Time to solve the muslim problem

You're a fucking mental dumbass....wow you absolutely don't car about anyone's lives but using it to vent your hate...and your OP shows your meltdown....

Eat shit nazi

Awwww... is the little girl upset because I exposed her for the insensitive little bitch that she is? Because I pointed out how she said "it's only 4 lives - you're a NAZI to have a REACTION to only 4 lives".

Tell you what sweetie - don't cry. Just go light a candle. Everything will be ok after that! :lol:

You moron that's not me in the avatar...I'm a man faggot

All that rant and you're still an antisemetic nazi cocksucker
I value human lives moron...li helped organize a candle vigil for the fallen....

Hey everybody, everything is ok now!!! She held a "candle vigil" for them. Please tell the family of J. Christopher Stevens that they no longer need to grieve and morn! Everything is ok, becasuse she lit a candle!

Oh, what a relief. I can't tell you how good I feel now, knowing you lit a candle. God bless you my dear - the sacrifices you make for this great nation and your fellow man. I'm almost speechless by your sacrifices....

Lets not forget Fast and Furious.. More to come sooner than later. Corrupt pricks costing us American lives every day of the week.
We should all drive 20 over, get stopped, get a ticket, go to court and tell the judge we'll stop speeding when DC enforces laws already on the books. Til then we do what ever we want. The law is meaningless.
With all the fucking seething anger, and rage filled violent fantasies of nuclear armageddon Rottweiler, I only have to say I hope you stroke out or something very soon. In some fashion or another, I hope you leave this world soon so it can be a little bit more safe for the rest of us. We do not need your horrific dreams inflicted upon our world. Same goes for anybody else who feels the same way you do.

So kill yourself, get yourself killed(maybe suicide by cop?) or something.

That's the rest I have to say on this topic.
I value human lives moron...li helped organize a candle vigil for the fallen....

Hey everybody, everything is ok now!!! She held a "candle vigil" for them. Please tell the family of J. Christopher Stevens that they no longer need to grieve and morn! Everything is ok, becasuse she lit a candle!

Oh, what a relief. I can't tell you how good I feel now, knowing you lit a candle. God bless you my dear - the sacrifices you make for this great nation and your fellow man. I'm almost speechless by your sacrifices....

Fucking idiot what did you do to honor the dead again? You post a hitler like OP

Well, the thing is, I just don't have the talent/ability to light a candle like you do. That's what makes you so special.

Well, that and the fact that you think people REACTING to ONLY 4 DEATHS makes someone a NAZI... :lol:
Hey cocksucker what about the American who was killed by Israel and shot 9 times in the head? What should we tell their family?
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An American Ambassador dead is a big freaking deal.

I do think board reactions are a bit overboard as it appears the Libyan government is cooperating in hunting down the bastards that did this and we know that some of the ordinary people in Libya tried to get the Ambassador help. This was likely the work of some extremists that we WILL hunt down and kill. This isn't a sign that Libya is some evil empire. I'd rank Pakistan as a higher threat even with this in play.
With all the fucking seething anger, and rage filled violent fantasies of nuclear armageddon Rottweiler, I only have to say I hope you stroke out or something very soon. In some fashion or another, I hope you leave this world soon so it can be a little bit more safe for the rest of us. We do not need your horrific dreams inflicted upon our world. Same goes for anybody else who feels the same way you do.

That's the rest I have to say on this topic.

I edited your post/quote.. Those are strong words.. Take them out. Seriously.
You're going to have to kill Americans with your plan, you fucking brain dead idiot. You're going to have to kill members of almost every nation on earth.

But yeah... that's a fucking DETERRENCE.

Fucking retard.

Blah, Blah, Blah... it's the same thing you idiot liberal dumbocrats cried during the Cold War. And what happened? Not one shot was fired. Forget about nuclear missiles, the US and the U.S.S.R. didn't even trade bullets.

You're incapable of thinking beyond pot and your potty chair. You can't comprehend deterrence. Please, just leave the conversation to the big people, ok?
An American Ambassador dead is a big freaking deal.

I do think board reactions are a bit overboard as it appears the Libyan government is cooperating in hunting down the bastards that did this and we know that some of the ordinary people in Libya tried to get the Ambassador help. This was likely the work of some extremists that we WILL hunt down and kill. This isn't a sign that Libya is some evil empire. I'd rank Pakistan as a higher threat even with this in play.

Our Embassies are our land.. They attacked the United States of America and killed our citizens. An out right act of War. Fuck them.. push the button.
Hey cocksucker what about the American who was killed by Israel and shot 9 times in the head? What should we tell their family?

Unlike idiot liberal dumbocrats, I don't comment on things I know nothing about. I have no idea what you are referring to here. If you'd like to post a link, I'll read it and I'll give you my thoughts on it.

I might even light a candle for you if you post a link...:lol:
Hey cocksucker what about the American who was killed by Israel and shot 9 times in the head? What should we tell their family?

Unlike idiot liberal dumbocrats, I don't comment on things I know nothing about. I have no idea what you are referring to here. If you'd like to post a link, I'll read it and I'll give you my thoughts on it.

I might even light a candle for you if you post a link...:lol:

The flotilla you dont remember that? You seem so concerned about American lives so how about the american life that was taken away by Israel? 9 bullets in the head
An American Ambassador dead is a big freaking deal.

I do think board reactions are a bit overboard as it appears the Libyan government is cooperating in hunting down the bastards that did this and we know that some of the ordinary people in Libya tried to get the Ambassador help. This was likely the work of some extremists that we WILL hunt down and kill. This isn't a sign that Libya is some evil empire. I'd rank Pakistan as a higher threat even with this in play.

Our Embassies are our land.. They attacked the United States of America and killed our citizens. An out right act of War. Fuck them.. push the button.

Just like you consider their embassies here in the U.S. "their land"...?
Hey cocksucker what about the American who was killed by Israel and shot 9 times in the head? What should we tell their family?

Unlike idiot liberal dumbocrats, I don't comment on things I know nothing about. I have no idea what you are referring to here. If you'd like to post a link, I'll read it and I'll give you my thoughts on it.

I might even light a candle for you if you post a link...:lol:

Liberals only care about one thing. FREE SHIT.. They'll say or not say anything to protect it. Even at the cost of our own citizens. They suck, I'd like to shove a copy of the Constitution down there throats.
An American Ambassador dead is a big freaking deal.

I do think board reactions are a bit overboard as it appears the Libyan government is cooperating in hunting down the bastards that did this and we know that some of the ordinary people in Libya tried to get the Ambassador help. This was likely the work of some extremists that we WILL hunt down and kill. This isn't a sign that Libya is some evil empire. I'd rank Pakistan as a higher threat even with this in play.

Our Embassies are our land.. They attacked the United States of America and killed our citizens. An out right act of War. Fuck them.. push the button.

Right now it's an act of war by a non-state entity. Trust in this, they will be found and killed. There's no evidence the Libyan government was behind it, and if anything there's every reason to believe they're not. If it does turn out they were involved, that is a whole different game. That is an act of war and should be dealt with in kind.
With all the fucking seething anger, and rage filled violent fantasies of nuclear armageddon Rottweiler, I only have to say I hope you stroke out or something very soon. In some fashion or another, I hope you leave this world soon so it can be a little bit more safe for the rest of us. We do not need your horrific dreams inflicted upon our world. Same goes for anybody else who feels the same way you do.

So kill yourself, get yourself killed(maybe suicide by cop?) or something.

That's the rest I have to say on this topic.

God Bless you cow! I will pray for you. You need it more than anyone I know. Never seen anyone fly off the handle like you do. You are in such a tizzy, you actually sound like the ranting Adolf Hitler in all of those old black & white films of him. Anyone who doesn't agree with your communism should die! Yeah, you would be one SCARY S.O.B. if you had any kind of charisma. Luckily for the planet, you don't. Cow - the new Adolf Hitler. If you don't believe in my communism, you die!

God Bless.....
An American Ambassador dead is a big freaking deal.

I do think board reactions are a bit overboard as it appears the Libyan government is cooperating in hunting down the bastards that did this and we know that some of the ordinary people in Libya tried to get the Ambassador help. This was likely the work of some extremists that we WILL hunt down and kill. This isn't a sign that Libya is some evil empire. I'd rank Pakistan as a higher threat even with this in play.

Our Embassies are our land.. They attacked the United States of America and killed our citizens. An out right act of War. Fuck them.. push the button.

Right now it's an act of war by a non-state entity. Trust in this, they will be found and killed. There's no evidence the Libyan government was behind it, and if anything there's every reason to believe they're not. If it does turn out they were involved, that is a whole different game. That is an act of war and should be dealt with in kind.

They did nothing to stop it. and they knew it was going to happen.. Fuck them.
With all the fucking seething anger, and rage filled violent fantasies of nuclear armageddon Rottweiler, I only have to say I hope you stroke out or something very soon. In some fashion or another, I hope you leave this world soon so it can be a little bit more safe for the rest of us. We do not need your horrific dreams inflicted upon our world. Same goes for anybody else who feels the same way you do.

That's the rest I have to say on this topic.

I edited your post/quote.. Those are strong words.. Take them out. Seriously.

Fuck that. I'm not taking shit out. You have this fucking moron calling for an extermination of over 2 billion people in the world, and that's only if he's the most fucking precise killer in all of history.

He can go cut his throat right now and have it spray out onto his keyboard and monitor and then burn in hell(hopefully but probably will not happen). That would be the best for this world.

I know I said my previous post was the last, but this one really is. You people are fucking disgusting human beings.

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