Time's UP For Assad

Who knows who's behind this latest chemical gas attack? It could be most anybody from those who don't want the President to extricate us from that slaughterhouse to those who do, thinking we'll run like Barry the Fairy did in Iraq. One thing is certain, Syria is lost; the Russians got it and when they decide the Iranians are no longer useful, they'll throw them out too. So what should Trump do? Kill that son of a bitch Assad and boogie. We can locate him, isolate him, and drop a package on his ass that will leave pieces too small to bother burying. That leaves total chaos for Syria's neighbors to deal with....not our problem anymore thanks to Barry's dithering when he had the chance to stop it. Trump warned the world what would happen if another gas attack on women and children went down and now it should.

How is this any of our business?

the smart people in the USA are VERY concerned about
use of GASES in warfare-------in the USA the smart people

Nothing going on in Syria affects American national security.
Actually, Republicans didn´t rally for Assad. It started with Trump saying "we don´t know who we are supporting" and ended with Trump firing missiles at the Syrian military, something not even Obama did.

actually-----lately---(ie in the 21 st Century ) Republicans have
tended toward isolation and do not "rally" behind or take sides
in "foreign" politics. Isolationism is a republican MALAISE----
The repubs do Vichy---traditionally----but seem to be coming
out of their coma
Particularly after 9/11.

Particularly WHAT? after the Islamic atrocity of 9-11-01----
which was so universally celebrated in the UMMAH-----that for
a "brief Shinning moment" Shiite embraced sunni
The mother of all false flags - Americans know that. Al-Qaeda has been Uncle Sam´s ally since its creation by the US in Afghanistan. It´s still Uncle Sam´s ally in Syria. Why should they have been their enemy in the meantime? Not quite logical.

I just bought a large number of Bild "newspapers" and will now make a large bonfire in compliment of the liberation of the Eastern Ghouta.

The USA did not found Al Qaeda in Afghanistan----HOWEVER
the USA made a HUGE MISTAKE in rendering any support at
all to the MUJAHADEEN. pigs-----that were really Pakistanis who OPPORTUNISTICALLY went to Afghanistan hoping to
create a SHARIAH CESSPIT there-------they were the basis
for the TALIBAN. The whole issue was based on the fact that
the TALIBAN ISLAMIST PIGS also fought RUSSIA. (I have
my information from real Pakistanis------so many of whom at
that time were VERY PROUD OF THE TALIBAN-----I kept
quiet and just listened to the bullshit. The whitehouse did
not bother to ask me. (refer back to the 1980s and early
Long, shameful history of fielding islamist terrorists. Bin Laden´s "Mujahideen" became the powerful Al-Qaeda terrorist umbrella in Afghanistan.
Who knows who's behind this latest chemical gas attack? It could be most anybody from those who don't want the President to extricate us from that slaughterhouse to those who do, thinking we'll run like Barry the Fairy did in Iraq. One thing is certain, Syria is lost; the Russians got it and when they decide the Iranians are no longer useful, they'll throw them out too. So what should Trump do? Kill that son of a bitch Assad and boogie. We can locate him, isolate him, and drop a package on his ass that will leave pieces too small to bother burying. That leaves total chaos for Syria's neighbors to deal with....not our problem anymore thanks to Barry's dithering when he had the chance to stop it. Trump warned the world what would happen if another gas attack on women and children went down and now it should.

How is this any of our business?

the smart people in the USA are VERY concerned about
use of GASES in warfare-------in the USA the smart people

Nothing going on in Syria affects American national security.

yeah it does-------Saddam passed his gases ---------and chemicals to fellow Baathist dog -----ASSAD. DA IRANIANS
constructed a whole bunch of steel walled bunkers in the hills
between Lebanon and Syria------that sort of stuff is a PILLAR
OF HEZBOLLAH. The purpose of Hezbollah (army of 'god')
the WORLD TERRORISM. Discuss the situation with some
friendly HOMELAND SECURITY person. In case of disaster---
turn on your radio---stay in your house---carefully follow ALL
GOVERNMENT INSTRUCTIONS-----there are protocols in
place for your protection --------no need to thank me for this
important information
Yes, the neocons and Zionists are pleased with this turn of events.

Is McCain still alive? Maybe we can hear his old refrain one more time.

what turn of events to please the neocons and Zionists?

Alleged chemical weapons use in Syria. Derp.

Your use of the word 'alleged' is not precise. A better word
would be "actual"

Has it been confirmed?

over and over. It's a long Baathist story that goes all the
way back to the "grand" mufti dog---AL HUSSEINI and his best
pal Adolf Hitler-----and on to another member of that loop-----
Gamal khalb Abdel Nasser-----national socialist founder of
the UAR-----and into the love affair to "national socialist Iraqi
dictator kanzeer torture murderer-"----YOUR PAL SADDAM
Who knows who's behind this latest chemical gas attack? It could be most anybody from those who don't want the President to extricate us from that slaughterhouse to those who do, thinking we'll run like Barry the Fairy did in Iraq. One thing is certain, Syria is lost; the Russians got it and when they decide the Iranians are no longer useful, they'll throw them out too. So what should Trump do? Kill that son of a bitch Assad and boogie. We can locate him, isolate him, and drop a package on his ass that will leave pieces too small to bother burying. That leaves total chaos for Syria's neighbors to deal with....not our problem anymore thanks to Barry's dithering when he had the chance to stop it. Trump warned the world what would happen if another gas attack on women and children went down and now it should.

How is this any of our business?

the smart people in the USA are VERY concerned about
use of GASES in warfare-------in the USA the smart people

Nothing going on in Syria affects American national security.
true but what about the humanity of it all Hitler killed how many Jews before we stepped in? Surely our choices aren't easy ones BUT that's why we have such LOL brilliance in our WH
actually-----lately---(ie in the 21 st Century ) Republicans have
tended toward isolation and do not "rally" behind or take sides
in "foreign" politics. Isolationism is a republican MALAISE----
The repubs do Vichy---traditionally----but seem to be coming
out of their coma
Particularly after 9/11.

Particularly WHAT? after the Islamic atrocity of 9-11-01----
which was so universally celebrated in the UMMAH-----that for
a "brief Shinning moment" Shiite embraced sunni
The mother of all false flags - Americans know that. Al-Qaeda has been Uncle Sam´s ally since its creation by the US in Afghanistan. It´s still Uncle Sam´s ally in Syria. Why should they have been their enemy in the meantime? Not quite logical.

I just bought a large number of Bild "newspapers" and will now make a large bonfire in compliment of the liberation of the Eastern Ghouta.

The USA did not found Al Qaeda in Afghanistan----HOWEVER
the USA made a HUGE MISTAKE in rendering any support at
all to the MUJAHADEEN. pigs-----that were really Pakistanis who OPPORTUNISTICALLY went to Afghanistan hoping to
create a SHARIAH CESSPIT there-------they were the basis
for the TALIBAN. The whole issue was based on the fact that
the TALIBAN ISLAMIST PIGS also fought RUSSIA. (I have
my information from real Pakistanis------so many of whom at
that time were VERY PROUD OF THE TALIBAN-----I kept
quiet and just listened to the bullshit. The whitehouse did
not bother to ask me. (refer back to the 1980s and early
Long, shameful history of fielding islamist terrorists. Bin Laden´s "Mujahideen" became the powerful Al-Qaeda terrorist umbrella in Afghanistan.

very true-------Pakistan STILL DENIES that it supports the TALIBAN and it protected Bin Laden SO?
Yes, the neocons and Zionists are pleased with this turn of events.

Is McCain still alive? Maybe we can hear his old refrain one more time.

what turn of events to please the neocons and Zionists?

Alleged chemical weapons use in Syria. Derp.

Your use of the word 'alleged' is not precise. A better word
would be "actual"

Has it been confirmed?

over and over. It's a long Baathist story that goes all the
way back to the "grand" mufti dog---AL HUSSEINI and his best
pal Adolf Hitler-----and on to another member of that loop-----
Gamal khalb Abdel Nasser-----national socialist founder of
the UAR-----and into the love affair to "national socialist Iraqi
dictator kanzeer torture murderer-"----YOUR PAL SADDAM

I know you are jubilant but please, don't get ahead of yourself.
what turn of events to please the neocons and Zionists?
Alleged chemical weapons use in Syria. Derp.

Your use of the word 'alleged' is not precise. A better word
would be "actual"
Has it been confirmed?

over and over. It's a long Baathist story that goes all the
way back to the "grand" mufti dog---AL HUSSEINI and his best
pal Adolf Hitler-----and on to another member of that loop-----
Gamal khalb Abdel Nasser-----national socialist founder of
the UAR-----and into the love affair to "national socialist Iraqi
dictator kanzeer torture murderer-"----YOUR PAL SADDAM
I know you are jubilant but please, don't get ahead of yourself.

where do you see JUBILANT?
Particularly after 9/11.

Particularly WHAT? after the Islamic atrocity of 9-11-01----
which was so universally celebrated in the UMMAH-----that for
a "brief Shinning moment" Shiite embraced sunni
The mother of all false flags - Americans know that. Al-Qaeda has been Uncle Sam´s ally since its creation by the US in Afghanistan. It´s still Uncle Sam´s ally in Syria. Why should they have been their enemy in the meantime? Not quite logical.

I just bought a large number of Bild "newspapers" and will now make a large bonfire in compliment of the liberation of the Eastern Ghouta.

The USA did not found Al Qaeda in Afghanistan----HOWEVER
the USA made a HUGE MISTAKE in rendering any support at
all to the MUJAHADEEN. pigs-----that were really Pakistanis who OPPORTUNISTICALLY went to Afghanistan hoping to
create a SHARIAH CESSPIT there-------they were the basis
for the TALIBAN. The whole issue was based on the fact that
the TALIBAN ISLAMIST PIGS also fought RUSSIA. (I have
my information from real Pakistanis------so many of whom at
that time were VERY PROUD OF THE TALIBAN-----I kept
quiet and just listened to the bullshit. The whitehouse did
not bother to ask me. (refer back to the 1980s and early
Long, shameful history of fielding islamist terrorists. Bin Laden´s "Mujahideen" became the powerful Al-Qaeda terrorist umbrella in Afghanistan.

very true-------Pakistan STILL DENIES that it supports the TALIBAN and it protected Bin Laden SO?
US also deeply involved in Pakistan - not always in their favor.

"Chief Justice Dost Muhammad Khan, who headed a two-judge bench that heard the petitions, ruled the drone strikes were illegal, inhuman and a violation of the UN charter on human rights. The court observed that the strikes must be declared a war crime as they kill innocent people."

Pakistan’s court declares US drone strikes as illegal
59 missiles, most were intercepted, one failed right on the ship.

Hey liar.....cruise missiles don't get "intercepted"...there was a misfire but the other 59 hit their mark...the intention was to crater runways and did that. This time the message will be LOUDER and deadlier.
Like I said, I don't know who did this and who's behind it.....what I do know is Assad was warned and it was up to him to prevent another gas attack....opps. Now he's gotta go in as hideous a way possible as a going-away present...snake and nape that fucking palace...let him know how fuckers like him have always met their end. So kill him, his family, anybody near him and get the hell out. Between Egypt, Iraq, the Saudis and Jordanians, they should be able to put together an invasion force to repel the Ivans and give any Syrian left alive a voice in their future. You leftist pissants opinions on the matter I couldn't care less about...you're all sniveling cowards and worthless.

what I know from real Syrians----the ones who fled Syria long ago
for the USA-----the Christian Syrians------that..... THE ASSADS

irosie91 , remember BG J David? His mother was an Assad and a member of Animal Assads family. I found this out through the Atlanta District Court after he sued Bloodrock44 and me before the old board we were on ended. We were sued for libel and defamation of character but the court threw it out. I received the information during pre-trial procedures. The judge called David "...petty and vindictive....." I had sent the court about 40 of his anti-Semitic rants. That ended his suit.
59 missiles, most were intercepted, one failed right on the ship.

Hey liar.....cruise missiles don't get "intercepted"...there was a misfire but the other 59 hit their mark...the intention was to crater runways and did that. This time the message will be LOUDER and deadlier.
Yes, Alloush, they do. Tomahawks use radar to scan the surface. Countermeasures can feed them with corrupted data. Several missiles just fell down causing civilian casualties. Also, systems like the Pantsir, that the Syrian army is deploying, can intercept missiles.

"36 out of the 59 Tomahawks did not reach their targets but were intercepted by the Syrian military."

Trump-Regime´s attack on Syrian airbase was a failure
Yes, Alloush, they do. Tomahawks use radar to scan the surface. Countermeasures can feed them with corrupted data. Several missiles just fell down causing civilian casualties. Also, systems like the Pantsir, that the Syrian army is deploying, can intercept missiles.

"36 out of the 59 Tomahawks did not reach their targets but were intercepted by the Syrian military."

Trump-Regime´s attack on Syrian airbase was a failure

You're a lying sack of shit....they all struck their targets...there was no collateral damage....now crawl back into your hole there at the troll farm.
Yes, Alloush, they do. Tomahawks use radar to scan the surface. Countermeasures can feed them with corrupted data. Several missiles just fell down causing civilian casualties. Also, systems like the Pantsir, that the Syrian army is deploying, can intercept missiles.

"36 out of the 59 Tomahawks did not reach their targets but were intercepted by the Syrian military."

Trump-Regime´s attack on Syrian airbase was a failure

You're a lying sack of shit....they all struck their targets...there was no collateral damage....now crawl back into your hole there at the troll farm.
Airbase after Trump´s missile attack:

Particularly WHAT? after the Islamic atrocity of 9-11-01----
which was so universally celebrated in the UMMAH-----that for
a "brief Shinning moment" Shiite embraced sunni
The mother of all false flags - Americans know that. Al-Qaeda has been Uncle Sam´s ally since its creation by the US in Afghanistan. It´s still Uncle Sam´s ally in Syria. Why should they have been their enemy in the meantime? Not quite logical.

I just bought a large number of Bild "newspapers" and will now make a large bonfire in compliment of the liberation of the Eastern Ghouta.

The USA did not found Al Qaeda in Afghanistan----HOWEVER
the USA made a HUGE MISTAKE in rendering any support at
all to the MUJAHADEEN. pigs-----that were really Pakistanis who OPPORTUNISTICALLY went to Afghanistan hoping to
create a SHARIAH CESSPIT there-------they were the basis
for the TALIBAN. The whole issue was based on the fact that
the TALIBAN ISLAMIST PIGS also fought RUSSIA. (I have
my information from real Pakistanis------so many of whom at
that time were VERY PROUD OF THE TALIBAN-----I kept
quiet and just listened to the bullshit. The whitehouse did
not bother to ask me. (refer back to the 1980s and early
Long, shameful history of fielding islamist terrorists. Bin Laden´s "Mujahideen" became the powerful Al-Qaeda terrorist umbrella in Afghanistan.

very true-------Pakistan STILL DENIES that it supports the TALIBAN and it protected Bin Laden SO?
US also deeply involved in Pakistan - not always in their favor.

"Chief Justice Dost Muhammad Khan, who headed a two-judge bench that heard the petitions, ruled the drone strikes were illegal, inhuman and a violation of the UN charter on human rights. The court observed that the strikes must be declared a war crime as they kill innocent people."

Pakistan’s court declares US drone strikes as illegal

yeah? so?? Pakistan also put the doctor who gave the
location of your hero BIN LADEN away in jail ---He is a criminal for TURNING THE MAN WHOSE ASS YOU LICK over to the
ZIONIST ENTITY-----to wit THE USA-----where, as
far as I know he REMAINS. Pakistan also HARBORS the
Taliban heroes with LOVE so long as they avoid blowing
up schools in Pakistan itself. I have worked with and SOCIALIZED with Pakistani physicians for the past 50 years---
consistent with the shit that Iran broadcasts to children. I read your islamo Nazi propaganda long before I met Pakistanis-----right here in the USA I KNOW WHO YOU ARE AND WHO THEY ARE AND WHO BAATHIST PIGS ARE. Interestingly----the propaganda that YOU fart out on this board was inspired by the writings of Nazi war criminals that escaped the Nuremburg trials and became CELEBRATED heros in Syria and Egypt for the glory of the Baathist shit that you still fart. None of it is new to me---I read it starting at age ten. The same people who proudly claim that the PROOF that the Koran is DIVINE---because they can quote it -------claim that Nazi propaganda is
DIVINE because they learn it by rote memory. -----nothing new---ROTE MEMORY is nothing new-----educated greeks learned
the ODYSSEY by rote memory--------that makes it HISTORICALLY CORRECT?. (for the record----my hubby was
born in a primitive land---that was INVADED by muslims-----he knows the bible BY ROTE MEMORY-----it was the education of
his infancy)-----jews, greeks, romans, hindus etc etc ----did ROTE MEMORY too-------it is no miracle and not a proof of ANYTHING-----the custom is primitive and that is all.

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