals like professors, doctors, and corporate managers—will be given preferential treatment.

No where in it, or in the articles it links to does it say anything about Muslims - nada. What it says is what is already widely known, Japan is very anti-foreigner, and always has been and that applies all foreigners.

It was a nice try, but you should read your sources first before making youself look any more like an idiot then you are.

Hey but Coyote and snopes are on the same page...

Snopes.com CEO Arrested on Charges of Fraud and Corruption - Dr. Rich Swier

"Having established their website as a reputable resource for validating and debunking stories in American popular culture since 1995, the Mikkelson couple soon found themselves in a position to influence public discourse by punishing or rewarding certain cultural and political biases. Before long they were accepting money to promote some rumors and downplay or completely ignore some others, which over the years have brought them millions of dollars, according to the source.

"Especially scandalous may be the website’s possible collaboration with left-leaning national media organizations, which started with payments to Snopes.com to overlook or validate their inaccurate and biased reporting, and eventually evolved into a full-scale coordinated effort with left-leaning groups and public relation firms to construct a media narrative that gave legitimacy to certain opinions, political causes and public figures, while discrediting other opinions, causes, and public figures.

"The list of groups and individuals paying to use the website’s clout ranged from local politicians to transnational entities to foreign governments, including Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the Palestinian Authority."

Snopes CEO Arrested on Fraud, Corruption Charges-Fiction!

The Truth:

Barbara and David Mikkelson have not been arrested on fraud and corruption charges.

A fake news website called The People’s Cube started that rumor with a story that appeared under the headline, “Snopes.com CEO arrested on charges of fraud and corruption.” According to the report:

...The story goes that police followed a paper trail to Barbara and David Mikkelson after a Snopes editor lashed out a flea market vendor in Los Angeles for playing the song “Dixie’s Land” because of its ties to the Confederacy and Old South.

The story was shared thousands of times, but it’s a work of fiction.

The People’s Cube describes itself as a People’s Political Humor and Satire Collective, among other things.​

Actually...at this point...I don't think it's possible for you to look any more like an idiot. Kudos on an unprecedented accomplishment.
My brother-in-law, a university professor in Canada spent a number of years working in Japan until recently.
Part of his work was to sit on a board of Japanese immigration gov. officials tasked with administering the 'point system' and accepting or rejecting applications from potential immigrants.
He was on the board as a Canadian adviser.
I phoned him when this thread got into Japanese/muslim immigration.
To paraphrase when asked about whether the Japanese immigration officials were allowing muslims to immigrate: "There are a number a factors which 100% guaranteed the applicant would never be considered.
Criminal records in country of origin obviously is one. If the applicant lists their religion as 'muslim' the application is literally shredded on the spot. There are also certain countries that the Japanese gov. will never accept immigrants from no matter how highly qualified the applicant is.
The Japanese gov. never gives any reason for denying an application.
In the case of being a muslim there are always hundreds of applicants with as high or higher qualifications to choose from. Muslims and negroes are considered by the Japanese to be 'dirty' and 'violent'. (Those Japanese know their stuff when it comes to judging people.)
If the gov. decides it needs specific science and technological expertise and say a muslim has it the gov. MAY issue a 'guest worker visa' for a specific amount of time (until the expert has basically taught the japanese scientists all he knows.) The day the visa expires the 'guest worker' is on a plane or rounded up and put on a plane. Either way they leave Japan".
This from someone with firsthand experience.
Coyote will employ ad hom as she always does with the facts and good sources.
"In a country where nationals favor a racially unique and homogenous society, the foreign population accounted for only 1.7 percent of the total population in 2010, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Japan's strict immigration—or, rather, anti-immigration—policies have drawn heavy criticism."

Immigration Policies Around the World

So the National Geographic, Japan Times, and Dr. Modecai Kedar ( (Ph.D. Bar-Ilan U.) Served for 25 years in IDF Military Intelligence specializing in Arab political discourse, Arab mass media, Islamic groups and the Syrian domestic arena. A lecturer in Arabic at Bar-Ilan U., he is also an expert on Israeli Arabs.) all agree..Japan's strict immigration and anti-Muslim policies have protected them from the terror known as "globalism"...i.e., "sitting ducks for Mohommed" movement.

Mordecai Kedar is the same person who wrote that initial article (and he's associated with Pam Gellar) - you are simply repeating the same source here, nothing new.

That's one thing. And secondly - did you even READ the article you quoted? Here's the relevant portion:


In a country where nationals favor a racially unique and homogenous society, the foreign population accounted for only 1.7 percent of the total population in 2010, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Japan's strict immigration—or, rather, anti-immigration—policies have drawn heavy criticism.

Like Canada, Japan is facing a rapidly declining population in which the low birthrate can barely match the death rate of the country's senior citizens. The population now sits at 128 million, but analysts estimate the number will have shrunk by a third in 2060, forcing the country to embrace more open policies.

Following the examples of Canada and the United Kingdom, Japan rolled out a new point-based system last spring to rate immigrants. Immigrants earn points based on their academic background and research or business experience, among other factors. Those who score higher—mainly professionals like professors, doctors, and corporate managers—will be given preferential treatment.

No where in it, or in the articles it links to does it say anything about Muslims - nada. What it says is what is already widely known, Japan is very anti-foreigner, and always has been and that applies all foreigners.

It was a nice try, but you should read your sources first before making youself look any more like an idiot then you are.

Hey but Coyote and snopes are on the same page...

Snopes.com CEO Arrested on Charges of Fraud and Corruption - Dr. Rich Swier

"Having established their website as a reputable resource for validating and debunking stories in American popular culture since 1995, the Mikkelson couple soon found themselves in a position to influence public discourse by punishing or rewarding certain cultural and political biases. Before long they were accepting money to promote some rumors and downplay or completely ignore some others, which over the years have brought them millions of dollars, according to the source.

"Especially scandalous may be the website’s possible collaboration with left-leaning national media organizations, which started with payments to Snopes.com to overlook or validate their inaccurate and biased reporting, and eventually evolved into a full-scale coordinated effort with left-leaning groups and public relation firms to construct a media narrative that gave legitimacy to certain opinions, political causes and public figures, while discrediting other opinions, causes, and public figures.

"The list of groups and individuals paying to use the website’s clout ranged from local politicians to transnational entities to foreign governments, including Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the Palestinian Authority."

Snopes CEO Arrested on Fraud, Corruption Charges-Fiction!

The Truth:

Barbara and David Mikkelson have not been arrested on fraud and corruption charges.

A fake news website called The People’s Cube started that rumor with a story that appeared under the headline, “Snopes.com CEO arrested on charges of fraud and corruption.” According to the report:

...The story goes that police followed a paper trail to Barbara and David Mikkelson after a Snopes editor lashed out a flea market vendor in Los Angeles for playing the song “Dixie’s Land” because of its ties to the Confederacy and Old South.

The story was shared thousands of times, but it’s a work of fiction.

The People’s Cube describes itself as a People’s Political Humor and Satire Collective, among other things.​

Actually...at this point...I don't think it's possible for you to look any more like an idiot. Kudos on an unprecedented accomplishment.
My brother-in-law, a university professor in Canada spent a number of years working in Japan until recently.
Part of his work was to sit on a board of Japanese immigration gov. officials tasked with administering the 'point system' and accepting or rejecting applications from potential immigrants.
He was on the board as a Canadian adviser.
I phoned him when this thread got into Japanese/muslim immigration.
To paraphrase when asked about whether the Japanese immigration officials were allowing muslims to immigrate: "There are a number a factors which 100% guaranteed the applicant would never be considered.
Criminal records in country of origin obviously is one. If the applicant lists their religion as 'muslim' the application is literally shredded on the spot. There are also certain countries that the Japanese gov. will never accept immigrants from no matter how highly qualified the applicant is.
The Japanese gov. never gives any reason for denying an application.
In the case of being a muslim there are always hundreds of applicants with as high or higher qualifications to choose from. Muslims and negroes are considered by the Japanese to be 'dirty' and 'violent'. (Those Japanese know their stuff when it comes to judging people.)
If the gov. decides it needs specific science and technological expertise and say a muslim has it the gov. MAY issue a 'guest worker visa' for a specific amount of time (until the expert has basically taught the japanese scientists all he knows.) The day the visa expires the 'guest worker' is on a plane or rounded up and put on a plane. Either way they leave Japan".
This from someone with firsthand experience.

There is no place on the application for religion to be listed.
You are correct.
Funny thing is when the applicant lists where he is currently living and for how long and it happens to be a majority muslim country and the applicant's name starts with 'Muhammad' and the jobs and scientific/technical training he has were in majority muslim countries those smart Japanese have a way of putting two and two together.
Bottom line is dear the Japanese people detest muslims and negroes equally.
Consequently there are no drug infested violent negro or muslim or negro ghettos in Japan.
The Japanese look at what's happening wherever these groups of people live and smile to themselves.
Japanese people to the rest of the world: "You all can have our share of the sub-humans".
"In a country where nationals favor a racially unique and homogenous society, the foreign population accounted for only 1.7 percent of the total population in 2010, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Japan's strict immigration—or, rather, anti-immigration—policies have drawn heavy criticism."

Immigration Policies Around the World

So the National Geographic, Japan Times, and Dr. Modecai Kedar ( (Ph.D. Bar-Ilan U.) Served for 25 years in IDF Military Intelligence specializing in Arab political discourse, Arab mass media, Islamic groups and the Syrian domestic arena. A lecturer in Arabic at Bar-Ilan U., he is also an expert on Israeli Arabs.) all agree..Japan's strict immigration and anti-Muslim policies have protected them from the terror known as "globalism"...i.e., "sitting ducks for Mohommed" movement.

Mordecai Kedar is the same person who wrote that initial article (and he's associated with Pam Gellar) - you are simply repeating the same source here, nothing new.

That's one thing. And secondly - did you even READ the article you quoted? Here's the relevant portion:


In a country where nationals favor a racially unique and homogenous society, the foreign population accounted for only 1.7 percent of the total population in 2010, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Japan's strict immigration—or, rather, anti-immigration—policies have drawn heavy criticism.

Like Canada, Japan is facing a rapidly declining population in which the low birthrate can barely match the death rate of the country's senior citizens. The population now sits at 128 million, but analysts estimate the number will have shrunk by a third in 2060, forcing the country to embrace more open policies.

Following the examples of Canada and the United Kingdom, Japan rolled out a new point-based system last spring to rate immigrants. Immigrants earn points based on their academic background and research or business experience, among other factors. Those who score higher—mainly professionals like professors, doctors, and corporate managers—will be given preferential treatment.

No where in it, or in the articles it links to does it say anything about Muslims - nada. What it says is what is already widely known, Japan is very anti-foreigner, and always has been and that applies all foreigners.

It was a nice try, but you should read your sources first before making youself look any more like an idiot then you are.

Hey but Coyote and snopes are on the same page...

Snopes.com CEO Arrested on Charges of Fraud and Corruption - Dr. Rich Swier

"Having established their website as a reputable resource for validating and debunking stories in American popular culture since 1995, the Mikkelson couple soon found themselves in a position to influence public discourse by punishing or rewarding certain cultural and political biases. Before long they were accepting money to promote some rumors and downplay or completely ignore some others, which over the years have brought them millions of dollars, according to the source.

"Especially scandalous may be the website’s possible collaboration with left-leaning national media organizations, which started with payments to Snopes.com to overlook or validate their inaccurate and biased reporting, and eventually evolved into a full-scale coordinated effort with left-leaning groups and public relation firms to construct a media narrative that gave legitimacy to certain opinions, political causes and public figures, while discrediting other opinions, causes, and public figures.

"The list of groups and individuals paying to use the website’s clout ranged from local politicians to transnational entities to foreign governments, including Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the Palestinian Authority."

Snopes CEO Arrested on Fraud, Corruption Charges-Fiction!

The Truth:

Barbara and David Mikkelson have not been arrested on fraud and corruption charges.

A fake news website called The People’s Cube started that rumor with a story that appeared under the headline, “Snopes.com CEO arrested on charges of fraud and corruption.” According to the report:

...The story goes that police followed a paper trail to Barbara and David Mikkelson after a Snopes editor lashed out a flea market vendor in Los Angeles for playing the song “Dixie’s Land” because of its ties to the Confederacy and Old South.

The story was shared thousands of times, but it’s a work of fiction.

The People’s Cube describes itself as a People’s Political Humor and Satire Collective, among other things.​

Actually...at this point...I don't think it's possible for you to look any more like an idiot. Kudos on an unprecedented accomplishment.
My brother-in-law, a university professor in Canada spent a number of years working in Japan until recently.
Part of his work was to sit on a board of Japanese immigration gov. officials tasked with administering the 'point system' and accepting or rejecting applications from potential immigrants.
He was on the board as a Canadian adviser.
I phoned him when this thread got into Japanese/muslim immigration.
To paraphrase when asked about whether the Japanese immigration officials were allowing muslims to immigrate: "There are a number a factors which 100% guaranteed the applicant would never be considered.
Criminal records in country of origin obviously is one. If the applicant lists their religion as 'muslim' the application is literally shredded on the spot. There are also certain countries that the Japanese gov. will never accept immigrants from no matter how highly qualified the applicant is.
The Japanese gov. never gives any reason for denying an application.
In the case of being a muslim there are always hundreds of applicants with as high or higher qualifications to choose from. Muslims and negroes are considered by the Japanese to be 'dirty' and 'violent'. (Those Japanese know their stuff when it comes to judging people.)
If the gov. decides it needs specific science and technological expertise and say a muslim has it the gov. MAY issue a 'guest worker visa' for a specific amount of time (until the expert has basically taught the japanese scientists all he knows.) The day the visa expires the 'guest worker' is on a plane or rounded up and put on a plane. Either way they leave Japan".
This from someone with firsthand experience.

There is no place on the application for religion to be listed.
There is a little thing called a 'photograph' of the applicant.
You look like a fucking sand-monkey your odds of being given Permanent Residence in Japan is the same as you running over a fucking unicorn on the way to 'Friday Prayers'.
Let us know the next time you see a thousand Japanese demonstrators demanding more muslims be allowed into Japan.
"In a country where nationals favor a racially unique and homogenous society, the foreign population accounted for only 1.7 percent of the total population in 2010, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Japan's strict immigration—or, rather, anti-immigration—policies have drawn heavy criticism."

Immigration Policies Around the World

So the National Geographic, Japan Times, and Dr. Modecai Kedar ( (Ph.D. Bar-Ilan U.) Served for 25 years in IDF Military Intelligence specializing in Arab political discourse, Arab mass media, Islamic groups and the Syrian domestic arena. A lecturer in Arabic at Bar-Ilan U., he is also an expert on Israeli Arabs.) all agree..Japan's strict immigration and anti-Muslim policies have protected them from the terror known as "globalism"...i.e., "sitting ducks for Mohommed" movement.

Mordecai Kedar is the same person who wrote that initial article (and he's associated with Pam Gellar) - you are simply repeating the same source here, nothing new.

That's one thing. And secondly - did you even READ the article you quoted? Here's the relevant portion:


In a country where nationals favor a racially unique and homogenous society, the foreign population accounted for only 1.7 percent of the total population in 2010, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Japan's strict immigration—or, rather, anti-immigration—policies have drawn heavy criticism.

Like Canada, Japan is facing a rapidly declining population in which the low birthrate can barely match the death rate of the country's senior citizens. The population now sits at 128 million, but analysts estimate the number will have shrunk by a third in 2060, forcing the country to embrace more open policies.

Following the examples of Canada and the United Kingdom, Japan rolled out a new point-based system last spring to rate immigrants. Immigrants earn points based on their academic background and research or business experience, among other factors. Those who score higher—mainly professionals like professors, doctors, and corporate managers—will be given preferential treatment.

No where in it, or in the articles it links to does it say anything about Muslims - nada. What it says is what is already widely known, Japan is very anti-foreigner, and always has been and that applies all foreigners.

It was a nice try, but you should read your sources first before making youself look any more like an idiot then you are.

Hey but Coyote and snopes are on the same page...

Snopes.com CEO Arrested on Charges of Fraud and Corruption - Dr. Rich Swier

"Having established their website as a reputable resource for validating and debunking stories in American popular culture since 1995, the Mikkelson couple soon found themselves in a position to influence public discourse by punishing or rewarding certain cultural and political biases. Before long they were accepting money to promote some rumors and downplay or completely ignore some others, which over the years have brought them millions of dollars, according to the source.

"Especially scandalous may be the website’s possible collaboration with left-leaning national media organizations, which started with payments to Snopes.com to overlook or validate their inaccurate and biased reporting, and eventually evolved into a full-scale coordinated effort with left-leaning groups and public relation firms to construct a media narrative that gave legitimacy to certain opinions, political causes and public figures, while discrediting other opinions, causes, and public figures.

"The list of groups and individuals paying to use the website’s clout ranged from local politicians to transnational entities to foreign governments, including Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the Palestinian Authority."

Snopes CEO Arrested on Fraud, Corruption Charges-Fiction!

The Truth:

Barbara and David Mikkelson have not been arrested on fraud and corruption charges.

A fake news website called The People’s Cube started that rumor with a story that appeared under the headline, “Snopes.com CEO arrested on charges of fraud and corruption.” According to the report:

...The story goes that police followed a paper trail to Barbara and David Mikkelson after a Snopes editor lashed out a flea market vendor in Los Angeles for playing the song “Dixie’s Land” because of its ties to the Confederacy and Old South.

The story was shared thousands of times, but it’s a work of fiction.

The People’s Cube describes itself as a People’s Political Humor and Satire Collective, among other things.​

Actually...at this point...I don't think it's possible for you to look any more like an idiot. Kudos on an unprecedented accomplishment.
My brother-in-law, a university professor in Canada spent a number of years working in Japan until recently.
Part of his work was to sit on a board of Japanese immigration gov. officials tasked with administering the 'point system' and accepting or rejecting applications from potential immigrants.
He was on the board as a Canadian adviser.
I phoned him when this thread got into Japanese/muslim immigration.
To paraphrase when asked about whether the Japanese immigration officials were allowing muslims to immigrate: "There are a number a factors which 100% guaranteed the applicant would never be considered.
Criminal records in country of origin obviously is one. If the applicant lists their religion as 'muslim' the application is literally shredded on the spot. There are also certain countries that the Japanese gov. will never accept immigrants from no matter how highly qualified the applicant is.
The Japanese gov. never gives any reason for denying an application.
In the case of being a muslim there are always hundreds of applicants with as high or higher qualifications to choose from. Muslims and negroes are considered by the Japanese to be 'dirty' and 'violent'. (Those Japanese know their stuff when it comes to judging people.)
If the gov. decides it needs specific science and technological expertise and say a muslim has it the gov. MAY issue a 'guest worker visa' for a specific amount of time (until the expert has basically taught the japanese scientists all he knows.) The day the visa expires the 'guest worker' is on a plane or rounded up and put on a plane. Either way they leave Japan".
This from someone with firsthand experience.

There is no place on the application for religion to be listed.
You are correct.
Funny thing is when the applicant lists where he is currently living and for how long and it happens to be a majority muslim country and the applicant's name starts with 'Muhammad' and the jobs and scientific/technical training he has were in majority muslim countries those smart Japanese have a way of putting two and two together.
Bottom line is dear the Japanese people detest muslims and negroes equally.
Consequently there are no drug infested violent negro or muslim or negro ghettos in Japan.
The Japanese look at what's happening wherever these groups of people live and smile to themselves.
Japanese people to the rest of the world: "You all can have our share of the sub-humans".

You were flat out wrong about applicants listing their religion, which makes me question anything else you claim. As far as Japanese disliking foreigners in general - that is well established.
"In a country where nationals favor a racially unique and homogenous society, the foreign population accounted for only 1.7 percent of the total population in 2010, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Japan's strict immigration—or, rather, anti-immigration—policies have drawn heavy criticism."

Immigration Policies Around the World

So the National Geographic, Japan Times, and Dr. Modecai Kedar ( (Ph.D. Bar-Ilan U.) Served for 25 years in IDF Military Intelligence specializing in Arab political discourse, Arab mass media, Islamic groups and the Syrian domestic arena. A lecturer in Arabic at Bar-Ilan U., he is also an expert on Israeli Arabs.) all agree..Japan's strict immigration and anti-Muslim policies have protected them from the terror known as "globalism"...i.e., "sitting ducks for Mohommed" movement.

Mordecai Kedar is the same person who wrote that initial article (and he's associated with Pam Gellar) - you are simply repeating the same source here, nothing new.

That's one thing. And secondly - did you even READ the article you quoted? Here's the relevant portion:


In a country where nationals favor a racially unique and homogenous society, the foreign population accounted for only 1.7 percent of the total population in 2010, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Japan's strict immigration—or, rather, anti-immigration—policies have drawn heavy criticism.

Like Canada, Japan is facing a rapidly declining population in which the low birthrate can barely match the death rate of the country's senior citizens. The population now sits at 128 million, but analysts estimate the number will have shrunk by a third in 2060, forcing the country to embrace more open policies.

Following the examples of Canada and the United Kingdom, Japan rolled out a new point-based system last spring to rate immigrants. Immigrants earn points based on their academic background and research or business experience, among other factors. Those who score higher—mainly professionals like professors, doctors, and corporate managers—will be given preferential treatment.

No where in it, or in the articles it links to does it say anything about Muslims - nada. What it says is what is already widely known, Japan is very anti-foreigner, and always has been and that applies all foreigners.

It was a nice try, but you should read your sources first before making youself look any more like an idiot then you are.

Hey but Coyote and snopes are on the same page...

Snopes.com CEO Arrested on Charges of Fraud and Corruption - Dr. Rich Swier

"Having established their website as a reputable resource for validating and debunking stories in American popular culture since 1995, the Mikkelson couple soon found themselves in a position to influence public discourse by punishing or rewarding certain cultural and political biases. Before long they were accepting money to promote some rumors and downplay or completely ignore some others, which over the years have brought them millions of dollars, according to the source.

"Especially scandalous may be the website’s possible collaboration with left-leaning national media organizations, which started with payments to Snopes.com to overlook or validate their inaccurate and biased reporting, and eventually evolved into a full-scale coordinated effort with left-leaning groups and public relation firms to construct a media narrative that gave legitimacy to certain opinions, political causes and public figures, while discrediting other opinions, causes, and public figures.

"The list of groups and individuals paying to use the website’s clout ranged from local politicians to transnational entities to foreign governments, including Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the Palestinian Authority."

Snopes CEO Arrested on Fraud, Corruption Charges-Fiction!

The Truth:

Barbara and David Mikkelson have not been arrested on fraud and corruption charges.

A fake news website called The People’s Cube started that rumor with a story that appeared under the headline, “Snopes.com CEO arrested on charges of fraud and corruption.” According to the report:

...The story goes that police followed a paper trail to Barbara and David Mikkelson after a Snopes editor lashed out a flea market vendor in Los Angeles for playing the song “Dixie’s Land” because of its ties to the Confederacy and Old South.

The story was shared thousands of times, but it’s a work of fiction.

The People’s Cube describes itself as a People’s Political Humor and Satire Collective, among other things.​

Actually...at this point...I don't think it's possible for you to look any more like an idiot. Kudos on an unprecedented accomplishment.
My brother-in-law, a university professor in Canada spent a number of years working in Japan until recently.
Part of his work was to sit on a board of Japanese immigration gov. officials tasked with administering the 'point system' and accepting or rejecting applications from potential immigrants.
He was on the board as a Canadian adviser.
I phoned him when this thread got into Japanese/muslim immigration.
To paraphrase when asked about whether the Japanese immigration officials were allowing muslims to immigrate: "There are a number a factors which 100% guaranteed the applicant would never be considered.
Criminal records in country of origin obviously is one. If the applicant lists their religion as 'muslim' the application is literally shredded on the spot. There are also certain countries that the Japanese gov. will never accept immigrants from no matter how highly qualified the applicant is.
The Japanese gov. never gives any reason for denying an application.
In the case of being a muslim there are always hundreds of applicants with as high or higher qualifications to choose from. Muslims and negroes are considered by the Japanese to be 'dirty' and 'violent'. (Those Japanese know their stuff when it comes to judging people.)
If the gov. decides it needs specific science and technological expertise and say a muslim has it the gov. MAY issue a 'guest worker visa' for a specific amount of time (until the expert has basically taught the japanese scientists all he knows.) The day the visa expires the 'guest worker' is on a plane or rounded up and put on a plane. Either way they leave Japan".
This from someone with firsthand experience.

There is no place on the application for religion to be listed.
There is a little thing called a 'photograph' of the applicant.
You look like a fucking sand-monkey your odds of being given Permanent Residence in Japan is the same as you running over a fucking unicorn on the way to 'Friday Prayers'.
Let us know the next time you see a thousand Japanese demonstrators demanding more muslims be allowed into Japan.

Now your just throwing shit at the fan to see what sticks.
"In a country where nationals favor a racially unique and homogenous society, the foreign population accounted for only 1.7 percent of the total population in 2010, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Japan's strict immigration—or, rather, anti-immigration—policies have drawn heavy criticism."

Immigration Policies Around the World

So the National Geographic, Japan Times, and Dr. Modecai Kedar ( (Ph.D. Bar-Ilan U.) Served for 25 years in IDF Military Intelligence specializing in Arab political discourse, Arab mass media, Islamic groups and the Syrian domestic arena. A lecturer in Arabic at Bar-Ilan U., he is also an expert on Israeli Arabs.) all agree..Japan's strict immigration and anti-Muslim policies have protected them from the terror known as "globalism"...i.e., "sitting ducks for Mohommed" movement.

Mordecai Kedar is the same person who wrote that initial article (and he's associated with Pam Gellar) - you are simply repeating the same source here, nothing new.

That's one thing. And secondly - did you even READ the article you quoted? Here's the relevant portion:


In a country where nationals favor a racially unique and homogenous society, the foreign population accounted for only 1.7 percent of the total population in 2010, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Japan's strict immigration—or, rather, anti-immigration—policies have drawn heavy criticism.

Like Canada, Japan is facing a rapidly declining population in which the low birthrate can barely match the death rate of the country's senior citizens. The population now sits at 128 million, but analysts estimate the number will have shrunk by a third in 2060, forcing the country to embrace more open policies.

Following the examples of Canada and the United Kingdom, Japan rolled out a new point-based system last spring to rate immigrants. Immigrants earn points based on their academic background and research or business experience, among other factors. Those who score higher—mainly professionals like professors, doctors, and corporate managers—will be given preferential treatment.

No where in it, or in the articles it links to does it say anything about Muslims - nada. What it says is what is already widely known, Japan is very anti-foreigner, and always has been and that applies all foreigners.

It was a nice try, but you should read your sources first before making youself look any more like an idiot then you are.

Hey but Coyote and snopes are on the same page...

Snopes.com CEO Arrested on Charges of Fraud and Corruption - Dr. Rich Swier

"Having established their website as a reputable resource for validating and debunking stories in American popular culture since 1995, the Mikkelson couple soon found themselves in a position to influence public discourse by punishing or rewarding certain cultural and political biases. Before long they were accepting money to promote some rumors and downplay or completely ignore some others, which over the years have brought them millions of dollars, according to the source.

"Especially scandalous may be the website’s possible collaboration with left-leaning national media organizations, which started with payments to Snopes.com to overlook or validate their inaccurate and biased reporting, and eventually evolved into a full-scale coordinated effort with left-leaning groups and public relation firms to construct a media narrative that gave legitimacy to certain opinions, political causes and public figures, while discrediting other opinions, causes, and public figures.

"The list of groups and individuals paying to use the website’s clout ranged from local politicians to transnational entities to foreign governments, including Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the Palestinian Authority."

Snopes CEO Arrested on Fraud, Corruption Charges-Fiction!

The Truth:

Barbara and David Mikkelson have not been arrested on fraud and corruption charges.

A fake news website called The People’s Cube started that rumor with a story that appeared under the headline, “Snopes.com CEO arrested on charges of fraud and corruption.” According to the report:

...The story goes that police followed a paper trail to Barbara and David Mikkelson after a Snopes editor lashed out a flea market vendor in Los Angeles for playing the song “Dixie’s Land” because of its ties to the Confederacy and Old South.

The story was shared thousands of times, but it’s a work of fiction.

The People’s Cube describes itself as a People’s Political Humor and Satire Collective, among other things.​

Actually...at this point...I don't think it's possible for you to look any more like an idiot. Kudos on an unprecedented accomplishment.
My brother-in-law, a university professor in Canada spent a number of years working in Japan until recently.
Part of his work was to sit on a board of Japanese immigration gov. officials tasked with administering the 'point system' and accepting or rejecting applications from potential immigrants.
He was on the board as a Canadian adviser.
I phoned him when this thread got into Japanese/muslim immigration.
To paraphrase when asked about whether the Japanese immigration officials were allowing muslims to immigrate: "There are a number a factors which 100% guaranteed the applicant would never be considered.
Criminal records in country of origin obviously is one. If the applicant lists their religion as 'muslim' the application is literally shredded on the spot. There are also certain countries that the Japanese gov. will never accept immigrants from no matter how highly qualified the applicant is.
The Japanese gov. never gives any reason for denying an application.
In the case of being a muslim there are always hundreds of applicants with as high or higher qualifications to choose from. Muslims and negroes are considered by the Japanese to be 'dirty' and 'violent'. (Those Japanese know their stuff when it comes to judging people.)
If the gov. decides it needs specific science and technological expertise and say a muslim has it the gov. MAY issue a 'guest worker visa' for a specific amount of time (until the expert has basically taught the japanese scientists all he knows.) The day the visa expires the 'guest worker' is on a plane or rounded up and put on a plane. Either way they leave Japan".
This from someone with firsthand experience.
Coyote will employ ad hom as she always does with the facts and good sources.

What "facts" and "good sources"? One article by Kedar, who's claims have been debunked? Oh...how about your fake news article about Snopes? Complaints about ad hom....coming from YOU? :lmao:
"In a country where nationals favor a racially unique and homogenous society, the foreign population accounted for only 1.7 percent of the total population in 2010, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Japan's strict immigration—or, rather, anti-immigration—policies have drawn heavy criticism."

Immigration Policies Around the World

So the National Geographic, Japan Times, and Dr. Modecai Kedar ( (Ph.D. Bar-Ilan U.) Served for 25 years in IDF Military Intelligence specializing in Arab political discourse, Arab mass media, Islamic groups and the Syrian domestic arena. A lecturer in Arabic at Bar-Ilan U., he is also an expert on Israeli Arabs.) all agree..Japan's strict immigration and anti-Muslim policies have protected them from the terror known as "globalism"...i.e., "sitting ducks for Mohommed" movement.

Mordecai Kedar is the same person who wrote that initial article (and he's associated with Pam Gellar) - you are simply repeating the same source here, nothing new.

That's one thing. And secondly - did you even READ the article you quoted? Here's the relevant portion:


In a country where nationals favor a racially unique and homogenous society, the foreign population accounted for only 1.7 percent of the total population in 2010, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Japan's strict immigration—or, rather, anti-immigration—policies have drawn heavy criticism.

Like Canada, Japan is facing a rapidly declining population in which the low birthrate can barely match the death rate of the country's senior citizens. The population now sits at 128 million, but analysts estimate the number will have shrunk by a third in 2060, forcing the country to embrace more open policies.

Following the examples of Canada and the United Kingdom, Japan rolled out a new point-based system last spring to rate immigrants. Immigrants earn points based on their academic background and research or business experience, among other factors. Those who score higher—mainly professionals like professors, doctors, and corporate managers—will be given preferential treatment.

No where in it, or in the articles it links to does it say anything about Muslims - nada. What it says is what is already widely known, Japan is very anti-foreigner, and always has been and that applies all foreigners.

It was a nice try, but you should read your sources first before making youself look any more like an idiot then you are.

Hey but Coyote and snopes are on the same page...

Snopes.com CEO Arrested on Charges of Fraud and Corruption - Dr. Rich Swier

"Having established their website as a reputable resource for validating and debunking stories in American popular culture since 1995, the Mikkelson couple soon found themselves in a position to influence public discourse by punishing or rewarding certain cultural and political biases. Before long they were accepting money to promote some rumors and downplay or completely ignore some others, which over the years have brought them millions of dollars, according to the source.

"Especially scandalous may be the website’s possible collaboration with left-leaning national media organizations, which started with payments to Snopes.com to overlook or validate their inaccurate and biased reporting, and eventually evolved into a full-scale coordinated effort with left-leaning groups and public relation firms to construct a media narrative that gave legitimacy to certain opinions, political causes and public figures, while discrediting other opinions, causes, and public figures.

"The list of groups and individuals paying to use the website’s clout ranged from local politicians to transnational entities to foreign governments, including Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the Palestinian Authority."

Snopes CEO Arrested on Fraud, Corruption Charges-Fiction!

The Truth:

Barbara and David Mikkelson have not been arrested on fraud and corruption charges.

A fake news website called The People’s Cube started that rumor with a story that appeared under the headline, “Snopes.com CEO arrested on charges of fraud and corruption.” According to the report:

...The story goes that police followed a paper trail to Barbara and David Mikkelson after a Snopes editor lashed out a flea market vendor in Los Angeles for playing the song “Dixie’s Land” because of its ties to the Confederacy and Old South.

The story was shared thousands of times, but it’s a work of fiction.

The People’s Cube describes itself as a People’s Political Humor and Satire Collective, among other things.​

Actually...at this point...I don't think it's possible for you to look any more like an idiot. Kudos on an unprecedented accomplishment.
My brother-in-law, a university professor in Canada spent a number of years working in Japan until recently.
Part of his work was to sit on a board of Japanese immigration gov. officials tasked with administering the 'point system' and accepting or rejecting applications from potential immigrants.
He was on the board as a Canadian adviser.
I phoned him when this thread got into Japanese/muslim immigration.
To paraphrase when asked about whether the Japanese immigration officials were allowing muslims to immigrate: "There are a number a factors which 100% guaranteed the applicant would never be considered.
Criminal records in country of origin obviously is one. If the applicant lists their religion as 'muslim' the application is literally shredded on the spot. There are also certain countries that the Japanese gov. will never accept immigrants from no matter how highly qualified the applicant is.
The Japanese gov. never gives any reason for denying an application.
In the case of being a muslim there are always hundreds of applicants with as high or higher qualifications to choose from. Muslims and negroes are considered by the Japanese to be 'dirty' and 'violent'. (Those Japanese know their stuff when it comes to judging people.)
If the gov. decides it needs specific science and technological expertise and say a muslim has it the gov. MAY issue a 'guest worker visa' for a specific amount of time (until the expert has basically taught the japanese scientists all he knows.) The day the visa expires the 'guest worker' is on a plane or rounded up and put on a plane. Either way they leave Japan".
This from someone with firsthand experience.
Coyote will employ ad hom as she always does with the facts and good sources.

What "facts" and "good sources"? One article by Kedar, who's claims have been debunked? Oh...how about your fake news article about Snopes? Complaints about ad hom....coming from YOU? :lmao:

You didn't debunk anything, liar.

Yes, Kedar (not debunked) National Geographic and the Japan Times.

Pretty good sources. None debunked.

What did you have? Oh yeah...SNOPES.


What a tard.

You just hate Kedar because he's Jewish, but he's a stellar source:

"Kedar is an academic on the Israeli Arab population. He served for twenty-five years in IDF Military Intelligence, where he specialized in Islamic groups, the political discourse of Arab countries, the Arabic press and mass media, and the Syrian domestic arena."

Mordechai Kedar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Japan Times:

"The Japan Times was launched by Motosada Zumoto on March 22, 1897, with the goal of giving Japanese an opportunity to read and discuss news and current events in English in order to help Japan to participate more fully in the international community."

Also an excellent source.

The Japan Times - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And then the National Geographic...lol...

"Occasionally an entire month's issue would be devoted to a single country, past civilization, a natural resource whose future is endangered, or other theme."

National Geographic (magazine) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What information from which of those sources do you claim has been "debunked"?
Last edited:
"In a country where nationals favor a racially unique and homogenous society, the foreign population accounted for only 1.7 percent of the total population in 2010, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Japan's strict immigration—or, rather, anti-immigration—policies have drawn heavy criticism."

Immigration Policies Around the World

So the National Geographic, Japan Times, and Dr. Modecai Kedar ( (Ph.D. Bar-Ilan U.) Served for 25 years in IDF Military Intelligence specializing in Arab political discourse, Arab mass media, Islamic groups and the Syrian domestic arena. A lecturer in Arabic at Bar-Ilan U., he is also an expert on Israeli Arabs.) all agree..Japan's strict immigration and anti-Muslim policies have protected them from the terror known as "globalism"...i.e., "sitting ducks for Mohommed" movement.

Mordecai Kedar is the same person who wrote that initial article (and he's associated with Pam Gellar) - you are simply repeating the same source here, nothing new.

That's one thing. And secondly - did you even READ the article you quoted? Here's the relevant portion:


In a country where nationals favor a racially unique and homogenous society, the foreign population accounted for only 1.7 percent of the total population in 2010, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Japan's strict immigration—or, rather, anti-immigration—policies have drawn heavy criticism.

Like Canada, Japan is facing a rapidly declining population in which the low birthrate can barely match the death rate of the country's senior citizens. The population now sits at 128 million, but analysts estimate the number will have shrunk by a third in 2060, forcing the country to embrace more open policies.

Following the examples of Canada and the United Kingdom, Japan rolled out a new point-based system last spring to rate immigrants. Immigrants earn points based on their academic background and research or business experience, among other factors. Those who score higher—mainly professionals like professors, doctors, and corporate managers—will be given preferential treatment.

No where in it, or in the articles it links to does it say anything about Muslims - nada. What it says is what is already widely known, Japan is very anti-foreigner, and always has been and that applies all foreigners.

It was a nice try, but you should read your sources first before making youself look any more like an idiot then you are.

Hey but Coyote and snopes are on the same page...

Snopes.com CEO Arrested on Charges of Fraud and Corruption - Dr. Rich Swier

"Having established their website as a reputable resource for validating and debunking stories in American popular culture since 1995, the Mikkelson couple soon found themselves in a position to influence public discourse by punishing or rewarding certain cultural and political biases. Before long they were accepting money to promote some rumors and downplay or completely ignore some others, which over the years have brought them millions of dollars, according to the source.

"Especially scandalous may be the website’s possible collaboration with left-leaning national media organizations, which started with payments to Snopes.com to overlook or validate their inaccurate and biased reporting, and eventually evolved into a full-scale coordinated effort with left-leaning groups and public relation firms to construct a media narrative that gave legitimacy to certain opinions, political causes and public figures, while discrediting other opinions, causes, and public figures.

"The list of groups and individuals paying to use the website’s clout ranged from local politicians to transnational entities to foreign governments, including Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the Palestinian Authority."

Snopes CEO Arrested on Fraud, Corruption Charges-Fiction!

The Truth:

Barbara and David Mikkelson have not been arrested on fraud and corruption charges.

A fake news website called The People’s Cube started that rumor with a story that appeared under the headline, “Snopes.com CEO arrested on charges of fraud and corruption.” According to the report:

...The story goes that police followed a paper trail to Barbara and David Mikkelson after a Snopes editor lashed out a flea market vendor in Los Angeles for playing the song “Dixie’s Land” because of its ties to the Confederacy and Old South.

The story was shared thousands of times, but it’s a work of fiction.

The People’s Cube describes itself as a People’s Political Humor and Satire Collective, among other things.​

Actually...at this point...I don't think it's possible for you to look any more like an idiot. Kudos on an unprecedented accomplishment.
My brother-in-law, a university professor in Canada spent a number of years working in Japan until recently.
Part of his work was to sit on a board of Japanese immigration gov. officials tasked with administering the 'point system' and accepting or rejecting applications from potential immigrants.
He was on the board as a Canadian adviser.
I phoned him when this thread got into Japanese/muslim immigration.
To paraphrase when asked about whether the Japanese immigration officials were allowing muslims to immigrate: "There are a number a factors which 100% guaranteed the applicant would never be considered.
Criminal records in country of origin obviously is one. If the applicant lists their religion as 'muslim' the application is literally shredded on the spot. There are also certain countries that the Japanese gov. will never accept immigrants from no matter how highly qualified the applicant is.
The Japanese gov. never gives any reason for denying an application.
In the case of being a muslim there are always hundreds of applicants with as high or higher qualifications to choose from. Muslims and negroes are considered by the Japanese to be 'dirty' and 'violent'. (Those Japanese know their stuff when it comes to judging people.)
If the gov. decides it needs specific science and technological expertise and say a muslim has it the gov. MAY issue a 'guest worker visa' for a specific amount of time (until the expert has basically taught the japanese scientists all he knows.) The day the visa expires the 'guest worker' is on a plane or rounded up and put on a plane. Either way they leave Japan".
This from someone with firsthand experience.

There is no place on the application for religion to be listed.
You are correct.
Funny thing is when the applicant lists where he is currently living and for how long and it happens to be a majority muslim country and the applicant's name starts with 'Muhammad' and the jobs and scientific/technical training he has were in majority muslim countries those smart Japanese have a way of putting two and two together.
Bottom line is dear the Japanese people detest muslims and negroes equally.
Consequently there are no drug infested violent negro or muslim or negro ghettos in Japan.
The Japanese look at what's happening wherever these groups of people live and smile to themselves.
Japanese people to the rest of the world: "You all can have our share of the sub-humans".

You were flat out wrong about applicants listing their religion, which makes me question anything else you claim. As far as Japanese disliking foreigners in general - that is well established.
Japanese believe negroes and muslims are filth.
Japanese has their own culture they are obsessively devoted to retain.
It's their country and culture. More power to them.
Looks like the fucking LIB/Socialist EU countries who welcomed the muslim vermin in to destroy their countries are regretting it now.
Virtually EVERY EU country today is moving towards kicking the muslim sub-humans out.
The animals have never done anything but bring sub-human behavior to these countries.
"In a country where nationals favor a racially unique and homogenous society, the foreign population accounted for only 1.7 percent of the total population in 2010, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Japan's strict immigration—or, rather, anti-immigration—policies have drawn heavy criticism."

Immigration Policies Around the World

So the National Geographic, Japan Times, and Dr. Modecai Kedar ( (Ph.D. Bar-Ilan U.) Served for 25 years in IDF Military Intelligence specializing in Arab political discourse, Arab mass media, Islamic groups and the Syrian domestic arena. A lecturer in Arabic at Bar-Ilan U., he is also an expert on Israeli Arabs.) all agree..Japan's strict immigration and anti-Muslim policies have protected them from the terror known as "globalism"...i.e., "sitting ducks for Mohommed" movement.

Mordecai Kedar is the same person who wrote that initial article (and he's associated with Pam Gellar) - you are simply repeating the same source here, nothing new.

That's one thing. And secondly - did you even READ the article you quoted? Here's the relevant portion:


In a country where nationals favor a racially unique and homogenous society, the foreign population accounted for only 1.7 percent of the total population in 2010, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Japan's strict immigration—or, rather, anti-immigration—policies have drawn heavy criticism.

Like Canada, Japan is facing a rapidly declining population in which the low birthrate can barely match the death rate of the country's senior citizens. The population now sits at 128 million, but analysts estimate the number will have shrunk by a third in 2060, forcing the country to embrace more open policies.

Following the examples of Canada and the United Kingdom, Japan rolled out a new point-based system last spring to rate immigrants. Immigrants earn points based on their academic background and research or business experience, among other factors. Those who score higher—mainly professionals like professors, doctors, and corporate managers—will be given preferential treatment.

No where in it, or in the articles it links to does it say anything about Muslims - nada. What it says is what is already widely known, Japan is very anti-foreigner, and always has been and that applies all foreigners.

It was a nice try, but you should read your sources first before making youself look any more like an idiot then you are.

Hey but Coyote and snopes are on the same page...

Snopes.com CEO Arrested on Charges of Fraud and Corruption - Dr. Rich Swier

"Having established their website as a reputable resource for validating and debunking stories in American popular culture since 1995, the Mikkelson couple soon found themselves in a position to influence public discourse by punishing or rewarding certain cultural and political biases. Before long they were accepting money to promote some rumors and downplay or completely ignore some others, which over the years have brought them millions of dollars, according to the source.

"Especially scandalous may be the website’s possible collaboration with left-leaning national media organizations, which started with payments to Snopes.com to overlook or validate their inaccurate and biased reporting, and eventually evolved into a full-scale coordinated effort with left-leaning groups and public relation firms to construct a media narrative that gave legitimacy to certain opinions, political causes and public figures, while discrediting other opinions, causes, and public figures.

"The list of groups and individuals paying to use the website’s clout ranged from local politicians to transnational entities to foreign governments, including Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the Palestinian Authority."

Snopes CEO Arrested on Fraud, Corruption Charges-Fiction!

The Truth:

Barbara and David Mikkelson have not been arrested on fraud and corruption charges.

A fake news website called The People’s Cube started that rumor with a story that appeared under the headline, “Snopes.com CEO arrested on charges of fraud and corruption.” According to the report:

...The story goes that police followed a paper trail to Barbara and David Mikkelson after a Snopes editor lashed out a flea market vendor in Los Angeles for playing the song “Dixie’s Land” because of its ties to the Confederacy and Old South.

The story was shared thousands of times, but it’s a work of fiction.

The People’s Cube describes itself as a People’s Political Humor and Satire Collective, among other things.​

Actually...at this point...I don't think it's possible for you to look any more like an idiot. Kudos on an unprecedented accomplishment.
My brother-in-law, a university professor in Canada spent a number of years working in Japan until recently.
Part of his work was to sit on a board of Japanese immigration gov. officials tasked with administering the 'point system' and accepting or rejecting applications from potential immigrants.
He was on the board as a Canadian adviser.
I phoned him when this thread got into Japanese/muslim immigration.
To paraphrase when asked about whether the Japanese immigration officials were allowing muslims to immigrate: "There are a number a factors which 100% guaranteed the applicant would never be considered.
Criminal records in country of origin obviously is one. If the applicant lists their religion as 'muslim' the application is literally shredded on the spot. There are also certain countries that the Japanese gov. will never accept immigrants from no matter how highly qualified the applicant is.
The Japanese gov. never gives any reason for denying an application.
In the case of being a muslim there are always hundreds of applicants with as high or higher qualifications to choose from. Muslims and negroes are considered by the Japanese to be 'dirty' and 'violent'. (Those Japanese know their stuff when it comes to judging people.)
If the gov. decides it needs specific science and technological expertise and say a muslim has it the gov. MAY issue a 'guest worker visa' for a specific amount of time (until the expert has basically taught the japanese scientists all he knows.) The day the visa expires the 'guest worker' is on a plane or rounded up and put on a plane. Either way they leave Japan".
This from someone with firsthand experience.

There is no place on the application for religion to be listed.
You are correct.
Funny thing is when the applicant lists where he is currently living and for how long and it happens to be a majority muslim country and the applicant's name starts with 'Muhammad' and the jobs and scientific/technical training he has were in majority muslim countries those smart Japanese have a way of putting two and two together.
Bottom line is dear the Japanese people detest muslims and negroes equally.
Consequently there are no drug infested violent negro or muslim or negro ghettos in Japan.
The Japanese look at what's happening wherever these groups of people live and smile to themselves.
Japanese people to the rest of the world: "You all can have our share of the sub-humans".

Coyote historically believes that members of different races are more stupid than she is. So she can't conceive of any Japanese official noticing Mohammad's religion if it isn't put on a piece of paper and pushed under his nose. And probably not even then.

Her entire belief system is based entirely on what people tell her she should believe. No facts can penetrate her bubble, because she truly doesn't believe anything unless it's fed to her by sources that she has been told are inviolate. She could see (and undoubtedly has watched) a guy get his head sawed off by a muslim screaming he's doing it for Islam and Allah, and she will maintain the guy's religion has nothing to do with it. She can see a thousand of those, and still insist that we should welcome muslims into our country because they don't pose a threat.

Because that is what her handlers tell her to believe. And her handlers are the ones who want heads sawn off and children butchered.
"In a country where nationals favor a racially unique and homogenous society, the foreign population accounted for only 1.7 percent of the total population in 2010, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Japan's strict immigration—or, rather, anti-immigration—policies have drawn heavy criticism."

Immigration Policies Around the World

So the National Geographic, Japan Times, and Dr. Modecai Kedar ( (Ph.D. Bar-Ilan U.) Served for 25 years in IDF Military Intelligence specializing in Arab political discourse, Arab mass media, Islamic groups and the Syrian domestic arena. A lecturer in Arabic at Bar-Ilan U., he is also an expert on Israeli Arabs.) all agree..Japan's strict immigration and anti-Muslim policies have protected them from the terror known as "globalism"...i.e., "sitting ducks for Mohommed" movement.

Mordecai Kedar is the same person who wrote that initial article (and he's associated with Pam Gellar) - you are simply repeating the same source here, nothing new.

That's one thing. And secondly - did you even READ the article you quoted? Here's the relevant portion:


In a country where nationals favor a racially unique and homogenous society, the foreign population accounted for only 1.7 percent of the total population in 2010, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Japan's strict immigration—or, rather, anti-immigration—policies have drawn heavy criticism.

Like Canada, Japan is facing a rapidly declining population in which the low birthrate can barely match the death rate of the country's senior citizens. The population now sits at 128 million, but analysts estimate the number will have shrunk by a third in 2060, forcing the country to embrace more open policies.

Following the examples of Canada and the United Kingdom, Japan rolled out a new point-based system last spring to rate immigrants. Immigrants earn points based on their academic background and research or business experience, among other factors. Those who score higher—mainly professionals like professors, doctors, and corporate managers—will be given preferential treatment.

No where in it, or in the articles it links to does it say anything about Muslims - nada. What it says is what is already widely known, Japan is very anti-foreigner, and always has been and that applies all foreigners.

It was a nice try, but you should read your sources first before making youself look any more like an idiot then you are.

Hey but Coyote and snopes are on the same page...

Snopes.com CEO Arrested on Charges of Fraud and Corruption - Dr. Rich Swier

"Having established their website as a reputable resource for validating and debunking stories in American popular culture since 1995, the Mikkelson couple soon found themselves in a position to influence public discourse by punishing or rewarding certain cultural and political biases. Before long they were accepting money to promote some rumors and downplay or completely ignore some others, which over the years have brought them millions of dollars, according to the source.

"Especially scandalous may be the website’s possible collaboration with left-leaning national media organizations, which started with payments to Snopes.com to overlook or validate their inaccurate and biased reporting, and eventually evolved into a full-scale coordinated effort with left-leaning groups and public relation firms to construct a media narrative that gave legitimacy to certain opinions, political causes and public figures, while discrediting other opinions, causes, and public figures.

"The list of groups and individuals paying to use the website’s clout ranged from local politicians to transnational entities to foreign governments, including Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the Palestinian Authority."

Snopes CEO Arrested on Fraud, Corruption Charges-Fiction!

The Truth:

Barbara and David Mikkelson have not been arrested on fraud and corruption charges.

A fake news website called The People’s Cube started that rumor with a story that appeared under the headline, “Snopes.com CEO arrested on charges of fraud and corruption.” According to the report:

...The story goes that police followed a paper trail to Barbara and David Mikkelson after a Snopes editor lashed out a flea market vendor in Los Angeles for playing the song “Dixie’s Land” because of its ties to the Confederacy and Old South.

The story was shared thousands of times, but it’s a work of fiction.

The People’s Cube describes itself as a People’s Political Humor and Satire Collective, among other things.​

Actually...at this point...I don't think it's possible for you to look any more like an idiot. Kudos on an unprecedented accomplishment.
My brother-in-law, a university professor in Canada spent a number of years working in Japan until recently.
Part of his work was to sit on a board of Japanese immigration gov. officials tasked with administering the 'point system' and accepting or rejecting applications from potential immigrants.
He was on the board as a Canadian adviser.
I phoned him when this thread got into Japanese/muslim immigration.
To paraphrase when asked about whether the Japanese immigration officials were allowing muslims to immigrate: "There are a number a factors which 100% guaranteed the applicant would never be considered.
Criminal records in country of origin obviously is one. If the applicant lists their religion as 'muslim' the application is literally shredded on the spot. There are also certain countries that the Japanese gov. will never accept immigrants from no matter how highly qualified the applicant is.
The Japanese gov. never gives any reason for denying an application.
In the case of being a muslim there are always hundreds of applicants with as high or higher qualifications to choose from. Muslims and negroes are considered by the Japanese to be 'dirty' and 'violent'. (Those Japanese know their stuff when it comes to judging people.)
If the gov. decides it needs specific science and technological expertise and say a muslim has it the gov. MAY issue a 'guest worker visa' for a specific amount of time (until the expert has basically taught the japanese scientists all he knows.) The day the visa expires the 'guest worker' is on a plane or rounded up and put on a plane. Either way they leave Japan".
This from someone with firsthand experience.
Coyote will employ ad hom as she always does with the facts and good sources.

What "facts" and "good sources"? One article by Kedar, who's claims have been debunked? Oh...how about your fake news article about Snopes? Complaints about ad hom....coming from YOU? :lmao:

You didn't debunk anything, liar.

Yes, Kedar (not debunked) National Geographic and the Japan Times.

Pretty good sources. None debunked.

What did you have? Oh yeah...SNOPES.


What a tard.

You just hate Kedar because he's Jewish, but he's a stellar source:

"Kedar is an academic on the Israeli Arab population. He served for twenty-five years in IDF Military Intelligence, where he specialized in Islamic groups, the political discourse of Arab countries, the Arabic press and mass media, and the Syrian domestic arena."

Mordechai Kedar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Japan Times:

"The Japan Times was launched by Motosada Zumoto on March 22, 1897, with the goal of giving Japanese an opportunity to read and discuss news and current events in English in order to help Japan to participate more fully in the international community."

Also an excellent source.

The Japan Times - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And then the National Geographic...lol...

"Occasionally an entire month's issue would be devoted to a single country, past civilization, a natural resource whose future is endangered, or other theme."

National Geographic (magazine) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What information from which of those sources do you claim has been "debunked"?

Neither the Japan Times article nor the National Geographic article say anything about Muslims. They talk about Japan's tendency to make it difficult for any foreigner to immigrate. Has Coyote disagreed that Japan makes it difficult for all foreigners to immigrate?
Mordecai Kedar is the same person who wrote that initial article (and he's associated with Pam Gellar) - you are simply repeating the same source here, nothing new.

That's one thing. And secondly - did you even READ the article you quoted? Here's the relevant portion:


In a country where nationals favor a racially unique and homogenous society, the foreign population accounted for only 1.7 percent of the total population in 2010, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Japan's strict immigration—or, rather, anti-immigration—policies have drawn heavy criticism.

Like Canada, Japan is facing a rapidly declining population in which the low birthrate can barely match the death rate of the country's senior citizens. The population now sits at 128 million, but analysts estimate the number will have shrunk by a third in 2060, forcing the country to embrace more open policies.

Following the examples of Canada and the United Kingdom, Japan rolled out a new point-based system last spring to rate immigrants. Immigrants earn points based on their academic background and research or business experience, among other factors. Those who score higher—mainly professionals like professors, doctors, and corporate managers—will be given preferential treatment.

No where in it, or in the articles it links to does it say anything about Muslims - nada. What it says is what is already widely known, Japan is very anti-foreigner, and always has been and that applies all foreigners.

It was a nice try, but you should read your sources first before making youself look any more like an idiot then you are.

Snopes CEO Arrested on Fraud, Corruption Charges-Fiction!

The Truth:

Barbara and David Mikkelson have not been arrested on fraud and corruption charges.

A fake news website called The People’s Cube started that rumor with a story that appeared under the headline, “Snopes.com CEO arrested on charges of fraud and corruption.” According to the report:

...The story goes that police followed a paper trail to Barbara and David Mikkelson after a Snopes editor lashed out a flea market vendor in Los Angeles for playing the song “Dixie’s Land” because of its ties to the Confederacy and Old South.

The story was shared thousands of times, but it’s a work of fiction.

The People’s Cube describes itself as a People’s Political Humor and Satire Collective, among other things.​

Actually...at this point...I don't think it's possible for you to look any more like an idiot. Kudos on an unprecedented accomplishment.
My brother-in-law, a university professor in Canada spent a number of years working in Japan until recently.
Part of his work was to sit on a board of Japanese immigration gov. officials tasked with administering the 'point system' and accepting or rejecting applications from potential immigrants.
He was on the board as a Canadian adviser.
I phoned him when this thread got into Japanese/muslim immigration.
To paraphrase when asked about whether the Japanese immigration officials were allowing muslims to immigrate: "There are a number a factors which 100% guaranteed the applicant would never be considered.
Criminal records in country of origin obviously is one. If the applicant lists their religion as 'muslim' the application is literally shredded on the spot. There are also certain countries that the Japanese gov. will never accept immigrants from no matter how highly qualified the applicant is.
The Japanese gov. never gives any reason for denying an application.
In the case of being a muslim there are always hundreds of applicants with as high or higher qualifications to choose from. Muslims and negroes are considered by the Japanese to be 'dirty' and 'violent'. (Those Japanese know their stuff when it comes to judging people.)
If the gov. decides it needs specific science and technological expertise and say a muslim has it the gov. MAY issue a 'guest worker visa' for a specific amount of time (until the expert has basically taught the japanese scientists all he knows.) The day the visa expires the 'guest worker' is on a plane or rounded up and put on a plane. Either way they leave Japan".
This from someone with firsthand experience.
Coyote will employ ad hom as she always does with the facts and good sources.

What "facts" and "good sources"? One article by Kedar, who's claims have been debunked? Oh...how about your fake news article about Snopes? Complaints about ad hom....coming from YOU? :lmao:

You didn't debunk anything, liar.

Yes, Kedar (not debunked) National Geographic and the Japan Times.

Pretty good sources. None debunked.

What did you have? Oh yeah...SNOPES.


What a tard.

You just hate Kedar because he's Jewish, but he's a stellar source:

"Kedar is an academic on the Israeli Arab population. He served for twenty-five years in IDF Military Intelligence, where he specialized in Islamic groups, the political discourse of Arab countries, the Arabic press and mass media, and the Syrian domestic arena."

Mordechai Kedar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Japan Times:

"The Japan Times was launched by Motosada Zumoto on March 22, 1897, with the goal of giving Japanese an opportunity to read and discuss news and current events in English in order to help Japan to participate more fully in the international community."

Also an excellent source.

The Japan Times - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And then the National Geographic...lol...

"Occasionally an entire month's issue would be devoted to a single country, past civilization, a natural resource whose future is endangered, or other theme."

National Geographic (magazine) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What information from which of those sources do you claim has been "debunked"?

Neither the Japan Times article nor the National Geographic article say anything about Muslims. They talk about Japan's tendency to make it difficult for any foreigner to immigrate. Has Coyote disagreed that Japan makes it difficult for all foreigners to immigrate?

I'm sorry, we've been over this before. The discussion is about why Japan doesn't have a muslim problem, and that is why. I'm sorry your mind isn't developed enough to grasp that, but it isn't my problem.
My brother-in-law, a university professor in Canada spent a number of years working in Japan until recently.
Part of his work was to sit on a board of Japanese immigration gov. officials tasked with administering the 'point system' and accepting or rejecting applications from potential immigrants.
He was on the board as a Canadian adviser.
I phoned him when this thread got into Japanese/muslim immigration.
To paraphrase when asked about whether the Japanese immigration officials were allowing muslims to immigrate: "There are a number a factors which 100% guaranteed the applicant would never be considered.
Criminal records in country of origin obviously is one. If the applicant lists their religion as 'muslim' the application is literally shredded on the spot. There are also certain countries that the Japanese gov. will never accept immigrants from no matter how highly qualified the applicant is.
The Japanese gov. never gives any reason for denying an application.
In the case of being a muslim there are always hundreds of applicants with as high or higher qualifications to choose from. Muslims and negroes are considered by the Japanese to be 'dirty' and 'violent'. (Those Japanese know their stuff when it comes to judging people.)
If the gov. decides it needs specific science and technological expertise and say a muslim has it the gov. MAY issue a 'guest worker visa' for a specific amount of time (until the expert has basically taught the japanese scientists all he knows.) The day the visa expires the 'guest worker' is on a plane or rounded up and put on a plane. Either way they leave Japan".
This from someone with firsthand experience.
Coyote will employ ad hom as she always does with the facts and good sources.

What "facts" and "good sources"? One article by Kedar, who's claims have been debunked? Oh...how about your fake news article about Snopes? Complaints about ad hom....coming from YOU? :lmao:

You didn't debunk anything, liar.

Yes, Kedar (not debunked) National Geographic and the Japan Times.

Pretty good sources. None debunked.

What did you have? Oh yeah...SNOPES.


What a tard.

You just hate Kedar because he's Jewish, but he's a stellar source:

"Kedar is an academic on the Israeli Arab population. He served for twenty-five years in IDF Military Intelligence, where he specialized in Islamic groups, the political discourse of Arab countries, the Arabic press and mass media, and the Syrian domestic arena."

Mordechai Kedar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Japan Times:

"The Japan Times was launched by Motosada Zumoto on March 22, 1897, with the goal of giving Japanese an opportunity to read and discuss news and current events in English in order to help Japan to participate more fully in the international community."

Also an excellent source.

The Japan Times - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And then the National Geographic...lol...

"Occasionally an entire month's issue would be devoted to a single country, past civilization, a natural resource whose future is endangered, or other theme."

National Geographic (magazine) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What information from which of those sources do you claim has been "debunked"?

Neither the Japan Times article nor the National Geographic article say anything about Muslims. They talk about Japan's tendency to make it difficult for any foreigner to immigrate. Has Coyote disagreed that Japan makes it difficult for all foreigners to immigrate?

I'm sorry, we've been over this before. The discussion is about why Japan doesn't have a muslim problem, and that is why. I'm sorry your mind isn't developed enough to grasp that, but it isn't my problem.

And, as we've been over before, no one seems to disagree that Japan doesn't allow a lot of immigration from anyone. The points of contention are the assertions, some of which you have made, that Japan specifically targets Muslims to keep them out. Those are the kinds of assertions made in the Kedar article, which is what Coyote said has been debunked, not the National Geographic or Japan Times articles.

I'm sorry if your mind isn't developed enough to grasp that, but it isn't my problem. ;)

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