Time to Stop the Anti-Muslim Talk

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for king

exactly the beta cuck you always have been

View attachment 250354

Do you need a safe room and puppy to hug as you dream of unicorns and rainbows?



Listen, Derpy Eagle - leave the adult chats to the adults and go post your autistic youtube videos and type your creepy facial expressions with some of the nursing home ladies that might find it cute. Here in big boy world it's just some grandma's basement type of shit.

View attachment 250356

So when you can't debate the subject you resort to spitting and personal attacks to make up for your manhood.

Progressives never change. They spit and throw bottles and bricks on returning military who have orders not to engage when returning from places like Viet Nam. All because progressives think they're more educated and evolved than those not of their mindset as they scream for more free shit to be provided.

Sorry I'm only a Son Of Martha to be spit on by such a special person as you and your progressive kin.



You're an over the hill, angry and desperate old man that sprints to the internet to try and be keyboard brave...go outside, dude. ***creepysmiiiiiile/youtube****

View attachment 250362

If a war evolves out of all of this I hope you're on the top of draft list beta cuk.



Um, according to your fellow kooks, there's already a war and ...

oh look, you're on the internet instead of fighting it.


When the muslim hordes arrive, GT will be found wearing a turban and washing camel balls,
He must be French.

Pupps would rather have a knife yielding muslim in front of him than GT behind him with a condom...nomsayn?


you talk about yourself in the first person and play a dog on the internet.
clinton barking - Bing video
You're a thinker that assumes Hillary Clinton barking makes it any less pathetic that a grown ass man plays a puppy on the internet and talks in the 1st person?

Alright! :thup:

The collective i.q. of this website is amazing!

Just remember: Your IQ is included in that collective. ;)
When the muslims over run us, who will you report to?

When the muslim hordes arrive, GT will be found wearing a turban and washing camel balls,
You angry old men are pathetic, seriously....you really think you're being invaded and your reaction is to sit your ass on the internet like any other day and just talk about it.

What makes you think that’s all we’re doing?
What’s worse...sitting your ass on the internet bitching about being invaded or sitting your fat ass on the internet defending the invaders?
I don't think you're functionally reasonable.

I'm not defending any invader - I'm saying there isn't one. That was already spelled out for you, future-shooter.

Thanks for the address, that’s very flattering.
So with 12-40 million illegals present, as much as 1/3 of our population present by illegal means, $22 trillion in debt, a middle class that can’t save a penny or afford healthcare, a cultural divide never seen before, politicians spending most of their time working for illegal foreigners, Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets we don’t have an invasion affecting the workings of this once great nation?
At what point will you twisted fucks consider it an invasion?
When cucks get off the internet and do something about it - as opposed to politicians and citizens in actual border towns even arguing with each other if it's a problem.
This guy gets it

Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.

CNN will talk about it for month for sure when it's a attack against the westerner by the muslims preacher we barely know what going on .

The US has yet to vet any mosques here, AFAIK. France closed over 100 mosques down after doing so, and France is less than the size of Texas.
Last edited:
He must be French.

Pupps would rather have a knife yielding muslim in front of him than GT behind him with a condom...nomsayn?


you talk about yourself in the first person and play a dog on the internet.
clinton barking - Bing video
You're a thinker that assumes Hillary Clinton barking makes it any less pathetic that a grown ass man plays a puppy on the internet and talks in the 1st person?

Alright! :thup:

The collective i.q. of this website is amazing!

Just remember: Your IQ is included in that collective. ;)
Totes, and without me I'm afraid of the % decrease per capita...because if there's ever actually any i.q. tests for voting, me leaving this site would likely damn you all! :eek::eek::eek::eek:
View attachment 250354

Do you need a safe room and puppy to hug as you dream of unicorns and rainbows?



Listen, Derpy Eagle - leave the adult chats to the adults and go post your autistic youtube videos and type your creepy facial expressions with some of the nursing home ladies that might find it cute. Here in big boy world it's just some grandma's basement type of shit.

View attachment 250356

So when you can't debate the subject you resort to spitting and personal attacks to make up for your manhood.

Progressives never change. They spit and throw bottles and bricks on returning military who have orders not to engage when returning from places like Viet Nam. All because progressives think they're more educated and evolved than those not of their mindset as they scream for more free shit to be provided.

Sorry I'm only a Son Of Martha to be spit on by such a special person as you and your progressive kin.



You're an over the hill, angry and desperate old man that sprints to the internet to try and be keyboard brave...go outside, dude. ***creepysmiiiiiile/youtube****

View attachment 250362

If a war evolves out of all of this I hope you're on the top of draft list beta cuk.



Um, according to your fellow kooks, there's already a war and ...

oh look, you're on the internet instead of fighting it.



Of course there is a war between Islamic culture and western culture. You can't see it?
Germany: Muslim migrant crimes concealed to prevent “prejudice” - Geller Report
When the muslim hordes arrive, GT will be found wearing a turban and washing camel balls,
He must be French.

Pupps would rather have a knife yielding muslim in front of him than GT behind him with a condom...nomsayn?


you talk about yourself in the first person and play a dog on the internet.
clinton barking - Bing video
You're a thinker that assumes Hillary Clinton barking makes it any less pathetic that a grown ass man plays a puppy on the internet and talks in the 1st person?

Alright! :thup:

The collective i.q. of this website is amazing!

For Christ sake, quit dragging the collective I.Q. down.
Pupps would rather have a knife yielding muslim in front of him than GT behind him with a condom...nomsayn?


you talk about yourself in the first person and play a dog on the internet.
clinton barking - Bing video
You're a thinker that assumes Hillary Clinton barking makes it any less pathetic that a grown ass man plays a puppy on the internet and talks in the 1st person?

Alright! :thup:

The collective i.q. of this website is amazing!

Just remember: Your IQ is included in that collective. ;)
Totes, and without me I'm afraid of the % decrease per capita...because if there's ever actually any i.q. tests for voting, me leaving this site would likely damn you all! :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Yes it would, we would be damn elated.


you talk about yourself in the first person and play a dog on the internet.
clinton barking - Bing video
You're a thinker that assumes Hillary Clinton barking makes it any less pathetic that a grown ass man plays a puppy on the internet and talks in the 1st person?

Alright! :thup:

The collective i.q. of this website is amazing!

Just remember: Your IQ is included in that collective. ;)
Totes, and without me I'm afraid of the % decrease per capita...because if there's ever actually any i.q. tests for voting, me leaving this site would likely damn you all! :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Yes it would, we would be damn elated.
Who are you, and why are you suddenly attached to my nuts? Go somewhere, goof...
View attachment 250354

Do you need a safe room and puppy to hug as you dream of unicorns and rainbows?



Listen, Derpy Eagle - leave the adult chats to the adults and go post your autistic youtube videos and type your creepy facial expressions with some of the nursing home ladies that might find it cute. Here in big boy world it's just some grandma's basement type of shit.

View attachment 250356

So when you can't debate the subject you resort to spitting and personal attacks to make up for your manhood.

Progressives never change. They spit and throw bottles and bricks on returning military who have orders not to engage when returning from places like Viet Nam. All because progressives think they're more educated and evolved than those not of their mindset as they scream for more free shit to be provided.

Sorry I'm only a Son Of Martha to be spit on by such a special person as you and your progressive kin.



You're an over the hill, angry and desperate old man that sprints to the internet to try and be keyboard brave...go outside, dude. ***creepysmiiiiiile/youtube****

View attachment 250362

If a war evolves out of all of this I hope you're on the top of draft list beta cuk.



Um, according to your fellow kooks, there's already a war and ...

oh look, you're on the internet instead of fighting it.




It would take an act of Congress, and that's only after the draft of young eligible men/women like you and the recall of those currently in inactive status.


View attachment 250354

Do you need a safe room and puppy to hug as you dream of unicorns and rainbows?



Listen, Derpy Eagle - leave the adult chats to the adults and go post your autistic youtube videos and type your creepy facial expressions with some of the nursing home ladies that might find it cute. Here in big boy world it's just some grandma's basement type of shit.

View attachment 250356

So when you can't debate the subject you resort to spitting and personal attacks to make up for your manhood.

Progressives never change. They spit and throw bottles and bricks on returning military who have orders not to engage when returning from places like Viet Nam. All because progressives think they're more educated and evolved than those not of their mindset as they scream for more free shit to be provided.

Sorry I'm only a Son Of Martha to be spit on by such a special person as you and your progressive kin.



You're an over the hill, angry and desperate old man that sprints to the internet to try and be keyboard brave...go outside, dude. ***creepysmiiiiiile/youtube****

View attachment 250362

If a war evolves out of all of this I hope you're on the top of draft list beta cuk.



Um, according to your fellow kooks, there's already a war and ...

oh look, you're on the internet instead of fighting it.



The bear is still just twitching in its sleep while stupid fuckers poke it.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.

Most of the anti Muslim talk on this board lately is coming from Democrats is their support of the anti semitism of Omar in an attempt to squelch any criticism of her anti semitism but preposterously trying to make the the viction in her attacks on Jews and other American supporters of good US-Israel relations.
Listen, Derpy Eagle - leave the adult chats to the adults and go post your autistic youtube videos and type your creepy facial expressions with some of the nursing home ladies that might find it cute. Here in big boy world it's just some grandma's basement type of shit.

View attachment 250356

So when you can't debate the subject you resort to spitting and personal attacks to make up for your manhood.

Progressives never change. They spit and throw bottles and bricks on returning military who have orders not to engage when returning from places like Viet Nam. All because progressives think they're more educated and evolved than those not of their mindset as they scream for more free shit to be provided.

Sorry I'm only a Son Of Martha to be spit on by such a special person as you and your progressive kin.



You're an over the hill, angry and desperate old man that sprints to the internet to try and be keyboard brave...go outside, dude. ***creepysmiiiiiile/youtube****

View attachment 250362

If a war evolves out of all of this I hope you're on the top of draft list beta cuk.



Um, according to your fellow kooks, there's already a war and ...

oh look, you're on the internet instead of fighting it.




It would take an act of Congress, and that's only after the draft of young eligible men/women like you and the recall of those currently in inactive status.



:lol: i wonder how long before you realize that you just said that for you to fight for your beliefs would require an act of congress...

and you go ahead and edit.

One end telling the other end to stop the hate. Holy shit.

The intellectual myopia of partisan zombies is absolutely breathtaking.
your schtick is so obsessive dude. put the soapbox away
And your obsession with me is getting pretty creepy.

If you don't like my posts, tough shit.

You run cover for the right on this board. Have you read the comments? In what world is the right and left equal?
Funny, right wingers say the opposite about me.

Are these the same right wingers that agree with the shooters manifesto? Or blame the Muslims for getting themselves murdered by white supremacists? Shocking they get upset when you compare their actions to liberals. Sometimes Mac you just need to think for yourself.

You left wingers and the right wingers are so similar in your behaviors it's hilarious.

You mean like posting acceptance of a mass shooter's manifesto? Or calling for the murder of millions? Or the constant threat of variances of "we have the guns, just waiting for the right time". Is that where the right and left are the same?

Or are the right and left the same the way you are. They don't listen to each other and neither side is willing to give an inch in their beliefs, you're just the same. No matter that I point out to you one side is calling for violence or a violent revolution and the other is not you still think both sides are the same. You will never change your story because you are as guilty as you claim the right and left are.

Better yet, neither one of you sees HOW similar.

I see both sides similar as much as we are all human, political in nature and want to be right. Again, that's a human trait, something you share but are incapable of realizing you're guilty of the same crime.
Listen, Derpy Eagle - leave the adult chats to the adults and go post your autistic youtube videos and type your creepy facial expressions with some of the nursing home ladies that might find it cute. Here in big boy world it's just some grandma's basement type of shit.

View attachment 250356

So when you can't debate the subject you resort to spitting and personal attacks to make up for your manhood.

Progressives never change. They spit and throw bottles and bricks on returning military who have orders not to engage when returning from places like Viet Nam. All because progressives think they're more educated and evolved than those not of their mindset as they scream for more free shit to be provided.

Sorry I'm only a Son Of Martha to be spit on by such a special person as you and your progressive kin.



You're an over the hill, angry and desperate old man that sprints to the internet to try and be keyboard brave...go outside, dude. ***creepysmiiiiiile/youtube****

View attachment 250362

If a war evolves out of all of this I hope you're on the top of draft list beta cuk.



Um, according to your fellow kooks, there's already a war and ...

oh look, you're on the internet instead of fighting it.



The bear is still just twitching in its sleep while stupid fuckers poke it.

Exactly - bears dont run to the internet to whine about pokes.
One end telling the other end to stop the hate. Holy shit.

The intellectual myopia of partisan zombies is absolutely breathtaking.
your schtick is so obsessive dude. put the soapbox away
And your obsession with me is getting pretty creepy.

If you don't like my posts, tough shit.

You run cover for the right on this board. Have you read the comments? In what world is the right and left equal?
Funny, right wingers say the opposite about me.

Are these the same right wingers that agree with the shooters manifesto? Or blame the Muslims for getting themselves murdered by white supremacists? Shocking they get upset when you compare their actions to liberals. Sometimes Mac you just need to think for yourself.

You left wingers and the right wingers are so similar in your behaviors it's hilarious.

You mean like posting acceptance of a mass shooter's manifesto? Or calling for the murder of millions? Or the constant threat of variances of "we have the guns, just waiting for the right time". Is that where the right and left are the same?

Or are the right and left the same the way you are. They don't listen to each other and neither side is willing to give an inch in their beliefs, you're just the same. No matter that I point out to you one side is calling for violence or a violent revolution and the other is not you still think both sides are the same. You will never change your story because you are as guilty as you claim the right and left are.

Better yet, neither one of you sees HOW similar.

I see both sides similar as much as we are all human, political in nature and want to be right. Again, that's a human trait, something you share but are incapable of realizing you're guilty of the same crime.
Okay, everything is their fault. Those guys, over there.

Happy now? Good.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.

Most of the anti Muslim talk on this board lately is coming from Democrats is their support of the anti semitism of Omar in an attempt to squelch any criticism of her anti semitism but preposterously trying to make the the viction in her attacks on Jews and other American supporters of good US-Israel relations.

Al-righty then! :uhoh3:

I'm upstairs, aren't I?
your schtick is so obsessive dude. put the soapbox away
And your obsession with me is getting pretty creepy.

If you don't like my posts, tough shit.

You run cover for the right on this board. Have you read the comments? In what world is the right and left equal?
Funny, right wingers say the opposite about me.

Are these the same right wingers that agree with the shooters manifesto? Or blame the Muslims for getting themselves murdered by white supremacists? Shocking they get upset when you compare their actions to liberals. Sometimes Mac you just need to think for yourself.

You left wingers and the right wingers are so similar in your behaviors it's hilarious.

You mean like posting acceptance of a mass shooter's manifesto? Or calling for the murder of millions? Or the constant threat of variances of "we have the guns, just waiting for the right time". Is that where the right and left are the same?

Or are the right and left the same the way you are. They don't listen to each other and neither side is willing to give an inch in their beliefs, you're just the same. No matter that I point out to you one side is calling for violence or a violent revolution and the other is not you still think both sides are the same. You will never change your story because you are as guilty as you claim the right and left are.

Better yet, neither one of you sees HOW similar.

I see both sides similar as much as we are all human, political in nature and want to be right. Again, that's a human trait, something you share but are incapable of realizing you're guilty of the same crime.
Okay, everything is their fault. Those guys, over there.

Happy now? Good.

Not at all what I said. But thanks for another post from you unwilling to even think about modifying your own position. Again, exactly what you blame the right and left equally for.
You're a thinker that assumes Hillary Clinton barking makes it any less pathetic that a grown ass man plays a puppy on the internet and talks in the 1st person?

Alright! :thup:

The collective i.q. of this website is amazing!

Just remember: Your IQ is included in that collective. ;)
Totes, and without me I'm afraid of the % decrease per capita...because if there's ever actually any i.q. tests for voting, me leaving this site would likely damn you all! :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Yes it would, we would be damn elated.
Who are you, and why are you suddenly attached to my nuts? Go somewhere, goof...

I could be your worst nightmare....dumbass.
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