Time To Stop Using Kid Gloves With The Obstinate "No To The Vaccine" Crowd!

When the military sent the hospital ship to NYC, no one used it.
There is no medical emergency.
It is all fake hype.
Talk to someone who actually works in a hospital, and they will tell you its half empty compared to normal.
LOL, "There is no medical emergency" is absurd. Now you are posting damn lies.
Don't know, ask the expert: Rigby5, he's the know-it-all.

Or, this

Ha ha, I brought it up to see if YOU ignored POST 157 and post 158.

Yup you did, thus you remain ignorant.

Anti VIRIALS have been used against viruses for a long time now, how come you didn't know that?
Your “science” is the same that declares that Bruce Jenner is a woman.

Someone dumb enough to fall as completely as you have for the #CoronaHoax2020 is in no position to cast aspersions on anyone else's intelligence.
You still believe the Pandemic is a hoax? I'd bet you also believe the election was stolen from trump and the riot by the mob on Jan 6 last was an open house with RSVP's delivered to The Speaker.

Seriously, you are a biddable fool.
It is heartbreaking to hear about all those people in America intentionally choosing not to take the pandemic vaccine! They are really letting down America besides the loss of life the other really terrible thing about the pandemic is how it is hurting the economy and the functioning of our society the longer this disease has a stranglehold over America the longer the nation will continue to incur major losses with businesses not being able to function properly even in some cases being permanently shuttered and individual Americans having the ability to make a living for themselves and their family being dramatically harmed! The stakes here for the country are enormous and the nation is now in a state where the significant numbers of Americans refusing to get vaccinated so the country can reach strong herd immunity and be done with the onerous restrictions like mask wearing associated with the pandemic provides the nation's authorities with the moral justification to take very aggressive steps to bring about people doing their civic duty and getting vaccinated unless they have a valid medical reason not to! The government should mandate that health insurance companies calculate the enormous medical costs on them brought about by enrollees and their family being admitted into the hospital with the Covid 19 disease and who were not vaccinated and mandate that the insurance companies pass this cost onto unvaccinated enrollees in the form of higher health insurance premiums; what is fair is fair if you're being recalcitrant in not getting the vaccine you can pay for the cost that this wrongful action of yours is causing society - hospital administrators are telling us that like ninety plus percent of the admissions with Covid 19 are from people that were not vaccinated. States should mandate that for children to be able to attend school they need to receive the Covid 19 vaccine unless they have a Doctor's note saying that they have a good medical basis for being excused from getting the vaccine (for the age group eligible for the vaccine), state's mandate the measles's vaccine and the polio vaccine state's do it because they don't want these diseases spreading in schools well they shouldn't want the Covid 19 spreading in schools either so they should take this reasonable step to stop the spread!

What really gets me sick to my stomach is all these right wing talk radio hosts and right wing cable news hosts condemning state and federal authorities for initiating and running programs where they send staff to people's individual homes advocating for the residents of the home to get their pandemic vaccine. These hosts paint these efforts as something out of the George Orwell novel "1984" about a dark futuristic world where the government does constant surveillance of their citizens when they label these efforts as "Big Brother is watching you" efforts; or these hosts try to tarnish these efforts as HIPAA violations, the law which mandates personal health information be kept private! These hosts and the producers of these programs and the authorities that control these media outlets are behaving like sleazy, selfish Americans who chase ratings at the expense of the well-being of the entire country, shame on you and if you keep it up I hope the stain on your reputation lasts a long time!

So now you will start swinging your purse, pulling hair, and scratching, even when wearing your highest heels.
Ha ha, I brought it up to see if YOU ignored POST 157 and post 158.

Yup you did, thus you remain ignorant.

Anti VIRIALS have been used against viruses for a long time now, how come you didn't know that?

The links in your post 157 & 158 are ludicrous. You too are a biddable (aka: easily led) fool.
LOL, "There is no medical emergency" is absurd. Now you are posting damn lies.

When the actual death rate is only 0.02%, that is not a medical emergency.
That is the same % as a bad flu year.
Do we call a bad flu year a medical emergency?

And if you were to then say, but 600,000 deaths total is enough to be called a medical emergency, that would not work either, because we deliberately caused that high total. We "flattened the curve", which prevents herd immunity, prevented the epidemic from ever ending, and created the largest total possible, in the long run.
You can't call what we deliberately did, a medical emergency.
Don't know, ask the expert: Rigby5, he's the know-it-all.

Or, this

Anti virals don't really work well since viruses are so primitive.
The chemical means by which they work to harm a virus, has to also cause lots of harm to all the cells in the human body.

But they do not need to use anti virals because covid-19 is nearly harmless.
All the harm and deaths are not caused by the virus but instead by the over reaction by the immune system, the cytokine storm.
So what they should be using is immuno suppressants, like quinine, fluvoxamine, ivermectin, zinc, etc.
Ludicrous ^^^. I'm not harming the whole world, and the scientific facts suggest the vaccines are keeping people alive.

These are not actual vaccines, but are artificially built simulations of vaccines, which will have totally unpredictable results in the long run.

Nor are vaccines keeping anyone alive, since the whole epidemic could be ended quickly with fewer deaths than the fake vaccines have already killed. Remember, the young and healthy are 400 times less likely to die from an infection than the numbers Fauci ran with. So divide Fauci's 2.4 million by 400, and you get only 6,000 deaths for herd immunity and the end of the epidemic.
Ha ha, I brought it up to see if YOU ignored POST 157 and post 158.

Yup you did, thus you remain ignorant.

Anti VIRIALS have been used against viruses for a long time now, how come you didn't know that?

Anti virials are usually only used as a last resort, because anti virials tend to be crude and have lots of risks of their own.
You still believe the Pandemic is a hoax? I'd bet you also believe the election was stolen from trump and the riot by the mob on Jan 6 last was an open house with RSVP's delivered to The Speaker.

Seriously, you are a biddable fool.

Obviously there is an epidemic, but its monthly death toll is no greater than a bad flu.
So then why have 600,000 died?
Because we deliberately prevented it from ending in a month, by "flattening the curve" and preventing herd immunity from ending it.
Obviously there is an epidemic, but its monthly death toll is no greater than a bad flu.
So then why have 600,000 died?
Because we deliberately prevented it from ending in a month, by "flattening the curve" and preventing herd immunity from ending it.
Spoken by a true red Callous Conservative.
It is heartbreaking to hear about all those people in America intentionally choosing not to take the pandemic vaccine! They are really letting down America besides the loss of life the other really terrible thing about the pandemic is how it is hurting the economy and the functioning of our society the longer this disease has a stranglehold over America the longer the nation will continue to incur major losses with businesses not being able to function properly even in some cases being permanently shuttered and individual Americans having the ability to make a living for themselves and their family being dramatically harmed! The stakes here for the country are enormous and the nation is now in a state where the significant numbers of Americans refusing to get vaccinated so the country can reach strong herd immunity and be done with the onerous restrictions like mask wearing associated with the pandemic provides the nation's authorities with the moral justification to take very aggressive steps to bring about people doing their civic duty and getting vaccinated unless they have a valid medical reason not to! The government should mandate that health insurance companies calculate the enormous medical costs on them brought about by enrollees and their family being admitted into the hospital with the Covid 19 disease and who were not vaccinated and mandate that the insurance companies pass this cost onto unvaccinated enrollees in the form of higher health insurance premiums; what is fair is fair if you're being recalcitrant in not getting the vaccine you can pay for the cost that this wrongful action of yours is causing society - hospital administrators are telling us that like ninety plus percent of the admissions with Covid 19 are from people that were not vaccinated. States should mandate that for children to be able to attend school they need to receive the Covid 19 vaccine unless they have a Doctor's note saying that they have a good medical basis for being excused from getting the vaccine (for the age group eligible for the vaccine), state's mandate the measles's vaccine and the polio vaccine state's do it because they don't want these diseases spreading in schools well they shouldn't want the Covid 19 spreading in schools either so they should take this reasonable step to stop the spread!

What really gets me sick to my stomach is all these right wing talk radio hosts and right wing cable news hosts condemning state and federal authorities for initiating and running programs where they send staff to people's individual homes advocating for the residents of the home to get their pandemic vaccine. These hosts paint these efforts as something out of the George Orwell novel "1984" about a dark futuristic world where the government does constant surveillance of their citizens when they label these efforts as "Big Brother is watching you" efforts; or these hosts try to tarnish these efforts as HIPAA violations, the law which mandates personal health information be kept private! These hosts and the producers of these programs and the authorities that control these media outlets are behaving like sleazy, selfish Americans who chase ratings at the expense of the well-being of the entire country, shame on you and if you keep it up I hope the stain on your reputation lasts a long time!
Can you guarantee that there will be no long term ill effects from the vaccine, Jim? I don't put things in my body that I don't know about. Anyone that does...in my opinion...is a fool. I had Covid a year and a half ago. It was a mild case. I subsequently donated plasma twice and both times showed anti bodies to the virus. So why is it you think I should risk getting jabbed?
Anti virials are usually only used as a last resort, because anti virials tend to be crude and have lots of risks of their own.
FALSE, the CDC thinks it is a valid tool to deal with the FLU and should be used early in the illness time frame:

What You Should Know About Flu Antiviral Drugs

Can flu be treated?​

Yes. There are prescription medications called “antiviral drugs” that can be used to treat flu illness. CDC recommends prompt treatment for people who have flu infection or suspected flu infection and who are at high risk of serious flu complications, such as people with asthma, diabetes (including gestational diabetes), or heart disease.

What antiviral drugs are recommended this flu season?​

There are four FDA-approved antiviral drugs recommended by CDC to treat flu this season.

  • oseltamivir phosphate (available as a generic version or under the trade name Tamiflu®),
  • zanamivir (trade name Relenza®)
  • peramivir (trade name Rapivab®), and
  • baloxavir marboxil (trade name Xofluza®).
Generic oseltamivirexternal icon and Tamiflu® are available as a pill or liquid suspension and are FDA approved for early treatment of flu in people 14 days and older. Zanamivir is a powder that is inhaled and approved for early treatment of flu in people 7 years and older. (Note: Zanamivir (trade name Relenza®) is administered using an inhaler device and is not recommended for people with breathing problems like asthma or COPD.) Oseltamivir and zanamivir are given twice a day for 5 days. Peramivir is given once intravenously by a health care provider and is approved for early treatment of flu in people 2 years and older. Baloxavir is a pill given as a single dose by mouth and is approved for early treatment of flu in people 12 years and older. (Note: Baloxavir (trade name Xofluza®) is not recommended for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, outpatients with complicated or progressive illness, or hospitalized patients because there is no information about use of baloxavir in these patients.)


They are not crude and have been used for many years now. There is a LOT of ongoing research to create more of them.

Antiviral drug

Spoken by a true red Callous Conservative.

If we had NOT "flattened the curve", then twice as many would died the first month, but then it would have been over.
We would not have had the additional 550,000 deaths that are still going to keep on coming, forever.

And by the way, I am vastly far more left wing, progressive, liberal, socialist, than anyone else on this entire board.
Can you guarantee that there will be no long term ill effects from the vaccine, Jim? I don't put things in my body that I don't know about. Anyone that does...in my opinion...is a fool. I had Covid a year and a half ago. It was a mild case. I subsequently donated plasma twice and both times showed anti bodies to the virus. So why is it you think I should risk getting jabbed?

Most certainly no one who already has acquired recovery immunity should ever consider getting the additional risk of the vaccine, since it adds nothing beyond your existing immunity.

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