Time to hide your savings under the mattress.

4) No sory , they don't need to be bailed out. .

too stupid!! All agree including Krugman that if not bailed out depression would have been the obvious result.

Still over your head?

Not over my head, that's for sure. Our country needed to take its licks then, not later. But Obama and his minions are pushing the huge debt to the out years to be paid by generations to come.

You have to collapse before you can rebuild


no dear we don't need another depression when we know how to avoid it.
. Why didn't they resuce the homeowners instead?

very very simple!! Homeowners had no ability to pay money back, banks did.

Are you able to understand?

Oh , but they do , they pay taxes

dear, all agree that citizens pay taxes but that does not mean they could pay back a bailout the way the banks( who also pay taxes) could and did pay back their bailout?

Do you understand now?
. Then again , the problem are banks which are not subject to any regulation.

you mean except for the 2 million pages and the recent addition of 2500 pages in Dodd Frank??
See why we say the liberal will be a total illiterate?? What other conclusion is possible??
those institutions are going to be bailed out if anything major occurs again

no idea why you say that when many were not bailed out last time and the interest it doing it again will be far less.

Do you understand?
4) No sory , they don't need to be bailed out. .

too stupid!! All agree including Krugman that if not bailed out depression would have been the obvious result.

Still over your head?

Is that what you call capitalism, Ed?

yes, capitalism is an idea that is implimented and managed by govt. Do you understand?
In this case it is better to manage so as to avoid a depression.

This is fucking absurd beyond reproach. Government does not manage a capitalist system. Exactly the opposite.

You see why we are 100% sure a Neo-conservative is sure to be over their head on this subject?
Government does not manage a capitalist system. Exactly the opposite.

dear, if someone attempts to acquire something with a gun rather than with peaceful, mutual, voluntary means the govt police, courts, jails, and social services step in to preserve capitalism.

Do you understand now?
Government does not manage a capitalist system. Exactly the opposite.

dear, if someone attempts to acquire something with a gun rather than with peaceful, mutual, voluntary means the govt police, courts, jails, and social services step in to preserve capitalism.

Do you understand now?

That's what should happen, but we lack capitalism. Which is why we have a cartel of bankers that manage our monetary policy - and teh treasury is an armchair.

Bailing out banks - socializing the losses, is not a capitalist tenant - it's a corporatist one.
And don't call me dear....
. Then again , the problem are banks which are not subject to any regulation.

you mean except for the 2 million pages and the recent addition of 2500 pages in Dodd Frank??
See why we say the liberal will be a total illiterate?? What other conclusion is possible??


According to the article below, there is an excesive leverage on the banking system. Most of it is held by four banks JP Morgan, Citibank, Goldman Sachs and Bank of America , totaling 237 trillions.

Then :
"It's true that banks are able to use interest rate swaps to hedge their exposure to a certain movement interest rates, but for example JP Morgan's total assets are US$1.5 trillion while its exposure to derivatives is US$70 trillion, or 47 times the assets, so you'd have to think there is rather more gambling going on than hedging"

710 trillion that s a lot of exposure to derivatives - The Drum Australian Broadcasting Corporation

To me it is clear that this is an excessive leverage. When buying a house a person leverages between 70% and 80% or a 5 to 1 ratio. A large project might require a leverage of 10 to 1. 47 to 1 is excessive. This is what must be regulated.

Take a look at this video. I like the explanation
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According to the article below, there is an excesive leverage on the banking system..

you start out by being an uncultured liberal illiterate. No one knows what excessive leverage is? Every business and bank and most people are in debt. There is no measure of what too much is.
IF some banks what to earn big returns for their shareholders through lots of debt they should be free to do it.
And you still believe bailing out anyone by government is capitalism. it isn't, Ed.

if I said that I'll pay you $10,000. Bet or run away with your libertarian tail between your legs.
Bail outs by government is not capitalism, Ed. You lose.

if bailouts of a few banks prevent a general depression in millions of businesses its excellent management of capitalism that allows millions of businesses to engage in continued and further capitalist activities.

According to the article below, there is an excesive leverage on the banking system..

you start out by being an uncultured liberal illiterate. No one knows what excessive leverage is? Every business and bank and most people are in debt. There is no measure of what too much is.
IF some banks what to earn big returns for their shareholders through lots of debt they should be free to do it.

Excesive leverage is buying a $200,000 USD house , when you earn less than $1,000 a month and have no assets. This is what caused the mortgage crisis. The same principle applies to banks.
its exposure to derivatives is US$70 trillion,

dear, as a total uncultured illiterate parrot you have no idea what that means. In fact, banks manage risks by taking positions on both sides so no matter which way things turn they at worst break even. For example they might buy bonds and stocks knowing that if one goes up the other will go down.

Do you understand this at all?

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