Time's UP For Assad

Like I said, I don't know who did this and who's behind it.....what I do know is Assad was warned and it was up to him to prevent another gas attack....opps. Now he's gotta go in as hideous a way possible as a going-away present...snake and nape that fucking palace...let him know how fuckers like him have always met their end. So kill him, his family, anybody near him and get the hell out. Between Egypt, Iraq, the Saudis and Jordanians, they should be able to put together an invasion force to repel the Ivans and give any Syrian left alive a voice in their future. You leftist pissants opinions on the matter I couldn't care less about...you're all sniveling cowards and worthless.

what I know from real Syrians----the ones who fled Syria long ago
for the USA-----the Christian Syrians------that..... THE ASSADS

irosie91 , remember BG J David? His mother was an Assad and a member of Animal Assads family. I found this out through the Atlanta District Court after he sued Bloodrock44 and me before the old board we were on ended. We were sued for libel and defamation of character but the court threw it out. I received the information during pre-trial procedures. The judge called David "...petty and vindictive....." I had sent the court about 40 of his anti-Semitic rants. That ended his suit.

sheeeeesh----only a very vague but distasteful memory----
SHEEEEESH ------family?----well---he is 'faithful to family' ---
kinda like "costa nostra" people
False Flag. Perfectly timed to force Trump to keep the troops in Syria. Earlier in the week he spoke of withdrawal. What a coincidence. Today he's reversing his position completely.

Every time withdrawal from these countries is seriously considered, something like 'ISIS' or a 'Chemical Attack' happens. So convenient. When are folks gonna wake up? They need to stop supporting the Perpetual War Agenda.

Every freaking time the west considers pulling out this shit happens. 100% false flag.
False Flag. Perfectly timed to force Trump to keep the troops in Syria. Earlier in the week he spoke of withdrawal. What a coincidence. Today he's reversing his position completely.

Every time withdrawal from these countries is seriously considered, something like 'ISIS' or a 'Chemical Attack' happens. So convenient. When are folks gonna wake up? They need to stop supporting the Perpetual War Agenda.

Every freaking time the west considers pulling out this shit happens. 100% false flag.

roflmao------fascist pig propaganda never changes
One has to ask themselves why the fuck would Assad pull this stunt ? He's won. Almost all the ISIS and jabhat al nusra terror cells have been eradicated?

Make no sense.
One has to ask themselves why the fuck would Assad pull this stunt ? He's won. Almost all the ISIS and jabhat al nusra terror cells have been eradicated?

Make no sense.

another ape pounding its chest------assad is dead
Who knows who's behind this latest chemical gas attack? It could be most anybody from those who don't want the President to extricate us from that slaughterhouse to those who do, thinking we'll run like Barry the Fairy did in Iraq. One thing is certain, Syria is lost; the Russians got it and when they decide the Iranians are no longer useful, they'll throw them out too. So what should Trump do? Kill that son of a bitch Assad and boogie. We can locate him, isolate him, and drop a package on his ass that will leave pieces too small to bother burying. That leaves total chaos for Syria's neighbors to deal with....not our problem anymore thanks to Barry's dithering when he had the chance to stop it. Trump warned the world what would happen if another gas attack on women and children went down and now it should.



That's what Israhell and Saudi Arabia demand.

In 1996 powerful US Likudnicks promised Israhell that the US would destroy Iraq and Syria.

Saudi Arabia has promised to switch from petrodollars to some other currency if the US refuses to replaced Assad , a shiite, with a Sunni.

If Saudi Arabia switches from petrodollars it will cause substantial damage to the US economy.

One has to ask themselves why the fuck would Assad pull this stunt ? He's won. Almost all the ISIS and jabhat al nusra terror cells have been eradicated?

Make no sense.

another ape pounding its chest------assad is dead

No he isn't. And he is backed by most in Syria. Assad is a secular leader of a secular government and there has never ever been a civil war. Just Sunni jihadists from over 80 countries attempting to overthrow Assad and hand the government over to the Muslim Brotherhood.

It's not a fucking civil war when 80 countries send Sunni Jihadists to a country to take it over. Considering your hate for Assad, I assume you are all for Syria becoming ruled by Sharia.

You call me an ape? I call you swine for wishing Sharia on Syrians. I'm done with you for that insult.
Who knows who's behind this latest chemical gas attack? It could be most anybody from those who don't want the President to extricate us from that slaughterhouse to those who do, thinking we'll run like Barry the Fairy did in Iraq. One thing is certain, Syria is lost; the Russians got it and when they decide the Iranians are no longer useful, they'll throw them out too. So what should Trump do? Kill that son of a bitch Assad and boogie. We can locate him, isolate him, and drop a package on his ass that will leave pieces too small to bother burying. That leaves total chaos for Syria's neighbors to deal with....not our problem anymore thanks to Barry's dithering when he had the chance to stop it. Trump warned the world what would happen if another gas attack on women and children went down and now it should.



That's what Israhell and Saudi Arabia demand.

In 1996 powerful US Likudnicks promised Israhell that the US would destroy Iraq and Syria.

Saudi Arabia has promised to switch from petrodollars to some other currency if the US refuses to replaced Assad , a shiite, with a Sunni.

If Saudi Arabia switches from petrodollars it will cause substantial damage to the US economy.


"US Likudnicks?" "promised "israhell" that the US would destroy Iraq and Syria" ??? you got a citation
An FYI Assad has never been deserted by his military. He has Sunni, Shia and Christian Generals. They back him to the hilt.

"The Syrian Arab Army is also the only Arab army with multiple Christians serving as generals. The most famous of these was Daoud Rajha, the Greek Orthodox army chief of staff. The two most influential Lebanese Christian leaders, now on the verge of becoming the next president of Lebanon, are Michel Aoun and Suleiman Franjieh, who are also allies of the Syrian Arab Army and President Assad. Deir al-Zour is an entirely Sunni city which has held out against ISIS encirclement for two years—and is commanded by the Druze General Issam Zahreddine."

Why Assad's Army Has Not Defected
One has to ask themselves why the fuck would Assad pull this stunt ? He's won. Almost all the ISIS and jabhat al nusra terror cells have been eradicated?

Make no sense.

another ape pounding its chest------assad is dead

No he isn't. And he is backed by most in Syria. Assad is a secular leader of a secular government and there has never ever been a civil war. Just Sunni jihadists from over 80 countries attempting to overthrow Assad and hand the government over to the Muslim Brotherhood.

It's not a fucking civil war when 80 countries send Sunni Jihadists to a country to take it over. Considering your hate for Assad, I assume you are all for Syria becoming ruled by Sharia.

You call me an ape? I call you swine for wishing Sharia on Syrians. I'm done with you for that insult.

I wish neither the FILTH OF SHARIA nor the FILTH OF BAATHISM on any living creature. Unlike you ---I reject fascism
Who knows who's behind this latest chemical gas attack? It could be most anybody from those who don't want the President to extricate us from that slaughterhouse to those who do, thinking we'll run like Barry the Fairy did in Iraq. One thing is certain, Syria is lost; the Russians got it and when they decide the Iranians are no longer useful, they'll throw them out too. So what should Trump do? Kill that son of a bitch Assad and boogie. We can locate him, isolate him, and drop a package on his ass that will leave pieces too small to bother burying. That leaves total chaos for Syria's neighbors to deal with....not our problem anymore thanks to Barry's dithering when he had the chance to stop it. Trump warned the world what would happen if another gas attack on women and children went down and now it should.



That's what Israhell and Saudi Arabia demand.

In 1996 powerful US Likudnicks promised Israhell that the US would destroy Iraq and Syria.

Saudi Arabia has promised to switch from petrodollars to some other currency if the US refuses to replaced Assad , a shiite, with a Sunni.

If Saudi Arabia switches from petrodollars it will cause substantial damage to the US economy.


"US Likudnicks?" "promised "israhell" that the US would destroy Iraq and Syria" ??? you got a citation

A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm

right-------talk to a few more Lebanese Christians and Syrian Christians and Iraqi Christians------not all are traitors to decency
Pictures of alleged Syrians...suffering from alleged chemical weapons attack...some allegedly children...very suspicious...

Withdrawal talk was happening. Time for a False Flag operation. Trump's now reversing his withdrawal stance completely. How convenient and predictable.
What is trump policy that he's asking our troops to die for in Syria?? Trump is no leader He's an AH with like followers

Your black man and the Hildabitch put them there you dumbass.
Another false flag in Syria, but then what's new. :dunno:

Warmongers need their war!

But the rest of humanity DOES NOT WANT MORE WAR!
Pictures of alleged Syrians...suffering from alleged chemical weapons attack...some allegedly children...very suspicious...

Withdrawal talk was happening. Time for a False Flag operation. Trump's now reversing his withdrawal stance completely. How convenient and predictable.
What is trump policy that he's asking our troops to die for in Syria?? Trump is no leader He's an AH with like followers

Your black man and the Hildabitch put them there you dumbass.
what is your know it all ,smarter than everybody ah going to do??
One has to ask themselves why the fuck would Assad pull this stunt ? He's won. Almost all the ISIS and jabhat al nusra terror cells have been eradicated?

Make no sense.

another ape pounding its chest------assad is dead

No he isn't. And he is backed by most in Syria. Assad is a secular leader of a secular government and there has never ever been a civil war. Just Sunni jihadists from over 80 countries attempting to overthrow Assad and hand the government over to the Muslim Brotherhood.

It's not a fucking civil war when 80 countries send Sunni Jihadists to a country to take it over. Considering your hate for Assad, I assume you are all for Syria becoming ruled by Sharia.

You call me an ape? I call you swine for wishing Sharia on Syrians. I'm done with you for that insult.

I wish neither the FILTH OF SHARIA nor the FILTH OF BAATHISM on any living creature. Unlike you ---I reject fascism

What is with the fucking insults? Alrighty then. I reject fascism. NEXT BITCH?

Syria is secular. Although Assad does accommodate those who wish a Sharia court. Otherwise the Assad government respects the rule of law based on the French legal system.

Did you know that?

I think not.
Another false flag in Syria, but then what's new. :dunno:

Warmongers need their war!

But the rest of humanity DOES NOT WANT MORE WAR!
Funny how repubs want war but want others to fight it for them
Pictures of alleged Syrians...suffering from alleged chemical weapons attack...some allegedly children...very suspicious...

Withdrawal talk was happening. Time for a False Flag operation. Trump's now reversing his withdrawal stance completely. How convenient and predictable.
What is trump policy that he's asking our troops to die for in Syria?? Trump is no leader He's an AH with like followers

Your black man and the Hildabitch put them there you dumbass.
what is your know it all ,smarter than everybody ah going to do??

I'm not a Trump guy, so kiss off kid. Your problem is that unlike you I'm not a partisan hack. You still think that everything you've been taught is real. It isn't, it's all a lie. They ALL work for the same people. They ALL work for the same bankers.

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