Time to put pressure on the GOP. . .

Which statement re the President is most accurate for you at this time?

  • I hate President Trump and won't support anything he supports.

  • I strongly dislike the President and will oppose his re-election.

  • I don't hate the President but I oppose most or all of his agenda.

  • I like the President but I oppose most or all of his agenda.

  • I find the President unlikable at times but I support most or all of his agenda.

  • I appreciate the President and I support most or all of his agenda.

  • Other that I have explained in my post.

Results are only viewable after voting.


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
Looking at it from a purely objective standpoint, awhile back I came to the conclusion that Trump's biggest obstacle is not the Democrats.

In my opinion, I have come to expect the Democrats to be angry, vindictive, irresponsible, hypocritical, intellectually dishonest, malicious, hateful, obstructive no matter who they hurt or how bad for the country because frankly that's pretty much all they have offered lately. They certainly don't offer any kind of agenda that won't make things far worse for most Americans and hurt the country much more than it offers any kind of defensible positive solutions.

But it is timid, feckless, and mostly self-serving members of the permanent political class in the Republican Party that are most dangerous to making America great again. The Paul Ryans, the Mitch McConnells, the Mitt Romneys, and their ilk added to a few pure RINOs and an RNC that too often insults our intelligence instead of getting behind the President and helping him accomplish his agenda that are the President's worst hindrance. The status quo has enriched and empowered them greatly, and they seem determined not to upset it. And it is necessary to upset it in order to accomplish the President's agenda.

Those of us who really embrace the concept of MAGA, don't really care that the President is occasionally petulant, sometimes tweets a positively cringeworthy comment, and sometimes has an unlikable side. Or we do care but it isn't a deal breaker for us. We understand and believe in his vision and agenda and appreciate the bulldog terrier in him and his willingness to put up with unprecedented hateful and dishonest opposition as he looks for ways to get it done.

And it occurred to me that those of us who support that vision and agenda may have to start really putting the pressure on McConnell, et al, to get behind it.

When I ran across this essay today, it really spoke to how I have been thinking and feeling:

Richard Viguerie and Craig Shirley: Trump’s next battle: McConnell and the GOP Swamp

With the Mueller report in his rearview mirror . . .

Trump can now turn his full attention to his policy agenda and the 2020 elections. His most consequential hindrance in Washington in this regard won’t be Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, nor Democrat House committee chairs Adam Schiff, D-Calif., and Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y. Compared to the sophisticated Deep State attempt to take down the Trump presidency, Democrats in Congress will appear to Trump and his revved-up supporters as little more than a clown car show.

The next serious challenge Trump faces will be Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the GOP swamp that he leads . . .​

Unless those of us who want lasting peace, prosperity, law and order, individual liberty and incentive etc. have the back of the President and those who share his vision, I genuinely fear for the future of our country.

I only hope there are enough of us to re-elect President Trump by a landslide in 2020.

Do you agree that if we want the President to succeed we have to have his back? The back of those who support him and/or his agenda? Do you agree that we need to push all Republicans and what honorable Democrats remain to get behind that agenda? And we should work to elect those who do even if it means replacing Republicans who are more hindrance than help to the President's agenda?

The poll is public and multiple choice and allows for changes in choices checked.
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I mainly support the president in his involuntary policy of NOT being Hillary Clinton.

We dodged a huge bullet. All else is gravy.

To impeach him for allegedly obstructing an investigation into something that is not a crime seems a bit coup-ish.

I mainly support the president in his involuntary policy of NOT being Hillary Clinton.

We dodged a huge bullet. All else is gravy.

To impeach him for allegedly obstructing an investigation into something that is not a crime seems a bit coup-ish.


You can't find something in his agenda or accomplishments to date to appreciate, get behind, support?
Despite the BS about wanting to further enrich himself, I believe that President Trump sincerely wants to reverse the country's decades of decline and make America great again. His methods are unorthodox, but they seem to be effective.

His opponents, on the other hand, have shown themselves to be the antithesis of every American ideal. They lie, cheat and steal at every opportunity and then blame others for their own misdeeds. Unfortunately, they have convinced a large number of Americans that this is virtuous behavior.
Trump would have done a lot more important things if Deep State and their loyal puppets Democrats did not hobble him in his intentions and did not start fake and expensive "investigations" against him. It's time for those crooks to pay for "investigations" and to go to jail.
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He has torn the country apart, and has left it open to it's enemies, and namely one of it's greatest enemies.

Him being there can only lead to disaster.
At times I find Trump at bit different but then I remember he isn't a politician and never has been and never will be. He will never act like your typical politician and thank God for that.

He's a successful businessman. Is he perfect?? No but then no one is.

I really like what he's done for the country so far. And I'm sure in his next four years he will accomplish more.

As for the Reps. McConnell and the other Reps should get behind the man. He's on a path for great prosperity for this country and I'm sure being the politicians they are they want in on what he will accomplish.
Don't hate him....I accept him.

He's a mixed bag, at best...Too many neocon swamp creatures on his top staff (Bolton, Haspell, Pompeo) for my tastes...Keeps promising that The Swamp won't log roll him anymore, then goes and gets rolled again....But his mere existence in the position seems to have the whole world a bit off balance, and I see that as a good thing in general.
He has torn the country apart, and has left it open to it's enemies, and namely one of it's greatest enemies.

Him being there can only lead to disaster.
He has torn the country apart, and has left it open to it's enemies, and namely one of it's greatest enemies.

Him being there can only lead to disaster.

LMAO For a torn apart country its doing damned well. A great economy. UE the lowest its been in 50 years and jobs everywhere.

If that's your idea of torn apart then your in the wrong country.

Oh and I don't see any disasters yet. You??
One hopes that the anti-Trumpers within the GOP get axed in the next primary. Some have retired and some ought to be replaced if they aren't willing to put the best interests of their country ahead of their own personal goals. And the same goes for the Dems, enough of the BS Green New Deal. Get real or get out, one wonders how much longer the Dems can continue down this non-sensical path.
Trump would have done a lot more important things if Deep State and their loyal puppets Democrats did not hobble him in his intentions and did not start fake and expensive "investigations" against him. It's time for those crooks to pay for "investigations" and yo go to jail.

In a discussion on that elsewhere earlier today, I had to think about that. But I tend to think--and the folks who wrote the linked article in the OP seem to agree--that the Democrats really aren't the problem. Or at least they aren't the whole problem.

Reagan, with a mostly Democrat congress, accomplished some very good things for America in his eight years in spite of sometimes militant Democrat opposition. Why? Well he was likable but mostly because he took his message straight to the American people and they got behind him. But then the MSM in Reagan's day was still doing some decent journalism and at least allowing all points of view to be expressed. And the Democrats of Reagan's day still contained honorable people who loved their country and honestly tried to do no harm.

Trump, in contrast, has superior instincts and political insight than even Reagan did, but he is plagued with a MSM that mostly no longer does responsible or competent journalism, that acts more as a shill for the Democrat Party and leftism and refuses to report much of anything that doesn't support that agenda. And the Democrat Party these days is mostly vengeful, hateful, malicious, hypocritical willing to hurt the country and anybody in it who gets in their way to destroy those they want destroyed. And that of course includes the President.

Evenso the President is getting things done and is producing some great numbers we haven't seen in decades, sometimes never before. The main hindrance to his agenda now, in my opinion, is a permanent political class within the GOP who is determined to maintain a status quo they believe benefits THEM. And if that means putting the shiv to President Trump and/or his agenda, they seem willing to do that.

I only hope there are enough of us who love America and support the President's vision and agenda to convince them to get behind him.
One hopes that the anti-Trumpers within the GOP get axed in the next primary. Some have retired and some ought to be replaced if they aren't willing to put the best interests of their country ahead of their own personal goals. And the same goes for the Dems, enough of the BS Green New Deal. Get real or get out, one wonders how much longer the Dems can continue down this non-sensical path.

We have to be careful though. It will make it much tougher for President Trump to succeed if the Senate succumbs to the vengeful Democrats too. I would rather reform those in the Senate than risk losing the Senate and thereby making it far more difficult for the President to get his agenda done.
Trump would have done a lot more important things if Deep State and their loyal puppets Democrats did not hobble him in his intentions and did not start fake and expensive "investigations" against him. It's time for those crooks to pay for "investigations" and yo go to jail.

In a discussion on that elsewhere earlier today, I had to think about that. But I tend to think--and the folks who wrote the linked article in the OP seem to agree--that the Democrats really aren't the problem. Or at least they aren't the whole problem.

Reagan, with a mostly Democrat congress, accomplished some very good things for America in his eight years in spite of sometimes militant Democrat opposition. Why? Well he was likable but mostly because he took his message straight to the American people and they got behind him. But then the MSM in Reagan's day was still doing some decent journalism and at least allowing all points of view to be expressed. And the Democrats of Reagan's day still contained honorable people who loved their country and honestly tried to do no harm.

Trump, in contrast, has superior instincts and political insight than even Reagan did, but he is plagued with a MSM that mostly no longer does responsible or competent journalism, that acts more as a shill for the Democrat Party and leftism and refuses to report much of anything that doesn't support that agenda. And the Democrat Party these days is mostly vengeful, hateful, malicious, hypocritical willing to hurt the country and anybody in it who gets in their way to destroy those they want destroyed. And that of course includes the President.

Evenso the President is getting things done and is producing some great numbers we haven't seen in decades, sometimes never before. The main hindrance to his agenda now, in my opinion, is a permanent political class within the GOP who is determined to maintain a status quo they believe benefits THEM. And if that means putting the shiv to President Trump and/or his agenda, they seem willing to do that.

I only hope there are enough of us who love America and support the President's vision and agenda to convince them to get behind him.

Great post and I couldn't agree more.
The only concern I have is the continued rise in the country's debt. Neither party has shown an interest in that issue.
I would like to see more language regarding term limits on the Legislative Branch.
Otherwise Trump has my full support and will get my vote again.
Trump's doing the best he can, and that's all anyone can ask for.

I haven't seen anything like that in my lifetime.
I mainly support the president in his involuntary policy of NOT being Hillary Clinton.

We dodged a huge bullet. All else is gravy.

To impeach him for allegedly obstructing an investigation into something that is not a crime seems a bit coup-ish.


You can't find something in his agenda or accomplishments to date to appreciate, get behind, support?
I cant as of this point. Every time he seens as if he will offer something I could support (which is rare) he reverses or lies. Most of his agenda is too far to the right and my feelings on the Repubs and Trump pretty much echo yours on the Dems. Most of the presidents positions are the antithesis of mine and destroying our country.
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The only concern I have is the continued rise in the country's debt. Neither party has shown an interest in that issue.
I would like to see more language regarding term limits on the Legislative Branch.
Otherwise Trump has my full support and will get my vote again.

Yes, I agree with that too. I had a LOT of problems with George W. Bush's agenda, but my No. 1 beef was him with a Republican majority congress spending like drunken sailors. And then when that--and it was mostly that--cost us majorities in both the House and Senate in 2006, the Democrats were more interested in hurting Him and the GOP than they were in passing legislation that could have prevented the 2008 housing bubble crash.

And I am 100% opposed to irresponsible spending now, though the Democrat controlled House has done absolutely nothing to curtail it or slow it down. And all appropriation bills originate in the House.

So now, I have to battle my dismay with the rising deficits in spite of record revenues to the treasury against how much worse it would be if the radical Democrats gain complete power to push through irresponsible legislation that would make that far far worse. Even destroy the America that we have known.

It sucks when we have to choose between the lesser of two evils. :( And that's where we are on federal spending I think. At least the President is mostly pushing spending that has a chance to save money and/or produce greater revenues on down the line.
He has torn the country apart, and has left it open to it's enemies, and namely one of it's greatest enemies.

Him being there can only lead to disaster.

Trump's inaugural address was likely one of the most surreal, negative, and dark in the history of the US presidency.

The man possesses one of the most disturbed, morbid, and psychotic minds known to reside in The White House.

Trump is a serial liar that cannot be believed on any issue.

Trump has no regard for The Constitutional concept of 'checks & balances' and believes he is above the law.


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