Time to Stop the Anti-Muslim Talk

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As long as the wings of our political spectrum refuse to honestly admit to, and effectively address, the sins of their own tribe, this decay will continue.

And it will always be "the other guy's fault".
Wait. Tribe? So you want to condemn all white folks for what the White Nationalist have done? I don't

whom do you condemn. BTW--- "muslim" does not mean "colored" or
"black" or "person of color" I know LOTS of Iranian and arab muslims who
would be HORRIFED to know you consider them "non-white" folk------in fact,
Indians and Pakistanis too. The "person of color" thing is the NEW
FRAUD that bypassed even the "Palestinian" BS
As long as the wings of our political spectrum refuse to honestly admit to, and effectively address, the sins of their own tribe, this decay will continue.

And it will always be "the other guy's fault".

failing to recognize that this was started by the muslims calling for jihad against all non muslims is worse than refusing to take responsibility for a few radical assholes on the right.
There's no way for anyone to know which side of this story has more "radical assholes" by percentage than the other.

And it's irrelevant. Neither end of this discussion is willing to clean its own house before condemning the other.
-------------------------------------- isn't it Religious as opposed to Racial Mac .
Um. The American Left and the American Right.

I really had to say that?

WTF are you talking about. This is not a left v right issue.

It's about basic human decency.

Murdering innocent people is NOT debatable among sane people
As long as the wings of our political spectrum refuse to honestly admit to, and effectively address, the sins of their own tribe, this decay will continue.

And it will always be "the other guy's fault".

failing to recognize that this was started by the muslims calling for jihad against all non muslims is worse than refusing to take responsibility for a few radical assholes on the right.
There's no way for anyone to know which side of this story has more "radical assholes" by percentage than the other.

And it's irrelevant. Neither end of this discussion is willing to clean its own house before condemning the other.

some truth in that. But the muslims started this shit. Going back to the middle ages, the Crusades were started to stop the muslim takeover of Africa and Europe. its still going on today, its part of muslim religion and culture. Why are you unable to acknowledge that historical fact?
I've never tried to deny that. Nor do I try to deny the Crusades when a Regressive Lefty deflects to them.

But what matters are behaviors now.
Um. The American Left and the American Right.

I really had to say that?

WTF are you talking about. This is not a left v right issue.

It's about basic human decency.

Murdering innocent people is NOT debatable among sane people
Correct. And I'm sure you have examples of you getting this angry after a jihadist attack.

Link, please.
As long as the wings of our political spectrum refuse to honestly admit to, and effectively address, the sins of their own tribe, this decay will continue.

And it will always be "the other guy's fault".

failing to recognize that this was started by the muslims calling for jihad against all non muslims is worse than refusing to take responsibility for a few radical assholes on the right.
There's no way for anyone to know which side of this story has more "radical assholes" by percentage than the other.

And it's irrelevant. Neither end of this discussion is willing to clean its own house before condemning the other.
-------------------------------------- isn't it Religious as opposed to Racial Mac .
My fault, I meant "radical" and fixed it.

Um. The American Left and the American Right.

I really had to say that?

WTF are you talking about. This is not a left v right issue.

It's about basic human decency.

Murdering innocent people is NOT debatable among sane people
Correct. And I'm sure you have examples of you getting this angry after a jihadist attack.

Link, please.

Soft racism of low expectations.
Um. The American Left and the American Right.

I really had to say that?

WTF are you talking about. This is not a left v right issue.

It's about basic human decency.

Murdering innocent people is NOT debatable among sane people

absolutely fricken right! But who started it? Which religion teaches its followers to conquer all others? which condones lying and cheating in order to take control? which side does antifa belong to? which side does BLM belong to? which side attacks people because of a hat? which side blocks free speech on colleges? which side bribes officials to get their kids in elite schools? which side gives debate questions in advance to their candidates?
What I find funny is that when the Saudis killed that journalist, all of you libs wanted Trump to go to war with Saudi Arabia.

No ONE...repeat NO ONE...said that. And yes the insanity of the Saudi regime was mentioned. Their religion was not the issue

wrong, there was many liberals calling for punishing the Saudis for this. many of them on this message board. Many on left wing media. The Saudi regime is based on islam, their law is the Koran, their king is the leader of the religion.. Just like Iran those countries are religious based. No other religion is tolerated or allowed to exist within their borders.

There were calls to break off diplomatic relations with SA, stop selling them military hardware, put sanctions on them. None of that was based on anything except Trump-hate. Your entire party has one issue, destroy Trump, and if the country is destroyed at the same time, you don't give a shit.
Those calls for sanctions and breaking off diplomatic relations or at least CONDEMNING THE TORTURE AND MURDER of a dissident journalist were based on a respect for human rights. Had nothing to do with SA's official religion. At least not until some of the right wingers here turned it into that.

what I find funny is that you libs never say anything about the thousands of Christians and jews killed by muslims in Africa, the black slaves kept by muslims in the mid east and Africa. Why do you refuse to condemn human rights abuses by muslims and scream about made up ones by everyone else?

Silly!!! because the mention of slavery and black oppression in
muslim countries is not MOSQUE LIKE-----also the fact of hundreds of
millions of dead in Islamic genocides upon -----Christians, Jews, zoroastriatans
constitutes, in newspeak-----""""islamophobia""""
Soft racism of low expectations.
Funny you would say that. Here's a liberal Muslim Brit who agrees.
I’m convinced Islam is the End
Time Counterfeit Religion that starts spreading across The World prior to the 2nd Coming of Christ.

Allah in The Koran is called The Trickster.

Trickster synonyms are Fraud, Conman, Swindler, Joker, Charlatan, Imposter. Imitation, Deceiver.

“Who can deceive like Allah?”

Who is The Deceiver in The Old & New Testament?

Lucifer who said he wanted to be like The Most High and wanted to sit upon The Throne of God.

Satan-Lucifer-Allah was a liar and a murderer from the beginning. When he tells lies he speaks then in his native language because he is The Father of Lies.

C'mon condemn the Muslims killing the Christians in Nigeria

Of course I condemn that.

It DOESN'T justify this and has no place here.

Of note..I don't remember ANYONE posting a thread about that on this board. You only USE that to justify this

Thrre is a thread on it now. Get yer head outa yer ass.

Worthless you are.
Is this what you are talking about?
This is all you need to know about Muslims... This is what their God commands of them

20 Commandments of Mohammad the founder of Islam
1. Thou shall Rape, Marry, and Divorce Pre-pubescent Girls. Koran 65:4
2. Thou shall have Sex Slaves and Work Slaves. Koran 4:3, 4:24, 5:89, 33:50, 58:3, 70:30
3. Thou shall Beat Sex Slaves, Work Slaves, and Wives. Koran 4:34
4. Thou shall have 4 Muslim male witnesses to prove rape. Koran 24:13
5. Thou shall Kill those who insult Islam or Mohammed. Koran 33:57
6. Thou shall Crucify and Amputate non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4
7. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims to guarantee receiving 72 virgins in heaven. Koran 9:111
8. Thou shall Kill anyone who leaves Islam. Koran 2:217, 4:89
9. Thou shall Behead non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4
10. Thou shall Kill AND be Killed for Islamic Allah. Koran 9:5
11. Thou shall Terrorize non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 8:60
12. Thou shall Steal and Rob from non-Muslims. Koran Chapter 8 (Booty/Spoils of War)
13. Thou shall Lie to Strengthen Islam. Koran 3:28, 16:106
14. Thou shall Fight non-Muslim even if you don't want to. Koran 2:216
15. Thou shall not take non-Muslims as friends. Koran 5:51
16. Thou shall Call non-Muslims Pigs and Apes. Koran 5:60, 7:166, 16:106
17. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as the vilest creatures deserving no mercy. Koran 98:6
18. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as sworn enemies. Koran 4:101
19. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims for not converting to Islam. Koran 9:29
20. Thou shall Extort non-Muslims to keep Islam strong. Koran 9:29.

What I find funny is that when the Saudis killed that journalist, all of you libs wanted Trump to go to war with Saudi Arabia.

No ONE...repeat NO ONE...said that. And yes the insanity of the Saudi regime was mentioned. Their religion was not the issue

wrong, there was many liberals calling for punishing the Saudis for this. many of them on this message board. Many on left wing media. The Saudi regime is based on islam, their law is the Koran, their king is the leader of the religion.. Just like Iran those countries are religious based. No other religion is tolerated or allowed to exist within their borders.

There were calls to break off diplomatic relations with SA, stop selling them military hardware, put sanctions on them. None of that was based on anything except Trump-hate. Your entire party has one issue, destroy Trump, and if the country is destroyed at the same time, you don't give a shit.
Those calls for sanctions and breaking off diplomatic relations or at least CONDEMNING THE TORTURE AND MURDER of a dissident journalist were based on a respect for human rights. Had nothing to do with SA's official religion. At least not until some of the right wingers here turned it into that.

what I find funny is that you libs never say anything about the thousands of Christians and jews killed by muslims in Africa, the black slaves kept by muslims in the mid east and Africa. Why do you refuse to condemn human rights abuses by muslims and scream about made up ones by everyone else?
That argument was already covered exhaustively in this thread. Maybe read it?
Soft racism of low expectations.
Funny you would say that. Here's a liberal Muslim Brit who agrees.

I am convinced that "racially conscious" woke white liberals are racist to the core. Attacking those who hold everyone to equal standards of behavior assuages their guilt somewhat.
That's definitely some of it. Also, lefties are animated by their maternal impulses, so they tend to smother those they identify as victims. Relationships to them often consist of an oppressed and an oppressor. Part of that smothering is an instinct to lower standards and expectations, to forgive and ignore too much, and ultimately enable the worst behaviors of those they are smothering.

A tale as old as time. Somehow they just don't see it.
Soft racism of low expectations.
Funny you would say that. Here's a liberal Muslim Brit who agrees.

I am convinced that "racially conscious" woke white liberals are racist to the core. Attacking those who hold everyone to equal standards of behavior assuages their guilt somewhat.
That's definitely some of it. Also, lefties are animated by their maternal impulses, so they tend to smother those they identify as victims. Relationships to them often consist of an oppressed and an oppressor. Part of that smothering is an instinct to lower standards and expectations, to forgive and ignore too much, and ultimately enable the worst behaviors of those they are smothering.

A tale as old as time. Somehow they just don't see it.
Is it enabling worst behaviors or simply understanding where they come from? There's a difference, but a lot of people have trouble seeing the distinction.
Soft racism of low expectations.
Funny you would say that. Here's a liberal Muslim Brit who agrees.

I am convinced that "racially conscious" woke white liberals are racist to the core. Attacking those who hold everyone to equal standards of behavior assuages their guilt somewhat.
That's definitely some of it. Also, lefties are animated by their maternal impulses, so they tend to smother those they identify as victims. Relationships to them often consist of an oppressed and an oppressor. Part of that smothering is an instinct to lower standards and expectations, to forgive and ignore too much, and ultimately enable the worst behaviors of those they are smothering.

A tale as old as time. Somehow they just don't see it.
Is it enabling worst behaviors or simply understanding where they come from? There's a difference, but a lot of people have trouble seeing the distinction.
It's enabling their worst behaviors.

It's done by attacking those who dare to criticize Islam in good faith. It's done by deflecting to Christianity and the freakin' Crusades after every jihadist atrocity. It's done by refusing to focus on the problem and instead looking for others to blame.

I agree with the brave & brilliant Mr. Nawaz, who is literally risking his life every damn day trying to create reform in his beloved religion.
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Not getting all worked up over it isn't excusing. It's just kind of hard to really get invested in feeling bad about a group who loves suicide bombers killing people getting killed.
I'm surprised mosques aren't being ripped to pieces every day all over the world, and the Muslims in them, chased away, never to return again.

Why do we tolerate mosques, Korans, etc in America ? This is nuts. They are totally illegal.
Why have no mosques in America even been vetted yet? France had to close down 100+.

Wtf does the government do for us?
Not getting all worked up over it isn't excusing. It's just kind of hard to really get invested in feeling bad about a group who loves suicide bombers killing people getting killed.
I'm surprised mosques aren't being ripped to pieces every day all over the world, and the Muslims in them, chased away, never to return again.

Why do we tolerate mosques, Korans, etc in America ? This is nuts. They are totally illegal.
Why have no mosques in America even been vetted yet? France had to close down 100+.

Wtf does the government do for us?

The Finsbury Park Mosque in London, was closed down. I used to live there. (Not in the mosque) The hate preacher, the hook guy, is now in US custody.

And speaking of mosques:

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