Time to Stop the Anti-Muslim Talk

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It’s all the left is is haters. Look at them pointing fingers in here. Gaslighting
Hate is bipartisan.
Hate is made up and it begins with leftists
Made up? Nah man. You just made that up. Hate is when a person gets angry and froths over the actions of their boogeyman, it drives people to do crazy stuff including being unfairly dishonest about people they dont know except through a sharply biased filter. The far right hates a lot of stuff. The far left hates a lot of stuff. Most of us try not to hate but its mostly an emotion that comes on it's own sometimes and needs to be thoughtfully managed and resolved.
------------------------ nothing wrong with the emotion of HATE until it become VIOLENT Actions . Anyway , I learned that at an early age with 'sticks and stones' Rhymes .
Hate is unhealthy to let simmer and its immoral to dishonestly cultivate it against a people. Dishonestly is immoral too but people dont seem to care about that when it's their own.
Ever go to sporting events and see fights? To think you yourself understand how people behave and why makes you the fool. Hi fool
^^^^^The premise of the article is that mass shooter are all white supremacists. That isn't true at all.
The premise of what article? The one nobody read or cared about? THAT one?

The one DebbieDowner posted. It's wrong.
The one that said THIS?

the number of Americans killed by white supremacists in the U.S. last year was far higher than those killed by Muslim extremists. More specifically, over the last decade 71 percent of all terrorism-related fatalities have been linked to domestic right-wing extremists, while 26 percent of the killings were committed by Islamic extremists.

Sorry if you find that uncomfortable but it's true
Got a question for you dumb ass.... what percent of the US Population is Muslim? What percent is white? So much for your claims of more by whites. There are MORE whites dumb ass. I seriously doubt 26 percent of the US Population is Muslim.
What do you mean by reject Sharia? No more Hala meat and prayers? I dont care what anyone believes as long as tbey follow our laws.
^^^^^The premise of the article is that mass shooter are all white supremacists. That isn't true at all.
The premise of what article? The one nobody read or cared about? THAT one?

The one DebbieDowner posted. It's wrong.
The one that said THIS?

the number of Americans killed by white supremacists in the U.S. last year was far higher than those killed by Muslim extremists. More specifically, over the last decade 71 percent of all terrorism-related fatalities have been linked to domestic right-wing extremists, while 26 percent of the killings were committed by Islamic extremists.

Sorry if you find that uncomfortable but it's true
Got a question for you dumb ass.... what percent of the US Population is Muslim? What percent is white? So much for your claims of more by whites. There are MORE whites dumb ass. I seriously doubt 26 percent of the US Population is Muslim.
What do you mean by reject Sharia? No more Hala meat and prayers? I dont care what anyone believes as long as tbey follow our laws.
I think you quoted the wrong post since the one you quoted has NOTHING to do with what you just posted.
Hate speech is fueling this from BOTH ends.

Stop screaming ISLAMOPHOBE, stop ATTACKING any time anyone dares to point out problems in that religion.

Part of this is frustration over that kind of deflection. It gives the crazies fuel. It gives talk radio fuel. IT JUST MAKES THINGS EVEN WORSE.

It blows my mind that something this obvious doesn't occur to you.

49 people are murdered, and Vichy Mac thinks he's the victim.

You can't make this shit up, kids!

Correction, 49 terrorists were taken out. The world is a safer place now you retarded liberal.
This place HAS become a GAB/4chan/8chan cesspool
Hate speech is fueling this from BOTH ends.

Stop screaming ISLAMOPHOBE, stop ATTACKING any time anyone dares to point out problems in that religion.

Part of this is frustration over that kind of deflection. It gives the crazies fuel. It gives talk radio fuel. IT JUST MAKES THINGS EVEN WORSE.

It blows my mind that something this obvious doesn't occur to you.

49 people are murdered, and Vichy Mac thinks he's the victim.

You can't make this shit up, kids!

Correction, 49 terrorists were taken out. The world is a safer place now you retarded liberal.
This place HAS become a GAB/4chan/8chan cesspool
Hate speech is fueling this from BOTH ends.

Stop screaming ISLAMOPHOBE, stop ATTACKING any time anyone dares to point out problems in that religion.

Part of this is frustration over that kind of deflection. It gives the crazies fuel. It gives talk radio fuel. IT JUST MAKES THINGS EVEN WORSE.

It blows my mind that something this obvious doesn't occur to you.

49 people are murdered, and Vichy Mac thinks he's the victim.

You can't make this shit up, kids!

Correction, 49 terrorists were taken out. The world is a safer place now you retarded liberal.
This place HAS become a GAB/4chan/8chan cesspool
You spread hate and disdain everywhere you go remind me how you were all offended when your lefty buddies were threatening to beat up teenagers
What I find funny is that when the Saudis killed that journalist, all of you libs wanted Trump to go to war with Saudi Arabia.

No ONE...repeat NO ONE...said that. And yes the insanity of the Saudi regime was mentioned. Their religion was not the issue

wrong, there was many liberals calling for punishing the Saudis for this. many of them on this message board. Many on left wing media. The Saudi regime is based on islam, their law is the Koran, their king is the leader of the religion.. Just like Iran those countries are religious based. No other religion is tolerated or allowed to exist within their borders.

There were calls to break off diplomatic relations with SA, stop selling them military hardware, put sanctions on them. None of that was based on anything except Trump-hate. Your entire party has one issue, destroy Trump, and if the country is destroyed at the same time, you don't give a shit.
Those calls for sanctions and breaking off diplomatic relations or at least CONDEMNING THE TORTURE AND MURDER of a dissident journalist were based on a respect for human rights. Had nothing to do with SA's official religion. At least not until some of the right wingers here turned it into that.

what I find funny is that you libs never say anything about the thousands of Christians and jews killed by muslims in Africa, the black slaves kept by muslims in the mid east and Africa. Why do you refuse to condemn human rights abuses by muslims and scream about made up ones by everyone else?
That argument was already covered exhaustively in this thread. Maybe read it?

I did and my point is valid
You spread hate and disdain everywhere you go remind me how you were all offended when your lefty buddies were threatening to beat up teenagers

Bullshit. I return what comes at me in kind. Read some of what your buddies post Sarge. The problem is like all bullies...these right wing internet bullies whine like babies when they get a little of what they dish out back at them
You spread hate and disdain everywhere you go remind me how you were all offended when your lefty buddies were threatening to beat up teenagers

Bullshit. I return what comes at me in kind. Read some of what your buddies post Sarge. The problem is like all bullies...these right wing internet bullies whine like babies when they get a little of what they dish out back at them
In other words you defend your lefty attacks while crying about supposed right wing ones as usual. You are a liar a Hypocrite and a fraud. Remind me of the last time you complained about terror attacks by Muslims on Christians?
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.

yeah we aren't responsible for muslims butchering Christian and Jewish children.

It's all on them.

And you, for pretending they're defending themselves from hate when they do it, and we should cower in fear and kiss their collective asses.
I didn't claim hate speech, I said hateful. Why should I defend something I didn't say?

You don't 'have' to 'do' anything on here.

I will ask again,

can you find proof that Lesh has instigated hate speech against non-progressives, yes or no?

I didn't claim hate speech, so why do i have to prove it?

Are you fucking dense, a dullard, or a dense dullard?

You said to her 'Pot, Kettle, Black.'. And she was talking about hate speech - not hateful speech. So, for you to accurately say 'Pot, Kettle, Black'...you have to prove she perpetrated hate speech against non-progressives.

I will ask again,

can you find proof that Lesh has instigated hate speech against non-progressives, yes or no?

Oh by the way, a felon is someone convicted of a felony.

I didn't say hate speech, I said hateful.

I can keep this up for WEEKS you gotcha trying hack-twat.

1) I cannot talk about that subject in this thread - off topic. But if you want to go back to the other thread in question...I will be MORE than happy to continue to make you look like a spineless coward (on that subject) and rather uneducated.

2) You said to her 'Pot, Kettle, Black.'. And she was talking about hate speech - not hateful speech. So, for you to accurately say 'Pot, Kettle, Black'...you have to prove Lesh perpetrated hate speech against non-progressives.

I will ask again,

can you find proof that Lesh has instigated hate speech against non-progressives, yes or no?

No need for this to go on and on. The fact that you cannot provide said proof...it automatically destroys your above post.

But a few more posts for it to sink in to those reading this should be enough.

BTW...you are SO easy to make look childish/erroneous. All I have to do is call you on something and you go nuts. You - like Trump - simply CANNOT admit when you are fundamentally wrong to a non-Trumpbot.
Telling Christians to stop criticizing Muslims because if they don't, they're going to continue to be slaughtered is hate speech by definition, you piece of shit.
Hate speech is fueling this from BOTH ends.

Stop screaming ISLAMOPHOBE, stop ATTACKING any time anyone dares to point out problems in that religion.

Part of this is frustration over that kind of deflection. It gives the crazies fuel. It gives talk radio fuel. IT JUST MAKES THINGS EVEN WORSE.

It blows my mind that something this obvious doesn't occur to you.

49 people are murdered, and Vichy Mac thinks he's the victim.

You can't make this shit up, kids!

Correction, 49 terrorists were taken out. The world is a safer place now you retarded liberal.
This place HAS become a GAB/4chan/8chan cesspool
Me too?
In other words you defend your lefty attacks

WTF are you talking about?

Which "lefty attacks"? Are you saying I'm not nice enough to the assholes? Is that your definition of a lefty attack?

Newsflash. None of that has anything to do with this thread.

This THREAD is about the kind of hate speech that leads to people being blasted in synagogues and mosques

If me rubbing right wing bullies noses in their own shit causes them to go killing people..there's something wrong with THEM...not mre
In other words you defend your lefty attacks

WTF are you talking about?

Which "lefty attacks"? Are you saying I'm not nice enough to the assholes? Is that your definition of a lefty attack?

Newsflash. None of that has anything to do with this thread.

This THREAD is about the kind of hate speech that leads to people being blasted in synagogues and mosques

If me rubbing right wing bullies noses in their own shit causes them to go killing people..there's something wrong with THEM...not mre

This thread is about you maintaining that if we don't want to get blown up, we need to stop criticizing Muslim attacks on Christians.

Which is, of course, a terroristic threat on your part.
PS muslims are pieces of shit and we need to throw them out of the country before they blow up more of us here.
This thread is about you maintaining that if we don't want to get blown up, we need to stop criticizing Muslim attacks on Christians.

Which is, of course, a terroristic threat on your part.
That's even close to anything I have ever said.

This THREAD is me emploring you morons to stop the hate speech because innocent people are DYING

But as usual...you make shit up and then claim that what I NEVER said was a terrorist threat of some sort.

Please stop lying
PS muslims are pieces of shit and we need to throw them out of the country before they blow up more of us here.
I assume you are Jewish from your nic. Do you not realize that you are doing exactly what the Germans did in the 30s?
do you believe in self defense? It's important for in here, that is all that was happening. you pointed the finger first bitch. and now you are all whining on the repercussion of that point. fk off.

Was Christchurch an act of self defense?

This guy is an example of the civility demanded of ME?
And you, for pretending they're defending themselves from hate when they do it, and we should cower in fear and kiss their collective asses.

Still lying about what I have said?

I'm "pretending" nothing of the kind
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