Time's UP For Assad

Syria is/will be the jump off for the Hot Phase of WWIII. You aren't paying attention. Russia, Syria and Iran just this week solidified their relationship regarding war in the ME. You see what's happening in Gaza. Lebanon is arming, Jordan and Libya are getting ready. Israel sent two Stealth Jets into Iran. Iran and Russia are building bases in Syria next to each other. WATCH what's happening NOT what Trump the showman is doing/saying.
Who knows who's behind this latest chemical gas attack? It could be most anybody from those who don't want the President to extricate us from that slaughterhouse to those who do, thinking we'll run like Barry the Fairy did in Iraq. One thing is certain, Syria is lost; the Russians got it and when they decide the Iranians are no longer useful, they'll throw them out too. So what should Trump do? Kill that son of a bitch Assad and boogie. We can locate him, isolate him, and drop a package on his ass that will leave pieces too small to bother burying. That leaves total chaos for Syria's neighbors to deal with....not our problem anymore thanks to Barry's dithering when he had the chance to stop it. Trump warned the world what would happen if another gas attack on women and children went down and now it should.


One has to ask themselves why the fuck would Assad pull this stunt ? He's won. Almost all the ISIS and jabhat al nusra terror cells have been eradicated?

Make no sense.

another ape pounding its chest------assad is dead

No he isn't. And he is backed by most in Syria. Assad is a secular leader of a secular government and there has never ever been a civil war. Just Sunni jihadists from over 80 countries attempting to overthrow Assad and hand the government over to the Muslim Brotherhood.

It's not a fucking civil war when 80 countries send Sunni Jihadists to a country to take it over. Considering your hate for Assad, I assume you are all for Syria becoming ruled by Sharia.

You call me an ape? I call you swine for wishing Sharia on Syrians. I'm done with you for that insult.

I wish neither the FILTH OF SHARIA nor the FILTH OF BAATHISM on any living creature. Unlike you ---I reject fascism

What is with the fucking insults? Alrighty then. I reject fascism. NEXT BITCH?

Syria is secular. Although Assad does accommodate those who wish a Sharia court. Otherwise the Assad government respects the rule of law based on the French legal system.

Did you know that?

I think not.

I know reality and I know that which is BAATHISM------Arab socialist nationalism something very similar to
the point of IDENTICAL to Aryan socialist nationalism.
I even know the details of the HIGHLY LAUDED ---
"PACT OF OMAR" ---------all the same shit. I have relatives
who LIVED the vile shit that you laud------and have been acquainted with lots of people in the USA who fled the shit
you lick. I bet you did not know that your pal Adolf had GOOD
REASON to describe his kingdom as the THIRD REICH.
and the fact that REICH is----Germanic for CALIPHATE and
that UAR is a synonym for CALIPHATE
Another false flag in Syria, but then what's new. :dunno:

Warmongers need their war!

But the rest of humanity DOES NOT WANT MORE WAR!
Funny how repubs want war but want others to fight it for them

I'm not a democrat or a neocon.

I'm with Trump.

I am a registered democrat since the DAY I turned 21.
Trump is the first republican president for whom I voted
Pictures of alleged Syrians...suffering from alleged chemical weapons attack...some allegedly children...very suspicious...

Withdrawal talk was happening. Time for a False Flag operation. Trump's now reversing his withdrawal stance completely. How convenient and predictable.
What is trump policy that he's asking our troops to die for in Syria?? Trump is no leader He's an AH with like followers

Your black man and the Hildabitch put them there you dumbass.
what is your know it all ,smarter than everybody ah going to do??

I'm not a Trump guy, so kiss off kid. Your problem is that unlike you I'm not a partisan hack. You still think that everything you've been taught is real. It isn't, it's all a lie. They ALL work for the same people. They ALL work for the same bankers.

I am not even sure what a "banker" is. The little girl behind the glass called the "teller"?
Withdrawal talk was happening. Time for a False Flag operation. Trump's now reversing his withdrawal stance completely. How convenient and predictable.
What is trump policy that he's asking our troops to die for in Syria?? Trump is no leader He's an AH with like followers

Your black man and the Hildabitch put them there you dumbass.
what is your know it all ,smarter than everybody ah going to do??

I'm not a Trump guy, so kiss off kid. Your problem is that unlike you I'm not a partisan hack. You still think that everything you've been taught is real. It isn't, it's all a lie. They ALL work for the same people. They ALL work for the same bankers.

I am not even sure what a "banker" is. The little girl behind the glass called the "teller"?

Your lack of knowledge is not my issue.
Another false flag in Syria, but then what's new. :dunno:

Warmongers need their war!

But the rest of humanity DOES NOT WANT MORE WAR!
Funny how repubs want war but want others to fight it for them

I'm not a democrat or a neocon.

I'm with Trump.


how is handing syria over to putin and doing Vlad's bidding MAGA?
We don't want Vlad to have Syria. We just want Assad whipped and pickled. Or killed.
Another false flag in Syria, but then what's new. :dunno:

Warmongers need their war!

But the rest of humanity DOES NOT WANT MORE WAR!
Funny how repubs want war but want others to fight it for them

I'm not a democrat or a neocon.

I'm with Trump.

I am a registered democrat since the DAY I turned 21.
Trump is the first republican president for whom I voted
lol are you sorry yet?

and I was a registered Republican GWB was the last repub I voted for ,,in 2000...never again
Another false flag in Syria, but then what's new. :dunno:

Warmongers need their war!

But the rest of humanity DOES NOT WANT MORE WAR!
Funny how repubs want war but want others to fight it for them

I'm not a democrat or a neocon.

I'm with Trump.

I am a registered democrat since the DAY I turned 21.
Trump is the first republican president for whom I voted
lol are you sorry yet?

and I was a registered Republican GWB was the last repub I voted for ,,in 2000...never again

I will never regret the fact that I rejected hellcat
Another false flag in Syria, but then what's new. :dunno:

Warmongers need their war!

But the rest of humanity DOES NOT WANT MORE WAR!
Funny how repubs want war but want others to fight it for them

I'm not a democrat or a neocon.

I'm with Trump.


how is handing syria over to putin and doing Vlad's bidding MAGA?
We don't want Vlad to have Syria. We just want Assad whipped and pickled. Or killed.

who is "we"? and cute that you don't think Donald is giving vlad what he wants. you should know better. frankly, I know you know better on this issue
What is trump policy that he's asking our troops to die for in Syria?? Trump is no leader He's an AH with like followers

Your black man and the Hildabitch put them there you dumbass.
what is your know it all ,smarter than everybody ah going to do??

I'm not a Trump guy, so kiss off kid. Your problem is that unlike you I'm not a partisan hack. You still think that everything you've been taught is real. It isn't, it's all a lie. They ALL work for the same people. They ALL work for the same bankers.

I am not even sure what a "banker" is. The little girl behind the glass called the "teller"?

Your lack of knowledge is not my issue.

oh-----you REFUSE to describe the cadre of "BANKERS" who brainwash the entire USA population?
Funny how repubs want war but want others to fight it for them

I'm not a democrat or a neocon.

I'm with Trump.


how is handing syria over to putin and doing Vlad's bidding MAGA?
We don't want Vlad to have Syria. We just want Assad whipped and pickled. Or killed.

who is "we"? and cute that you don't think Donald is giving vlad what he wants. you should know better. frankly, I know you know better on this issue

Trump is not actually a "giving" person-----he is DEALING
with VLAD
Another false flag in Syria, but then what's new. :dunno:

Warmongers need their war!

But the rest of humanity DOES NOT WANT MORE WAR!
Funny how repubs want war but want others to fight it for them

I'm not a democrat or a neocon.

I'm with Trump.


how is handing syria over to putin and doing Vlad's bidding MAGA?


Yo shithead . Syria is an independent SOVEREIGN COUNTRY - they chose to ally with Russia

So what the fuck do you mean by "handing syria over to putin"?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Your black man and the Hildabitch put them there you dumbass.
what is your know it all ,smarter than everybody ah going to do??

I'm not a Trump guy, so kiss off kid. Your problem is that unlike you I'm not a partisan hack. You still think that everything you've been taught is real. It isn't, it's all a lie. They ALL work for the same people. They ALL work for the same bankers.

I am not even sure what a "banker" is. The little girl behind the glass called the "teller"?

Your lack of knowledge is not my issue.

oh-----you REFUSE to describe the cadre of "BANKERS" who brainwash the entire USA population?

I refuse to be forced to educate you. Nobody awakens until they are ready, when they are ready they will start to see all of the info that's out there. If you want to know start with 1913. If not I really do not give a shit.
One has to ask themselves why the fuck would Assad pull this stunt ? He's won. Almost all the ISIS and jabhat al nusra terror cells have been eradicated?

Make no sense.

another ape pounding its chest------assad is dead

No he isn't. And he is backed by most in Syria. Assad is a secular leader of a secular government and there has never ever been a civil war. Just Sunni jihadists from over 80 countries attempting to overthrow Assad and hand the government over to the Muslim Brotherhood.

It's not a fucking civil war when 80 countries send Sunni Jihadists to a country to take it over. Considering your hate for Assad, I assume you are all for Syria becoming ruled by Sharia.

You call me an ape? I call you swine for wishing Sharia on Syrians. I'm done with you for that insult.

I wish neither the FILTH OF SHARIA nor the FILTH OF BAATHISM on any living creature. Unlike you ---I reject fascism

What is with the fucking insults? Alrighty then. I reject fascism. NEXT BITCH?

Syria is secular. Although Assad does accommodate those who wish a Sharia court. Otherwise the Assad government respects the rule of law based on the French legal system.

Did you know that?

I think not.

I know reality and I know that which is BAATHISM------Arab socialist nationalism something very similar to
the point of IDENTICAL to Aryan socialist nationalism.
I even know the details of the HIGHLY LAUDED ---
"PACT OF OMAR" ---------all the same shit. I have relatives
who LIVED the vile shit that you laud------and have been acquainted with lots of people in the USA who fled the shit
you lick. I bet you did not know that your pal Adolf had GOOD
REASON to describe his kingdom as the THIRD REICH.
and the fact that REICH is----Germanic for CALIPHATE and
that UAR is a synonym for CALIPHATE

You are insane. My pal Adolf? How whacked out are you today? Seriously fucking smarten up here.

Third Reich has not a fucking thing to do with Caliphate. Both are labels for a distinct future empires but for different reasons.
Another false flag in Syria, but then what's new. :dunno:

Warmongers need their war!

But the rest of humanity DOES NOT WANT MORE WAR!
Funny how repubs want war but want others to fight it for them

I'm not a democrat or a neocon.

I'm with Trump.


how is handing syria over to putin and doing Vlad's bidding MAGA?
We don't want Vlad to have Syria. We just want Assad whipped and pickled. Or killed.

And hand the country and its people over to the Muslim Brotherhood? Are you fucking kidding me?

Hand all those souls over to Sharia? Seriously? That's our goal?
what is your know it all ,smarter than everybody ah going to do??

I'm not a Trump guy, so kiss off kid. Your problem is that unlike you I'm not a partisan hack. You still think that everything you've been taught is real. It isn't, it's all a lie. They ALL work for the same people. They ALL work for the same bankers.

I am not even sure what a "banker" is. The little girl behind the glass called the "teller"?

Your lack of knowledge is not my issue.

oh-----you REFUSE to describe the cadre of "BANKERS" who brainwash the entire USA population?

I refuse to be forced to educate you. Nobody awakens until they are ready, when they are ready they will start to see all of the info that's out there. If you want to know start with 1913. If not I really do not give a shit.

you have nothing BUT SHIT to give-----good of you to admit that fact
Another false flag in Syria, but then what's new. :dunno:

Warmongers need their war!

But the rest of humanity DOES NOT WANT MORE WAR!
Funny how repubs want war but want others to fight it for them

I'm not a democrat or a neocon.

I'm with Trump.


how is handing syria over to putin and doing Vlad's bidding MAGA?


Yo shithead . Syria is an independent SOVEREIGN COUNTRY - they chose to ally with Russia

So what the fuck do you mean by "handing syria over to putin"?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


They have been allied since the 40's I believe.

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