Time to rethink


Gold Member
Nov 25, 2016
For what it's worth, I don't think what got Trump elected is American jitters about the debt or the deficit. Carrier is symbolic of what got Trump the oval office IMHO. And I am as happy that Carrier changed it's mind as I would be if I were one of those whose job is saved. I don't know what the 'deal' is, since it is rumored that Carrier's parent company is a defense contractor, but it's better than an exodus and we should all be glad over it. I doubt if Trump can work this 'deal' on all or even many other corporations that left their native land high and dry and twisting in the wind to pursue cheap labor. And if this event is just Trump's taking advantage of a bad situation and claiming the credit for it's successful resolution, we will know it soon enough. This is good for America, which should be everybody's goal. I know very well that Obama's accomplishments have been minimized and sneered at and denied by all the Trumpsters, unfairly and malevolently. It is time to go (and show) high. And it is time to stop wasting time on criticism of the insignificant and save it for real (vs fake) incidents, gaffes, flubs, news reports and proposed programs.

Admittedly I am scared of this guy's Presidency. Admittedly I think of him as at least twice as crooked as he accused Hillary. Admittedly I will watch him and his proposals and programs carefully. But in good conscience I have to give him a chance. I think we all should, and be very careful to NOT cry wolf at the drop of every tweet intended to inflame.
from my friend cron
In a race this close, there are a dozen different factors that each made the difference between Trump's razor-thin victory and the Death of America as we know it.

The deficit/National Debt is certainly the 800 pound gorilla, but nobody was talking about it.

My personal take is that people just considered that Trump, even with all his flaws, would try to make decisions in the best interest of America and the American people, while HRC would have made decisions to benefit her favorite constituencies, and to hell with Real Americans. Indeed, she obviously cared more about illegal aliens, lesbian/feminists, Syrian refugees, and union bosses than she did about Americans who actually work for a living and aren't looking for handouts.
For what it's worth, I don't think what got Trump elected is American jitters about the debt or the deficit. Carrier is symbolic of what got Trump the oval office IMHO. And I am as happy that Carrier changed it's mind as I would be if I were one of those whose job is saved. I don't know what the 'deal' is, since it is rumored that Carrier's parent company is a defense contractor, but it's better than an exodus and we should all be glad over it. I doubt if Trump can work this 'deal' on all or even many other corporations that left their native land high and dry and twisting in the wind to pursue cheap labor. And if this event is just Trump's taking advantage of a bad situation and claiming the credit for it's successful resolution, we will know it soon enough. This is good for America, which should be everybody's goal. I know very well that Obama's accomplishments have been minimized and sneered at and denied by all the Trumpsters, unfairly and malevolently. It is time to go (and show) high. And it is time to stop wasting time on criticism of the insignificant and save it for real (vs fake) incidents, gaffes, flubs, news reports and proposed programs.

Admittedly I am scared of this guy's Presidency. Admittedly I think of him as at least twice as crooked as he accused Hillary. Admittedly I will watch him and his proposals and programs carefully. But in good conscience I have to give him a chance. I think we all should, and be very careful to NOT cry wolf at the drop of every tweet intended to inflame.
from my friend cron

Don't be scared Snowflake... we'll find you some coloring books, Play Doh and a safe space.
A stunning rebuke of Obamanomics...

Get Ready for the Trump Jobs Rally-

NFIB survey finds surge in hiring plans.
wsj- Stock markets have been surging since Election Day as investors look forward to lower taxes and less regulation under President-elect Donald Trump. A new survey due out later today suggests that small business owners have also become more optimistic since November 8th.

The National Federation of Independent Business monthly employment survey for November will show that owners of small firms are preparing for a better future. “A seasonally adjusted net 15 percent plan to create new jobs, up 5 points from October and the strongest reading in the recovery,” NFIB Chief Economist William Dunkelberg tells us. “Not seasonally adjusted, 17 percent plan to increase employment at their firm (up 3 points), and 9 percent plan reductions (down 1 point),” he adds.

This doesn’t necessarily mean we’ll see a big job surge when the Labor Department reports on November employment across the economy tomorrow morning. Mr. Dunkelberg says that among the small businesses in the NFIB survey, “Reported job creation remained weak in November with the seasonally adjusted average employment change per firm posting a gain of 0.02 workers per firm”—just barely positive. He expects that the official government unemployment rate could fall slightly for November.

It is the signal on future hiring from NFIB that is most encouraging. The owners of public corporations and the owners of small private firms are now both expecting faster growth under Trumponomics.

The Trump Surge is Real – Jobs Planned By Businesses On the Horizon
Trump got elected because his message was something the working American were looking for.

That's why he's the President Elect right now.
For what it's worth, I don't think what got Trump elected is American jitters about the debt or the deficit. Carrier is symbolic of what got Trump the oval office IMHO. And I am as happy that Carrier changed it's mind as I would be if I were one of those whose job is saved. I don't know what the 'deal' is, since it is rumored that Carrier's parent company is a defense contractor, but it's better than an exodus and we should all be glad over it. I doubt if Trump can work this 'deal' on all or even many other corporations that left their native land high and dry and twisting in the wind to pursue cheap labor. And if this event is just Trump's taking advantage of a bad situation and claiming the credit for it's successful resolution, we will know it soon enough. This is good for America, which should be everybody's goal. I know very well that Obama's accomplishments have been minimized and sneered at and denied by all the Trumpsters, unfairly and malevolently. It is time to go (and show) high. And it is time to stop wasting time on criticism of the insignificant and save it for real (vs fake) incidents, gaffes, flubs, news reports and proposed programs.

Admittedly I am scared of this guy's Presidency. Admittedly I think of him as at least twice as crooked as he accused Hillary. Admittedly I will watch him and his proposals and programs carefully. But in good conscience I have to give him a chance. I think we all should, and be very careful to NOT cry wolf at the drop of every tweet intended to inflame.
from my friend cron
I think the economy is poised for growth. Rising rates will mean a strong dollar. And that in turn will tank bonds. Rising yields will make our debt more expensive, and consumer spending could suffer, but one reason the Fed will raise rates is that we're near full employment, and that will put upward pressure on wages. And yes I know many are underemployed, but that's the point of full employment are upward wage pressure.

One could argue Donald may have gotten lucky, but then again the dems would have just spent more. Donald promised to do so, but at least the gop congress won't create more programs. And while no one can know what Donald will really do, this cabinet looks like Jeb picked it.

Damn between rising rates and a strong dollar, I might be in great shape if I can hang on to age 72.

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