Timing Of Leaks To CNN About Indictments Pathetically Obvious


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

Robert Mueller leaked to CNN that Monday he would be filing indictments on a Trump official. Strangely Carl Bernstein announces Friday that he feels the indictments will produce as much as 20, 30, 40, as much as 50 year prison sentences. Carl Bernstein is half of the journalistic team of Woodward & Bernstein that brought down the Nixon Administration. Woodward is a Never Trumper. It looks like the Democrats are working with Establishment Republicans to bring trumped up charges and possibly cause Trump to do something reckless.

But why is all of this happening now?

Because the dam has broken on Hillary. Hillary paid for this faked dossier and it appears that also did the DNC and a Republican, possibly Marco Rubio. Marco Rubio started it and the Democrats along with Hillary took it to it's conclusion. That is what is being reported. John McCain flew overseas to get the research from a foreign agent and delivered it to the FBI, particularly FBI director James Comey. James Comey, in an seditious and unethical act, presented this faked dossier to President Barack Obama as fact and led him to believe that it was genuine. Either that or Obama knew it was faked and directed the FBI and the NSA to wire-tap Trump Tower and the personal residences of various Trump associates.


The only reason Robert Mueller chose Friday to leak the findings to CNN was to change media focus. Incidentally it was discovered that Robert Mueller is culpable in the Uranium One scandal. He personally delivered samples of the material to the Russians. He is in this up to his neck and he risks being indicted and thrown in prison for 20 to 30 years himself for a capital crime. Calls for his firing, and or resignation have become loud.
An FBI informant that was kept under raps with a gag order has been allowed to testify and that was the trigger that caused the sudden illegal leak to the press that the Grand Jury is handing down a recommendation. What that tells us is the indictments are false and that the evidence was something they've been planning to use for months, but waited for the right moment to take advantage of. Mueller illegally leaked that he could be making arrests as early as Monday.

Obviously this is meant to get the media to stop reporting on the crimes of Former President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, members of the DNC, Mueller himself, John McCain, Susan Rice, James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Debby Washerman-Schultz, and dozens of other swamp creatures on both sides of the isle.

BTW, leaking Grand Jury findings is a felony. It is a serious problem when the investigators tasked with carrying out the law are as we speak breaking laws to carry out their cock and bull charges.

Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” while discussing a potential indictment coming in special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe, Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) said the leak to the media could be a crime.

Christie said, “First off, it’s supposed to be kept a secret … There are very strict criminal laws about disclosing grand jury information. Now, depending on who disclosed this to CNN, it could be a crime.”

He added, “As a prosecutor, I can tell you, that was the thing that we emphasized the most with our prosecutors and our agents was, ‘Let me tell you, something, we will prosecute you if we find out you leaked this stuff. Because we have to have, the public have confidence in the fact that the grand jury process is secret and as a result fair. If you’re leaking stuff out of a grand jury, which happens, you shouldn’t be doing that. Again, we don’t know who leaked it to CNN. It would be a crime if prosecutors or agents leaked it.”

Christie: Leak of Reported Indictment in Russia Probe 'Could Be a Crime' - Breitbart



The Russian collusion narrative is falling apart. There will be many embarrassed politicians in the near future

The Woodward and Bernstein Watergate Papers

Bernstein: We are in the midst of a 'malignant presidency' - CNNPolitics

Carl Bernstein Calls Trump a Bigger Liar Than Nixon

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Mueller charges one person in poll probe

Christie: Leak of Reported Indictment in Russia Probe 'Could Be a Crime' - Breitbart
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Right Wing Flop Sweat. Got to love it.

Because you know that these guys aren't going to fall of their swords for the orange shitgibbon.

Singing like a Canary!!!!
Trump and his team were too dumb to cover their tracks. Now, they cry at having to pay the price for treason. No sympathy from me.
Yep.. Left wing "nothing to see here" as long as it furthers their political agenda even if it breaks the law..

Prosecute the bastards.. This whole thing is so corrupt..
On Monday, Sessions should charge Mueller as an enemy combatant working for the Russians to undermine the USA
Trump and his team were too dumb to cover their tracks. Now, they cry at having to pay the price for treason. No sympathy from me.
The only tracks i see are stupid ass democrats creating a false flag so they could use the NSA to wire tap a political opponent.. And now its out in the light for everyone to see..
Yep.. Left wing "nothing to see here" as long as it furthers their political agenda even if it breaks the law..

Prosecute the bastards.. This whole thing is so corrupt..
*cough benghazijadehelmbirthersebolapizzagate cough cough cough*
Trump and his team were too dumb to cover their tracks. Now, they cry at having to pay the price for treason. No sympathy from me.
The only tracks i see are stupid ass democrats creating a false flag so they could use the NSA to wire tap a political opponent.. And now its out in the light for everyone to see..
LOL now that’s a doozy! Even for a Trump sheep! :laugh:
On Monday, Sessions should charge Mueller as an enemy combatant working for the Russians to undermine the USA
Most of the people in Muellers employ could be charged under the espionage act.. I say bring it on and lets stop this insanity..
Hillary Clinton has a life long history of greed and malfeasance.
If she was a Republican the Press would be apoplectic about her corruption.
Trump and his team were too dumb to cover their tracks. Now, they cry at having to pay the price for treason. No sympathy from me.
The only tracks i see are stupid ass democrats creating a false flag so they could use the NSA to wire tap a political opponent.. And now its out in the light for everyone to see..
LOL now that’s a doozy! Even for a Trump sheep! :laugh:
I see your allergies to facts is still afflicting you....
Hillary Clinton has a life long history of greed and malfeasance.
If she was a Republican the Press would be apoplectic about her corruption.
^ he typed, in defense of the elitist New York billionaire who brags about a lifelong history of greed and malfeasance
so who is gonna be the target tomorrow? i say it's manafort, flynn, roger stone, or panty waist jared... in that order but not necessarily only one of 'em....


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