Timeline of Trump's Announcements Concerning COVID-19

You've seen the Trump quotes, he did not ever take this pandemic seriously, even though it is now quite possible the moron will be infected himself. He has not practiced any safe measures while being the man who is ultimately responsible for leading this country thru this looming medical emergency, and has not had any plan to guide us through this. Clearly, it is leaders of industry, mayors, Governors, and others at the state level who are leading the way through this.

Yet, even today, he is still utterly clueless on what to do, or how to do it. One thing we do know is we have a critical shortage of test kits.

For you folks saying we have the lowest rate of infection in the in the world…how can anyone say that, since we don't have adequate....wait for it....TESTING

Testing IS necessary to assess the scope and effectiveness of current isolation measures...without TESTING it is just regurgitating more lies from rightwing propaganda like Fox News.

We had time to prepare for this and put some kind of plan into action, and Trump fiddled while the Coronavirus has started to burn. Soon it will be a conflagration that engulfs our country and affects us all, either medically or economically.

Bullshit. Have you turned your tv [emoji342] on in the past week.

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Donald Trump has the attention span of a gnat on meth

if he was stonked to the gills on Adderall, he might achieve the attention span of a toddler

You should definitely vote corn pop. He’s so intelligent, that they won’t let him talk for more than 3 minutes.

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What would help is Trump playing golf for a few days at taxpayer expense. Clear his head out. Maybe grab a little pussy.

Trump Plays Golf While Coronavirus Cases Surge


Trump is now blaming President Obama for the lack of coronavirus testing - even after Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team in 2018 that President Obama had created. Holy shit...


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Are you too stupid to do your own reseach? Google it...

Trump blames Obama for coronavirus testing issues

He only criticized how he handled the swine flu epidemic. He’s not the only one that’s done that. It was a complete failure. He’s had to completely update the antiquated system, in a short time. You are obviously are talking out your ass.

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Trump is now blaming President Obama for the lack of coronavirus testing - even after Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team in 2018 that President Obama had created. Holy shit...


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Are you too stupid to do your own reseach? Google it...

Trump blames Obama for coronavirus testing issues

He only criticized how he handled the swine flu epidemic. He’s not the only one that’s done that. It was a complete failure. He’s had to completely update the antiquated system, in a short time. You are obviously are talking out your ass.

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By firing the team responsible for reacting to global pandemics? Hardly.
I love the logic here. Let's compare the number of virus cases to those of other countries where they are actually testing to find the disease. Of course we are going to have fewer known cases.

In 9 days we've increased to almost 3k cases and still ramping up. Wait until we actually do any significant testing.
Trump is now blaming President Obama for the lack of coronavirus testing - even after Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team in 2018 that President Obama had created. Holy shit...


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Are you too stupid to do your own reseach? Google it...

Trump blames Obama for coronavirus testing issues

He only criticized how he handled the swine flu epidemic. He’s not the only one that’s done that. It was a complete failure. He’s had to completely update the antiquated system, in a short time. You are obviously are talking out your ass.

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By firing the team responsible for reacting to global pandemics? Hardly.

He’s got a better team, and he’s proving it. He’s already done more in two weeks, than obungo did in six months. And things are being done daily.

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I love the logic here. Let's compare the number of virus cases to those of other countries where they are actually testing to find the disease. Of course we are going to have fewer known cases.

In 9 days we've increased to almost 3k cases and still ramping up. Wait until we actually do any significant testing.

And how many people have been incorrectly diagnosed as dying of influenza I wonder. I honestly believe Trump would rather not have anyone tested for COVID-19 and bury all the deaths as 'natural causes'
Trump is now blaming President Obama for the lack of coronavirus testing - even after Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team in 2018 that President Obama had created. Holy shit...


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Are you too stupid to do your own reseach? Google it...

Trump blames Obama for coronavirus testing issues

He only criticized how he handled the swine flu epidemic. He’s not the only one that’s done that. It was a complete failure. He’s had to completely update the antiquated system, in a short time. You are obviously are talking out your ass.

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By firing the team responsible for reacting to global pandemics? Hardly.

He’s got a better team, and he’s proving it. He’s already done more in two weeks, than obungo did in six months. And things are being done daily.

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Not true. Especially considering we were very close to the epicenter the last time. On this one we've had months to prepare and did nothing.
Trump is now blaming President Obama for the lack of coronavirus testing - even after Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team in 2018 that President Obama had created. Holy shit...


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Are you too stupid to do your own reseach? Google it...

Trump blames Obama for coronavirus testing issues

He only criticized how he handled the swine flu epidemic. He’s not the only one that’s done that. It was a complete failure. He’s had to completely update the antiquated system, in a short time. You are obviously are talking out your ass.

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By firing the team responsible for reacting to global pandemics? Hardly.

He’s got a better team, and he’s proving it. He’s already done more in two weeks, than obungo did in six months. And things are being done daily.

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He's actually done next to nothing you fucking moron.
I love the logic here. Let's compare the number of virus cases to those of other countries where they are actually testing to find the disease. Of course we are going to have fewer known cases.

In 9 days we've increased to almost 3k cases and still ramping up. Wait until we actually do any significant testing.

And how many people have been incorrectly diagnosed as dying of influenza I wonder. I honestly believe Trump would rather not have anyone tested for COVID-19 and bury all the deaths as 'natural causes'

Yep, I'm sure we've lost people diagnosed with other diseases. We've also done nothing in an attempt to find people who are asymptomatic yet can spread the disease. This may be how the virus spreads the most.
Someone tell me why South Korea is doing 10,000 tests per day and the United States has done what, around Ten? Twenty? How can the United States be so far behind the rest of the developed world?

A complete and abject failure at the highest level of leadership.
How Obama's Handling Of Ebola Compares With Trump's Handling Of Coronavirus

In 2014, Obama sought to reduce the spread of Ebola by, among other measures, utilizing the military to deploy both troops and medical personnel into West Africa to provide assistance and build treatment centers. Bina Venkataraman, who was the chief policy advisor to the president’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, said that there is a stark contrast in the way Trump has responded to COVID-19 compared to Obama.

“It’s hard to overstate the contrast. For one, you had a president who actually accepted and cultivated scientific advice,” Venkataraman said on Boston Public Radio Friday. “So, the fact that I was a policy advisor to a whole council of external scientists, technologists advising the president tells you something about how President Obama even structured getting advice from outsiders, being willing to accept the state of affairs.”

Venkataraman said that in handling COVID-19, Trump has acted too slowly, and is advocating policies such as a 30-day travel ban for foreign nationals who have recently been in the European Union that are not useful at this stage in the pandemic.

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