Time to Stop the Anti-Muslim Talk

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FUCK YOU, OP! I'll condemn Islam's DAILY blood-soaked human rights atrocities around the world. There needs to be MORE anti-Islam talk to keep this bloodthirsty hate ideology OUT of human society. No good has ever come from Islam. No good ever WILL come from a doctrine of bloodthirst against non-believers. Any religion that stones women to death and beheads for blasphemy deserves every bit of hatred it gets.
It's funny when a left loon screeches stop the hate.
That's like a central tenet of many on the left. No hate. Have you not been paying attention?
It’s all the left is is haters. Look at them pointing fingers in here. Gaslighting
Hate is bipartisan.
Hate is made up and it begins with leftists
Made up? Nah man. You just made that up. Hate is when a person gets angry and froths over the actions of their boogeyman, it drives people to do crazy stuff including being unfairly dishonest about people they dont know except through a sharply biased filter. The far right hates a lot of stuff. The far left hates a lot of stuff. Most of us try not to hate but its mostly an emotion that comes on it's own sometimes and needs to be thoughtfully managed and resolved.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.


No one on this board spews as much hate as you do leach.
It's funny when a left loon screeches stop the hate.
That's like a central tenet of many on the left. No hate. Have you not been paying attention?
It’s all the left is is haters. Look at them pointing fingers in here. Gaslighting
Hate is bipartisan.
Hate is made up and it begins with leftists
Made up? Nah man. You just made that up. Hate is when a person gets angry and froths over the actions of their boogeyman, it drives people to do crazy stuff including being unfairly dishonest about people they dont know except through a sharply biased filter. The far right hates a lot of stuff. The far left hates a lot of stuff. Most of us try not to hate but its mostly an emotion that comes on it's own sometimes and needs to be thoughtfully managed and resolved.
------------------------ nothing wrong with the emotion of HATE until it become VIOLENT Actions . Anyway , I learned that at an early age with 'sticks and stones' Rhymes .
Funny you would say that. Here's a liberal Muslim Brit who agrees.

I am convinced that "racially conscious" woke white liberals are racist to the core. Attacking those who hold everyone to equal standards of behavior assuages their guilt somewhat.
That's definitely some of it. Also, lefties are animated by their maternal impulses, so they tend to smother those they identify as victims. Relationships to them often consist of an oppressed and an oppressor. Part of that smothering is an instinct to lower standards and expectations, to forgive and ignore too much, and ultimately enable the worst behaviors of those they are smothering.

A tale as old as time. Somehow they just don't see it.
Is it enabling worst behaviors or simply understanding where they come from? There's a difference, but a lot of people have trouble seeing the distinction.
It's enabling their worst behaviors.

It's done by attacking those who dare to criticize Islam in good faith. It's done by deflecting to Christianity and the freakin' Crusades after every jihadist atrocity. It's done by refusing to focus on the problem and instead looking for others to blame.

I agree with the brave & brilliant Mr. Nawaz, who is literally risking his life every damn day trying to create reform in his beloved religion.
Mac, who in this thread deflected to Christianity and the Crusades? You talking stereotypes today?
I provided an example.

Refusing to admit the big picture makes a point worthless, even if the point is correct in the small picture. The OP is absolutely blind to the whole story here. That's the power that ideology has over people.

It's also dishonest. I'm with Mr. Nawaz.
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I am convinced that "racially conscious" woke white liberals are racist to the core. Attacking those who hold everyone to equal standards of behavior assuages their guilt somewhat.
That's definitely some of it. Also, lefties are animated by their maternal impulses, so they tend to smother those they identify as victims. Relationships to them often consist of an oppressed and an oppressor. Part of that smothering is an instinct to lower standards and expectations, to forgive and ignore too much, and ultimately enable the worst behaviors of those they are smothering.

A tale as old as time. Somehow they just don't see it.
Is it enabling worst behaviors or simply understanding where they come from? There's a difference, but a lot of people have trouble seeing the distinction.
It's enabling their worst behaviors.

It's done by attacking those who dare to criticize Islam in good faith. It's done by deflecting to Christianity and the freakin' Crusades after every jihadist atrocity. It's done by refusing to focus on the problem and instead looking for others to blame.

I agree with the brave & brilliant Mr. Nawaz, who is literally risking his life every damn day trying to create reform in his beloved religion.
Mac, who in this thread deflected to Christianity and the Crusades? You talking stereotypes today?

Every goddamn discussion about mass muslim immigration into europe inevitably veers off track into a condemnation of the Crusades, and American slavery.
The Regressive Left wants to change the subject and put you on the defensive to protect their pet constituent oppressed religion.
That's definitely some of it. Also, lefties are animated by their maternal impulses, so they tend to smother those they identify as victims. Relationships to them often consist of an oppressed and an oppressor. Part of that smothering is an instinct to lower standards and expectations, to forgive and ignore too much, and ultimately enable the worst behaviors of those they are smothering.

A tale as old as time. Somehow they just don't see it.
Is it enabling worst behaviors or simply understanding where they come from? There's a difference, but a lot of people have trouble seeing the distinction.
It's enabling their worst behaviors.

It's done by attacking those who dare to criticize Islam in good faith. It's done by deflecting to Christianity and the freakin' Crusades after every jihadist atrocity. It's done by refusing to focus on the problem and instead looking for others to blame.

I agree with the brave & brilliant Mr. Nawaz, who is literally risking his life every damn day trying to create reform in his beloved religion.
Mac, who in this thread deflected to Christianity and the Crusades? You talking stereotypes today?

Every goddamn discussion about mass muslim immigration into europe inevitably veers off track into a condemnation of the Crusades, and American slavery.
The Regressive Left wants to change the subject and put you on the defensive to protect their pet constituent oppressed religion.

We're shamed into silence about US immigration because of slavery, natives and the ol' "melting pot" canard and when it comes to Europe it's all about muh islamophobia and muh right wing extremism. People everywhere ask, why are white men so ANGRY? This. this is why we're angry. We don't like seeing our women raped and our children butchered and our traditions pissed on. we don't like being told to shut up.
It's funny when a left loon screeches stop the hate.
That's like a central tenet of many on the left. No hate. Have you not been paying attention?
It’s all the left is is haters. Look at them pointing fingers in here. Gaslighting
Pointing fingers at sick white supremacist murderers? Actual heinous criminals with mental problems? Yeah. Makes sense. Murder is a sin, crime, blight on humanity.

Context is everything. It's why white supremacy is in general not ok and should be expelled from the far right politics. That's not hate. It's history, context, and common sense.
Radical Muslims should be destroyed
Yes if they are committing crimes or inciting violence under american jurisdiction. Other countries we dont have much control over.
Like NZ?
It's funny when a left loon screeches stop the hate.
That's like a central tenet of many on the left. No hate. Have you not been paying attention?
It’s all the left is is haters. Look at them pointing fingers in here. Gaslighting
Hate is bipartisan.
Hate is made up and it begins with leftists
Made up? Nah man. You just made that up. Hate is when a person gets angry and froths over the actions of their boogeyman, it drives people to do crazy stuff including being unfairly dishonest about people they dont know except through a sharply biased filter. The far right hates a lot of stuff. The far left hates a lot of stuff. Most of us try not to hate but its mostly an emotion that comes on it's own sometimes and needs to be thoughtfully managed and resolved.
Every human hates. To say naw to that is disingenuous. Most people don’t act on their hate. When they do, they should die. To include others into another individual’s hate is the worst kind of hate.
Is it enabling worst behaviors or simply understanding where they come from? There's a difference, but a lot of people have trouble seeing the distinction.
It's enabling their worst behaviors.

It's done by attacking those who dare to criticize Islam in good faith. It's done by deflecting to Christianity and the freakin' Crusades after every jihadist atrocity. It's done by refusing to focus on the problem and instead looking for others to blame.

I agree with the brave & brilliant Mr. Nawaz, who is literally risking his life every damn day trying to create reform in his beloved religion.
Mac, who in this thread deflected to Christianity and the Crusades? You talking stereotypes today?

Every goddamn discussion about mass muslim immigration into europe inevitably veers off track into a condemnation of the Crusades, and American slavery.
The Regressive Left wants to change the subject and put you on the defensive to protect their pet constituent oppressed religion.

We're shamed into silence about US immigration because of slavery, natives and the ol' "melting pot" canard and when it comes to Europe it's all about muh islamophobia and muh right wing extremism. People everywhere ask, why are white men so ANGRY? This. this is why we're angry. We don't like seeing our women raped and our children butchered and our traditions pissed on. we don't like being told to shut up.
----------------------------- USA , best Nation ever built and these invaders from 3rd world starving and falling down zhitholes think that they can improve on the USA . While in reality they come for the FREE Stuff that Real Americans pay for .
QUOTE="pismoe, post: 22026013, member: 49074"]
It's enabling their worst behaviors.

It's done by attacking those who dare to criticize Islam in good faith. It's done by deflecting to Christianity and the freakin' Crusades after every jihadist atrocity. It's done by refusing to focus on the problem and instead looking for others to blame.

I agree with the brave & brilliant Mr. Nawaz, who is literally risking his life every damn day trying to create reform in his beloved religion.
Mac, who in this thread deflected to Christianity and the Crusades? You talking stereotypes today?

Every goddamn discussion about mass muslim immigration into europe inevitably veers off track into a condemnation of the Crusades, and American slavery.
The Regressive Left wants to change the subject and put you on the defensive to protect their pet constituent oppressed religion.

We're shamed into silence about US immigration because of slavery, natives and the ol' "melting pot" canard and when it comes to Europe it's all about muh islamophobia and muh right wing extremism. People everywhere ask, why are white men so ANGRY? This. this is why we're angry. We don't like seeing our women raped and our children butchered and our traditions pissed on. we don't like being told to shut up.
----------------------------- USA , best Nation ever built and these invaders from 3rd world starving and falling down zhitholes think that they can improve on the USA . While in reality they come for the FREE Stuff that Real Americans pay for .[/QUOTE]

Best post of the month!!
That's like a central tenet of many on the left. No hate. Have you not been paying attention?
It’s all the left is is haters. Look at them pointing fingers in here. Gaslighting
Hate is bipartisan.
Hate is made up and it begins with leftists
Made up? Nah man. You just made that up. Hate is when a person gets angry and froths over the actions of their boogeyman, it drives people to do crazy stuff including being unfairly dishonest about people they dont know except through a sharply biased filter. The far right hates a lot of stuff. The far left hates a lot of stuff. Most of us try not to hate but its mostly an emotion that comes on it's own sometimes and needs to be thoughtfully managed and resolved.
------------------------ nothing wrong with the emotion of HATE until it become VIOLENT Actions . Anyway , I learned that at an early age with 'sticks and stones' Rhymes .
Hate is unhealthy to let simmer and its immoral to dishonestly cultivate it against a people. Dishonestly is immoral too but people dont seem to care about that when it's their own.
That's like a central tenet of many on the left. No hate. Have you not been paying attention?
It’s all the left is is haters. Look at them pointing fingers in here. Gaslighting
Hate is bipartisan.
Hate is made up and it begins with leftists
Made up? Nah man. You just made that up. Hate is when a person gets angry and froths over the actions of their boogeyman, it drives people to do crazy stuff including being unfairly dishonest about people they dont know except through a sharply biased filter. The far right hates a lot of stuff. The far left hates a lot of stuff. Most of us try not to hate but its mostly an emotion that comes on it's own sometimes and needs to be thoughtfully managed and resolved.
Every human hates. To say naw to that is disingenuous. Most people don’t act on their hate. When they do, they should die. To include others into another individual’s hate is the worst kind of hate.
Are you talking at me? Hard to tell cuz I wasnt the one that said hate isnt real but starts with the left.
That's like a central tenet of many on the left. No hate. Have you not been paying attention?
It’s all the left is is haters. Look at them pointing fingers in here. Gaslighting
Pointing fingers at sick white supremacist murderers? Actual heinous criminals with mental problems? Yeah. Makes sense. Murder is a sin, crime, blight on humanity.

Context is everything. It's why white supremacy is in general not ok and should be expelled from the far right politics. That's not hate. It's history, context, and common sense.
Radical Muslims should be destroyed
Yes if they are committing crimes or inciting violence under american jurisdiction. Other countries we dont have much control over.
Like NZ?
You got a point Aristotle? NZ is taking action on their own. I know it's a weird idea to us gun nutter americans.
Hate speech is fueling this from BOTH ends.

Stop screaming ISLAMOPHOBE, stop ATTACKING any time anyone dares to point out problems in that religion.

Part of this is frustration over that kind of deflection. It gives the crazies fuel. It gives talk radio fuel. IT JUST MAKES THINGS EVEN WORSE.

It blows my mind that something this obvious doesn't occur to you.

49 people are murdered, and Vichy Mac thinks he's the victim.

You can't make this shit up, kids!
Hate speech is fueling this from BOTH ends.

Stop screaming ISLAMOPHOBE, stop ATTACKING any time anyone dares to point out problems in that religion.

Part of this is frustration over that kind of deflection. It gives the crazies fuel. It gives talk radio fuel. IT JUST MAKES THINGS EVEN WORSE.

It blows my mind that something this obvious doesn't occur to you.

49 people are murdered, and Vichy Mac thinks he's the victim.

You can't make this shit up, kids!

Correction, 49 terrorists were taken out. The world is a safer place now you retarded liberal.
Hate speech is fueling this from BOTH ends.

Stop screaming ISLAMOPHOBE, stop ATTACKING any time anyone dares to point out problems in that religion.

Part of this is frustration over that kind of deflection. It gives the crazies fuel. It gives talk radio fuel. IT JUST MAKES THINGS EVEN WORSE.

It blows my mind that something this obvious doesn't occur to you.

49 people are murdered, and Vichy Mac thinks he's the victim.

You can't make this shit up, kids!

Correction, 49 terrorists were taken out. The world is a safer place now you retarded liberal.
Had they stayed in their own nation; no one here would be mourning their deaths at the hands of their own kind...
Hate speech is fueling this from BOTH ends.

Stop screaming ISLAMOPHOBE, stop ATTACKING any time anyone dares to point out problems in that religion.

Part of this is frustration over that kind of deflection. It gives the crazies fuel. It gives talk radio fuel. IT JUST MAKES THINGS EVEN WORSE.

It blows my mind that something this obvious doesn't occur to you.

49 people are murdered, and Vichy Mac thinks he's the victim.

You can't make this shit up, kids!

Correction, 49 terrorists were taken out. The world is a safer place now you retarded liberal.
Had they stayed in their own nation; no one here would be mourning their deaths at the hands of their own kind...

they would have blown themselves up anyway, this tarrant guy was just doing them a favor by saving them the effort
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