Time to Stop the Anti-Muslim Talk

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What I find funny is that when the Saudis killed that journalist, all of you libs wanted Trump to go to war with Saudi Arabia.

No ONE...repeat NO ONE...said that. And yes the insanity of the Saudi regime was mentioned. Their religion was not the issue

wrong, there was many liberals calling for punishing the Saudis for this. many of them on this message board. Many on left wing media. The Saudi regime is based on islam, their law is the Koran, their king is the leader of the religion.. Just like Iran those countries are religious based. No other religion is tolerated or allowed to exist within their borders.

There were calls to break off diplomatic relations with SA, stop selling them military hardware, put sanctions on them. None of that was based on anything except Trump-hate. Your entire party has one issue, destroy Trump, and if the country is destroyed at the same time, you don't give a shit.
Those calls for sanctions and breaking off diplomatic relations or at least CONDEMNING THE TORTURE AND MURDER of a dissident journalist were based on a respect for human rights. Had nothing to do with SA's official religion. At least not until some of the right wingers here turned it into that.
But you digress. My apologies for following.

As far as Scalise...I was saying then what I am saying now. Do not assign guilt to a group for what one some person did.

And I hold that for this thread as well. I do NOT blame "all white people". Not even close. But those who are White Supremacists and spout anti-Muslim sentiment? Absolutely. That needs to stop before more people die needlessly
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over 3000 were killed on 9/11 by muslims in the name of Islam. the number killed by right wing idiots is not even close to that.

So you ignore Oklahoma City and the Atlanta bomber and THIS attack in NZ and all the other right wing and white supremacist murders?


no, those were all terrible, but we need to keep in in perspective, muslims have killed many more Christians and jews than Christians and jews have killed muslims. its not a political ideology war, its a religious war and Islam has declared war on the rest of the world's religions, until the world accepts that fact, the killings will continue.

why no news reports on the 130 Christians killed by muslims in Africa this week? Why the pro-muslim bias in the media? Why cant they just report the truth and all of it? Why must the media take sides? and always against the only country in which they could exist?
But you digress. My apologies for following.

As far as Scalise...I was then what I am saying now. Do not assign guilt to a group for one some person did.

And I hold that for this thread as well. I do NOT blame "all white people". Not even close. But those who are White Supremacists and spout anti-Muslim sentiment? Absolutely. That needs to stop before more people die needlessly

why don't you also say that all muslims calling for the death of Christians and jews must stop? Can you say that?
As long as the wings of our political spectrum refuse to honestly admit to, and effectively address, the sins of their own tribe, this decay will continue.

And it will always be "the other guy's fault".

failing to recognize that this was started by the muslims calling for jihad against all non muslims is worse than refusing to take responsibility for a few radical assholes on the right.
As long as the wings of our political spectrum refuse to honestly admit to, and effectively address, the sins of their own tribe, this decay will continue.

And it will always be "the other guy's fault".
Wait. Tribe? So you want to condemn all white folks for what the White Nationalist have done? I don't
As long as the wings of our political spectrum refuse to honestly admit to, and effectively address, the sins of their own tribe, this decay will continue.

And it will always be "the other guy's fault".

failing to recognize that this was started by the muslims calling for jihad against all non muslims is worse than refusing to take responsibility for a few radical assholes on the right.
Those people in Christchurch called for nothing of the kind
As long as the wings of our political spectrum refuse to honestly admit to, and effectively address, the sins of their own tribe, this decay will continue.

And it will always be "the other guy's fault".

failing to recognize that this was started by the muslims calling for jihad against all non muslims is worse than refusing to take responsibility for a few radical assholes on the right.
There's no way for anyone to know which side of this story has more "radical assholes" by percentage than the other.

And it's irrelevant. Neither end of this discussion is willing to clean its own house before condemning the other.
As long as the wings of our political spectrum refuse to honestly admit to, and effectively address, the sins of their own tribe, this decay will continue.

And it will always be "the other guy's fault".
Wait. Tribe? So you want to condemn all white folks for what the White Nationalist have done? I don't
Nope. The difference between you and I is that I can see and understand both ends of this issue.
What I find funny is that when the Saudis killed that journalist, all of you libs wanted Trump to go to war with Saudi Arabia.

No ONE...repeat NO ONE...said that. And yes the insanity of the Saudi regime was mentioned. Their religion was not the issue

wrong, there was many liberals calling for punishing the Saudis for this. many of them on this message board. Many on left wing media. The Saudi regime is based on islam, their law is the Koran, their king is the leader of the religion.. Just like Iran those countries are religious based. No other religion is tolerated or allowed to exist within their borders.

There were calls to break off diplomatic relations with SA, stop selling them military hardware, put sanctions on them. None of that was based on anything except Trump-hate. Your entire party has one issue, destroy Trump, and if the country is destroyed at the same time, you don't give a shit.
Those calls for sanctions and breaking off diplomatic relations or at least CONDEMNING THE TORTURE AND MURDER of a dissident journalist were based on a respect for human rights. Had nothing to do with SA's official religion. At least not until some of the right wingers here turned it into that.

what I find funny is that you libs never say anything about the thousands of Christians and jews killed by muslims in Africa, the black slaves kept by muslims in the mid east and Africa. Why do you refuse to condemn human rights abuses by muslims and scream about made up ones by everyone else?
There's no way for anyone to know which side of this story has more "racial assholes" by percentage than the other.

And it's irrelevant. Neither end of this discussion is willing to clean its own house before condemning the other.

What does that even mean? Who are you talking about?
There's no way for anyone to know which side of this story has more "racial assholes" by percentage than the other.

And it's irrelevant. Neither end of this discussion is willing to clean its own house before condemning the other.

What does that even mean? Who are you talking about?
Um. The American Left and the American Right.

I really had to say that?
Nope. The difference between you and I is that I can see and understand both ends of this issue.

You understand the Islamophobic hate speech that led to this horror?

That's on you
As long as the wings of our political spectrum refuse to honestly admit to, and effectively address, the sins of their own tribe, this decay will continue.

And it will always be "the other guy's fault".

failing to recognize that this was started by the muslims calling for jihad against all non muslims is worse than refusing to take responsibility for a few radical assholes on the right.
There's no way for anyone to know which side of this story has more "radical assholes" by percentage than the other.

And it's irrelevant. Neither end of this discussion is willing to clean its own house before condemning the other.

some truth in that. But the muslims started this shit. Going back to the middle ages, the Crusades were started to stop the muslim takeover of Africa and Europe. its still going on today, its part of muslim religion and culture. Why are you unable to acknowledge that historical fact?
It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.


Nope. The difference between you and I is that I can see and understand both ends of this issue.

You understand the Islamophobic hate speech that led to this horror?

That's on you

I think radicalized Muslims murdering and oppressing people all over the world is what led to this horror, but that's just me.
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