Time to declare War on Islam

I assume any 'religion' is based on acknowledging some higher power which moves the adherents in some sort of positive life affirming continuum.
Buy I guess by strict definition those who worship satan would disagree.
I don't believe any GOD would have ever signed off on the evil violent death-cult misogynist 'religion' that is islam.

that is your own personal belief. and most muslims do not practice anything remotely like a "Death cult". As to misogyny..... all fundamentalist religions...and i mean all... whether muslim, christian, hindu (which made their women settee)and judaism... are inherently misogynist.
You delusional twat! Where in any Christian nation are women deprived the right to own land, to vote, to drive, to travel about unaccompanied by a male relative, to show skin, to have standing in court, or the right to equal employment opportunities? Where in Christian nations are women routinely subject to beatings, honor killings, rape, and female circumcision?

Your hatred toward Christianity is as blinding as it is contemptible.

women are systematically oppressed in fundamental religions. i understand that a white christian religions zealot is incapable of seeing that.

i don't hate christians. you hate everyone who isn't christian. i just want y'all to leave the rest of us alone.

The hypocrisy is rich. Fundamentalist Christian women are not oppressed. Not more so than Orthodox Jewish women are. I thought you'd recognize that. Just because they might sit in different sections of the hall does not mean they can't be citizens with equal rights or that their religious responsibilities are limited. Thought you'd know that Ortho Jew women pretty much run the religious practice in the home. And that they are encouraged to study and learn..

There's "leftist" oppression -- and then there's clit removal, denial of education, subservience and approved spousal abuse.

That DOES occur among Christians and the more fundamentalist the faith, the more the woman is likely to be subservient. How often do you suppose verses like these are used to justify wife beating?

"To the woman he said, "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you." Genesis 3:16
"Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior." Ephesians 5:22-23

11 Countries with the hightest rates of domestic violence:
Russia, Iraq, Pakistan, India, Somalia, Mali, Guatamalia, Sudan, Congo, Afghanistan and topping the list - Chad.

Progressive countries have laws against domestic abuse and ways to help women report it and get out of it and an overall culture that condemns it, regardless of religion. In any of the fundamentalist sects of Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism women are scriptually subordinate and the potential for abuse is much higher because of religious beliefs.

FGM also crosses religious boundaries because it's a cultural thing more than it's a religious thing. In those parts of the world where it is still practiced - it is practiced by all faiths as part of their culture.

I assume any 'religion' is based on acknowledging some higher power which moves the adherents in some sort of positive life affirming continuum.
Buy I guess by strict definition those who worship satan would disagree.
I don't believe any GOD would have ever signed off on the evil violent death-cult misogynist 'religion' that is islam.

that is your own personal belief. and most muslims do not practice anything remotely like a "Death cult". As to misogyny..... all fundamentalist religions...and i mean all... whether muslim, christian, hindu (which made their women settee)and judaism... are inherently misogynist.
You delusional twat! Where in any Christian nation are women deprived the right to own land, to vote, to drive, to travel about unaccompanied by a male relative, to show skin, to have standing in court, or the right to equal employment opportunities? Where in Christian nations are women routinely subject to beatings, honor killings, rape, and female circumcision?

Your hatred toward Christianity is as blinding as it is contemptible.

women are systematically oppressed in fundamental religions. i understand that a white christian religions zealot is incapable of seeing that.

i don't hate christians. you hate everyone who isn't christian. i just want y'all to leave the rest of us alone.

The hypocrisy is rich. Fundamentalist Christian women are not oppressed. Not more so than Orthodox Jewish women are. I thought you'd recognize that. Just because they might sit in different sections of the hall does not mean they can't be citizens with equal rights or that their religious responsibilities are limited. Thought you'd know that Ortho Jew women pretty much run the religious practice in the home. And that they are encouraged to study and learn..

There's "leftist" oppression -- and then there's clit removal, denial of education, subservience and approved spousal abuse.

That DOES occur among Christians and the more fundamentalist the faith, the more the woman is likely to be subservient. How often do you suppose verses like these are used to justify wife beating?

"To the woman he said, "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you." Genesis 3:16
"Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior." Ephesians 5:22-23

11 Countries with the hightest rates of domestic violence:
Russia, Iraq, Pakistan, India, Somalia, Mali, Guatamalia, Sudan, Congo, Afghanistan and topping the list - Chad.

Progressive countries have laws against domestic abuse and ways to help women report it and get out of it and an overall culture that condemns it, regardless of religion. In any of the fundamentalist sects of Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism women are scriptually subordinate and the potential for abuse is much higher because of religious beliefs.

FGM also crosses religious boundaries because it's a cultural thing more than it's a religious thing. In those parts of the world where it is still practiced - it is practiced by all faiths as part of their culture.

And those verses matter HOW -- in the practice of Jewish/Christian life in the Western world? You think all those women on Christian Mingle or JewDate are just looking for abuse and domination? Those biblical passages do not HINDER in any way the power and independence of Western women. You think Golda Meir was "held back" by that Genesis quote?

You are missing the entire KEY to successful WESTERN religious practice.. And that is exactly what I just told you. That those 2 quotes are SUCCESSFULLY interpreted into the modern context of freedom and tolerance. And TODAY mean more about what happens WITHIN a family unit -- then they do about hobbling and hindering feminism. Nothing WRONG with the CHOICE of woman as head of house and family. OR of the religious practice that goes on AT HOME. Even IF -- the religious practice at the worship hall might have them sitting separately.
Sweetie.........best watch what you say............when the shit hits the fan, you're one of the ones that is gonna get air dropped into a Muslim hot zone by real Americans. They're gonna give you an ISIS flag honey......see how well that serves you!!!:2up:. All this multicultural bs is soon to be a relic of a former era because the people are going to demand it.

SS just ran a 6 trillion dollar deficit........best prepare honey. Just sayin...........people like you are going to be amongst the first to get pwned because people just going to come take your shit. That's the way its gonna work...........and you can think of people like the real Americans like me who aren't getting their shit taken because we figured out that kumbaya was ghey a long, long time ago.:bye1::bye1::fu:
Coyote doesn't have any shit. She's a state dependent loser.

Speaking of losers, have you come up with anything to prove your assertions about Japan?

Yes, I did. Just because you're too stupid or too dishonest to acknowledge it means nothing.

Coyote's future:


She'll try to get out of it and pretend to be sick or otherwise unaccountable, but hopefully there will be soldiers to drag her dumbass down to look at the leftover bits of a muslim bombing.

And oh btw, the interment of Japanese citizens in the US was NOTHING like this. Yes, during war we will do what we do to prevent hostiles from infiltrating and killing us, and that includes detaining them. And if you get in the way, you can end up in jail too.

Of course, the problem isn't the detaining and internment of hostiles......it's the innocents, and the total lack of due process, that causes issues.

In times of war, you take steps to increase security. Its' not exactly the same as rounding up people and exterminating them.

I never said it was the same as rounding up and executing people.

I don't believe the country is in a declared state of war. Nor do I expect the Supreme Court would uphold the internment of Muslims were it to happen and be challenged, although it's possible they would. Obviously the court ruled the Japanese internment was constitutional within certain qualifications. I doubt the same ruling would be put forth today regarding the Japanese, but again, I won't completely dismiss the idea that today's court would also rule such internment constitutional.

Of course, determining who is Muslim is probably a bit more difficult than who is Japanese was.
Here's more commentary on the "no immigration" policies of Japan:

"The no-immigration principle is an institutionalization of the homogeneous-people discourse. The principle basically states that Japan does not accept migrants. Indeed, the M-word (imin in Japanese) is markedly absent in legal, media and popular discourse, where it is replaced by euphemisms such as “entrants” and “foreign workers.” On the policy side, this means that it is necessary to do as much as possible to prevent foreigners in general from staying long or settling down. Tessa Morris-Suzuki argues that this principle has remained relatively unchanged since the first Nationality Law of 1899, which aimed to a) prevent an influx of unskilled labor, and b) restrict access to Japanese nationality.

:The failure of immigration reform to date demonstrates the persistence of the no-immigration principle."

Japan's 'no immigration principle' looking as solid as ever | The Japan Times

This seems to confirm the point I made earlier, that Japan doesn't specifically prevent or hinder Muslims from entering, but instead makes it hard for all foreigners to migrate into the country.
Here's more commentary on the "no immigration" policies of Japan:

"The no-immigration principle is an institutionalization of the homogeneous-people discourse. The principle basically states that Japan does not accept migrants. Indeed, the M-word (imin in Japanese) is markedly absent in legal, media and popular discourse, where it is replaced by euphemisms such as “entrants” and “foreign workers.” On the policy side, this means that it is necessary to do as much as possible to prevent foreigners in general from staying long or settling down. Tessa Morris-Suzuki argues that this principle has remained relatively unchanged since the first Nationality Law of 1899, which aimed to a) prevent an influx of unskilled labor, and b) restrict access to Japanese nationality.

:The failure of immigration reform to date demonstrates the persistence of the no-immigration principle."

Japan's 'no immigration principle' looking as solid as ever | The Japan Times

Are you really this ignorant? First - READ the Mordachai Kedar article that you first sourced. Ok? It - and YOU - have been making claims specific to Islam and Islamic immigration to Japan. NONE of which are supported in all your articles here.

Your articles say NOTHING about Islam, NOTHING about Muslim immigration being specifically restricted.

All it says is that Japan heavily restricts immigration - of all foreigners.

Are you having a "baffle them with bullshit" moment here?
Oh you're back to arguing against points that were never made. And straight up lying. Yes, the Kedar article absolutely supports my statements about Islam in Japan. 100 percent. I quoted the portions that reflected my commentary pretty much word for word.

Post 275:
Yawn...arguing points never made. Japan does forbid muslims to enter their country. But they don't invite them in...and it's a crime to engage in the muslim form of evangelism.

Post 284
One imam in all of tokyo. It is.illegal to.proselytyze islam. Companies won't hire muslims, and muslims are actively discouraged from seeking citizenship. AND Japan doesn't apologize to them for it. They think they're animals, that their culture sucks dick, and they reject them wholeheartedly and unapologetically.

Straight up lying? Above are some of the points you made.

Japanese hate Muslims, think they are animals and reject them wholeheartedly? Tokyo imam says no Islamophobia in Japan

Islamic evangelism is illegal? Article 20 the constitution of Japan drafted by the US occupation forces, in 1946 and currently in use, mandates a separation of religious organizations from the state, as well as ensuring religious freedom: "No religious organization shall receive any privileges from the State, nor exercise any political authority. No person shall be compelled to take part in any religious act, celebration, rite or practice. The State and its organs shall refrain from religious education or any other religious activity."

Japan does forbid muslims to enter their country. No, they don't - there is nothing in visa and naturalization applications that even ask religion, nor is there any law forbiding them entry.

Companies won't hire muslims, and muslims are actively discouraged from seeking citizenship. Foreigners in GENERAL are discouraged, but nowhere are Muslims specifically discouraged. Nice tricky use of words in your source article.

One Imam in Tokyo. Also wrong. One JAPANESE IMAM in Tokyo. Tokyo Camii is Tokyo's largest Mosque, it's Imam is Nurullah Ayaz. That's at least two, I suppose we can go down the list of mosques for more but I have no desire to.

And the Japan Times article also supported my statements. As did the National Geographic piece.

No. They only supported the contention that ALL foreigners are limited - not Muslims specifically and not Islam as a religion as your original source was claiming.

All state unequivocally that Muslim extremism isn't a problem in Japan because the Japanese don't welcome them and won't hire them.

The only one that specifically claims that is the Kedar article.

They refuse to acknowledge them, it's ILLEGAL for muslims to attempt to convert people. You can't be a Japanese citizen unless you demonstrate a desire to assimilate into their culture and prove your employability and desire to be employed.

And that's the rub because Japanese business owners refuse to hire them.

How long are you going to continue to insist on this lie? They don't refuse to acknowledge them and it is not illegal for Muslims to evangelize - or for any religion to evangelize. No one can be compelled AGAINST THEIR WILL - and that applies to all. It's also the same as it is here in the US.
Here's more commentary on the "no immigration" policies of Japan:

"The no-immigration principle is an institutionalization of the homogeneous-people discourse. The principle basically states that Japan does not accept migrants. Indeed, the M-word (imin in Japanese) is markedly absent in legal, media and popular discourse, where it is replaced by euphemisms such as “entrants” and “foreign workers.” On the policy side, this means that it is necessary to do as much as possible to prevent foreigners in general from staying long or settling down. Tessa Morris-Suzuki argues that this principle has remained relatively unchanged since the first Nationality Law of 1899, which aimed to a) prevent an influx of unskilled labor, and b) restrict access to Japanese nationality.

:The failure of immigration reform to date demonstrates the persistence of the no-immigration principle."

Japan's 'no immigration principle' looking as solid as ever | The Japan Times

Are you really this ignorant? First - READ the Mordachai Kedar article that you first sourced. Ok? It - and YOU - have been making claims specific to Islam and Islamic immigration to Japan. NONE of which are supported in all your articles here.

Your articles say NOTHING about Islam, NOTHING about Muslim immigration being specifically restricted.

All it says is that Japan heavily restricts immigration - of all foreigners.

Are you having a "baffle them with bullshit" moment here?
Oh you're back to arguing against points that were never made. And straight up lying. Yes, the Kedar article absolutely supports my statements about Islam in Japan. 100 percent. I quoted the portions that reflected my commentary pretty much word for word.

And the Japan Times article also supported my statements. As did the National Geographic piece.

All state unequivocally that Muslim extremism isn't a problem in Japan because the Japanese don't welcome them and won't hire them. They refuse to acknowledge them, it's ILLEGAL for muslims to attempt to convert people. You can't be a Japanese citizen unless you demonstrate a desire to assimilate into their culture and prove your employability and desire to be employed.

And that's the rub because Japanese business owners refuse to hire them.

I didn't see anything about Muslims or Muslim extremism in either article you linked. It may be true that having far fewer immigrants prevents a lot of the danger of Muslim extremism from effecting Japan, neither article said anything about it, and it doesn't mean that there aren't Muslims in Japan.

I also haven't seen any evidence that employers won't hire Muslims or that it is illegal for Muslims to attempt to convert people other than the one earlier article of the thread which I find somewhat questionable. Here is an example of an article rebutting some of those "Muslims aren't allowed in Japan" kinds of talking points : Becoming legally Japanese: Can Muslims acquire Japanese citizenship/nationality or permanent residency? . Unfortunately some of the links are to sites in Japanese. Still, it provides a much different perspective on how Japan treats Islam and Muslims.

Muslims may have some difficulties in Japan. I think that you are exaggerating those difficulties, or at least believe such exaggerations created by others.
that is your own personal belief. and most muslims do not practice anything remotely like a "Death cult". As to misogyny..... all fundamentalist religions...and i mean all... whether muslim, christian, hindu (which made their women settee)and judaism... are inherently misogynist.
You delusional twat! Where in any Christian nation are women deprived the right to own land, to vote, to drive, to travel about unaccompanied by a male relative, to show skin, to have standing in court, or the right to equal employment opportunities? Where in Christian nations are women routinely subject to beatings, honor killings, rape, and female circumcision?

Your hatred toward Christianity is as blinding as it is contemptible.

women are systematically oppressed in fundamental religions. i understand that a white christian religions zealot is incapable of seeing that.

i don't hate christians. you hate everyone who isn't christian. i just want y'all to leave the rest of us alone.

The hypocrisy is rich. Fundamentalist Christian women are not oppressed. Not more so than Orthodox Jewish women are. I thought you'd recognize that. Just because they might sit in different sections of the hall does not mean they can't be citizens with equal rights or that their religious responsibilities are limited. Thought you'd know that Ortho Jew women pretty much run the religious practice in the home. And that they are encouraged to study and learn..

There's "leftist" oppression -- and then there's clit removal, denial of education, subservience and approved spousal abuse.

That DOES occur among Christians and the more fundamentalist the faith, the more the woman is likely to be subservient. How often do you suppose verses like these are used to justify wife beating?

"To the woman he said, "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you." Genesis 3:16
"Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior." Ephesians 5:22-23

11 Countries with the hightest rates of domestic violence:
Russia, Iraq, Pakistan, India, Somalia, Mali, Guatamalia, Sudan, Congo, Afghanistan and topping the list - Chad.

Progressive countries have laws against domestic abuse and ways to help women report it and get out of it and an overall culture that condemns it, regardless of religion. In any of the fundamentalist sects of Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism women are scriptually subordinate and the potential for abuse is much higher because of religious beliefs.

FGM also crosses religious boundaries because it's a cultural thing more than it's a religious thing. In those parts of the world where it is still practiced - it is practiced by all faiths as part of their culture.

And those verses matter HOW -- in the practice of Jewish/Christian life in the Western world? You think all those women on Christian Mingle or JewDate are just looking for abuse and domination? Those biblical passages do not HINDER in any way the power and independence of Western women. You think Golda Meir was "held back" by that Genesis quote?

You are missing the entire KEY to successful WESTERN religious practice.. And that is exactly what I just told you. That those 2 quotes are SUCCESSFULLY interpreted into the modern context of freedom and tolerance. And TODAY mean more about what happens WITHIN a family unit -- then they do about hobbling and hindering feminism. Nothing WRONG with the CHOICE of woman as head of house and family. OR of the religious practice that goes on AT HOME. Even IF -- the religious practice at the worship hall might have them sitting separately.

The point I was making is this - each of those religions scriptually places women on a lower order than men. That leaves open the door to abuse and abuse is much more likely to occur in fundamentalist sects where scripture is taken much more literally and women MORE likely to be isolated from the general community - that occurs in Islam, but also in Christianity and Judaism. Abuse is more likely to be hidden, shameful, and handled "within" the community rather than by law enforcement.

Now I agree with what you are saying with successful WESTERN religious practices by and large, but wife beating does go on, and it shouldn't be ignored in any religion or culture.
Here's more commentary on the "no immigration" policies of Japan:

"The no-immigration principle is an institutionalization of the homogeneous-people discourse. The principle basically states that Japan does not accept migrants. Indeed, the M-word (imin in Japanese) is markedly absent in legal, media and popular discourse, where it is replaced by euphemisms such as “entrants” and “foreign workers.” On the policy side, this means that it is necessary to do as much as possible to prevent foreigners in general from staying long or settling down. Tessa Morris-Suzuki argues that this principle has remained relatively unchanged since the first Nationality Law of 1899, which aimed to a) prevent an influx of unskilled labor, and b) restrict access to Japanese nationality.

:The failure of immigration reform to date demonstrates the persistence of the no-immigration principle."

Japan's 'no immigration principle' looking as solid as ever | The Japan Times

Are you really this ignorant? First - READ the Mordachai Kedar article that you first sourced. Ok? It - and YOU - have been making claims specific to Islam and Islamic immigration to Japan. NONE of which are supported in all your articles here.

Your articles say NOTHING about Islam, NOTHING about Muslim immigration being specifically restricted.

All it says is that Japan heavily restricts immigration - of all foreigners.

Are you having a "baffle them with bullshit" moment here?
Oh you're back to arguing against points that were never made. And straight up lying. Yes, the Kedar article absolutely supports my statements about Islam in Japan. 100 percent. I quoted the portions that reflected my commentary pretty much word for word.

And the Japan Times article also supported my statements. As did the National Geographic piece.

All state unequivocally that Muslim extremism isn't a problem in Japan because the Japanese don't welcome them and won't hire them. They refuse to acknowledge them, it's ILLEGAL for muslims to attempt to convert people. You can't be a Japanese citizen unless you demonstrate a desire to assimilate into their culture and prove your employability and desire to be employed.

And that's the rub because Japanese business owners refuse to hire them.

I didn't see anything about Muslims or Muslim extremism in either article you linked. It may be true that having far fewer immigrants prevents a lot of the danger of Muslim extremism from effecting Japan, neither article said anything about it, and it doesn't mean that there aren't Muslims in Japan.

I also haven't seen any evidence that employers won't hire Muslims or that it is illegal for Muslims to attempt to convert people other than the one earlier article of the thread which I find somewhat questionable. Here is an example of an article rebutting some of those "Muslims aren't allowed in Japan" kinds of talking points : Becoming legally Japanese: Can Muslims acquire Japanese citizenship/nationality or permanent residency? . Unfortunately some of the links are to sites in Japanese. Still, it provides a much different perspective on how Japan treats Islam and Muslims.

Muslims may have some difficulties in Japan. I think that you are exaggerating those difficulties, or at least believe such exaggerations created by others.
No, Im not speaking to alleged difficulties.of.muslims.

What I am saying is what I've said all along...Japan isn't dealing with muslim terrorism because they discourage islam as a faith, they wont hire muslims, and the fact that muslims can't get hired means they are excluded from gaining citizenship because japanese don't allow ppl without a proven work history and good citizenship record to become citizens.

Additionally, it is illegal to seek converts in Japan, and they make it extremely difficult to import literature written in ARABIC.

That was my point. Coyote the moron has been spinning like crazy but she's on an unrelated and ridiculous tangent that has nothing to do with me. Though her attempts to marginalize multiple, engaged experts and to replace them with snopes is good for a mild chuckle.
Here's more commentary on the "no immigration" policies of Japan:

"The no-immigration principle is an institutionalization of the homogeneous-people discourse. The principle basically states that Japan does not accept migrants. Indeed, the M-word (imin in Japanese) is markedly absent in legal, media and popular discourse, where it is replaced by euphemisms such as “entrants” and “foreign workers.” On the policy side, this means that it is necessary to do as much as possible to prevent foreigners in general from staying long or settling down. Tessa Morris-Suzuki argues that this principle has remained relatively unchanged since the first Nationality Law of 1899, which aimed to a) prevent an influx of unskilled labor, and b) restrict access to Japanese nationality.

:The failure of immigration reform to date demonstrates the persistence of the no-immigration principle."

Japan's 'no immigration principle' looking as solid as ever | The Japan Times

Are you really this ignorant? First - READ the Mordachai Kedar article that you first sourced. Ok? It - and YOU - have been making claims specific to Islam and Islamic immigration to Japan. NONE of which are supported in all your articles here.

Your articles say NOTHING about Islam, NOTHING about Muslim immigration being specifically restricted.

All it says is that Japan heavily restricts immigration - of all foreigners.

Are you having a "baffle them with bullshit" moment here?
Oh you're back to arguing against points that were never made. And straight up lying. Yes, the Kedar article absolutely supports my statements about Islam in Japan. 100 percent. I quoted the portions that reflected my commentary pretty much word for word.

And the Japan Times article also supported my statements. As did the National Geographic piece.

All state unequivocally that Muslim extremism isn't a problem in Japan because the Japanese don't welcome them and won't hire them. They refuse to acknowledge them, it's ILLEGAL for muslims to attempt to convert people. You can't be a Japanese citizen unless you demonstrate a desire to assimilate into their culture and prove your employability and desire to be employed.

And that's the rub because Japanese business owners refuse to hire them.

I didn't see anything about Muslims or Muslim extremism in either article you linked. It may be true that having far fewer immigrants prevents a lot of the danger of Muslim extremism from effecting Japan, neither article said anything about it, and it doesn't mean that there aren't Muslims in Japan.

I also haven't seen any evidence that employers won't hire Muslims or that it is illegal for Muslims to attempt to convert people other than the one earlier article of the thread which I find somewhat questionable. Here is an example of an article rebutting some of those "Muslims aren't allowed in Japan" kinds of talking points : Becoming legally Japanese: Can Muslims acquire Japanese citizenship/nationality or permanent residency? . Unfortunately some of the links are to sites in Japanese. Still, it provides a much different perspective on how Japan treats Islam and Muslims.

Muslims may have some difficulties in Japan. I think that you are exaggerating those difficulties, or at least believe such exaggerations created by others.
No, Im not speaking to alleged difficulties.of.muslims.

What I am saying is what I've said all along...Japan isn't dealing with muslim terrorism because they discourage islam as a faith, they wont hire muslims, and the fact that muslims can't get hired means they are excluded from gaining citizenship because japanese don't allow ppl without a proven work history and good citizenship record to become citizens.

Additionally, it is illegal to seek converts in Japan, and they make it extremely difficult to import literature written in ARABIC.

That was my point. Coyote the moron has been spinning like crazy but she's on an unrelated and ridiculous tangent that has nothing to do with me. Though her attempts to marginalize multiple, engaged experts and to replace them with snopes is good for a mild chuckle.

Can you seriously get any more stupid? Seriously? :party:

Japan does NOT discourage Islam as a faith.
It is NOT illegal to seek converts. Hell, the Imam (the sole Japanese Imam) of a Tokyo Mosque is a CONVERT.
And no, it is not at all difficult to import literature written in ARABIC. :cuckoo:

And then, you post a FAKE article, copied from a HUMOR site, which you didn't even bother to check or you are too stupid to know the difference - claiming Snopes CEO was arrested. :lmao:
Here's more commentary on the "no immigration" policies of Japan:

"The no-immigration principle is an institutionalization of the homogeneous-people discourse. The principle basically states that Japan does not accept migrants. Indeed, the M-word (imin in Japanese) is markedly absent in legal, media and popular discourse, where it is replaced by euphemisms such as “entrants” and “foreign workers.” On the policy side, this means that it is necessary to do as much as possible to prevent foreigners in general from staying long or settling down. Tessa Morris-Suzuki argues that this principle has remained relatively unchanged since the first Nationality Law of 1899, which aimed to a) prevent an influx of unskilled labor, and b) restrict access to Japanese nationality.

:The failure of immigration reform to date demonstrates the persistence of the no-immigration principle."

Japan's 'no immigration principle' looking as solid as ever | The Japan Times

Are you really this ignorant? First - READ the Mordachai Kedar article that you first sourced. Ok? It - and YOU - have been making claims specific to Islam and Islamic immigration to Japan. NONE of which are supported in all your articles here.

Your articles say NOTHING about Islam, NOTHING about Muslim immigration being specifically restricted.

All it says is that Japan heavily restricts immigration - of all foreigners.

Are you having a "baffle them with bullshit" moment here?
Oh you're back to arguing against points that were never made. And straight up lying. Yes, the Kedar article absolutely supports my statements about Islam in Japan. 100 percent. I quoted the portions that reflected my commentary pretty much word for word.

And the Japan Times article also supported my statements. As did the National Geographic piece.

All state unequivocally that Muslim extremism isn't a problem in Japan because the Japanese don't welcome them and won't hire them. They refuse to acknowledge them, it's ILLEGAL for muslims to attempt to convert people. You can't be a Japanese citizen unless you demonstrate a desire to assimilate into their culture and prove your employability and desire to be employed.

And that's the rub because Japanese business owners refuse to hire them.

I didn't see anything about Muslims or Muslim extremism in either article you linked. It may be true that having far fewer immigrants prevents a lot of the danger of Muslim extremism from effecting Japan, neither article said anything about it, and it doesn't mean that there aren't Muslims in Japan.

I also haven't seen any evidence that employers won't hire Muslims or that it is illegal for Muslims to attempt to convert people other than the one earlier article of the thread which I find somewhat questionable. Here is an example of an article rebutting some of those "Muslims aren't allowed in Japan" kinds of talking points : Becoming legally Japanese: Can Muslims acquire Japanese citizenship/nationality or permanent residency? . Unfortunately some of the links are to sites in Japanese. Still, it provides a much different perspective on how Japan treats Islam and Muslims.

Muslims may have some difficulties in Japan. I think that you are exaggerating those difficulties, or at least believe such exaggerations created by others.
No, Im not speaking to alleged difficulties.of.muslims.

What I am saying is what I've said all along...Japan isn't dealing with muslim terrorism because they discourage islam as a faith, they wont hire muslims, and the fact that muslims can't get hired means they are excluded from gaining citizenship because japanese don't allow ppl without a proven work history and good citizenship record to become citizens.

Additionally, it is illegal to seek converts in Japan, and they make it extremely difficult to import literature written in ARABIC.

That was my point. Coyote the moron has been spinning like crazy but she's on an unrelated and ridiculous tangent that has nothing to do with me. Though her attempts to marginalize multiple, engaged experts and to replace them with snopes is good for a mild chuckle.

Can you seriously get any more stupid? Seriously? :party:

Japan does NOT discourage Islam as a faith.
It is NOT illegal to seek converts. Hell, the Imam (the sole Japanese Imam) of a Tokyo Mosque is a CONVERT.
And no, it is not at all difficult to import literature written in ARABIC. :cuckoo:

And you're a liar.

The pro-terror left pretends that in observing that Japan has no muslim terror and the reasons for it, that the people who actually care about such issues have said (via some "email" that the left pretends everybody received. I didn't receive one...) that there are no muslim immigrants, that muslims cannot obtain citizenship. Nobody said that. I certainly didn't.

What I said, and what is the truth, is that Japan famously discourages muslims from obtaining citizenship ship. Their society views them suspiciously (as they well should) and employers don't hire them. Yet to obtain citizenship in Japan, an immigrant has to have a substantial work history inside Japan. Bingo bango, very few muslim citizens.

There is a law that makes it illegal to exhort islam towards the end of coverting. It might apply to all religion, I don't know. But the result is there is only one imam in TOKYO who is allowed to address the masses...and if you have ever read his stuff, you will note that he is constantly affirming that he doesn't SEEK converts. Because for him to do so would buy him some trouble.

And the import laws make it very difficult for arab texts to be brought into and distributed in Japan.

Now what Coyote does is she pretends that I've said something else entirely, and then claims I haven't proved what I didn't say. It's schizophrenic, but it's simple. She does it all the time. She makes an ass of herself, then will spend days trying to change the narrative to make herself look less ass like. IT DOESN'T WORK, coyote.
Are you really this ignorant? First - READ the Mordachai Kedar article that you first sourced. Ok? It - and YOU - have been making claims specific to Islam and Islamic immigration to Japan. NONE of which are supported in all your articles here.

Your articles say NOTHING about Islam, NOTHING about Muslim immigration being specifically restricted.

All it says is that Japan heavily restricts immigration - of all foreigners.

Are you having a "baffle them with bullshit" moment here?
Oh you're back to arguing against points that were never made. And straight up lying. Yes, the Kedar article absolutely supports my statements about Islam in Japan. 100 percent. I quoted the portions that reflected my commentary pretty much word for word.

And the Japan Times article also supported my statements. As did the National Geographic piece.

All state unequivocally that Muslim extremism isn't a problem in Japan because the Japanese don't welcome them and won't hire them. They refuse to acknowledge them, it's ILLEGAL for muslims to attempt to convert people. You can't be a Japanese citizen unless you demonstrate a desire to assimilate into their culture and prove your employability and desire to be employed.

And that's the rub because Japanese business owners refuse to hire them.

I didn't see anything about Muslims or Muslim extremism in either article you linked. It may be true that having far fewer immigrants prevents a lot of the danger of Muslim extremism from effecting Japan, neither article said anything about it, and it doesn't mean that there aren't Muslims in Japan.

I also haven't seen any evidence that employers won't hire Muslims or that it is illegal for Muslims to attempt to convert people other than the one earlier article of the thread which I find somewhat questionable. Here is an example of an article rebutting some of those "Muslims aren't allowed in Japan" kinds of talking points : Becoming legally Japanese: Can Muslims acquire Japanese citizenship/nationality or permanent residency? . Unfortunately some of the links are to sites in Japanese. Still, it provides a much different perspective on how Japan treats Islam and Muslims.

Muslims may have some difficulties in Japan. I think that you are exaggerating those difficulties, or at least believe such exaggerations created by others.
No, Im not speaking to alleged difficulties.of.muslims.

What I am saying is what I've said all along...Japan isn't dealing with muslim terrorism because they discourage islam as a faith, they wont hire muslims, and the fact that muslims can't get hired means they are excluded from gaining citizenship because japanese don't allow ppl without a proven work history and good citizenship record to become citizens.

Additionally, it is illegal to seek converts in Japan, and they make it extremely difficult to import literature written in ARABIC.

That was my point. Coyote the moron has been spinning like crazy but she's on an unrelated and ridiculous tangent that has nothing to do with me. Though her attempts to marginalize multiple, engaged experts and to replace them with snopes is good for a mild chuckle.

Can you seriously get any more stupid? Seriously? :party:

Japan does NOT discourage Islam as a faith.
It is NOT illegal to seek converts. Hell, the Imam (the sole Japanese Imam) of a Tokyo Mosque is a CONVERT.
And no, it is not at all difficult to import literature written in ARABIC. :cuckoo:

And you're a liar.

Oh? And where exactly in this exchange have I lied?

The pro-terror left pretends that in observing that Japan has no muslim terror and the reasons for it, that the people who actually care about such issues have said (via some "email" that the left pretends everybody received. I didn't receive one...) that there are no muslim immigrants, that muslims cannot obtain citizenship. Nobody said that. I certainly didn't.

Goodness, you sure are busy trying to rearrange goalposts aren't you? I don't think it will help. In the post above I specifically quoted your quotes and those claims were addressed in the Snopes article about a graphic & email that (amazingly!) contains the points made in the Kedar article that you used as your first reference. Keep scrambling.

What I said, and what is the truth, is that Japan famously discourages muslims from obtaining citizenship ship. Their society views them suspiciously (as they well should) and employers don't hire them. Yet to obtain citizenship in Japan, an immigrant has to have a substantial work history inside Japan. Bingo bango, very few muslim citizens.

Ok...then provide evidence that Japan specifically views Muslims "suspiciously".

There is a law that makes it illegal to exhort islam towards the end of coverting. It might apply to all religion, I don't know. But the result is there is only one imam in TOKYO who is allowed to address the masses...and if you have ever read his stuff, you will note that he is constantly affirming that he doesn't SEEK converts. Because for him to do so would buy him some trouble.

What law?

There are at least TWO Imams, who address "the masses" in Tokyo, and probably more. (and you are once again moving the goal posts)

And the import laws make it very difficult for arab texts to be brought into and distributed in Japan.

Kamada Shigeru, a professor of Islamic studies at the University of Tokyo, agreed, saying that all four of the claims we spotlighted are wrong.

He said Japan doesn’t discriminate in permanent residency on the basis of religion and that "propagation" of Islam is not banned. He added that the Koran or other religious books in Arabic can be imported.

Obviously it can be done. What laws make it "very difficult" to import arab language texts?

Now what Coyote does is she pretends that I've said something else entirely, and then claims I haven't proved what I didn't say. It's schizophrenic, but it's simple. She does it all the time. She makes an ass of herself, then will spend days trying to change the narrative to make herself look less ass like. IT DOESN'T WORK, coyote.

It's simple alright. All I have to do is use your quotes - keep digging and rearranging goalposts.
Oh you're back to arguing against points that were never made. And straight up lying. Yes, the Kedar article absolutely supports my statements about Islam in Japan. 100 percent. I quoted the portions that reflected my commentary pretty much word for word.

And the Japan Times article also supported my statements. As did the National Geographic piece.

All state unequivocally that Muslim extremism isn't a problem in Japan because the Japanese don't welcome them and won't hire them. They refuse to acknowledge them, it's ILLEGAL for muslims to attempt to convert people. You can't be a Japanese citizen unless you demonstrate a desire to assimilate into their culture and prove your employability and desire to be employed.

And that's the rub because Japanese business owners refuse to hire them.

I didn't see anything about Muslims or Muslim extremism in either article you linked. It may be true that having far fewer immigrants prevents a lot of the danger of Muslim extremism from effecting Japan, neither article said anything about it, and it doesn't mean that there aren't Muslims in Japan.

I also haven't seen any evidence that employers won't hire Muslims or that it is illegal for Muslims to attempt to convert people other than the one earlier article of the thread which I find somewhat questionable. Here is an example of an article rebutting some of those "Muslims aren't allowed in Japan" kinds of talking points : Becoming legally Japanese: Can Muslims acquire Japanese citizenship/nationality or permanent residency? . Unfortunately some of the links are to sites in Japanese. Still, it provides a much different perspective on how Japan treats Islam and Muslims.

Muslims may have some difficulties in Japan. I think that you are exaggerating those difficulties, or at least believe such exaggerations created by others.
No, Im not speaking to alleged difficulties.of.muslims.

What I am saying is what I've said all along...Japan isn't dealing with muslim terrorism because they discourage islam as a faith, they wont hire muslims, and the fact that muslims can't get hired means they are excluded from gaining citizenship because japanese don't allow ppl without a proven work history and good citizenship record to become citizens.

Additionally, it is illegal to seek converts in Japan, and they make it extremely difficult to import literature written in ARABIC.

That was my point. Coyote the moron has been spinning like crazy but she's on an unrelated and ridiculous tangent that has nothing to do with me. Though her attempts to marginalize multiple, engaged experts and to replace them with snopes is good for a mild chuckle.

Can you seriously get any more stupid? Seriously? :party:

Japan does NOT discourage Islam as a faith.
It is NOT illegal to seek converts. Hell, the Imam (the sole Japanese Imam) of a Tokyo Mosque is a CONVERT.
And no, it is not at all difficult to import literature written in ARABIC. :cuckoo:

And you're a liar.

Oh? And where exactly in this exchange have I lied?

The pro-terror left pretends that in observing that Japan has no muslim terror and the reasons for it, that the people who actually care about such issues have said (via some "email" that the left pretends everybody received. I didn't receive one...) that there are no muslim immigrants, that muslims cannot obtain citizenship. Nobody said that. I certainly didn't.

Goodness, you sure are busy trying to rearrange goalposts aren't you? I don't think it will help. In the post above I specifically quoted your quotes and those claims were addressed in the Snopes article about a graphic & email that (amazingly!) contains the points made in the Kedar article that you used as your first reference. Keep scrambling.

What I said, and what is the truth, is that Japan famously discourages muslims from obtaining citizenship ship. Their society views them suspiciously (as they well should) and employers don't hire them. Yet to obtain citizenship in Japan, an immigrant has to have a substantial work history inside Japan. Bingo bango, very few muslim citizens.

Ok...then provide evidence that Japan specifically views Muslims "suspiciously".

There is a law that makes it illegal to exhort islam towards the end of coverting. It might apply to all religion, I don't know. But the result is there is only one imam in TOKYO who is allowed to address the masses...and if you have ever read his stuff, you will note that he is constantly affirming that he doesn't SEEK converts. Because for him to do so would buy him some trouble.

What law?

There are at least TWO Imams, who address "the masses" in Tokyo, and probably more. (and you are once again moving the goal posts)

And the import laws make it very difficult for arab texts to be brought into and distributed in Japan.

Kamada Shigeru, a professor of Islamic studies at the University of Tokyo, agreed, saying that all four of the claims we spotlighted are wrong.

He said Japan doesn’t discriminate in permanent residency on the basis of religion and that "propagation" of Islam is not banned. He added that the Koran or other religious books in Arabic can be imported.

Obviously it can be done. What laws make it "very difficult" to import arab language texts?

Now what Coyote does is she pretends that I've said something else entirely, and then claims I haven't proved what I didn't say. It's schizophrenic, but it's simple. She does it all the time. She makes an ass of herself, then will spend days trying to change the narrative to make herself look less ass like. IT DOESN'T WORK, coyote.

It's simple alright. All I have to do is use your quotes - keep digging and rearranging goalposts.

I didn't make any of those claims, dodo. I'll refer you to my last post, again. You spin around screeching that I didn't prove statements I never made, lol.

And I never said the books couldn't be imported. I said it was difficult.

I've gone over this about 15 times. You will just keep lying and pretending that the discussion is something it isn't. It's boring. I'd have put you on ignore a year ago, you're a total waste of life.
I didn't see anything about Muslims or Muslim extremism in either article you linked. It may be true that having far fewer immigrants prevents a lot of the danger of Muslim extremism from effecting Japan, neither article said anything about it, and it doesn't mean that there aren't Muslims in Japan.

I also haven't seen any evidence that employers won't hire Muslims or that it is illegal for Muslims to attempt to convert people other than the one earlier article of the thread which I find somewhat questionable. Here is an example of an article rebutting some of those "Muslims aren't allowed in Japan" kinds of talking points : Becoming legally Japanese: Can Muslims acquire Japanese citizenship/nationality or permanent residency? . Unfortunately some of the links are to sites in Japanese. Still, it provides a much different perspective on how Japan treats Islam and Muslims.

Muslims may have some difficulties in Japan. I think that you are exaggerating those difficulties, or at least believe such exaggerations created by others.
No, Im not speaking to alleged difficulties.of.muslims.

What I am saying is what I've said all along...Japan isn't dealing with muslim terrorism because they discourage islam as a faith, they wont hire muslims, and the fact that muslims can't get hired means they are excluded from gaining citizenship because japanese don't allow ppl without a proven work history and good citizenship record to become citizens.

Additionally, it is illegal to seek converts in Japan, and they make it extremely difficult to import literature written in ARABIC.

That was my point. Coyote the moron has been spinning like crazy but she's on an unrelated and ridiculous tangent that has nothing to do with me. Though her attempts to marginalize multiple, engaged experts and to replace them with snopes is good for a mild chuckle.

Can you seriously get any more stupid? Seriously? :party:

Japan does NOT discourage Islam as a faith.
It is NOT illegal to seek converts. Hell, the Imam (the sole Japanese Imam) of a Tokyo Mosque is a CONVERT.
And no, it is not at all difficult to import literature written in ARABIC. :cuckoo:

And you're a liar.

Oh? And where exactly in this exchange have I lied?

The pro-terror left pretends that in observing that Japan has no muslim terror and the reasons for it, that the people who actually care about such issues have said (via some "email" that the left pretends everybody received. I didn't receive one...) that there are no muslim immigrants, that muslims cannot obtain citizenship. Nobody said that. I certainly didn't.

Goodness, you sure are busy trying to rearrange goalposts aren't you? I don't think it will help. In the post above I specifically quoted your quotes and those claims were addressed in the Snopes article about a graphic & email that (amazingly!) contains the points made in the Kedar article that you used as your first reference. Keep scrambling.

What I said, and what is the truth, is that Japan famously discourages muslims from obtaining citizenship ship. Their society views them suspiciously (as they well should) and employers don't hire them. Yet to obtain citizenship in Japan, an immigrant has to have a substantial work history inside Japan. Bingo bango, very few muslim citizens.

Ok...then provide evidence that Japan specifically views Muslims "suspiciously".

There is a law that makes it illegal to exhort islam towards the end of coverting. It might apply to all religion, I don't know. But the result is there is only one imam in TOKYO who is allowed to address the masses...and if you have ever read his stuff, you will note that he is constantly affirming that he doesn't SEEK converts. Because for him to do so would buy him some trouble.

What law?

There are at least TWO Imams, who address "the masses" in Tokyo, and probably more. (and you are once again moving the goal posts)

And the import laws make it very difficult for arab texts to be brought into and distributed in Japan.

Kamada Shigeru, a professor of Islamic studies at the University of Tokyo, agreed, saying that all four of the claims we spotlighted are wrong.

He said Japan doesn’t discriminate in permanent residency on the basis of religion and that "propagation" of Islam is not banned. He added that the Koran or other religious books in Arabic can be imported.

Obviously it can be done. What laws make it "very difficult" to import arab language texts?

Now what Coyote does is she pretends that I've said something else entirely, and then claims I haven't proved what I didn't say. It's schizophrenic, but it's simple. She does it all the time. She makes an ass of herself, then will spend days trying to change the narrative to make herself look less ass like. IT DOESN'T WORK, coyote.

It's simple alright. All I have to do is use your quotes - keep digging and rearranging goalposts.

I didn't make any of those claims, dodo. I'll refer you to my last post, again. You spin around screeching that I didn't prove statements I never made, lol.

And I never said the books couldn't be imported. I said it was difficult.

I've gone over this about 15 times. You will just keep lying and pretending that the discussion is something it isn't. It's boring. I'd have put you on ignore a year ago, you're a total waste of life.

Your claims...

Post 275:
Yawn...arguing points never made. Japan does forbid muslims to enter their country. But they don't invite them in...and it's a crime to engage in the muslim form of evangelism.

Post 284
One imam in all of tokyo. It is.illegal to.proselytyze islam. Companies won't hire muslims, and muslims are actively discouraged from seeking citizenship. AND Japan doesn't apologize to them for it. They think they're animals, that their culture sucks dick, and they reject them wholeheartedly and unapologetically.

Are you running out of goalposts? Have you come up with any sources showing it's difficult to import Arab Language texts?
Are you really this ignorant? First - READ the Mordachai Kedar article that you first sourced. Ok? It - and YOU - have been making claims specific to Islam and Islamic immigration to Japan. NONE of which are supported in all your articles here.

Your articles say NOTHING about Islam, NOTHING about Muslim immigration being specifically restricted.

All it says is that Japan heavily restricts immigration - of all foreigners.

Are you having a "baffle them with bullshit" moment here?
Oh you're back to arguing against points that were never made. And straight up lying. Yes, the Kedar article absolutely supports my statements about Islam in Japan. 100 percent. I quoted the portions that reflected my commentary pretty much word for word.

And the Japan Times article also supported my statements. As did the National Geographic piece.

All state unequivocally that Muslim extremism isn't a problem in Japan because the Japanese don't welcome them and won't hire them. They refuse to acknowledge them, it's ILLEGAL for muslims to attempt to convert people. You can't be a Japanese citizen unless you demonstrate a desire to assimilate into their culture and prove your employability and desire to be employed.

And that's the rub because Japanese business owners refuse to hire them.

I didn't see anything about Muslims or Muslim extremism in either article you linked. It may be true that having far fewer immigrants prevents a lot of the danger of Muslim extremism from effecting Japan, neither article said anything about it, and it doesn't mean that there aren't Muslims in Japan.

I also haven't seen any evidence that employers won't hire Muslims or that it is illegal for Muslims to attempt to convert people other than the one earlier article of the thread which I find somewhat questionable. Here is an example of an article rebutting some of those "Muslims aren't allowed in Japan" kinds of talking points : Becoming legally Japanese: Can Muslims acquire Japanese citizenship/nationality or permanent residency? . Unfortunately some of the links are to sites in Japanese. Still, it provides a much different perspective on how Japan treats Islam and Muslims.

Muslims may have some difficulties in Japan. I think that you are exaggerating those difficulties, or at least believe such exaggerations created by others.
No, Im not speaking to alleged difficulties.of.muslims.

What I am saying is what I've said all along...Japan isn't dealing with muslim terrorism because they discourage islam as a faith, they wont hire muslims, and the fact that muslims can't get hired means they are excluded from gaining citizenship because japanese don't allow ppl without a proven work history and good citizenship record to become citizens.

Additionally, it is illegal to seek converts in Japan, and they make it extremely difficult to import literature written in ARABIC.

That was my point. Coyote the moron has been spinning like crazy but she's on an unrelated and ridiculous tangent that has nothing to do with me. Though her attempts to marginalize multiple, engaged experts and to replace them with snopes is good for a mild chuckle.

Can you seriously get any more stupid? Seriously? :party:

Japan does NOT discourage Islam as a faith.
It is NOT illegal to seek converts. Hell, the Imam (the sole Japanese Imam) of a Tokyo Mosque is a CONVERT.
And no, it is not at all difficult to import literature written in ARABIC. :cuckoo:

And you're a liar.

The pro-terror left pretends that in observing that Japan has no muslim terror and the reasons for it, that the people who actually care about such issues have said (via some "email" that the left pretends everybody received. I didn't receive one...) that there are no muslim immigrants, that muslims cannot obtain citizenship. Nobody said that. I certainly didn't.

What I said, and what is the truth, is that Japan famously discourages muslims from obtaining citizenship ship. Their society views them suspiciously (as they well should) and employers don't hire them. Yet to obtain citizenship in Japan, an immigrant has to have a substantial work history inside Japan. Bingo bango, very few muslim citizens.

There is a law that makes it illegal to exhort islam towards the end of coverting. It might apply to all religion, I don't know. But the result is there is only one imam in TOKYO who is allowed to address the masses...and if you have ever read his stuff, you will note that he is constantly affirming that he doesn't SEEK converts. Because for him to do so would buy him some trouble.

And the import laws make it very difficult for arab texts to be brought into and distributed in Japan.

Now what Coyote does is she pretends that I've said something else entirely, and then claims I haven't proved what I didn't say. It's schizophrenic, but it's simple. She does it all the time. She makes an ass of herself, then will spend days trying to change the narrative to make herself look less ass like. IT DOESN'T WORK, coyote.

OK, but I haven't seen this supposed law that makes it illegal to try and convert someone to Islam. I haven't seen the supposed import laws that make it difficult to import text written in Arabic. I haven't seen any evidence that Muslims cannot get employment.

I have read that the Japanese have a history of distrust or dislike of Islam, but also that there are both foreign and Japanese Muslims, that there is nothing to make importing Arabic text particularly difficult, and I've seen nothing to indicate attempting to convert someone to Islam is against the law other than what I've seen in this thread. Perhaps, rather than employers not hiring Muslims, it is more an issue of employers in Japan not being willing to allow things like breaks for prayer or particular forms of Muslim dress? That is the kind of things discussed in the anecdotes in this article : Islam in Japan . You can find the examples in the section "The Realities of Muslim Life in Japan".

Again, I wonder if you are taking a true cultural intolerance or dislike of Islam in Japan and exaggerating it. Some evidence of the laws you've talked about would help. :dunno:
You delusional twat! Where in any Christian nation are women deprived the right to own land, to vote, to drive, to travel about unaccompanied by a male relative, to show skin, to have standing in court, or the right to equal employment opportunities? Where in Christian nations are women routinely subject to beatings, honor killings, rape, and female circumcision?

Your hatred toward Christianity is as blinding as it is contemptible.

women are systematically oppressed in fundamental religions. i understand that a white christian religions zealot is incapable of seeing that.

i don't hate christians. you hate everyone who isn't christian. i just want y'all to leave the rest of us alone.

The hypocrisy is rich. Fundamentalist Christian women are not oppressed. Not more so than Orthodox Jewish women are. I thought you'd recognize that. Just because they might sit in different sections of the hall does not mean they can't be citizens with equal rights or that their religious responsibilities are limited. Thought you'd know that Ortho Jew women pretty much run the religious practice in the home. And that they are encouraged to study and learn..

There's "leftist" oppression -- and then there's clit removal, denial of education, subservience and approved spousal abuse.

That DOES occur among Christians and the more fundamentalist the faith, the more the woman is likely to be subservient. How often do you suppose verses like these are used to justify wife beating?

"To the woman he said, "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you." Genesis 3:16
"Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior." Ephesians 5:22-23

11 Countries with the hightest rates of domestic violence:
Russia, Iraq, Pakistan, India, Somalia, Mali, Guatamalia, Sudan, Congo, Afghanistan and topping the list - Chad.

Progressive countries have laws against domestic abuse and ways to help women report it and get out of it and an overall culture that condemns it, regardless of religion. In any of the fundamentalist sects of Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism women are scriptually subordinate and the potential for abuse is much higher because of religious beliefs.

FGM also crosses religious boundaries because it's a cultural thing more than it's a religious thing. In those parts of the world where it is still practiced - it is practiced by all faiths as part of their culture.

And those verses matter HOW -- in the practice of Jewish/Christian life in the Western world? You think all those women on Christian Mingle or JewDate are just looking for abuse and domination? Those biblical passages do not HINDER in any way the power and independence of Western women. You think Golda Meir was "held back" by that Genesis quote?

You are missing the entire KEY to successful WESTERN religious practice.. And that is exactly what I just told you. That those 2 quotes are SUCCESSFULLY interpreted into the modern context of freedom and tolerance. And TODAY mean more about what happens WITHIN a family unit -- then they do about hobbling and hindering feminism. Nothing WRONG with the CHOICE of woman as head of house and family. OR of the religious practice that goes on AT HOME. Even IF -- the religious practice at the worship hall might have them sitting separately.

The point I was making is this - each of those religions scriptually places women on a lower order than men. That leaves open the door to abuse and abuse is much more likely to occur in fundamentalist sects where scripture is taken much more literally and women MORE likely to be isolated from the general community - that occurs in Islam, but also in Christianity and Judaism. Abuse is more likely to be hidden, shameful, and handled "within" the community rather than by law enforcement.

Now I agree with what you are saying with successful WESTERN religious practices by and large, but wife beating does go on, and it shouldn't be ignored in any religion or culture.

.... I think isolated religious sects based on Judaism or Christianity, that has female abuse that is "more likely to be hidden, shameful, and handled "within" the community" --- is as much a figment of your imagination as the Japanese question that folks have proposed.

Brother admits murdering model sister over "honor" lost to Facebook pics - CBS News

MULTAN, Pakistan - The brother of slain Pakistani model Qandeel Baloch on Sunday confessed to strangling her to death for "family honor" because she posted "shameful" pictures on Facebook.

Baloch, who had become a social media celebrity in recent months, stirred controversy by posting pictures online taken with a prominent Muslim cleric. She was found dead on Saturday at her family home in the central city of Multan.

Police arrested her brother, Waseem Azeem, and presented him before the media in Multan, where he confessed to killing her. He said people had taunted him over the photos and that he found the social embarrassment unbearable.

Nearly 1,000 women are murdered in Pakistan each year for violating conservative norms on love and marriage. The so-called "honor killings" are often carried out by family members.

Such killings are considered murder. But Islamic law in Pakistan allows a murder victim's family to pardon the killer, which often allows those convicted of honor killings to escape punishment.

This year alone, a schoolteacher, Maria Bibi, was set on fire for refusing to marry a man twice her age. The prime suspect in the case -- the father of the man she refused to marry -- and the other four are in custody.

A month earlier, police arrested 13 members of a local tribal council who allegedly strangled a girl and set her on fire for helping a friend elope. The charred body of17-year-old Ambreen Riasat was found in a burned van.

In June, a different 17-year-old girl was burned alive by her own family for eloping with the man she loved quietly. Her mom said she had no regrets.

Just happened last week. Quandeel fashioned herself as a symbol of empowerment for women. Got caught in a Hotel with a high Cleric during Ramadan.

Guess I need about 2000 American Jew/Christian cultists "abusing women" every year to this extent. The Paki Model was only doing the "Miley Cyrus" tolerance test. And she got killed for it..

I needed to add the vid -- because I haven't objectified any women yet today.. :rolleyes-41:
Oh you're back to arguing against points that were never made. And straight up lying. Yes, the Kedar article absolutely supports my statements about Islam in Japan. 100 percent. I quoted the portions that reflected my commentary pretty much word for word.

And the Japan Times article also supported my statements. As did the National Geographic piece.

All state unequivocally that Muslim extremism isn't a problem in Japan because the Japanese don't welcome them and won't hire them. They refuse to acknowledge them, it's ILLEGAL for muslims to attempt to convert people. You can't be a Japanese citizen unless you demonstrate a desire to assimilate into their culture and prove your employability and desire to be employed.

And that's the rub because Japanese business owners refuse to hire them.

I didn't see anything about Muslims or Muslim extremism in either article you linked. It may be true that having far fewer immigrants prevents a lot of the danger of Muslim extremism from effecting Japan, neither article said anything about it, and it doesn't mean that there aren't Muslims in Japan.

I also haven't seen any evidence that employers won't hire Muslims or that it is illegal for Muslims to attempt to convert people other than the one earlier article of the thread which I find somewhat questionable. Here is an example of an article rebutting some of those "Muslims aren't allowed in Japan" kinds of talking points : Becoming legally Japanese: Can Muslims acquire Japanese citizenship/nationality or permanent residency? . Unfortunately some of the links are to sites in Japanese. Still, it provides a much different perspective on how Japan treats Islam and Muslims.

Muslims may have some difficulties in Japan. I think that you are exaggerating those difficulties, or at least believe such exaggerations created by others.
No, Im not speaking to alleged difficulties.of.muslims.

What I am saying is what I've said all along...Japan isn't dealing with muslim terrorism because they discourage islam as a faith, they wont hire muslims, and the fact that muslims can't get hired means they are excluded from gaining citizenship because japanese don't allow ppl without a proven work history and good citizenship record to become citizens.

Additionally, it is illegal to seek converts in Japan, and they make it extremely difficult to import literature written in ARABIC.

That was my point. Coyote the moron has been spinning like crazy but she's on an unrelated and ridiculous tangent that has nothing to do with me. Though her attempts to marginalize multiple, engaged experts and to replace them with snopes is good for a mild chuckle.

Can you seriously get any more stupid? Seriously? :party:

Japan does NOT discourage Islam as a faith.
It is NOT illegal to seek converts. Hell, the Imam (the sole Japanese Imam) of a Tokyo Mosque is a CONVERT.
And no, it is not at all difficult to import literature written in ARABIC. :cuckoo:

And you're a liar.

The pro-terror left pretends that in observing that Japan has no muslim terror and the reasons for it, that the people who actually care about such issues have said (via some "email" that the left pretends everybody received. I didn't receive one...) that there are no muslim immigrants, that muslims cannot obtain citizenship. Nobody said that. I certainly didn't.

What I said, and what is the truth, is that Japan famously discourages muslims from obtaining citizenship ship. Their society views them suspiciously (as they well should) and employers don't hire them. Yet to obtain citizenship in Japan, an immigrant has to have a substantial work history inside Japan. Bingo bango, very few muslim citizens.

There is a law that makes it illegal to exhort islam towards the end of coverting. It might apply to all religion, I don't know. But the result is there is only one imam in TOKYO who is allowed to address the masses...and if you have ever read his stuff, you will note that he is constantly affirming that he doesn't SEEK converts. Because for him to do so would buy him some trouble.

And the import laws make it very difficult for arab texts to be brought into and distributed in Japan.

Now what Coyote does is she pretends that I've said something else entirely, and then claims I haven't proved what I didn't say. It's schizophrenic, but it's simple. She does it all the time. She makes an ass of herself, then will spend days trying to change the narrative to make herself look less ass like. IT DOESN'T WORK, coyote.

OK, but I haven't seen this supposed law that makes it illegal to try and convert someone to Islam. I haven't seen the supposed import laws that make it difficult to import text written in Arabic. I haven't seen any evidence that Muslims cannot get employment.

I have read that the Japanese have a history of distrust or dislike of Islam, but also that there are both foreign and Japanese Muslims, that there is nothing to make importing Arabic text particularly difficult, and I've seen nothing to indicate attempting to convert someone to Islam is against the law other than what I've seen in this thread. Perhaps, rather than employers not hiring Muslims, it is more an issue of employers in Japan not being willing to allow things like breaks for prayer or particular forms of Muslim dress? That is the kind of things discussed in the anecdotes in this article : Islam in Japan . You can find the examples in the section "The Realities of Muslim Life in Japan".

Again, I wonder if you are taking a true cultural intolerance or dislike of Islam in Japan and exaggerating it. Some evidence of the laws you've talked about would help. :dunno:

What LAWS? The laws that maintain that they have to hold a job for a certain block of time before they can be considered for citizenship?

You doubt that the law exists?
Oh you're back to arguing against points that were never made. And straight up lying. Yes, the Kedar article absolutely supports my statements about Islam in Japan. 100 percent. I quoted the portions that reflected my commentary pretty much word for word.

And the Japan Times article also supported my statements. As did the National Geographic piece.

All state unequivocally that Muslim extremism isn't a problem in Japan because the Japanese don't welcome them and won't hire them. They refuse to acknowledge them, it's ILLEGAL for muslims to attempt to convert people. You can't be a Japanese citizen unless you demonstrate a desire to assimilate into their culture and prove your employability and desire to be employed.

And that's the rub because Japanese business owners refuse to hire them.

I didn't see anything about Muslims or Muslim extremism in either article you linked. It may be true that having far fewer immigrants prevents a lot of the danger of Muslim extremism from effecting Japan, neither article said anything about it, and it doesn't mean that there aren't Muslims in Japan.

I also haven't seen any evidence that employers won't hire Muslims or that it is illegal for Muslims to attempt to convert people other than the one earlier article of the thread which I find somewhat questionable. Here is an example of an article rebutting some of those "Muslims aren't allowed in Japan" kinds of talking points : Becoming legally Japanese: Can Muslims acquire Japanese citizenship/nationality or permanent residency? . Unfortunately some of the links are to sites in Japanese. Still, it provides a much different perspective on how Japan treats Islam and Muslims.

Muslims may have some difficulties in Japan. I think that you are exaggerating those difficulties, or at least believe such exaggerations created by others.
No, Im not speaking to alleged difficulties.of.muslims.

What I am saying is what I've said all along...Japan isn't dealing with muslim terrorism because they discourage islam as a faith, they wont hire muslims, and the fact that muslims can't get hired means they are excluded from gaining citizenship because japanese don't allow ppl without a proven work history and good citizenship record to become citizens.

Additionally, it is illegal to seek converts in Japan, and they make it extremely difficult to import literature written in ARABIC.

That was my point. Coyote the moron has been spinning like crazy but she's on an unrelated and ridiculous tangent that has nothing to do with me. Though her attempts to marginalize multiple, engaged experts and to replace them with snopes is good for a mild chuckle.

Can you seriously get any more stupid? Seriously? :party:

Japan does NOT discourage Islam as a faith.
It is NOT illegal to seek converts. Hell, the Imam (the sole Japanese Imam) of a Tokyo Mosque is a CONVERT.
And no, it is not at all difficult to import literature written in ARABIC. :cuckoo:

And you're a liar.

The pro-terror left pretends that in observing that Japan has no muslim terror and the reasons for it, that the people who actually care about such issues have said (via some "email" that the left pretends everybody received. I didn't receive one...) that there are no muslim immigrants, that muslims cannot obtain citizenship. Nobody said that. I certainly didn't.

What I said, and what is the truth, is that Japan famously discourages muslims from obtaining citizenship ship. Their society views them suspiciously (as they well should) and employers don't hire them. Yet to obtain citizenship in Japan, an immigrant has to have a substantial work history inside Japan. Bingo bango, very few muslim citizens.

There is a law that makes it illegal to exhort islam towards the end of coverting. It might apply to all religion, I don't know. But the result is there is only one imam in TOKYO who is allowed to address the masses...and if you have ever read his stuff, you will note that he is constantly affirming that he doesn't SEEK converts. Because for him to do so would buy him some trouble.

And the import laws make it very difficult for arab texts to be brought into and distributed in Japan.

Now what Coyote does is she pretends that I've said something else entirely, and then claims I haven't proved what I didn't say. It's schizophrenic, but it's simple. She does it all the time. She makes an ass of herself, then will spend days trying to change the narrative to make herself look less ass like. IT DOESN'T WORK, coyote.

OK, but I haven't seen this supposed law that makes it illegal to try and convert someone to Islam. I haven't seen the supposed import laws that make it difficult to import text written in Arabic. I haven't seen any evidence that Muslims cannot get employment.

I have read that the Japanese have a history of distrust or dislike of Islam, but also that there are both foreign and Japanese Muslims, that there is nothing to make importing Arabic text particularly difficult, and I've seen nothing to indicate attempting to convert someone to Islam is against the law other than what I've seen in this thread. Perhaps, rather than employers not hiring Muslims, it is more an issue of employers in Japan not being willing to allow things like breaks for prayer or particular forms of Muslim dress? That is the kind of things discussed in the anecdotes in this article : Islam in Japan . You can find the examples in the section "The Realities of Muslim Life in Japan".

Again, I wonder if you are taking a true cultural intolerance or dislike of Islam in Japan and exaggerating it. Some evidence of the laws you've talked about would help. :dunno:

Interesting article!
Ok...then provide evidence that Japan specifically views Muslims "suspiciously".

In the link in my previous post to Islam in Japan, it talks about the Japanese having a history of "negative stereotypes about the Islamic world". That seems like it could fit with the idea of homogeneous Japan, or a Japanese cultural aversion to foreigners or foreign ways. :dunno:
The author of this article also runs into the peculiar pretense of daesh and pro-terror lunatics:

"[Note: Some readers, as usual, did not read the article before posting comments. The article does not claim that there exist no muslims at all in Japan. It merely states that the country makes it difficult for Islam to grow and spread due to the wise Japanese conclusion that Islam is not compatible with their culture]"

They've been pulling that shit for at least two years. One observes that muslims are not waved into Japan and therefore Japan has no issues with msulim terrorism..and immediately the retards start up with their lament "THERE ARE TOO MUSLIMS IN JAPAN!" as if that has anything to do with what was said.

It's a mental illness.

Japan: The Land Without Muslims
I didn't see anything about Muslims or Muslim extremism in either article you linked. It may be true that having far fewer immigrants prevents a lot of the danger of Muslim extremism from effecting Japan, neither article said anything about it, and it doesn't mean that there aren't Muslims in Japan.

I also haven't seen any evidence that employers won't hire Muslims or that it is illegal for Muslims to attempt to convert people other than the one earlier article of the thread which I find somewhat questionable. Here is an example of an article rebutting some of those "Muslims aren't allowed in Japan" kinds of talking points : Becoming legally Japanese: Can Muslims acquire Japanese citizenship/nationality or permanent residency? . Unfortunately some of the links are to sites in Japanese. Still, it provides a much different perspective on how Japan treats Islam and Muslims.

Muslims may have some difficulties in Japan. I think that you are exaggerating those difficulties, or at least believe such exaggerations created by others.
No, Im not speaking to alleged difficulties.of.muslims.

What I am saying is what I've said all along...Japan isn't dealing with muslim terrorism because they discourage islam as a faith, they wont hire muslims, and the fact that muslims can't get hired means they are excluded from gaining citizenship because japanese don't allow ppl without a proven work history and good citizenship record to become citizens.

Additionally, it is illegal to seek converts in Japan, and they make it extremely difficult to import literature written in ARABIC.

That was my point. Coyote the moron has been spinning like crazy but she's on an unrelated and ridiculous tangent that has nothing to do with me. Though her attempts to marginalize multiple, engaged experts and to replace them with snopes is good for a mild chuckle.

Can you seriously get any more stupid? Seriously? :party:

Japan does NOT discourage Islam as a faith.
It is NOT illegal to seek converts. Hell, the Imam (the sole Japanese Imam) of a Tokyo Mosque is a CONVERT.
And no, it is not at all difficult to import literature written in ARABIC. :cuckoo:

And you're a liar.

The pro-terror left pretends that in observing that Japan has no muslim terror and the reasons for it, that the people who actually care about such issues have said (via some "email" that the left pretends everybody received. I didn't receive one...) that there are no muslim immigrants, that muslims cannot obtain citizenship. Nobody said that. I certainly didn't.

What I said, and what is the truth, is that Japan famously discourages muslims from obtaining citizenship ship. Their society views them suspiciously (as they well should) and employers don't hire them. Yet to obtain citizenship in Japan, an immigrant has to have a substantial work history inside Japan. Bingo bango, very few muslim citizens.

There is a law that makes it illegal to exhort islam towards the end of coverting. It might apply to all religion, I don't know. But the result is there is only one imam in TOKYO who is allowed to address the masses...and if you have ever read his stuff, you will note that he is constantly affirming that he doesn't SEEK converts. Because for him to do so would buy him some trouble.

And the import laws make it very difficult for arab texts to be brought into and distributed in Japan.

Now what Coyote does is she pretends that I've said something else entirely, and then claims I haven't proved what I didn't say. It's schizophrenic, but it's simple. She does it all the time. She makes an ass of herself, then will spend days trying to change the narrative to make herself look less ass like. IT DOESN'T WORK, coyote.

OK, but I haven't seen this supposed law that makes it illegal to try and convert someone to Islam. I haven't seen the supposed import laws that make it difficult to import text written in Arabic. I haven't seen any evidence that Muslims cannot get employment.

I have read that the Japanese have a history of distrust or dislike of Islam, but also that there are both foreign and Japanese Muslims, that there is nothing to make importing Arabic text particularly difficult, and I've seen nothing to indicate attempting to convert someone to Islam is against the law other than what I've seen in this thread. Perhaps, rather than employers not hiring Muslims, it is more an issue of employers in Japan not being willing to allow things like breaks for prayer or particular forms of Muslim dress? That is the kind of things discussed in the anecdotes in this article : Islam in Japan . You can find the examples in the section "The Realities of Muslim Life in Japan".

Again, I wonder if you are taking a true cultural intolerance or dislike of Islam in Japan and exaggerating it. Some evidence of the laws you've talked about would help. :dunno:

What LAWS? The laws that maintain that they have to hold a job for a certain block of time before they can be considered for citizenship?

You doubt that the law exists?

How about a law "that makes it illegal to exhort islam towards the end of coverting."?

How about the import laws that "make it very difficult for arab texts to be brought into and distributed in Japan."?

Those are your words I'm quoting and the laws I asked about.

When it comes to employment, I asked for evidence that Muslims cannot get employment in Japan because of their religion. I've already brought up the possibility that certain things like 5 times daily prayer could be unacceptable in Japanese workplaces, but that isn't the same as an employer refusing to hire someone because they are Muslim.

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