Time to declare War on Islam

Islam is NOT a religion by any definition.
It's no different than Bob Jones's insanity or Charles Manson or David Corish.
ALL based on a cult figure who demands their followers to commit the most sick insane acts in 'his name'.
Time soon to scrub the earth of these vermin forever.
The joyous thing is that day will happen in my lifetime........and I've GOT CABLE to watch it!

Islam is a religion, has been a world religion for over a thousand years. It's not going to suddenly become a non-religion because a bunch of jumped-up johnny-come-latelies decide thatit's not because they they hate Muslims.
I assume any 'religion' is based on acknowledging some higher power which moves the adherents in some sort of positive life affirming continuum.
Buy I guess by strict definition those who worship satan would disagree.
I don't believe any GOD would have ever signed off on the evil violent death-cult misogynist 'religion' that is islam.

that is your own personal belief. and most muslims do not practice anything remotely like a "Death cult". As to misogyny..... all fundamentalist religions...and i mean all... whether muslim, christian, hindu (which made their women settee)and judaism... are inherently misogynist.

Sweetie.........best watch what you say............when the shit hits the fan, you're one of the ones that is gonna get air dropped into a Muslim hot zone by real Americans. They're gonna give you an ISIS flag honey......see how well that serves you!!!:2up:. All this multicultural bs is soon to be a relic of a former era because the people are going to demand it.

SS just ran a 6 trillion dollar deficit........best prepare honey. Just sayin...........people like you are going to be amongst the first to get pwned because people just going to come take your shit. That's the way its gonna work...........and you can think of people like the real Americans like me who aren't getting their shit taken because we figured out that kumbaya was ghey a long, long time ago.:bye1::bye1::fu:
Coyote doesn't have any shit. She's a state dependent loser.

Speaking of losers, have you come up with anything to prove your assertions about Japan?
Islam is a religion, has been a world religion for over a thousand years. It's not going to suddenly become a non-religion because a bunch of jumped-up johnny-come-latelies decide thatit's not because they they hate Muslims.
I assume any 'religion' is based on acknowledging some higher power which moves the adherents in some sort of positive life affirming continuum.
Buy I guess by strict definition those who worship satan would disagree.
I don't believe any GOD would have ever signed off on the evil violent death-cult misogynist 'religion' that is islam.

that is your own personal belief. and most muslims do not practice anything remotely like a "Death cult". As to misogyny..... all fundamentalist religions...and i mean all... whether muslim, christian, hindu (which made their women settee)and judaism... are inherently misogynist.

Sweetie.........best watch what you say............when the shit hits the fan, you're one of the ones that is gonna get air dropped into a Muslim hot zone by real Americans. They're gonna give you an ISIS flag honey......see how well that serves you!!!:2up:. All this multicultural bs is soon to be a relic of a former era because the people are going to demand it.

SS just ran a 6 trillion dollar deficit........best prepare honey. Just sayin...........people like you are going to be amongst the first to get pwned because people just going to come take your shit. That's the way its gonna work...........and you can think of people like the real Americans like me who aren't getting their shit taken because we figured out that kumbaya was ghey a long, long time ago.:bye1::bye1::fu:
Coyote doesn't have any shit. She's a state dependent loser.

Speaking of losers, have you come up with anything to prove your assertions about Japan?

Yes, I did. Just because you're too stupid or too dishonest to acknowledge it means nothing.

Coyote's future:


She'll try to get out of it and pretend to be sick or otherwise unaccountable, but hopefully there will be soldiers to drag her dumbass down to look at the leftover bits of a muslim bombing.

And oh btw, the interment of Japanese citizens in the US was NOTHING like this. Yes, during war we will do what we do to prevent hostiles from infiltrating and killing us, and that includes detaining them. And if you get in the way, you can end up in jail too.
I assume any 'religion' is based on acknowledging some higher power which moves the adherents in some sort of positive life affirming continuum.
Buy I guess by strict definition those who worship satan would disagree.
I don't believe any GOD would have ever signed off on the evil violent death-cult misogynist 'religion' that is islam.

that is your own personal belief. and most muslims do not practice anything remotely like a "Death cult". As to misogyny..... all fundamentalist religions...and i mean all... whether muslim, christian, hindu (which made their women settee)and judaism... are inherently misogynist.

Sweetie.........best watch what you say............when the shit hits the fan, you're one of the ones that is gonna get air dropped into a Muslim hot zone by real Americans. They're gonna give you an ISIS flag honey......see how well that serves you!!!:2up:. All this multicultural bs is soon to be a relic of a former era because the people are going to demand it.

SS just ran a 6 trillion dollar deficit........best prepare honey. Just sayin...........people like you are going to be amongst the first to get pwned because people just going to come take your shit. That's the way its gonna work...........and you can think of people like the real Americans like me who aren't getting their shit taken because we figured out that kumbaya was ghey a long, long time ago.:bye1::bye1::fu:
Coyote doesn't have any shit. She's a state dependent loser.

Speaking of losers, have you come up with anything to prove your assertions about Japan?

Yes, I did. Just because you're too stupid or too dishonest to acknowledge it means nothing.

Coyote's future:


She'll try to get out of it and pretend to be sick or otherwise unaccountable, but hopefully there will be soldiers to drag her dumbass down to look at the leftover bits of a muslim bombing.

And oh btw, the interment of Japanese citizens in the US was NOTHING like this. Yes, during war we will do what we do to prevent hostiles from infiltrating and killing us, and that includes detaining them. And if you get in the way, you can end up in jail too.

Of course, the problem isn't the detaining and internment of hostiles......it's the innocents, and the total lack of due process, that causes issues.
that is your own personal belief. and most muslims do not practice anything remotely like a "Death cult". As to misogyny..... all fundamentalist religions...and i mean all... whether muslim, christian, hindu (which made their women settee)and judaism... are inherently misogynist.

Sweetie.........best watch what you say............when the shit hits the fan, you're one of the ones that is gonna get air dropped into a Muslim hot zone by real Americans. They're gonna give you an ISIS flag honey......see how well that serves you!!!:2up:. All this multicultural bs is soon to be a relic of a former era because the people are going to demand it.

SS just ran a 6 trillion dollar deficit........best prepare honey. Just sayin...........people like you are going to be amongst the first to get pwned because people just going to come take your shit. That's the way its gonna work...........and you can think of people like the real Americans like me who aren't getting their shit taken because we figured out that kumbaya was ghey a long, long time ago.:bye1::bye1::fu:
Coyote doesn't have any shit. She's a state dependent loser.

Speaking of losers, have you come up with anything to prove your assertions about Japan?

Yes, I did. Just because you're too stupid or too dishonest to acknowledge it means nothing.

Coyote's future:


She'll try to get out of it and pretend to be sick or otherwise unaccountable, but hopefully there will be soldiers to drag her dumbass down to look at the leftover bits of a muslim bombing.

And oh btw, the interment of Japanese citizens in the US was NOTHING like this. Yes, during war we will do what we do to prevent hostiles from infiltrating and killing us, and that includes detaining them. And if you get in the way, you can end up in jail too.

Of course, the problem isn't the detaining and internment of hostiles......it's the innocents, and the total lack of due process, that causes issues.

In times of war, you take steps to increase security. Its' not exactly the same as rounding up people and exterminating them.
and you're okay with abandoning the constitution?
The Constitution can be amended without being abandoned.

Not when you are talking about fundamental rights.
Does islam guarantee "Freedom of Religion"???????

Did anyone claim it did?

Does Christianity guarantee "freedom of religion"?

No. True freedom only happens when you remove religion from the government equation.
Name me on town/city in the US where muslims have 'assimilated'. There is no such place.

Pretty much every place they have settled here.

Muslims like every other race/culture tend to stay within the confines of their own.
America was never and is never going to be some sort of fucking ,mythical LIB invention called a "melting pot". NEVER!

The American immigration experience over the past several hundred years proves you wrong.

"We're all the same! No one is different. No one is smarter than anyone else. There are no such thing as 'winners' because if there is a winner there has to be a loser and we LIB pussies will never admit to that".
America is in FACT a 'Mosaic' of various races and cultures,
That's why we have 'Chinatowns', 'Japantowns', 'Little Italy's, 'Dearborns', Jewish dominated neighborhoods and fucking on and on and on.

And they are all American. How about that? Their views and culture are not the same as the cultures they came from even though the preserve aspects of their original culture.

You refuse to answer my very simple questions: Does the religion of Islam allow religious freedom? The US Constitution declares everyone is allowed religious freedom.
I haven't refused to answer anything - I just don't find it worth it to read through your rants most of the time.

In fact...I think I DID answer this one though. Islam as it is practiced in some Muslim majority countries does not allow for religious freedom. In other countries, it does. Attitudes, according to polls of Muslims worldwide vary - for example, tolerance for other religions may be supported but apostacy is strongly condemned or given the death penalty. Polls of Muslims in western countries, particularly the US show views towards religious freedom to be the same as other American religious groups. Clearly - the religion of Islam can and does allow religious freedom. If your talking about religious text - it's pretty much in line with Christianity and Judaism, there's text supporting tolerance and there's text condemning unbelievers. Take your pick. You do realize, don't you, that anyone in the US must abide by our Constitution and with some 3.3 million Muslims in the US not causing any more problems then the rest of the population, they clearly do.

What does Islam say to people who want to leave Islam?
If a RC tells his priest he is leaving the RC church does the priest say if you do the tenets of our religion tell us to kill you"?

Apostacy is an issue in a number of Muslim majority countries but different Islamic schools of thought hold different views on it. Countries that still call for the death penalty for apostasy are clearly not supporting religious freedom. As of 2015, there are 8 countries that execute people for apostasy and another 4 that have some sort of law criminalizing apostasy. "Afghanistan, Brunei, Mauritania, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. However, only a small number of cases showing the application of these capital punishment laws were identified However, only a small number of cases showing the application of these capital punishment laws were identified" Ironically there are even more that criminalize athiesm.

What does Islam say to people who want to leave Islam? Depends on who you ask. There are different schools of thought on it, and because there are - it's seems pretty clear that the religion itself can go either way on how it handles apostacy. It can choose a barbaric pre-enlightentment code of law, or it can choose a progressive approach that recognizes human rights and freedoms. Regardless of what religious text SAYS about it, followers do not have to follow it or can choose a more enlightened interpretation. We've seen this in biblical texts that call for some pretty horrible things, but few Christians or Jews follow those passages and those that call for it are largely marginalized as whackos in western countries. There's no reason Islam can't follow a similar route especially since it does in western countries.

If other religions, previously known for espousing a lack of religious freedom (Christianity for example) evolved to include modern concepts of human rights and religious freedom - Islam is beginning the process.

No follower of Islam living in the US believes in following the Constitution.
So answer. Does the religion of Islam believe in religious freedom?

Bullshit. You have evidence from a reputable source indicating this?[
I assume any 'religion' is based on acknowledging some higher power which moves the adherents in some sort of positive life affirming continuum.
Buy I guess by strict definition those who worship satan would disagree.
I don't believe any GOD would have ever signed off on the evil violent death-cult misogynist 'religion' that is islam.

that is your own personal belief. and most muslims do not practice anything remotely like a "Death cult". As to misogyny..... all fundamentalist religions...and i mean all... whether muslim, christian, hindu (which made their women settee)and judaism... are inherently misogynist.

Sweetie.........best watch what you say............when the shit hits the fan, you're one of the ones that is gonna get air dropped into a Muslim hot zone by real Americans. They're gonna give you an ISIS flag honey......see how well that serves you!!!:2up:. All this multicultural bs is soon to be a relic of a former era because the people are going to demand it.

SS just ran a 6 trillion dollar deficit........best prepare honey. Just sayin...........people like you are going to be amongst the first to get pwned because people just going to come take your shit. That's the way its gonna work...........and you can think of people like the real Americans like me who aren't getting their shit taken because we figured out that kumbaya was ghey a long, long time ago.:bye1::bye1::fu:
Coyote doesn't have any shit. She's a state dependent loser.

Speaking of losers, have you come up with anything to prove your assertions about Japan?

Yes, I did. Just because you're too stupid or too dishonest to acknowledge it means nothing.

Coyote's future:


She'll try to get out of it and pretend to be sick or otherwise unaccountable, but hopefully there will be soldiers to drag her dumbass down to look at the leftover bits of a muslim bombing.

And oh btw, the interment of Japanese citizens in the US was NOTHING like this. Yes, during war we will do what we do to prevent hostiles from infiltrating and killing us, and that includes detaining them. And if you get in the way, you can end up in jail too.

I must have missed it...where did you provide evidence of actual Japanese policies and laws restricting Islam?

You're working very hard to duck, dodge and deflect with your insults.

So you support detaining innocent Americans....how....interesting.
that is your own personal belief. and most muslims do not practice anything remotely like a "Death cult". As to misogyny..... all fundamentalist religions...and i mean all... whether muslim, christian, hindu (which made their women settee)and judaism... are inherently misogynist.

Sweetie.........best watch what you say............when the shit hits the fan, you're one of the ones that is gonna get air dropped into a Muslim hot zone by real Americans. They're gonna give you an ISIS flag honey......see how well that serves you!!!:2up:. All this multicultural bs is soon to be a relic of a former era because the people are going to demand it.

SS just ran a 6 trillion dollar deficit........best prepare honey. Just sayin...........people like you are going to be amongst the first to get pwned because people just going to come take your shit. That's the way its gonna work...........and you can think of people like the real Americans like me who aren't getting their shit taken because we figured out that kumbaya was ghey a long, long time ago.:bye1::bye1::fu:
Coyote doesn't have any shit. She's a state dependent loser.

Speaking of losers, have you come up with anything to prove your assertions about Japan?

Yes, I did. Just because you're too stupid or too dishonest to acknowledge it means nothing.

Coyote's future:


She'll try to get out of it and pretend to be sick or otherwise unaccountable, but hopefully there will be soldiers to drag her dumbass down to look at the leftover bits of a muslim bombing.

And oh btw, the interment of Japanese citizens in the US was NOTHING like this. Yes, during war we will do what we do to prevent hostiles from infiltrating and killing us, and that includes detaining them. And if you get in the way, you can end up in jail too.

I must have missed it...where did you provide evidence of actual Japanese policies and laws restricting Islam?

You're working very hard to duck, dodge and deflect with your insults.

So you support detaining innocent Americans....how....interesting.

I support securing the country in times of war. And I already provided the evidence, as you've been told multiple times. You choose to ignore the proof that exposes your idiocy, then lie and pretend that such proof doesn't exist.

Typical progressive dingbat.
Here's more commentary on the "no immigration" policies of Japan:

"The no-immigration principle is an institutionalization of the homogeneous-people discourse. The principle basically states that Japan does not accept migrants. Indeed, the M-word (imin in Japanese) is markedly absent in legal, media and popular discourse, where it is replaced by euphemisms such as “entrants” and “foreign workers.” On the policy side, this means that it is necessary to do as much as possible to prevent foreigners in general from staying long or settling down. Tessa Morris-Suzuki argues that this principle has remained relatively unchanged since the first Nationality Law of 1899, which aimed to a) prevent an influx of unskilled labor, and b) restrict access to Japanese nationality.

:The failure of immigration reform to date demonstrates the persistence of the no-immigration principle."

Japan's 'no immigration principle' looking as solid as ever | The Japan Times
"In sum, we may wonder at the resilience of Japan’s no-immigration principle — and the nation’s ambivalence to globalization in general. Is it related to what Paul Gilroy has called (in the context of postwar England) postimperial melancholy, a mentality that still clings to an idea of the nation as a self-enclosed entity, a homogeneous center? Japan’s nostalgia for and failure to come to terms with its colonial legacy suggest there may be something to this. But whatever the reason, what is certain is that immigration reform proposals such as Sakanaka’s — together with acceptance of the M-word — are for the time being nothing but pie-in-the-sky."

Chris Burgess lectures in Japanese and Australian studies at Tsuda College, Tokyo.

Japan's 'no immigration principle' looking as solid as ever | The Japan Times

"In a country where nationals favor a racially unique and homogenous society, the foreign population accounted for only 1.7 percent of the total population in 2010, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Japan's strict immigration—or, rather, anti-immigration—policies have drawn heavy criticism."

Immigration Policies Around the World

So the National Geographic, Japan Times, and Dr. Modecai Kedar ( (Ph.D. Bar-Ilan U.) Served for 25 years in IDF Military Intelligence specializing in Arab political discourse, Arab mass media, Islamic groups and the Syrian domestic arena. A lecturer in Arabic at Bar-Ilan U., he is also an expert on Israeli Arabs.) all agree..Japan's strict immigration and anti-Muslim policies have protected them from the terror known as "globalism"...i.e., "sitting ducks for Mohommed" movement.

Hey but Coyote and snopes are on the same page...

Snopes.com CEO Arrested on Charges of Fraud and Corruption - Dr. Rich Swier

"Having established their website as a reputable resource for validating and debunking stories in American popular culture since 1995, the Mikkelson couple soon found themselves in a position to influence public discourse by punishing or rewarding certain cultural and political biases. Before long they were accepting money to promote some rumors and downplay or completely ignore some others, which over the years have brought them millions of dollars, according to the source.

"Especially scandalous may be the website’s possible collaboration with left-leaning national media organizations, which started with payments to Snopes.com to overlook or validate their inaccurate and biased reporting, and eventually evolved into a full-scale coordinated effort with left-leaning groups and public relation firms to construct a media narrative that gave legitimacy to certain opinions, political causes and public figures, while discrediting other opinions, causes, and public figures.

"The list of groups and individuals paying to use the website’s clout ranged from local politicians to transnational entities to foreign governments, including Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the Palestinian Authority."
"In a country where nationals favor a racially unique and homogenous society, the foreign population accounted for only 1.7 percent of the total population in 2010, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Japan's strict immigration—or, rather, anti-immigration—policies have drawn heavy criticism."

Immigration Policies Around the World

So the National Geographic, Japan Times, and Dr. Modecai Kedar ( (Ph.D. Bar-Ilan U.) Served for 25 years in IDF Military Intelligence specializing in Arab political discourse, Arab mass media, Islamic groups and the Syrian domestic arena. A lecturer in Arabic at Bar-Ilan U., he is also an expert on Israeli Arabs.) all agree..Japan's strict immigration and anti-Muslim policies have protected them from the terror known as "globalism"...i.e., "sitting ducks for Mohommed" movement.

Mordecai Kedar is the same person who wrote that initial article (and he's associated with Pam Gellar) - you are simply repeating the same source here, nothing new.

That's one thing. And secondly - did you even READ the article you quoted? Here's the relevant portion:


In a country where nationals favor a racially unique and homogenous society, the foreign population accounted for only 1.7 percent of the total population in 2010, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Japan's strict immigration—or, rather, anti-immigration—policies have drawn heavy criticism.

Like Canada, Japan is facing a rapidly declining population in which the low birthrate can barely match the death rate of the country's senior citizens. The population now sits at 128 million, but analysts estimate the number will have shrunk by a third in 2060, forcing the country to embrace more open policies.

Following the examples of Canada and the United Kingdom, Japan rolled out a new point-based system last spring to rate immigrants. Immigrants earn points based on their academic background and research or business experience, among other factors. Those who score higher—mainly professionals like professors, doctors, and corporate managers—will be given preferential treatment.

No where in it, or in the articles it links to does it say anything about Muslims - nada. What it says is what is already widely known, Japan is very anti-foreigner, and always has been and that applies all foreigners.

It was a nice try, but you should read your sources first before making youself look any more like an idiot then you are.

Hey but Coyote and snopes are on the same page...

Snopes.com CEO Arrested on Charges of Fraud and Corruption - Dr. Rich Swier

"Having established their website as a reputable resource for validating and debunking stories in American popular culture since 1995, the Mikkelson couple soon found themselves in a position to influence public discourse by punishing or rewarding certain cultural and political biases. Before long they were accepting money to promote some rumors and downplay or completely ignore some others, which over the years have brought them millions of dollars, according to the source.

"Especially scandalous may be the website’s possible collaboration with left-leaning national media organizations, which started with payments to Snopes.com to overlook or validate their inaccurate and biased reporting, and eventually evolved into a full-scale coordinated effort with left-leaning groups and public relation firms to construct a media narrative that gave legitimacy to certain opinions, political causes and public figures, while discrediting other opinions, causes, and public figures.

"The list of groups and individuals paying to use the website’s clout ranged from local politicians to transnational entities to foreign governments, including Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the Palestinian Authority."

Snopes CEO Arrested on Fraud, Corruption Charges-Fiction!

The Truth:

Barbara and David Mikkelson have not been arrested on fraud and corruption charges.

A fake news website called The People’s Cube started that rumor with a story that appeared under the headline, “Snopes.com CEO arrested on charges of fraud and corruption.” According to the report:

...The story goes that police followed a paper trail to Barbara and David Mikkelson after a Snopes editor lashed out a flea market vendor in Los Angeles for playing the song “Dixie’s Land” because of its ties to the Confederacy and Old South.

The story was shared thousands of times, but it’s a work of fiction.

The People’s Cube describes itself as a People’s Political Humor and Satire Collective, among other things.​

Actually...at this point...I don't think it's possible for you to look any more like an idiot. Kudos on an unprecedented accomplishment.
Islam is NOT a religion by any definition.
It's no different than Bob Jones's insanity or Charles Manson or David Corish.
ALL based on a cult figure who demands their followers to commit the most sick insane acts in 'his name'.
Time soon to scrub the earth of these vermin forever.
The joyous thing is that day will happen in my lifetime........and I've GOT CABLE to watch it!

Islam is a religion, has been a world religion for over a thousand years. It's not going to suddenly become a non-religion because a bunch of jumped-up johnny-come-latelies decide thatit's not because they they hate Muslims.
I assume any 'religion' is based on acknowledging some higher power which moves the adherents in some sort of positive life affirming continuum.
Buy I guess by strict definition those who worship satan would disagree.
I don't believe any GOD would have ever signed off on the evil violent death-cult misogynist 'religion' that is islam.

that is your own personal belief. and most muslims do not practice anything remotely like a "Death cult". As to misogyny..... all fundamentalist religions...and i mean all... whether muslim, christian, hindu (which made their women settee)and judaism... are inherently misogynist.
You delusional twat! Where in any Christian nation are women deprived the right to own land, to vote, to drive, to travel about unaccompanied by a male relative, to show skin, to have standing in court, or the right to equal employment opportunities? Where in Christian nations are women routinely subject to beatings, honor killings, rape, and female circumcision?

Your hatred toward Christianity is as blinding as it is contemptible.

women are systematically oppressed in fundamental religions. i understand that a white christian religions zealot is incapable of seeing that.

i don't hate christians. you hate everyone who isn't christian. i just want y'all to leave the rest of us alone.

The hypocrisy is rich. Fundamentalist Christian women are not oppressed. Not more so than Orthodox Jewish women are. I thought you'd recognize that. Just because they might sit in different sections of the hall does not mean they can't be citizens with equal rights or that their religious responsibilities are limited. Thought you'd know that Ortho Jew women pretty much run the religious practice in the home. And that they are encouraged to study and learn..

There's "leftist" oppression -- and then there's clit removal, denial of education, subservience and approved spousal abuse.
Here's more commentary on the "no immigration" policies of Japan:

"The no-immigration principle is an institutionalization of the homogeneous-people discourse. The principle basically states that Japan does not accept migrants. Indeed, the M-word (imin in Japanese) is markedly absent in legal, media and popular discourse, where it is replaced by euphemisms such as “entrants” and “foreign workers.” On the policy side, this means that it is necessary to do as much as possible to prevent foreigners in general from staying long or settling down. Tessa Morris-Suzuki argues that this principle has remained relatively unchanged since the first Nationality Law of 1899, which aimed to a) prevent an influx of unskilled labor, and b) restrict access to Japanese nationality.

:The failure of immigration reform to date demonstrates the persistence of the no-immigration principle."

Japan's 'no immigration principle' looking as solid as ever | The Japan Times

Are you really this ignorant? First - READ the Mordachai Kedar article that you first sourced. Ok? It - and YOU - have been making claims specific to Islam and Islamic immigration to Japan. NONE of which are supported in all your articles here.

Your articles say NOTHING about Islam, NOTHING about Muslim immigration being specifically restricted.

All it says is that Japan heavily restricts immigration - of all foreigners.

Are you having a "baffle them with bullshit" moment here?
and you're okay with abandoning the constitution?
The Constitution can be amended without being abandoned.

Not when you are talking about fundamental rights.
Does islam guarantee "Freedom of Religion"???????

Did anyone claim it did?

Does Christianity guarantee "freedom of religion"?

No. True freedom only happens when you remove religion from the government equation.
Name me on town/city in the US where muslims have 'assimilated'. There is no such place.
Muslims like every other race/culture tend to stay within the confines of their own.
America was never and is never going to be some sort of fucking ,mythical LIB invention called a "melting pot". NEVER!
"We're all the same! No one is different. No one is smarter than anyone else. There are no such thing as 'winners' because if there is a winner there has to be a loser and we LIB pussies will never admit to that".
America is in FACT a 'Mosaic' of various races and cultures,
That's why we have 'Chinatowns', 'Japantowns', 'Little Italy's, 'Dearborns', Jewish dominated neighborhoods and fucking on and on and on.
You refuse to answer my very simple questions: Does the religion of Islam allow religious freedom? The US Constitution declares everyone is allowed religious freedom.
What does Islam say to people who want to leave Islam?
If a RC tells his priest he is leaving the RC church does the priest say if you do the tenets of our religion tell us to kill you"?
No follower of Islam living in the US believes in following the Constitution.
So answer. Does the religion of Islam believe in religious freedom?

Nashville Tenn. The Buckle of the Bible Belt. Large Somali community, large Muslim community in the outskirts. Lovely folks who work hard in jobs that require contact with the community. Maybe it works here BECAUSE of the number of Christians and Jews who actually practice THEIR religions peacefully and commitedly.
Here's more commentary on the "no immigration" policies of Japan:

"The no-immigration principle is an institutionalization of the homogeneous-people discourse. The principle basically states that Japan does not accept migrants. Indeed, the M-word (imin in Japanese) is markedly absent in legal, media and popular discourse, where it is replaced by euphemisms such as “entrants” and “foreign workers.” On the policy side, this means that it is necessary to do as much as possible to prevent foreigners in general from staying long or settling down. Tessa Morris-Suzuki argues that this principle has remained relatively unchanged since the first Nationality Law of 1899, which aimed to a) prevent an influx of unskilled labor, and b) restrict access to Japanese nationality.

:The failure of immigration reform to date demonstrates the persistence of the no-immigration principle."

Japan's 'no immigration principle' looking as solid as ever | The Japan Times

Are you really this ignorant? First - READ the Mordachai Kedar article that you first sourced. Ok? It - and YOU - have been making claims specific to Islam and Islamic immigration to Japan. NONE of which are supported in all your articles here.

Your articles say NOTHING about Islam, NOTHING about Muslim immigration being specifically restricted.

All it says is that Japan heavily restricts immigration - of all foreigners.

Are you having a "baffle them with bullshit" moment here?
Oh you're back to arguing against points that were never made. And straight up lying. Yes, the Kedar article absolutely supports my statements about Islam in Japan. 100 percent. I quoted the portions that reflected my commentary pretty much word for word.

And the Japan Times article also supported my statements. As did the National Geographic piece.

All state unequivocally that Muslim extremism isn't a problem in Japan because the Japanese don't welcome them and won't hire them. They refuse to acknowledge them, it's ILLEGAL for muslims to attempt to convert people. You can't be a Japanese citizen unless you demonstrate a desire to assimilate into their culture and prove your employability and desire to be employed.

And that's the rub because Japanese business owners refuse to hire them.
Last edited:
and you're okay with abandoning the constitution?
The Constitution can be amended without being abandoned.

Not when you are talking about fundamental rights.
Does islam guarantee "Freedom of Religion"???????

Did anyone claim it did?

Does Christianity guarantee "freedom of religion"?

No. True freedom only happens when you remove religion from the government equation.
For the followers of Islam there is ZERO separation of Church and State. And you know it!
The followers of Islam believes the 'Church' IS THE STATE and the STATE IS THE CHURCH!
The Constitution declares there must be a separation between Church and State.
See the difference?
'Christianity' doesn't demand anyone who leaves the 'Christian church be killed. Islam does.

All true as Islam is practiced in "the old countries". Not that true when Muslims accept freedom and tolerance and the western concept of "freedom of religion". A "benign" Muslim can live with seeing religious infractions all around them -- even if they personally deplore decadence, depravity, immodesty.. All those "friction" points between Islam and western culture.

I do it all the time from my political position. I favor freedom for folks to make choices -- even if those choices bug me greatly. It's called tolerance.
The Constitution can be amended without being abandoned.

Not when you are talking about fundamental rights.
Does islam guarantee "Freedom of Religion"???????

Did anyone claim it did?

Does Christianity guarantee "freedom of religion"?

No. True freedom only happens when you remove religion from the government equation.
For the followers of Islam there is ZERO separation of Church and State. And you know it!
The followers of Islam believes the 'Church' IS THE STATE and the STATE IS THE CHURCH!
The Constitution declares there must be a separation between Church and State.
See the difference?
'Christianity' doesn't demand anyone who leaves the 'Christian church be killed. Islam does.

All true as Islam is practiced in "the old countries". Not that true when Muslims accept freedom and tolerance and the western concept of "freedom of religion". A "benign" Muslim can live with seeing religious infractions all around them -- even if they personally deplore decadence, depravity, immodesty.. All those "friction" points between Islam and western culture.

I do it all the time from my political position. I favor freedom for folks to make choices -- even if those choices bug me greatly. It's called tolerance.
But we are not obliged to be tolerant to the point that it's deadly. You don't have to be tolerant of ideologies that seek the destruction of our country. That's not tolerance or freedom. It's just foolish.
so the constitution doesn't matter, eh?

you going to start another inquisition? miss the old christian religion?
The inquisition was a STATE endeavor.

that doesn't even make sense.

Sure it does. When the state CONDONES a particular religion and rolls it's power into the Church is where BOTH the Inquisition and the Crusades sprang from.. Without State sanction -- what kind of jails and soldiers and henchmen did the CHURCH have?

It's the same deal today with tyrannical Theocratic Arab governments. About 20 who run by Sharia law OR have adopted much of Sharia into their legal code. That's why those daily barbaric executions, amputations and stonings are so widespread. And why the GOVTs in that region all sponsor proxy armies to go fight EACH other over tribal and religious differences.

It's when the STATE gets involved -- that religions become malignant..

Once upon a time state and religion were the same. That's the problem.

But it's interesting how you word it - once the state gets involved.

I see it more once religion amasses POLITICAL or STATE power, it becomes malignant. The state is a neutral entity that can be used by the majority to force it's desires on others. People do this...not the state. The direction comes from religion - church or mosque - what ever - which harness' the power of the state.
I see it more once religion amasses POLITICAL or STATE power, it becomes malignant."
Which is PRECISELY! why those who drew up the Constitution declared there must always be a separation between Church and State in order to specifically avoid what Islam is fighting for: Combining Church and State.
Surely you are capable of understanding the difference.
What the followers of Islam want is the precious antithesis of what America was founded on.

Which is FINE in their OLD world. They can fight for that combination. Just CAN NOT do it here or in France or England or Kenya.
Islam is a religion, has been a world religion for over a thousand years. It's not going to suddenly become a non-religion because a bunch of jumped-up johnny-come-latelies decide thatit's not because they they hate Muslims.
I assume any 'religion' is based on acknowledging some higher power which moves the adherents in some sort of positive life affirming continuum.
Buy I guess by strict definition those who worship satan would disagree.
I don't believe any GOD would have ever signed off on the evil violent death-cult misogynist 'religion' that is islam.

that is your own personal belief. and most muslims do not practice anything remotely like a "Death cult". As to misogyny..... all fundamentalist religions...and i mean all... whether muslim, christian, hindu (which made their women settee)and judaism... are inherently misogynist.
You delusional twat! Where in any Christian nation are women deprived the right to own land, to vote, to drive, to travel about unaccompanied by a male relative, to show skin, to have standing in court, or the right to equal employment opportunities? Where in Christian nations are women routinely subject to beatings, honor killings, rape, and female circumcision?

Your hatred toward Christianity is as blinding as it is contemptible.

women are systematically oppressed in fundamental religions. i understand that a white christian religions zealot is incapable of seeing that.

i don't hate christians. you hate everyone who isn't christian. i just want y'all to leave the rest of us alone.

The hypocrisy is rich. Fundamentalist Christian women are not oppressed. Not more so than Orthodox Jewish women are. I thought you'd recognize that. Just because they might sit in different sections of the hall does not mean they can't be citizens with equal rights or that their religious responsibilities are limited. Thought you'd know that Ortho Jew women pretty much run the religious practice in the home. And that they are encouraged to study and learn..

There's "leftist" oppression -- and then there's clit removal, denial of education, subservience and approved spousal abuse.

That DOES occur among Christians and the more fundamentalist the faith, the more the woman is likely to be subservient. How often do you suppose verses like these are used to justify wife beating?

"To the woman he said, "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you." Genesis 3:16
"Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior." Ephesians 5:22-23

11 Countries with the hightest rates of domestic violence:
Russia, Iraq, Pakistan, India, Somalia, Mali, Guatamalia, Sudan, Congo, Afghanistan and topping the list - Chad.

Progressive countries have laws against domestic abuse and ways to help women report it and get out of it and an overall culture that condemns it, regardless of religion. In any of the fundamentalist sects of Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism women are scriptually subordinate and the potential for abuse is much higher because of religious beliefs.

FGM also crosses religious boundaries because it's a cultural thing more than it's a religious thing. In those parts of the world where it is still practiced - it is practiced by all faiths as part of their culture.
Not when you are talking about fundamental rights.
Does islam guarantee "Freedom of Religion"???????

Did anyone claim it did?

Does Christianity guarantee "freedom of religion"?

No. True freedom only happens when you remove religion from the government equation.
For the followers of Islam there is ZERO separation of Church and State. And you know it!
The followers of Islam believes the 'Church' IS THE STATE and the STATE IS THE CHURCH!
The Constitution declares there must be a separation between Church and State.
See the difference?
'Christianity' doesn't demand anyone who leaves the 'Christian church be killed. Islam does.

All true as Islam is practiced in "the old countries". Not that true when Muslims accept freedom and tolerance and the western concept of "freedom of religion". A "benign" Muslim can live with seeing religious infractions all around them -- even if they personally deplore decadence, depravity, immodesty.. All those "friction" points between Islam and western culture.

I do it all the time from my political position. I favor freedom for folks to make choices -- even if those choices bug me greatly. It's called tolerance.
But we are not obliged to be tolerant to the point that it's deadly. You don't have to be tolerant of ideologies that seek the destruction of our country. That's not tolerance or freedom. It's just foolish.

Of course not,. I was referring to imported Muslims learning tolerance and what secular govt means. That is the key to the peaceful practice of Islam OUTSIDE the ways of their old countries. If they can't pass your "Miley Cyrus" test or not blow an artery because there is a bikini ad on the the side of busses, or pass up a house in Ga. with a daughter in holey cut-offs and a big ass Amer. flag in the driveway, without using that flagpole as a weapon -- then there are clear dangers to society.

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