Time to sign sanctions bill

S.341 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Russia Sanctions Review Act of 2017

Russia Sanctions Review Act of 2017

This bill provides that the following executive orders, as in effect on January 1, 2017, and any sanctions imposed pursuant to such orders, shall remain in effect: (1) Executive Order 13694 (relating to blocking property of certain persons engaging in significant malicious cyber-enabled activities); (2) Executive Orders 13660, 13661, and 13662 (relating to blocking property of certain persons contributing to the situation in Ukraine); and (3) Executive Order 13685 (relating to blocking property of certain persons and prohibiting certain transactions with respect to the Crimea region of Ukraine).
Why is the ah taking his time signing it? Putin wasted no time getting 100's of our people sent home
When did so many "conservatives" become candy-ass panty-waists scared of Russia?

They weren't like this when the communists ran Russia. But now, they want America to become subservient to that second-rate nation in terminal decline.

Russia has an economy smaller than Canada's and a dilapidated military.

Yet, they act like if we don't do exactly what Putin wants, Russia is going to go to war with us and kill millions of Americans.

It's embarrassing.
Why do so many Democrats want dead Russians?
You run out of babies?

The Democrats are Neo-McCarthyites. They sure yucked it up when Senator Joe tried to tell them the Russians were trying to hack an American election. They called him "right-wing extremist" and a "reactionary". But they're not laughing now, he is being vindicated by the left's Russophobia.
Review of the browse through the information overload I just subjected myself too........browsed BTW.

1. Russia invades Crimea and perform actions against Ukraine

Our response was assistance to the Ukraine, and condemnation of Russia over seizure of Crimea.........followed by 4 executive orders for Sanctions against Russia. Information already provided. Diplomats were ejected from both sides during the Obama Administration. And Executive Departments codified exact sanctions and actions against Russian Companies.....and individuals.................

2. FBI and other U.S. intelligence agencies find basically a spy operation in the United States........who were gathering intel on the DNC and were caught Hacking into Computer Networks..............The spy ring was expelled as were companies by law enforcement and another executive order to specify further sanctions against Russia. Again diplomats and companies thrown out of the country.

3. Senate passes bill to codify 5 executive orders..........4 for Crimea and 1 for cyber hacking.......then adds more Sanctions to Russia which prohibits sales of high tech oil producing equipment, and pipeline equipment for a pipeline through the Baltic Sea Region. It further probits u.s. companies and people from purchasing arms from Russia.........

To those posting is this an accurate description of the progression of events and Sanctions to date.
European responses starting to come in..............

Threatening sanctions against the United States if the Sanctions hurt countries and companies in the EU

One such article here.

Juncker warns USA: EU will protect Brussels & German energy deals with Russia at all costs

German business forum said todau plans for tighter US sanctions against Russia could harm European companies with energy interests in their giant eastern neighbour and appeared designed to stimulate U.S. energy exports to Europe.

At a Berlin press conference, the German Committee on East European Economic Relations said the possibility of European counter-sanctions against the U.S. should be kept open as "a very last option" if firms in Europe were affected.

The committee, a fierce critic of the sanctions passed earlier this week by U.S. lawmakers, revised upward to 20 percent its forecast for growth in German exports to Russia this year, from 10 percent growth expected previously.

EU bosses are keen that Germany’s access to natural gas from Russia is not changed.

However, Washington sought to calm the tone, saying they had made key amendments to their bill to accommodate the EU commission’s concerns.
it's overwhelmingly agreed upon that santions are a must. A huge step in the right direction by trump. He earns a ton of respect upin this bill becoming law.

If he signs it, what happens to the "collusion" between Trump and Putin narrative the media is pushing?

...ummm nothing since his veto will be solidly over-ridden and he has no choice but put his rubber stamp on it.

But since you bring that Russia stuff up, here is Trump, once again getting cauht lying about it:
Trump Dictated Son’s Misleading Statement on His Russia Meeting: Report

Maybe there is something serious to collusion story, maybe Trump and his people are a bunch of pathological liars who lie out of compulsion, not reason...but it has to be one of the two.
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Germany threatens retaliation if US pushes ahead with Russia sanctions it says could harm European economy

A spokesman for Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, said she was concerned by the new sanctions. “It is, putting it mildly, a peculiar move by the US Senate,” he said.

Brigitte Zypries, economy minister, accused Washington of abandoning a joint approach with Europe on sanctions against Russian and threatened retaliation if Mr Trump signed it into law.

“If he does, we'll have to consider what we are going to do against it,” she told Reuters.

It marks the latest area of conflict between Washington and Berlin since Mr Trump took power, following the US President’s criticism of Germany’s trade surplus, defence spending and his broader attacks on global co-operation.

The Nord Stream 2 pipeline is being built beneath the Baltic Sea tosupply Russian gas to Germany and beyond. It avoids older routes through Ukraine, which have been disrupted by disputes between Kiev and Moscow.
When did so many "conservatives" become candy-ass panty-waists scared of Russia?

They weren't like this when the communists ran Russia. But now, they want America to become subservient to that second-rate nation in terminal decline.

Russia has an economy smaller than Canada's and a dilapidated military.

Yet, they act like if we don't do exactly what Putin wants, Russia is going to go to war with us and kill millions of Americans.

It's embarrassing.

Tell the truth: I bet you thought he was a "genius" when Obama said this...

When did so many "conservatives" become candy-ass panty-waists scared of Russia?

They weren't like this when the communists ran Russia. But now, they want America to become subservient to that second-rate nation in terminal decline.

Russia has an economy smaller than Canada's and a dilapidated military.

Yet, they act like if we don't do exactly what Putin wants, Russia is going to go to war with us and kill millions of Americans.

It's embarrassing.

Tell the truth: I bet you thought he was a "genius" when Obama said this...

Romney was right. It has been proven so...............
1. Under an existing executive order punitive punishment with sanctions already occurred, and Russian individuals and companies were thrown out of the country.
Sanctions were incurred.

2. The EU went along with these sanctions with a grain of salt.......concerned that there economies and businesses could be hurt.

3. Adding more sanctions when relations are already low, ENSURES A COLD WAR AGAIN. If it wan't already too late for that.

4. Our forces are operating in close quarters with Russian military in the Middle East, and new tensions could cause Hot issues to happen.

5. The EU and Nations there are VERY UNHAPPY over NEW SANCTIONS............and have bluntly stated that if it hurts them economically they may order Sanctions against the United States...................And even talked of a TRADE WAR....................these are THEIR WORDS.............not mine.

6. Trump has been stating that he wanted to improve relations with Russia, but HAS NOT ISSUED EXECUTIVE ORDERS REMOVING ANY SANCTIONS.

If those in favor........and I include our representatives and Senators.................want another COLD WAR.................Well they got it.

If those in favor want to hurt relations with the EU..............Well they got it..............

So down the road, when this gets real from what I've said.........I don't want to here any of you say it was Trumps Fault. This was forced on him, and there will be a price to pay for it.

That is my position.
it's overwhelmingly agreed upon that santions are a must. A huge step in the right direction by trump. He earns a ton of respect upin this bill becoming law.

If he signs it, what happens to the "collusion" between Trump and Putin narrative the media is pushing?
Nothing haopens, since he is signing it because he had no choice as his veto would be overridden.
Go tell Mueller that signing this bill is proof innocence. Good luck.
1. Under an existing executive order punitive punishment with sanctions already occurred, and Russian individuals and companies were thrown out of the country.
Sanctions were incurred.

2. The EU went along with these sanctions with a grain of salt.......concerned that there economies and businesses could be hurt.

3. Adding more sanctions when relations are already low, ENSURES A COLD WAR AGAIN.

No it doesn't. Cold War has ACTUALLY HAPPENED already and it didn't work out too good for Russia.

Kremlin decided to grab a piece of Ukraine and it paid heavy economic price.
And now Kremlin decided to play these election games and result is it's oligarchs and unfortunately Russia at large has to face the more consequences.

None of this had to happen - it happened because of Russian leadership's choices. They failed Russians and in any real democracy, with independent media, would be elected out of power.
it's overwhelmingly agreed upon that santions are a must. A huge step in the right direction by trump. He earns a ton of respect upin this bill becoming law.
Appeasing the Vladophobes hasn't done him any good. He should reaffirm his original take on the Russian Renaissance and veto this insulting slam against what could become our strongest ally. We should't provide the hyenas and vultures a dead bear to feast on.

If Trump decides to veto that shameful bill it won't do any good. What will happen next:
1. there will be enough "patriots" in the House and Senate to make it up to 2/3 to overwrite the veto;
2. all the brainwashed crowds in the country will yell: "See, we told you Trump is Putin's buddy" even louder.

Trump is pretty much trapped with this bill. But there is one good thing about it: he can't be blamed for it. Those Congressmen who either have sold themselves to Soros or care about being reelected only will remain responsible for that shame. They are so afraid even to try to cooperate with Russia because it might benefit their country and their people might like it.
Trump shouldn't be spooked by the NeoCon ghosts; he should go out of his way to flaunt them. A no-holds-barred counteroffensive should be the order of the day.
I don't care. When he signs it all patriotic Americans will support it.

Which sounds more "patriotic"? Wanting peaceful relations and trade with out adversaries or a resurgence of the Cold War, possibly going hot?

"Being Russia's bitch" isn't being "patriotic," comrade.
But being China's bitch is cool?
We need China to seize the oil of Indonesia, a financier of the jihad. That will solve China's key economic problem and eliminate their need to cheat us.

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