Time To End The 'Trump Collusion' Waste Of Time / Witch Hunt


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

'Collusion' is not a crime. It does not exist as a criminal offense. It is a made-up accusation created by the media with which to demonize / attack President Trump.

Donald Trump calling for the Russians to hack Hillary's server and reveal what was in her criminal server is NOT a crime.

Also, seeking out 'dirt' on a political opponent, even from a foreign agent / country, is NOT illegal. There is, of course, no evidence to support any claim the President Trump did so.

Some associated with his campaign seem to have dought out 'dirt' on Hillary; however, as D-Diane Feinstein admitted during an interview this week, there is no evidence to support the claim that these people coordinated with or have given Trump 'dirt' on Hillary.

Feinstein, Schumer, Watters, Pelosi, and other Democrats have teluctantly admitted this ... after a year of multiple investigations and a 'stacked' investigatin council plagued by conflicts of interests and members who already should have recused themselves from the investigation.


1. 'Collusion' is not a crime. It is a creation by the Trump-hating liberal media.

2. President Trump nor anyone he is associated engaged in 'collusion', criminally collaborating with Russians.
Notice that Dems don't differentiate between "Conspiracy" and "Collusion;" whereas the former is illegal and the latter is legal.

They're generating a shit storm out of thin air whose effects will be that of thin air against a brick house.
What IS a crime is PURCHASING a false document containing Russian-generated propaganda from a foreign agent through a company who has a history of working with / for the Russians ... AND ... using that report against a candidate in a US election.

Money (MILLIONS) changed hands - Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Barak Obama, and the DNC funded the creation of the Russian / foreign agend-generated report and purchased the final product.

They then used this report illegally, against election / campaign law, in a US election.
I agree. It's time to stop this goofy Kabuki theater dog and pony show, and turn the attention toward the real criminals: Hillary, Obama, Holder, Lynch, etc.
Here we are everyone. Finally the Republicans have stopped saying there isn' any collusion and now going with the "what' wrong with that?" Line of questioning
This is part of the losses yesterday. Playing along with a witch hunt is weak, denounce and ignore it and govern
There are no Russians, there never were
In the pursuit of villainizing and criminalizing the actions of President Trump and his team, Democrats have instead revealed and highlighted their own scandals, corruption, and actual crimes.

- Evidence was teleased last week proving former FBI Director Mueller, former US AG Holder, and former President Obama knew of and had evidence of the Russian crimes of bribery, extortion, intimidation, and paying politicians / officials in an attempt to corner the US Uranium market / purchase 20% of the US uranium supply.

This information was withheld from the US committee responsible for approving or denying the sale of Uranium one. YS AG Holder and Secretary of State Clinton (who had accepted iver $100 million in 'donations' to the Clinton Foundation from the Russian leading their effort to purchase Uranium One) both were nembers of the committee.

Neither FBI Director Mueller nor US AG Holder and his DOJ took any judicial actions against the Russians until AFTER the Uranium One deal was done.

Finally, despite being aware of the Russians' intentions and crimes, ince the Committee approved the sale, President Obama signed off on / approved the deal.
Here we are everyone. Finally the Republicans have stopped saying there isn' any collusion and now going with the "what' wrong with that?" Line of questioning
Please read the posts again, as you are completely wrong.

The facts have been pointed out that:
1) Collusion is not a crime

2) President Trump never engaged in 'collusion', as Democrats have continuously falsely clamed.

3) President Trump never committed any crime involving the Russians, as Democrats continue to claim...Democrats did

'Collusion' is not a crime. It does not exist as a criminal offense. It is a made-up accusation created by the media with which to demonize / attack President Trump.

Donald Trump calling for the Russians to hack Hillary's server and reveal what was in her criminal server is NOT a crime.

Also, seeking out 'dirt' on a political opponent, even from a foreign agent / country, is NOT illegal. There is, of course, no evidence to support any claim the President Trump did so.

Some associated with his campaign seem to have dought out 'dirt' on Hillary; however, as D-Diane Feinstein admitted during an interview this week, there is no evidence to support the claim that these people coordinated with or have given Trump 'dirt' on Hillary.

Feinstein, Schumer, Watters, Pelosi, and other Democrats have teluctantly admitted this ... after a year of multiple investigations and a 'stacked' investigatin council plagued by conflicts of interests and members who already should have recused themselves from the investigation.


1. 'Collusion' is not a crime. It is a creation by the Trump-hating liberal media.

2. President Trump nor anyone he is associated engaged in 'collusion', criminally collaborating with Russians.
If Hillary had the exact same allegations and was being investigated by Mueller, your dumbass would create 5 threads a day about it. Because it’s Trump, you pretend he is completely innocent. It’s such nauseating stupidity and hypocrisy.
Here we are everyone. Finally the Republicans have stopped saying there isn' any collusion and now going with the "what' wrong with that?" Line of questioning
Please read the posts again, as you are completely wrong.

The facts have been pointed out that:
1) Collusion is not a crime

2) President Trump never engaged in 'collusion', as Democrats have continuously falsely clamed.

3) President Trump never committed any crime involving the Russians, as Democrats continue to claim...Democrats did

I know...everyone gets indicted right? I Mena who hasnt tried to get illegal information from the Kremlin before? That' just normal stuff!
Did you know how long the repukes faked benghazi to keep the focus off themselves and rumpy. The russian investigation has been finding criminal activity and they are just getting started. Suck it up snowflakes
It's been a waste of time and tax payer money going on almost two years. But yet the fake news agents keep trying to indict Manafort and his taxes. Which isn't the case. DNC is sure proving Trump's point by this.
Did you know how long the repukes faked benghazi to keep the focus off themselves and rumpy. The russian investigation has been finding criminal activity and they are just getting started. Suck it up snowflakes
Uranium one deal?
Let's end this right NOW

If Trump will only explain to us why his key aids were meeting with Russian agents while they were hacking Democratic servers we can end this

'Collusion' is not a crime. It does not exist as a criminal offense. It is a made-up accusation created by the media with which to demonize / attack President Trump.

Donald Trump calling for the Russians to hack Hillary's server and reveal what was in her criminal server is NOT a crime.

Also, seeking out 'dirt' on a political opponent, even from a foreign agent / country, is NOT illegal. There is, of course, no evidence to support any claim the President Trump did so.

Some associated with his campaign seem to have dought out 'dirt' on Hillary; however, as D-Diane Feinstein admitted during an interview this week, there is no evidence to support the claim that these people coordinated with or have given Trump 'dirt' on Hillary.

Feinstein, Schumer, Watters, Pelosi, and other Democrats have teluctantly admitted this ... after a year of multiple investigations and a 'stacked' investigatin council plagued by conflicts of interests and members who already should have recused themselves from the investigation.


1. 'Collusion' is not a crime. It is a creation by the Trump-hating liberal media.

2. President Trump nor anyone he is associated engaged in 'collusion', criminally collaborating with Russians.
So you are fine with treason?

No surprise there.

We already kinda thought so.
All being said I am for ensuring no businesses associate with Russia. Time to cut ties. I trust nobody that is doiung business with russia. Yes stop the witch hunt and chop down any businesses or companies that do any business with them...you all agree with this otherwise you hate america.
If Hillary had the exact same allegations and was being investigated by Mueller, your dumbass would create 5 threads a day about it.

More false accusations without evidence by liberals, motivated by emotion and partisanship.

Facts are not based on what party wields them. The fact that 'collusion' is not a crime does not depend on partisanship.

It is based on the fact that there is no law or statute that defines or makes 'collusion' a crime.

Hillary did not commit the crime of 'collusion' because 'collusion' is not a crime. It does not exist.

Please try to remove your emotion and partisanship from the discussion, and see the facts for what they are.
Time To End The 'Trump Collusion' Waste Of Time / Witch Hunt

Naw, not yet. We still have many more witches to burn

Patience, skippies

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