Time to solve the muslim problem

Hey cocksucker what about the American who was killed by Israel and shot 9 times in the head? What should we tell their family?

Unlike idiot liberal dumbocrats, I don't comment on things I know nothing about. I have no idea what you are referring to here. If you'd like to post a link, I'll read it and I'll give you my thoughts on it.

I might even light a candle for you if you post a link...:lol:

Liberals only care about one thing. FREE SHIT.. They'll say or not say anything to protect it. Even at the cost of our own citizens. They suck, I'd like to shove a copy of the Constitution down there throats.

That's not entirely true... the care about lighting candles!

Well, so long as both the candle and the lighter are free. So I guess you were right after all copsnrobbers....
With all the fucking seething anger, and rage filled violent fantasies of nuclear armageddon Rottweiler, I only have to say I hope you stroke out or something very soon. In some fashion or another, I hope you leave this world soon so it can be a little bit more safe for the rest of us. We do not need your horrific dreams inflicted upon our world. Same goes for anybody else who feels the same way you do.

That's the rest I have to say on this topic.

I edited your post/quote.. Those are strong words.. Take them out. Seriously.

Fuck that. I'm not taking shit out. You have this fucking moron calling for an extermination of over 2 billion people in the world, and that's only if he's the most fucking precise killer in all of history.

He can go cut his throat right now and have it spray out onto his keyboard and monitor and then burn in hell(hopefully but probably will not happen). That would be the best for this world.

I know I said my previous post was the last, but this one really is. You people are fucking disgusting human beings.

LMAO!!! He tells people to commit suicide, step in front of automobiles, slit their throat so the blood sprays on their keyboard, die from cancer, and rot in hell, but we're the "disgusting human beings". ROTFLMFAO!!!!

Hey Cow, the irony is so thick, I could "eat it with a SPOON".... :lol:

Damn, I can't remember the last time I laughed this hard.
Unlike idiot liberal dumbocrats, I don't comment on things I know nothing about. I have no idea what you are referring to here. If you'd like to post a link, I'll read it and I'll give you my thoughts on it.

I might even light a candle for you if you post a link...:lol:

Liberals only care about one thing. FREE SHIT.. They'll say or not say anything to protect it. Even at the cost of our own citizens. They suck, I'd like to shove a copy of the Constitution down there throats.

That's not entirely true... the care about lighting candles!

Well, so long as both the candle and the lighter are free. So I guess you were right after all copsnrobbers....

Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie.. Yes, they say, I'll look the other way. Serious Losers..
I know I said my previous post was the last, but this one really is. You people are fucking disgusting human beings.

Jesus, this guy really is the unhinged Adolf Hitler. Not only death to anyone who doesn't agree with him, but also he can't even control himself.

How sad and unhinged do you have to be to say you're not discussing anymore, then come back and say "I know I said my last post would be my last one, but this one REALLY is my last one"... :lol:
We do need to change the way we deal with radicals. As it is, we're expected to appease the Muslims when someone disagrees with them. The slightest insult causes bloodshed. They must look for ways to be insulted and the media is always helpful when they report koran burnings and such.

As it is now, we have zero tolerance for people who think Islam is oppressive. The guy who made the video is being investigated by the feds just because he insulted a religion. It's not the first time religions have been condemned by filmmakers, but the other religions were able to handle it without murdering innocent people.
I edited your post/quote.. Those are strong words.. Take them out. Seriously.

Fuck that. I'm not taking shit out. You have this fucking moron calling for an extermination of over 2 billion people in the world, and that's only if he's the most fucking precise killer in all of history.

He can go cut his throat right now and have it spray out onto his keyboard and monitor and then burn in hell(hopefully but probably will not happen). That would be the best for this world.

I know I said my previous post was the last, but this one really is. You people are fucking disgusting human beings.

LMAO!!! He tells people to commit suicide, step in front of automobiles, slit their throat so the blood sprays on their keyboard, die from cancer, and rot in hell, but we're the "disgusting human beings". ROTFLMFAO!!!!

Hey Cow, the irony is so thick, I could "eat it with a SPOON".... :lol:

Damn, I can't remember the last time I laughed this hard.

A seriously poor post.. Not to smart. People have been charged for manslaughter for saying such things if the receiver does any such thing. Inciting such a disgusting suggestion isn't very intelligent. Case law stands.
you actually sound like the ranting Adolf Hitler in all of those old black & white films of him.

The people calling for genocide against Islam sound like Hitler more than those who oppose genocide.

Uh, self-defense is not "genocide". Nice try though.

Cow wants people to die for disagreeing with him.

I want people to as a deterrence after 100 years of killing American's.

You can attempt to twist it all you want, you still lose the argument.
Rottweiler -

Actually, Hitler used the self-defense line as well. Now you sound even more fascist.

You want Muslims to die because you are a racist. There is no other reason. If it wan't muslims it would be communists, the Japanese, blacks, gays....the target carely matters, does it?
You're a fucking mental dumbass....wow you absolutely don't car about anyone's lives but using it to vent your hate...and your OP shows your meltdown....

Eat shit nazi

Awwww... is the little girl upset because I exposed her for the insensitive little bitch that she is? Because I pointed out how she said "it's only 4 lives - you're a NAZI to have a REACTION to only 4 lives".

Tell you what sweetie - don't cry. Just go light a candle. Everything will be ok after that! :lol:

You moron that's not me in the avatar...I'm a man faggot

All that rant and you're still an antisemetic nazi cocksucker

You're a "man" and you "arrange candle vigils"?!?! ROTFLMFAO!!!! God damn, this just keeps getting better and better. I've got tears in my eyes I'm laughing so hard.

Trust me, you are NOT a man if you're spending your time lighting candles... :lol:
Hey cocksucker what do we tell the family of the American citizen who got shot 9 times in the head by Israel?
I'll be back tomorrow to further discuss with friends and beat down liberals, hopefully they'll see the light.

Hey cocksucker what do we tell the family of the American citizen who got shot 9 times in the head by Israel?

As I said to you before....

Unlike idiot liberal dumbocrats, I don't comment on things I know nothing about. I have no idea what you are referring to here. If you'd like to post a link, I'll read it and I'll give you my thoughts on it.

I might even light a candle for you if you post a link...:lol:
Hey cocksucker what do we tell the family of the American citizen who got shot 9 times in the head by Israel?

As I said to you before....

Unlike idiot liberal dumbocrats, I don't comment on things I know nothing about. I have no idea what you are referring to here. If you'd like to post a link, I'll read it and I'll give you my thoughts on it.

I might even light a candle for you if you post a link...:lol:

American teenager among those killed in Israeli raid of aid flotilla
Awwww... is the little girl upset because I exposed her for the insensitive little bitch that she is? Because I pointed out how she said "it's only 4 lives - you're a NAZI to have a REACTION to only 4 lives".

Tell you what sweetie - don't cry. Just go light a candle. Everything will be ok after that! :lol:

You moron that's not me in the avatar...I'm a man faggot

All that rant and you're still an antisemetic nazi cocksucker

You're a "man" and you "arrange candle vigils"?!?! ROTFLMFAO!!!! God damn, this just keeps getting better and better. I've got tears in my eyes I'm laughing so hard.

Trust me, you are NOT a man if you're spending your time lighting candles... :lol:

"You're not a man if you're spending your time lighting candles................."

Well...............based on that statement, you know shit about romance.................

Got news for you..................if you're a male and can't get laid because of bullshit stereotypes, you're not a man.

How's it feel to be a boy, Rott Smeller?

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